190 Focus Quotes To Help You Stay On The Right Target

Check out these powerful focus quotes that will not only provide you with the motivation you need, but also offer valuable insights to help you maintain your concentration and stay on target. 

Author’s Choice: 10 Best Focus Quotes

1. “Whenever something bad happens, keep calm, take a few deep breaths and shift the focus to something positive.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Whenever something bad happens, keep calm, take a few deep breaths and shift the focus to something positive

2. “Focus on your goals, not your fear. Focus like a laser beam on your goals.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

3. “Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus.” ― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

4. “Sometimes we focus so much on what we don’t have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!” ― Jeff Dixon

5. “The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus.” ― Robert Greene, Mastery

The time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of our focus

6. “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” ― Zig Ziglar

7. “Focusing is about saying No.” ― Steve Jobs

8. “Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror.” ― Colin Powell

9. “Very occasionally, if you pay really close attention, life doesn’t suck.” ― Joss Whedon

10. “What you stay focused on will grow.” ― Roy T. Bennett

What you stay focused on will grow

Inspirational Quotes About Focus

1. “It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.― Roy T. Bennett

It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform

2. “Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Focus on your character, not your reputation.

Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

See also: 140 Blessing Quotes To Awaken Your Gratefulness

3. “Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

4. “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” ― Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering: You can be successful

5. “Instead of focusing on how much you can accomplish, focus on how much you can absolutely love what you’re doing.” ― Leo Babauta

Instead of focusing on how much you can accomplish, focus on how much you can absolutely love what you’re doing

6. “I didnt pay atteniton to times or distance, instead focusing on how it felt just to be in motion, knowing it wasn’t about the finish line but how I got there that mattered.” ― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

7. “You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” ― Warren Buffett

8. “Whatever you do, do it with purpose. Being focused is not something to be ashamed of. It is something to be proud of. When you know what are you are doing and have a clear vision of where you are going, you will not need to chase opportunities. Opportunities will seek you. Happiness will chase you. And, instead of being a choice, you will be the one choosing.” ― Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

9. “Inspiration is the windfall from hard work and focus. Muses are too unreliable to keep on the payroll.” ― Helen Hanson

10. “Let us not focus on the chink in the canvas of the darkness but look at the light piercing through it.” ― Erik Pevernagie

Let us not focus on the chink in the canvas of the darkness but look at the light piercing through it

11. “Whatever your passion is, keep doing it. Don’t waste time chasing after success or comparing yourself to others. Every flower blooms at a different pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually people will see what you are great at doing, and if you are truly great, success will come chasing after you.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

12. “Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.” ― Eric Thomas

13. “He well knew his mind’s natural tendency to be endlessly on a thousand subjects at once, to flit from this to that and to the next thing to no particular purpose–indeed, he called it his “butterfly mind.” ― Eric Metaxas, Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery

14. “Such a simplified lifestyle can be truly wonderful – you’ll finally have time for the things you really love, for relaxation, for outdoor activities, for exercise, for reading or finding peace and quiet, for the loved ones in your life, for the things you’re most passionate about. This is what it means to thrive – to live a life full of the things you want in them, and not more. To live a better quality of life without having to spend and buy and consume.” ― Leo Babauta, Thriving on Less: Simplifying in a Tough Economy

15. “The more choices we have, the greater the need for focus.” ― Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life from Timeless Sages to Contemporary Gurus

The more choices we have, the greater the need for focus

16. “You cannot run at full throttle when applying your mindset to all of the different things running through your head. Focusing is the key to manifesting your desires.” ― Stephen Richards, The Ultimate Focus Builder

17. “…on the job there was nothing but the job. You left the shit outside the door. You could always pick it up on your way back out.” ― Laurell K. Hamilton, Obsidian Butterfly

18. “The real heroes are those who rebuild their lives using adversity as a stepping stone to greatness in the midst of the chaos life has thrown at them.” ― Nikki Rowe

19. “Over time, a commitment to challenging, focused work and leisure produces not only better daily experience, but also a more complex, interesting person: the long-range benefit of the focused life. As Hobbs put it, the secret of fulfillment is “to choose trouble for oneself in the direction of what one would like to become.” ― Winifred Gallagher

20. “Everybody listens to me with a focus on my words. This is a mistake. The words are the vehicle to deliver an idea. Always listen to the idea, it’s more valid then any words that I can use.” ― Richard Diaz

