Are you ready for the two magnificent days off? Here are the best happy weekend quotes to celebrate a restful break!
The weekend is the time we all look forward to. We get the chance to recharge ourselves and enjoy a little free time with our loved ones.
These inspirational quotes about the weekend will help you relish the relaxation these glorious days bring.
So take the time to spend your days off in joy with the best quotes covering the weekend’s beauty and positive vibes I could find online.
Here you’ll find great Saturday and Friday quotes, awesome happy Sunday quotes, inspiring good morning quotes for the weekend, as well as some funny weekend quotes.
You can use them to improve your weekend mood or to wish your loved ones a great time on their weekend.
Scroll down to read my collection of the best happy weekend quotes!
Top 20 Happy Weekend Quotes
1. “Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” — John Shirley

2. “Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend.” — Rebecca Black
3. “The weekend is usually seen as a time for relaxation or a time to do what you wanted to do through the week but couldn’t or a time to catch up on needed sleep or a time to visit with family and friends.” — Byron Pulsifer
4. “There aren’t enough days in the weekend.” — Rod Schmidt
5. “The weekend is a time for no’s — no alarm clock, no rushing, no urgent phone calls, no working nights!” — Catherine Pulsifer

6. “Without the weekend, where would the week be?” — Anthony T. Hincks
7. “I work mostly during the week, and on the weekend, I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well.” — Jimmy Bennett
8. “I have never in my life found myself in a situation where I’ve stopped work and said, Thank God it’s Friday’. But weekends are special, even if your schedule is all over the place. Something tells you the weekend has arrived, and you can indulge yourself a bit.” — Helen Mirren
9. “A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigar, reading a book.” — Robert M. Gates
10. “Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” — Bill Watterson

11. “It’s okay if every weekend doesn’t lead to big moments and campfires and laughter that carries on for hours and hours. Some weekends might be quiet, still, with plenty of room to contemplate. And in that contemplation room, there is room to grow.” — Morgan Harper Nichols
12. “I try to treat each evening and weekend as little slices of retirement because no one is guaranteed a lengthy one at the end of their career.” — Mike Hammar
13. “Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.” — Elizabeth Eulberg
14. “Those who continue to work at a job they hate for the money alone are more likely to be stressed and very unhappy. They live for their vacations and weekends. Unfortunately, they are sadly missing out on the happiness of everyday life.” — Catherine Pulsifer
15. “If you find you are stressed out during the week, then it is even more important that you focus on what you want to do for the weekend, don’t bring work home.” — Kate Summers

16. “Always take some of the play, fun, freedom, and wonder of the weekend into your week and your work.” — Rasheed Ogunlaru
17. “The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
18. “When you’re young, you should live out every weekend. Even if you look like a scarecrow, you gotta go.” — Jonathan Brandis
19. “Oh, I just want what we all want: a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions, and a book that will stop time, lift me out of my quotidian existence, and alter my thinking forever.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
20. “Weekends are sacred for me. They’re the perfect time to relax and spend time with friends and family.” — Marcus Samuelsson

Good Weekend Quotes
1. “What can be better than to get out a book on Saturday afternoon and thrust all mundane considerations away till next week.” — S. Lewis

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2. “Good days are coming. I meant Saturday and Sunday.” — Invajy
3. “Dear weekend, I am so happy that we are back together again. I am sorry that you had to see me on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This whole week all I could think about was you.” — Unknown
4. “Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next morning. Happy weekend!” — Unknown
5. “Today is Sunday. Share this, and within seven days, you’ll get another Sunday. It works. My friend ignored this message, and he got a Monday within 24 hours.” — Unknown

6. “It was Friday, I blinked, and before I knew it, it was already Sunday night.” — Unknown
7. “My love for you is the same as my love for this weekend. A never-ending one.” — Unknown
8. “Music always sounds better on Friday.” — Lou Brutus
9. “It is better to hibernate for five days of the week from Monday to Friday, wake up from hibernation on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the weekend.” — Unknown
10. “All the five days in a week being formal is like living with a donkey, enjoying the two days over the weekend is like living with a hoppy hippy monkey.” — Unknown

