According to the American Psychological Association, people struggling with anxiety are those who have ‘recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns’.
Let me ask you, is there anyone on this planet who doesn’t have these?
Yes, I think we are all faced with anxiety disorders that threaten our sense of self. Some more, some less.
To that end, I bring you a great list of positive affirmations for anxiety that’ll boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love and in that way help you beat your anxiety.
It is scientifically confirmed that day-to-day positive self-talk brings positive thinking that can affect the growth of your whole mindset and thus make a huge difference in your mental health.
Let’s read the best positive affirmations for anxiety I collected from various online sources to help you lower your stress levels, and provide your mind with the reassurance it needs.
Top 20 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety
1. “I will handle whatever happens like I always do.”

2. “I have done this before, and I can do it again.”
3. “I have survived my anxiety before. I will survive it now.”
4. “I act with confidence because I know what I am doing.”
5. “I am resilient; I will get through this difficult time.”
6. “I am in charge.”
7. “Letting go of worry is becoming easy.”
8. “I inhale peace and exhale worry.”
9. “I extend the same kindness to myself that I show my loved ones.”
10. “I am safe and in control.”

11. “Look at me go! I can do it all.”
12. “The point of power is always in the present moment.”
13. “I give myself permission to feel this way without judgment.”
14. “I can handle anything that’s to come.”
15. “Day by day, minute to minute.”
16. “The feelings of panic are leaving my body.”
17. “I can move past this moment.”
18. “I believe in my ability to get through tough times.”
19. “I am here, I am now, and I am well.”
20. “I am relaxed and peaceful because I trust the process of life. All is well in my world.”

Calming Affirmations To Beat Anxiety
1. “I am calmer with each deep breath I take.”

2. “I can slow my breathing. I am in control.”
3. “I am calm and at peace.”
4. “I can fall asleep whenever I want.”
5. “I let go of what I can’t control.”
6. “I take things at my own pace.”
7. “I feel grounded at this moment.”
8. “This might be hard, but I can handle it.”
9. “I am not in any danger. I am safe.”
10. “My mind is strong.”

11. “The panic I feel will pass.”
12. “I am stronger than I think.”
13. “I am not alone in my life.”
14. “My mind is calm. My muscles are relaxed.”
15. “I will let the worry go.”
16. “I don’t dwell on the negatives.”
17. “I can overcome my anxiety.”
18. “I have nothing to fear.”
19. “I know that everything will be ok.”
20. “My breathing is anchored from within my core and this breathing is relaxing to my body and mind.”

Positive Affirmations For Anxiety Relief
1. “I will talk to myself as though I’m speaking to a loved one.”

2. “I am prepared and ready for this situation.”
3. “I am brave.”
4. “I am enough.”
5. “I let go of control and focus on joy.”
6. “I have time to prepare and decide.”
7. “I am different and unique, and that is OK.”
8. “I am at ease when talking to other people.”
9. “I enjoy doing this.”
10. “People assume I can do this, I know I can, and I will.”

11. “I am safe and protected.”
12. “I can handle whatever comes my way.”
13. “I trust myself.”
14. “I choose to see the beauty in my surroundings.”
15. “I am strong.”
16. “I release the past and embrace the present.”
17. “As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.”
18. “I like myself and that is enough.”
19. “This feeling is only temporary.”
20. “I am loved and accepted.”

Daily Affirmations For Anxiety
1. “I am safe in the company of others.”

2. “I let go and I am free.”
3. “I take things one day at a time.”
4. “I am good at everything I do.”
5. “I love myself.”
6. “I am safe in the here and now.”
7. “I love and I am loved.”
8. “My body is my ally.”
9. “Wherever I go, I am well.”
10. “I am doing the best I can and that is enough.”

11. “This too shall pass.”
12. “I am worthy of a happy life.”
13. “I can overcome any problem that comes my way.”
14. “I belong here as much as anyone else.”
15. “I am grateful for all I have achieved.”
16. “My thoughts and feelings are valid.”
17. “Tomorrow is a new day.”
18. “There are actions I can take to feel less anxious.”
19. “I choose sleep over anxiety.”
20. “I let all the feelings of today just drift away.”

Anxiety Affirmations To Release Negative Thoughts
1. “My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.”

2. “I am learning to deal with my worries.”
3. “My anxiety doesn’t define me.”
4. “Being unique is my strength.”
5. “I will let go of negative thoughts.”
6. “I have the power to control my emotions.”
7. “I’ve done this before. I can do it again.”
8. “I will embrace new opportunities.”
9. “I am kind to myself.”
10. “I choose to think positive thoughts.”

11. “There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned.”
12. “I fully embrace who I am.”
13. “I release any doubts and fears.”
14. “My future is filled with so many possibilities.”
15. “I trust my own judgment.”
16. “I am enough.”
17. “I can always try again.”
18. “I am capable of solving problems.”
19. “I am amazing and capable.”
20. “I can choose my thoughts.”

Self-Affirmations For Stress Relief
1. “When I breathe in, then exhale slowly and steadily, I am letting go of my stress.”

2. “I focus on what makes me happy.”
3. “Today will be a good day.”
4. “I choose to find small moments of peace today.”
5. “I have the ability to re-evaluate the stressful situation.”
6. “I choose to be happy.”
7. “I have everything I need within me.”
8. “I choose to take breaks and focus on self-care today.”
9. “I give myself permission to take a break.”
10. “I will recharge for tomorrow as I sleep.”

11. “This stressful experience does not define who I am.”
12. “Today I will celebrate every little win.”
13. “I am worthy of good things and I welcome them into my life.”
14. “Taking care of myself is very important.”
15. “I welcome happiness and joy into my day.”
16. “I am able to identify what is within my control in this situation.”
17. “I am not my thoughts.”
18. “I understand that within my control I have the ability to change: my thoughts, my behavior, my response, my words, and the consequences of my decisions.”
19. “I can perceive any situation positively.”
20. “I have the resources I need to move through this stressful situation.”

Wrapping It Up
I found these positive affirmations for anxiety very helpful for stress management and I believe they will help you too.
Make them your daily routine, use them in the present tense, and let them lead you toward the stress-free life that you deserve!