Everybody listens to me with a focus on my words. This is a mistake. The words are the vehicle to deliver an idea. Always listen to the idea, it's more valid then any words that I can use

21. “You must really want to win with all of your heart! Plan your race; do not ever get side tracked. Focus on your goal – “the finishing line”!” ― Lucas Remmerswaal, 13 Habits.com The tale of Tortoise Buffett and Trader Hare: Inspired by Warren Buffett

22. “Attention is a resource as abundant as sunlight. It streams outward all day long whether we choose to tap into it or not. By developing conscious focus of our attention, we learn to harness one of the greatest creative powers available to humankind, one that happens to be freely available within ourselves at all times.” ― Scott Edmund Miller

23. “Multiple streams of income do not apply when it comes to vision. You just have to be focused and attain your visionary goal, without distraction” ― Daniel ANIKOR

24. “The journey of entrepreneurship is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Success comes to those who can maintain their focus and determination over the long haul.” ― Justin Ho Guo Shun, The Art and Science of Startup

25. “Those who focus and work hard are already halfway to success.” ― Titon Rahmawan

Those who focus and work hard are already halfway to success

26. “To stay focused means that the daily to-do list comes from goals that are generated from the personal or institutional vision and mission.” ― Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

27. “What one does daily should be staircasing towards the overall accomplishment of the vision and mission of the organization.” ― Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

28. “Doing good makes us happy; while focusing our efforts on doing what is planned makes us great.” ― Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

29. “Happy people produce. Bored people consume. Focus.” ― Stephen Richards

30. “Focus on what you have been blessed with today, rather than what has been taken away!” ― Nancy B. Urbach

Focus on what you have been blessed with today, rather than what has been taken away

Motivational Focus Quotes

1. “If you think you can, then you can.” ― Stephen Richards

If you think you can, then you can

2. “The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.” ― Stephen Richards

3. “To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” ― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

4. “Temperamentally anxious people can have a hard time staying motivated, period, because their intense focus on their worries distracts them from their goals.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

5. “Everyone’s time is limited. What matters most is to focus on what matters most.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Everyone's time is limited. What matters most is to focus on what matters most

6. “So many people think that they are not gifted because they don’t have an obvious talent that people can recognize because it doesn’t fall under the creative arts category—writing, dancing, music, acting, art or singing. Sadly, they let their real talents go undeveloped, while they chase after fame. I am grateful for the people with obscure unremarked talents because they make our lives easier—inventors, organizers, planners, peacemakers, communicators, activists, scientists, and so forth. However, there is one gift that trumps all other talents—being an excellent parent. If you can successfully raise a child in this day in age to have integrity then you have left a legacy that future generations will benefit from.” ― Shannon L. Alder

See also: The Ultimate Compilation Of 120 Best Integrity Quotes

7. “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” ― Samuel Johnson, The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. Vol 3

8. “In the game of life, we all receive a set of variables and limitations in the field of play. We can either focus on the lack thereof or empower ourselves to create better realities with the pieces we play the game with.” ― T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

9. “If you really want to focus on something, says Castellanos, the optimum amount of time to spend on it is ninety minutes. “Then change tasks. And watch out for interruptions once you’re really concentrating, because it will take you twenty minutes to recover.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

10. “FOCUS = Follow On Course Until Successful.” ― Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

FOCUS = Follow On Course Until Successful

11. “When we’re interested in something, everything around us appears to refer to it (the mystics call these phenomena ‘signs’, the sceptics ‘coincidence’, and psychologists ‘concentrated focus’, although I’ve yet to find out what term historians would use).” ― Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello

12. “Because you actually might not know what activities truly engage your attention and satisfy you, he says, it can be helpful to keep a diary of what you do all day and how you feel while doing it. Then, try to do more of what’s rewarding, even if it takes an effort, and less of what isn’t. Where optimal experience is concerned, he says, “‘I just don’t have the time’ often means ‘I just don’t have the self-discipline.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

13. “Do not focus on money, instead focus on a problem that needs to be solved for the world..money will follow you as a bi-product.” ― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

14. “Information overload is a symptom of our desire to not focus on what’s important. It is a choice.” ― Brian Solis

15. “If the stairs feel long, focus on each step. Enjoy the climb, without fixating on the top.” ― Supratim Das

If the stairs feel long, focus on each step. Enjoy the climb, without fixating on the top