11. “Every day is a weekend when you’re retired!” — Unknown
12. “The weekend is upon us, and I think we should all take the time to do the things we love and be around our most cherished family and friends.” — Unknown
13. “It’s the weekend. Enjoy it.” — Unknown
14. “Dear weekend, can you last a little while longer? I’m not quite ready to go back to work just yet.” — Unknown
15. “Give a man a fish, and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish, and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.” — Zenna Scha

16. “If Weekend were a person, I would give it a big hug and a kiss.” — Unknown
17. “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.” — Joseph Addison
18. “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” — Jimmy Buffett
19. “There is little chance that meteorologists can solve the mysteries of weather until they gain an understanding of the mutual attraction of rain and weekends.” — Arnot Sheppard
20. “Where did that weekend go? Poof… Snap… and it’s Monday.” — Unknown

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Have A Great Weekend Quotes
1. “Nothing can make your weekend memorable but a cup of coffee and some sweet music. Happy weekend!” — Unknown

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2. “I hope that you have a fantastically fabulous weekend.” — Unknown
3. “Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing. Have a happy weekend.” — Unknown
4. “Have a lovely weekend. Let go of our anxieties and worries so that you can be free.” — Unknown
5. “I wish you a good celebration of your favorite foods, a day out, a date, dinner, and lots of fun activities. Wishing you the most remarkable weekend!” — Unknown

6.“Wishing you a weekend full of love and laughter!” — Unknown
7. “The zeal and energy of this weekend are on another level. Hoping for a great weekend ahead! Happy weekend!” — Unknown
8. “Stay strong. The weekend is coming soon.” — Unknown
9. “It’s the weekend, which means that I am feeling 100% motivated to do absolutely nothing. I would say that so far, I have accomplished that.” — Unknown
10. “Forget about all the bad things that happened to you this week, and just have a great weekend.” — Unknown

11. “Take the time to do what you love to do this weekend.” — Catherine Pulsifer
12. “Music is the silence between the notes. Have a musical weekend!” — Unknown
13. “I hope that your weekend is worth the wait. Enjoy.” — Unknown
14. “Saturdays are for adventure. Sundays are for cuddling.” — Unknown
15. “The weekend is for relaxation, I hope you are enjoying this weekend with lots of love and peace with your family.” — Unknown

16. “Have a wonderful weekend! Do what makes you smile and be happy!” — Unknown
17. “Wishing you a weekend full of pleasure, laughter, and bliss! Have a great weekend!” — Unknown
18. “Happy weekend! If you happen to be reading this, I hope that something really good happens to you today.” — Unknown
19. “Your most awaited weekend begins today! Make every moment of this weekend joyful and enjoyable. Have a great weekend!” — Unknown
20. “There is no greater word than Weekend. Have a great weekend full of dancing and fun, and if you are going to drink quite a lot, don’t lose your head.” — Unknown

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Good Morning Happy Weekend Quotes
1. “Good morning, everyone. Hope you are all having a beautiful and happy Sunday!” — Unknown

2. “It’s a new morning and a brand new day to rise and shine. Good morning and happy weekend. Make your free days relaxing and joyful.” — Unknown
3. “Good morning, have a blessed weekend and take every opportunity that it has to offer.” — Unknown
4. “I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel.” — Audrey Hepburn
5. “Start this wonderful weekend with a clean heart. Start it without any doubt, tears, fears, or worry.” — Unknown

6. “Enjoy your morning with leisure and no workload. Hope you have a mesmerizing weekend!” — Unknown
7. Every day always starts with new things. Keep enjoying, and let more adventures roll through this weekend! Wishing you a good morning and a blessed weekend. — Unknown
8. “Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul. Have a great weekend!” — Unknown
9. “Make your weekend shine with smile and happiness! Happy Weekend!” — Unknown
10. “The weekend is finally here, and it looks like it will be a beautiful one. Get out and enjoy it, tomorrow’s not promised! Happy weekend!” — Unknown

