The 60 Absolute Best Ways To Say Have A Great Weekend

Have you heard of the quote: “Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next morning”?
Oh, yes, we all love the precious weekend mornings! And the two fabulous days spent with friends and family, enjoying good food, drinks, naps… And the two glorious nights of staying up as late as you want! Can it be any better?!
People, whether employed or unemployed, get a mood boost on weekends, a 2010 study suggests.
Now, let’s wish our loved ones a fabulous weekend, but let’s do it in a bit different way than just saying: “Have a great weekend”!
Let’s replace this expression with a more inspiring one that will set them in the right mood just before their two-day break starts!
I searched the web up and down to find the best words to wish someone a great weekend. Find them right below!
10 Great Ways To Say Have A Great Weekend
1. “Smile — the weekend is here! Hope you enjoy it!”

2. “It’s the weekend — act like it! Relax and enjoy your time off properly and don’t worry more than you need to!”
3. “Wishing you a good morning, a happy Friday, and a wonderful weekend ahead!”
4. “Weekends are all about fun and having a good time — so that’s what you’ve gotta do! Happy weekend!”
5. “The weekends are always the best, aren’t they? I don’t think this will change even when we are old and wrinkly. In any case, enjoy yours!”
6. “Work hard, play hard! We have worked hard for 5 days so now it is time for us to play hard for the next 2 days. Have a great weekend!”
7. “Life is made so much more bearable because the weekends exist, don’t you think? Have a fantastic weekend!”
8. “Keep all the duties and responsibilities aside for the next two days. It’s going to be a fun weekend, but only if you’re willing to add fun activities into the hours of the day!”
9. “Weekends are brilliant apart from one thing — they go by so quickly! Hope you make the most of yours!”
10. “I need to ask you a favor. Could you please have a wonderful weekend for me?”

Casual Expressions For Wishing Someone A Great Weekend
1. “Wishing you a wacky wild wonderful weekend!”

2. “Have a great weekend, everyone! Hope you all have time to take a walk, see a movie, spend time with friends and family, or whatever it is you love to do.”
3. “I hope that the upcoming weekend is going to be filled with plenty of good food, awesome days out, and many fun activities for you! Wishing you a pleasant weekend!”
4. “Have a great weekend! There’s so much happening next week that you simply deserve at least two great days up ahead. Get enough rest and spoil yourself a little!”
5. “I hope you have a relaxing, revitalizing, and refreshing weekend.”
6. “How is it that the weekdays go so slowly and the weekends go so fast? Let’s have a great weekend and make the most out of our free time together!”
7. “Enjoy your weekend to the fullest! We have worked well too hard the entire week not to let our hair down for the next two days. Remember to catch up on your sleep!”
8. “Have a great weekend ahead! Life would be bland without a short break every now and then. I hope that you’ll take this time off to enjoy yourself.”
9. “Weekends are meant for enjoyment in life! I hope that you will be enjoying yourself in the next two days — you deserve nothing less!”
10. “Weekend means it’s time to kick back and relax! Take it easy and enjoy yourself!”

How To Wish Someone A Great Weekend In A Professional Way
1. “Hope the weekend leaves you relaxed and invigorated. Enjoy your free time.”

2. “You have worked so hard throughout the week. Now, it’s time to have a pleasant break. Have a wonderful weekend.”
3. “Hope you get plenty of time to relax, unwind, and recharge this weekend. You certainly deserve it after all the hard work you put in this week.”
4. “May this morning bring you moments of infinite joy and happiness. Wishing you a great weekend ahead!”
5. “Let this weekend heal your tiredness and stresses from the week’s hard work! Have a great weekend ahead!”
6. “I am wishing you a good celebration of your favorite foods, a day out, dinner, and lots of fun activities. Wishing you the most remarkable weekend!”
7. “As the weekend is starting out, may you be blessed with adventurous ideas. May you never lack any fun and may excitement be your lot.”
8. “Here comes another opportunity to re-invent yourself and improve on the efforts of the past week. Have a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend.”
9. “As you proceed for the weekend, I wish you good health and lots of happiness throughout the weekend.”
10. “I hope this weekend you are able to recover from the exhaustion and stress of the past week.”

Creative Ways To Wish Someone A Great Weekend
1. “Wishing you all a happy weekend that’s heavy on fun and light on chores!”

2. “Hope you find some time to party hard and take it easy this weekend. See you on Monday!”
3. “Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you and hope you have the wonderful, relaxing weekend you deserve!”
4. “Hope you have a perfect weekend of exciting nights and relaxing days!”
5. “Whether you’re down to party or just relax, enjoy your weekend to the max!”
6. “Let’s have a weekend free from Facebook, Instagram, and all other screens. It’s time for us to relax and socialize with each other in person — put the screens aside!”
7. “Have a fun-tactic weekend!”
8. “Hope your weekend is as exciting as you want it to be — no more, no less.”
9. “I like to think of the weekends as God’s blessings, and these blessings are coming to us tomorrow! I hope that the next two days are going to be fun and blissful for you!”
10. “Hope your weekend is full of fun and free of worry. See you on Monday!”

Have A Great Long Weekend Expressions
1. “Even long weekends are too short, so enjoy it while it lasts!”

2. “I hope that this mini vacation and break will give you a better sense of inner peace and happiness. Here’s to a happy weekend for yourself!”
See also: 120 Best Happy Vacation Wishes For Friends And Colleagues
3. “Hope the long holiday weekend gives you plenty to celebrate!”
4. “Weekends, especially long ones, are for forgetting about work for a free date and just focusing on the here and now. Enjoy it!”
5. “It’s the long weekend, so take a chill pill! Be free from all that tension and make your weekend an enjoyable one!”
6. “Happy long weekend! Hope the extra time off treats you right!”
7. “You’ve had a long week, and I do wish that this long weekend makes up for all the terrible times you had in the past few days. Have a nice weekend my dear friend!”
8. “The long weekend we’ve all been longing for is finally here. Have a great one!”
9. “Here’s to recharging those batteries over a long and lazy weekend. Hoping you feel rested and ready to attack the new week with lots of vigor and gusto!”
10. “Hope your long weekend isn’t short on fun! Enjoy the break!”

Funny Ways To Say Have A Great Weekend
1. “Have a great weekend everyone! Hope you have as much fun as is legally possible!”

2. “People usually say that endings are sad. But I know of a very happy end — the weekEND! Enjoy it!”
3. “The weekend is here and it’s time to go crazy. And by “go crazy,” I mean do absolutely nothing for two days.”
4. “Happy weekend! I hope a couple of days off somehow make up for five days of soul-crushing drudgery.”
5. “Have a great weekend of not getting bossed around — and that’s an order!”
6. “Hope your weekend is full of fun and relaxation, with nary a thought of what awaits you back at work on Monday.”
7. “It’s been a long week! Now enjoy your weekend and try not to think about the fact that it’s going to be over before you know it!”
8. “Good luck avoiding responsibilities this weekend!”
9. “I was in a weakened state. Now I’m in a weekend state. Hope you’re as stoked as I am to have a couple of days off.”
10. “Enjoy your weekend like there’s no tomorrow – or rather, no Monday.”

See also: 170 Positive Monday Blessings Quotes To Embrace The Week
Wrapping It Up
I hope you like my collection of have a great weekend wishes.
Now, these expressions may not be the magic pill to make somebody’s weekend unforgettable, but they can surely set them up in a perfect mood and bring some positive vibes to their day.
That way, chances for their fabulous weekend are doubled!
Don’t you wish to be the one who’d be responsible for that?!
Read next: 180 Happy Weekend Quotes To Enjoy Your Deserved Break