250 Saturday Affirmations For A Joyful And Blessed Weekend

Saturday is your day, the day you leave the stress and worries behind and focus on rest and joy. It doesn’t mean a little bit of discipline is not accepted, desired even.
We should not forget that Saturn, the planet of responsibility and planning (among other things) rules Saturday (hence the name!).
The best way to align with the energies of this day is by incorporating a simple routine of using Saturday affirmations.
I bring you an extensive list of the 250 most inspiring Saturday affirmations to make the most out of your day.
10 Best Saturday Affirmations
1. Today I am prioritizing the things that bring me joy.

2. Today I choose myself and put myself first. The world can wait.
3. I give myself permission to do what is right for me.
4. I love myself and the person I am working to become.
5. Taking care of myself and my own needs is productive.
6. I will not get in my own way today, I will let myself just be.
7. I succeed and thrive when I feel rested and fulfilled.
8. I will dedicate time to my personal growth and development today.
9. Today I make space for myself and honor my needs.
10. Every choice I make is based on self-care and self-love.

See also: 130 Self-Love Affirmations To Help You Embrace Yourself
Saturday Morning Affirmations For A Fabolous Start Of The Day
1. Hello Saturday, let’s have a wonderful time together.

2. I give myself permission to spend my Saturday in a way that supports me.
3. Today, I am welcoming abundance into my life.
4. I am excited about a peaceful weekend.
5. I will prioritize balance this Saturday.
6. Today is a new day, with new opportunities ahead of me.
7. My life is beautiful and not something I need to escape from.
8. I love myself unconditionally
9. My body is a temple of self-love, and anything that does not serve it will be barred from entering.
10. I have everything I need to create a beautiful day today.

11. I am excited to have a great Saturday.
12. I start with a positive mindset.
13. Today is a new day, and I have the freedom to do whatever I want with it.
14. I embrace rest, relaxation, fun, and play.
15. I wake up today with a grateful heart and a peaceful mind.
16. I am open to healing this weekend.
17. I will direct my positive energy into myself and into unconditional love.
18. I deserve to live the truest, most beautiful life I can imagine for myself.
19. Filling my cup first is necessary before I can best fill the cups of others.
20. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

21. I am grateful for the blessing of another beautiful Saturday.
See also: 140 Best Good Morning Saturday Blessings To Lift You Up
22. I am living my dream life. Nothing extraordinary has to happen in order for me to recognize that today.
23. I am happy and excited about all the new things I will experience today.
24. I am grateful for the opportunity to be alive and experience this moment.
25. I’m grateful for the experiences that have brought me to where I am now.
26. Today is going to be a fantastic day because it is full of opportunities.
27. I forgive myself for my past mistakes.
28. I make a difference in the world by simply existing in it.
29. I choose happiness, and happiness chooses me.
30. I invite The Universe to co-create this day with me.

31. Like every other day, this Saturday will be marked as a “day well spent.”
32. I do not have to earn my downtime because I am unconditionally worthy.
33. I focus on the present moment to enjoy this Saturday.
34. My mind is at peace and I feel harmony inside.
35. I wake up every morning ready for a new day of opportunities.
36. Today is going to be a really, really good day.
37. I will feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful no matter what happens during the day.
38. Today is a gift that I will savor.
39. I will do everything with joy today.
40. I am waking up this Saturday morning feeling energized, rested, and hopeful.

See also: 130 Morning Affirmations To Set You Up For A Fabulous Day
Saturday Affirmations To Welcome The Weekend
1. I am in love with this stunning start of the weekend.

2. My mind is clear today and my heart is full.
3. I am allowing myself to live in the moment and release any worries about the past or future.
4. I invite the universe to surprise and delight me this weekend.
5. This weekend is mine for the taking.
6. I can make the most of this weekend no matter the circumstances.
7. I am extremely grateful that the weekend is here.
8. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary!
9. I welcome all of the ways the universe wants to bless me
10. I can make this weekend look exactly the way I want.

11. Old habits are behind me and I move forward into Saturday with newfound energy.
See also: 110 Greatest Saturday Motivation Quotes To Seize The Day
12. I create positive habits that support my mind, body, and soul.
13. Weekends are there to help me recharge and feel my best.
14. My life is full of love and joy and abundance.
15. Saturday represents a new day and a chance for me to focus on the areas I’ve been neglecting.
16. I am ready to be brave and wild and free.
17. Nature is calling and I am ready to answer. I choose adventure.
18. I am grateful for this time, this freedom.
19. I am now open to giving and receiving love.
See also: 130 Affirmations For Love To Attract The Love You Deserve
20. I’m extremely grateful that the weekend is here.