11. “Happy weekend to you. May this weekend helps you to boost up your energy for the upcoming week.” — Unknown
12. “No matter how stressful the week was, here is the weekend to give you a splash. I wish you a good morning and a fun-filled weekend.” — Unknown
13. “Good morning. Wake up early to make your weekend long and spend it doing the things you love. Have a great weekend.” — Unknown
14. “A cup of coffee, some soft music, and your favorite movie; let’s make this weekend memorable! Happy weekend!” — Unknown
15. “Weekend means freedom from daily routine life. As it is the weekend, be like a bird, and the wings of your dreams keep extending into the sky. Wish you a nice weekend!” — Unknown

16. “If you are waiting for the perfect time to start anything, you will be waiting forever. So, gear up yourself and make it happen now. Wish you all the best and a very special weekend.” — Unknown
17. “I hope you have a weekend morning that helps you relax. Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!” — Unknown
18. “One thing you will never get back is your wasted time. So never be too lazy to enjoy yourself, celebrate, and have lots of fun. Boost up and get ready for the weekend celebration.” — Unknown
19. “All five previous days, you have spent your life in vain, so it’s time to start living! Meet the weekend.” — Unknown
20. “Congratulations, dear friend, you have passed your workweek successfully. Now, take a break! I wish you a restful weekend.” — Unknown

Inspirational Happy Weekend Quotes
1. “Friday. The golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend. The famous F word we thank God for every week.” — Unknown

2. “This weekend, remember that the Lord is with you at all times, guiding you through every moment of your life. Where you are right now is exactly where you are supposed to be.” — Unknown
3. “It’s the weekend. Take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.” — Unknown
4. “This weekend, remember that you cannot direct the wind, but you do have the power to adjust the sails on your boat.” — Unknown
5. “Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.” — Bo Bennett

6. “The weekend is here, and you deserve a medal for getting through this week.” — Unknown
7. “There is nothing wrong with being lazy sometimes, especially when it happens to be the weekend.” — Unknown
8. “Being in love is what makes working all week bearable. It makes cruising with your windows rolled down feel like you’re riding in a convertible. It makes you dance to the rhythm of the copy machine and makes Friday night feel like The Weekend.” — Julie Hintz
9. “Weekend comes with your best days. You get to reflect on the amazing, productive week you had, and you get to think about how you are going to tackle next week.” — Unknown
10. “Why not try to relax your troubled mind by taking a walk in the park or going on a weekend hiking trip with family or friends and enjoying the view? It can surely do wonders for a tired mind and soul.” — E.L. Herndon

11. “Thank God it’s Friday because the weekend has landed, and it’s time to forget about work and tear it up.” — Unknown
12. “Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed.” — Marilyn Vos Savant
13. “Better days are headed your way. They are called Saturday and Sunday.” — Unknown
14. “This weekend, take the time to do what makes your soul shine.” — Unknown
15. “Forget the things that made you sad and remember those that made you glad. Happy weekend.” — Unknown

16. “Just leave all your worries and jump like a child on your weekends.” — Unknown
17. “There are 365 days and 52 weekends in a year. Even if you are short on time off, you can still take weekend getaways. Does that count as a vacation? Of course, it does.” — Anita Kaltenbaugh
18. “Happy weekend! Life is short, grab a friend, and do whatever excites your spirit.” — Unknown
19. “No matter how stressful the week has been, the weekend has come, and let the good things happen.” — Unknown
20. “It’s Thursday. I can smell the weekend from here.” — Unknown

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Weekend Motivation Quotes
1. “This is your Sunday evening reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.” — Unknown