21. I am open to new and wonderful challenges.
22. I am ready to spend time with myself.
23. I manifest all I need with ease.
24. It’s okay to have fun like a child.
25. I am grateful to have this time to practice self-compassion.
26. I commit to new hobbies that will spark my creativity.
27. I deserve to love every day of the week.
27. My hard work this week has paid off and brought me to where I am right now in this moment.
28. I am enthusiastic about every second of my life.
29. When I serve myself first, I am better equipped to serve others.
30. I am so eager and blessed to see another weekend.

31. I am ready to have a weekend I love.
32. Saturdays are a time to celebrate all the good in my life.
33. My mind is open to new and exciting adventures that come my way on a Saturday.
34. Today I am refilling my own cup.
35. I am open to exploring my passions.
36. My Source will lead the way today.
37. I am filling my weekend with positive happy vibes.
38. I work so that I can enjoy my weekends to the fullest.
39. I release feelings of obligation and let my spirit guide me toward fun.
40. I invite the universe to surprise and delight me this weekend.

See also: 180 Happy Weekend Quotes To Enjoy Your Deserved Break
Inspiring Saturday Affirmations
1. I am getting one step closer to my truest self every day.

2. I am making space in my life for peace, slowness, and calm.
3. I am embracing my inner child.
4. I am in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing.
5. I’m thankful to be alive today.
6. I channel inspiration easily from everything and everyone around me.
7. My voice is heard, and my opinions are valued.
8. I am allowed to say no to anything that doesn’t serve my highest good.
9. I am a healthy and happy person.
10. Every move I make today will be intentional in some way.

11. For me, every day is a new chance.
12. I see my goals clearly.
13. I am the hero of my own life story.
14. Life brings me only good experiences.
15. The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.
16. The more I let go, the more I enjoy it.
17. Today I will focus on what makes me feel good.
18. I deserve true happiness each and every day.
19. I deserve the same love and attention that I so willingly offer to others.
20. I choose to let go of all the things that do not serve me.

21. I create ever-flowing abundance through joy and gratitude.
See also: 130 Gratitude Affirmations To Make Your Life More Joyful
22. I choose to manifest my ideal life. I will put in the work to make it a reality.
23. I welcome blessings to rain over me.
24. I am worthy of living a joyful, vibrant, passionate life.
25. I am grateful for my strong heart, healthy mind, and radiant spirit.
26. My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.
27. I take care of the future by taking care of the present moment.
28. Practicing self-care is the kindest thing I can do for myself and my loved ones.
29. Every day that I commit to myself and my development, I am living my truth.
30. Taking care of myself today will allow me to flourish tomorrow.

31. I surround myself with successful people and supportive people.
32. I allow myself to detach from everything that holds me back.
33. I have a bunch of creative ideas in my head that I can’t wait to implement today.
34. This Saturday is a good day to accomplish great things.
35. I channel inspiration easily from everything and everyone around me.
36. Today, I will be my own best friend and treat myself with kindness and respect.
37. Saturday is a day to recharge my batteries so I can take on the world with a positive attitude in the upcoming week.
38. My ideas are great and I will share them with the world.
39. I am open to the possibilities that life brings.
40. I am blessed with abundance in all areas of my life.

See also: 130 Powerful Abundance Affirmations For A Prosperous Life
Saturday Affirmations For A Restful Weekend
1. I deserve to stop and smell the roses.

2. I take care of my health.
3. Self-care is not selfish; it is a kindness for myself and others.
4. A lazy Saturday doesn’t make me a lazy person.
5. I relax, let go, and know that everything is working out in my favor.
6. I am allowed to rest.
7. I am choosing to show up for myself, today and every day.
8. My mind, body, and soul are my top priorities.
9. I can stay in bed all day. It’s okay to have a quiet day, a lazy day.
10. I am releasing all of the things that drain my energy.

11. This weekend is for getting more in tune with myself and my needs.
12. I am so grateful for this opportunity to break away from my weekly routine.
13. I will prioritize my peace of mind, my alone time, and my serenity.
14. I deserve some uninterrupted time to myself no matter what is on my schedule.
15. Self care is important and necessary. I deserve to pamper myself.
16. I deserve to have a relaxing, fulfilling weekend filled with joy.
17. I will tune into my body and listen to what it is telling me and when it has had enough.
18. I make space in my life for silence.
19. Saturdays are the best time to just chill and let go.
20. I am giving myself permission to do nothing and just be.

See also: 60 Best Chill Quotes To Teach You The Art Of Doing Nothing
21. I choose to feel peaceful.
22. I will be kind and gentle to my mind and body.
23. I am grateful for the opportunity to relax.
24. Releasing stress is easy.
25. When I serve myself first, I am better equipped to serve others.
26. Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
27. I choose to smile and laugh at the tiniest things this weekend. Laughter fuels my spirit.
28. It’s a great day for me to bask in my own company and recharge.
29. I deserve to take an entire day off and relax today.
30. Resting today will help me conquer tomorrow.