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2. “Smile because it’s the weekend.” — Unknown
3. “Today is the weekend for which we have been waiting for the last 5 days. Let’s keep a distance from all your routine activities and make sure the joys. Happy weekend!” — Unknown
4. “Hand tight… the weekend is almost here!” — Unknown
5. “May you celebrate this weekend with the fullest love and entertainment, and may you gain the energy of happiness. Have a nice weekend!” — Unknown

6. “Sunday! A family day with a touch of weekend thrown in for good measure.” — Anthony T. Hincks
7. “Weekend is here. Let’s roll, baby.” — Unknown
8. “Weekend planning is a prime time to apply the Deathbed Priority Test: On your deathbed, will you wish you’d spent more prime weekend hours grocery shopping or walking in the woods with your kids.” — Hal Borland
9. “Stop stressing out and chill out. It is finally the weekend.” — Unknown
10. “Why do Friday, Saturday, and Sunday seem smaller than other days of the week? Because they’re WEAK-ends! Have an enjoyable weekend!” — Unknown

11. “Wishing you a weekend full of love and laughter!” — Unknown
12. “Stretch and relax. Here’s the weekend.” — Unknown
13. “May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer, and may the beginning of the next week be far away!..” — Unknown
14. “The weekend is like a superhero, flying and swooping in to save the rest of the week.” — Unknown
15. “Wherever you go on this beautiful, relaxing weekend, make sure that you always remember to bring the happiness of your sunshine with you so that you may spread that happiness to all of the people that you encounter.” — Unknown

16. “It’s the weekend. Do something that your future self will thank you for.” — Unknown
17. “I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend to begin.” — Unknown
18. “Dear weekend, I want to sleep in your arms.” — Unknown
19. “Happy Friday! Let the weekend begin.” — Unknown
20. “When you’re single, your weekend days are wide-open vistas that extend in every direction; in a relationship, they’re like the sky over Manhattan: punctured, hemmed in, compressed.” — Adelle Waldman

Weekend Mood Quotes
1. “Weekends don’t pay as well as weekdays, but at least there’s football.” — S.A. Sachs

2. “I’m usually up at 6 A.M., even on the weekend.” — Nick Frost
3. “It’s the weekend, and this is as dressed as I get!” — Unknown
4. “It is known that the first five days after the weekend are always the hardest to get through.” — Unknown
5. “Ah, Sunday… A day of rest… Rest of the laundry, rest of the house, and rest of all the other stuff I put off on Saturday!” — Unknown

6. “It’s the weekend, and I’m in love.” — Unknown
7. “Sometimes the weekend gets hijacked by work, but as my mother would say, this is the right problem.” — Julian Fellowes
8. “A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.” — Proverb
9. “Good weather all week, but come the weekend, the weather stinks. When the weather is too hot, they complain, too cold, they complain, and when it’s just right, they’re watching TV.” — Rita Rudner
10. “This weekend, don’t think about Monday, and it will come soon enough.” — Robert Rivers

11. “Pretend like it’s the weekend, … We could pretend it all the time.” — Jack Johnson
12. “The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.” — Chuck Palahniuk
13. “Most people are in a factory from nine till five. Their job may be to turn out 263 little circles. At the end of the week, they’re three short, and somebody has a go at them. On Saturday afternoons, they deserve something to go and shout about.” — Rodney Marsh
14. “No weekend, all weakened.” — Toba Beta
15. “Nothing in the world is more expensive than a woman who’s free for the weekend.” — Unknown

16. “No. I don’t want the weekend to be over.” — Unknown
17. “Weekend. Beast mode: OFF.” — Unknown
18. “Did someone say ‘weekend?!’” — Unknown
19. “Dope days, cool nights, good friends, and weekend vibes.” — Unknown
20. “Tomorrow is Monday again.” — Unknown

Fun Weekend Quotes
1. “I believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun.” — Hanna Rhoades