31. I choose to be here in this present moment.
32. I work hard all week long and I am worthy of this break.
33. All the tension is melting away from my body.
34. I am allowed to rest and disconnect whenever I feel the need.
35. I deserve time and space to sit still. My body needs rest and I will honor that.
36. I release all the stress and tension from my body.
37. Investing in myself makes for a worthwhile investment.
38. Today I will give myself a mental break.
39. I am taking a pause to stop worrying and enjoy life today.
40. I promise to practice compassion with myself today.

See also: 70 Self Compassion Quotes To Help You Love Yourself More
Powerful Saturday Affirmations To Skyrocket Your Confidence
1. I own my story and have the power to rewrite it.

2. As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes.
3. I can get through anything this weekend may throw my way.
4. I am a unique and beautiful soul.
5. I believe in myself.
6. I am confident and competent in all aspects of my life.
7. I am confident that I will achieve my goals.
8. I have the power to create profound positive change in my life.
9. I welcome adversity because I am confident that I can overcome it.
10. All my decisions help me to progress toward my vision.

11. I accept who I am.
12. I allow myself to live in the moment.
13. I can be anything I want to be.
14. My body is perfect as it is.
15. I can easily handle difficult situations with grace and dignity.
16. I only compare myself to myself.
17. I choose to honor my boundaries to protect my mental health.
See also: 130 Powerful Health Affirmations For A Healthy Lifestyle
18. I deserve the best, and I accept it now.
19. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and expand it with new experiences.
20. I deserve true happiness each and every day.

21. I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished.
22. I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire.
23. I am courageous and confident in my decisions.
24. I am crushing this thing called life.
25. I am bringing my incredible self with me everywhere I go.
26. I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
27. I focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses.
28. It’s a good day to do the next step toward my dream life.
29. I am in control of my own destiny.
30. I have the power to make my dreams a reality.

31. My happiness matters the most to me.
32. I have done my best this week and that’s enough.
33. My life is filled with incredible experiences.
34. I am confident and strong.
35. I am a deeply accomplished individual.
36. The world is full of endless opportunities for me.
37. I grow every day to become a better version of myself.
38. have accomplished everything in my life due to my hard work and determination.
39. I can turn all my dreams into reality.
40. I welcome this Saturday with confidence and aspiration.

See also: 80 Inspirational Confidence Affirmations To Empower You
Positive Saturday Affirmations To Cultivate Optimism
1. I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.

2. My mind is open to all possibilities and abundance.
3. I am satisfied with the way my weekend is going.
4. My life is a beautiful journey that I can create and change if I choose.
5. Every moment brings something special into my life – today will be no different!
6. Today is going to be fantastic.
7. Happiness is an option. I choose to be happy.
8. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me.
9. I am attracting only positivity this Saturday.
10. I deserve good things to happen to me today.

11. I will look for joy in the smallest of things.
12. Good things continually happen to me.
13. Today, I can choose peace and happiness.
14. There is no room for drama and pessimism in my life.
15. I let go of worries that drain my energy.
See also: 120 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety To Set You Free
16. I am fueled by hope, optimism, and positivity.
17. I will embrace this weekend as an opportunity for fun, friendship, love and laughter.
18. I choose happiness, and happiness chooses me.
19. I can manifest joy and healing.
20. All the positive energy I put out into the world, I get back tenfold.

21. I can relax and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that everything will work out for me.
22. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.
23. I choose to share my positivity and light with those around me. The world needs more kindness.
24. I always choose thoughts that are most positive and beneficial to me.
25. Positive thinking is key for a positive day, so I will focus on happy thoughts today.
26. The best is yet to come.
27. I choose to focus on the good in my life.
28. I look at the bright side of things this weekend.
29. I am grateful for everything I have and optimistic about the future.
30. Unlimited opportunities are knocking on my door.

31. I am grateful for the simple pleasures in life.
32. I am surrounded by an atmosphere of happiness and joy.
33. I choose to be a happy person today and every day from now on.
34. I am filled with joy and appreciation for life.
35. On this Saturday, I choose to be happy and enjoy every minute of it.
36. My thoughts are positive and uplifting.
37. Today is going to be amazing.
38. I am surrounded by good things that bring me joy.
39. I choose to let go of negativity and embrace positivity.
40. I am a magnet for positive energy and good vibes.

See also: Top 90 Positive Vibes Quotes To Empower You Every Day
The Bottom Line
These powerful Saturday affirmations will help you set the tone for the weekend, so don’t hesitate to use them.