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2. “It’s finally the weekend! Time to have unlimited amounts of fun.” — Unknown
3. “I have not been this excited about the weekend since last weekend.” — Unknown
4. “Weekend forecast: mild alcoholism with a 70% chance of poor decisions and poor judgment.” — Unknown
5. “Two days is simply not enough for the weekend. There is just simply too much fun to be had.” — Unknown

6. “Why wait for the weekend to have fun.” — Loesje
7. “The weekends are too short to sleep.” — Bryant A. Loney
8. “Beware, boyfriends! It is going to be another weekend. Either you keep your wallet stuffed with currencies, or if empty, say your girlfriend you lost your wallet. Have a fun-filled weekend.” — Unknown
9. “During the weekend, all you have to do is sleep until you feel hungry and eat until you feel sleepy.” — Unknown
10. “I’m learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.” — Zoe Saldana

11. “A weekend in Vegas without gambling and drinking is just like being a born-again Christian.” — Artie Lange
12. “You know what I want to do? Wake up one weekend and not have to go anywhere and do nothing.” — Derek Jeter
13. “Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.” — Florence Welch
14. “Well, hello, Weekend. Where have you been all week?” — Unknown
15. “I have been known to hang out and party back in the day. I had a weekend that lasted a few years.” — Vanilla Ice

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16. “If this weekend manages to go as planned, then it will not include any actual plans.” — Unknown
17. “I’ve always loved the ‘Weekend Update’ people.” — Chevy Chase
18. “In an ideal world, I’d spend every weekend at my home in Zermatt in Switzerland.” — Vanessa Mae
19. “Weekends are about replenishment and rejuvenation.” – Neil Morrissey
20. “Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather, and a little music.” — Unknown

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Blessed Weekend Quotes
1. “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and be prepared to start the new week with new enthusiasm. But first, you should say goodbye this week and make it the most. Have a blessed weekend!” — Unknown

2. “Praise the Lord for a glorious weekend! On these wonderful days, try to smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate.” — Unknown
3. “It’s the weekend. Remember to count your rainbows instead of your thunderstorms.” — Unknown
4. “The weekend is a blessing. Thank you, Lord, for getting us through this week.” — Unknown
5. “Weekends are days to refuel your soul and to be grateful for the blessings that you have.” — Unknown

6. “This weekend, remember that your smile alone can save a sad soul or heal a broken spirit. Share your kindness with others, and remember to have a blessed weekend.” — Unknown
7. “No more discipline, no more hard work. It’s time to make your day according to your desire! May the weekend enrich your day with pleasure and blessings.” — Unknown
8. “May this weekend bring lots of happiness to you! Have a wonderful and blessed weekend! Your dreams are about to turn true!” — Unknown
9. “Weekend is like God’s blessing! Tomorrow is the weekend! I hope the day also comes with a lot of fun and blessing for you. Have a very happy weekend!” — Unknown
10. “Time never stops for us, then why do we always wait for the right time? There is never a wrong time to do the right thing. Have a blessed weekend!” — Unknown

Funny Weekend Quotes
1. “Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon.” — Richard Nelson Bolles

2. “Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday.” — Unknown
3. “Weekend forecast: refreshing drinks, extravagant revelries, and silly decisions.” — Unknown
4. “A weekend wasted isn’t a wasted weekend.” — Unknown
5. “I am always happy to meet my friend, and my friend is my weekend. “— Debasish Mridha

6. “I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.” — Unknown
7. “The only Happy END that I know it’s the weekEND!” — Unknown
8. “Why is Monday so far away from Friday and Friday so bloody close to Monday?” — Unknown
9. “Always strive to excel, but only on weekends.” — Richard Rorty
10. “Men are simple things. They can survive a whole weekend with only three things: beer, boxer shorts, and batteries for the remote control.” — Diana Jordan

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Reading my collection of happy weekend quotes gave you insight into what a great weekend means for others. What does it mean for you?
Unfortunately, weekends do not last forever. So, be sure to enjoy them as much as possible.
Until next time, have an outstanding weekend!