16. “Be wary of living a reactive lifestyle by only focusing on issues that yell the loudest for your attention. Too many preoccupations can muddle your day and waste your energy on things you think are important but aren’t.” ― A.S. Basahal, Mastering Productivity: The 5 Ingredients of the Optimal Productivity System

17. “What you place your importance in will determine your focus: Whether that be humility over pride, defense above offense, blade before body.” ― Lauren Lola, Dasig

18. “Get 100 percent focused on YOU and what YOU are about. And I guarantee, compulsive worry about what others think of you will stop. I realized a while ago that I can’t pay my bills with other people’s opinions of me!” ― Doug Wood, Church Boy to Millionaire: How to Find Personal Freedom and Liberate Your Millionaire Mindset for Massive Impact

19. “To achieve a goal all you need is a focused mindset. Distraction is just a word that tells you are not focused” ― Deeksha Kamble

20. “Don’t spend your time and energy focusing on how something else stopped you.” ― Tom Bilyeu

Don’t spend your time and energy focusing on how something else stopped you.

21. “You don’t need to fight for your place in the outer world, you need to focus on your inside skills to make positive changes.” ― Sonal Takalkar

See also: 380 Positive Thought Of The Day Quotes To Empower You

22. “Put yourself in a better position to attain greatness. Focus on it and become great.” ― Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

23. “Dear Daughter,

Be passionate about what matters. Focus on what leads you to an expected end. Remember that on this earth, you are on assignment.” ― Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

24. “You have to focus to finish.” ― Reese Witherspoon, Busy Betty

25. “Believe in yourself, work hard, stay focused, and never give up. Success will come.” ― Hani Hakkam

Believe in yourself, work hard, stay focused, and never give up. Success will come.

26. “Fierceness combined with a calm, determined mindset is a powerful tool.” ― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation: A Spiritual Fiction Series

27. “What you ‘have’ accomplished is the exact stuff that you use to accomplish what you haven’t, rather than making the ‘haven’t’ the focus of your accomplishments.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

28. “Most companies are notoriously bad at executing strategy. This is mainly due to a lack of focus on what’s most important to improve and a low sense of urgency for action. People struggle to prioritize important, long-term, strategic efforts against the crisis of the day. As a result, they fail to reach their growth potential.” ― Calvin L. Williams, FIT: The Simple Science of Achieving Strategic Goals

29. “At work, they knew me to be capable but fragile. Quiet, clouded up with daydreams. Usually diligent, though sometimes inconsistent, moody. But also something else, something implacable: I was unsavvy in some fundamental, uncomfortable way. The sound of my loud, nervous laugh, like gargling gravel, was a social liability. I skipped too many office parties. They kept me on because my output was prolific and they could task me with more and more production assignments. When I focused, a trait I exhibited at the beginning of my time there, I could be detail-oriented to the point of obsession.” ― Ling Ma, Severance

30. “There are plenty of things in life beyond your control, so you have to control those few things that you are able to” ― Frank D. Prestia

There are plenty of things in life beyond your control, so you have to control those few things that you are able to

Zen Quotes About Being Focused

1. “I don’t judge people. It blurs out the center of my attention, my focus, myself.” ― Toba Beta [Betelgeuse Incident], Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

I don't judge people. It blurs out the center of my attention, my focus, myself.

2. “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” ― Stephen Richards

3. “Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.” ― Stephen Richards

4. “It sometimes takes a state of solitude to bring to mind the real power of companionship.” ― Stephen Richards

5. “It’s as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus.” ― Kristin Cashore, Graceling

It's as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus.

6. “That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. [BusinessWeek, May 25 1998]” ― Steve Jobs

See also: 130 Self Worth Quotes To Remind You Of Your Greatness

7. “If you want to concentrate deeply on some problem, and especially some piece of writing or paper-work, you should acquire a cat. Alone with the cat in the room where you work … the cat will invariably get up on your desk and settle placidly under the desk lamp … The cat will settle down and be serene, with a serenity that passes all understanding. And the tranquility of the cat will gradually come to affect you, sitting there at your desk, so that all the excitable qualities that impede your concentration compose themselves and give your mind back the self-command it has lost. You need not watch the cat all the time. Its presence alone is enough. The effect of a cat on your concentration is remarkable, very mysterious.” ― Muriel Spark, A Far Cry from Kensington

8. “Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere. The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought processes and even ordinary thought itself.” ― Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

9. “Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.” ― Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

10. “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” ― Roy Bennett

If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present

11. “… one flaw throws the loveliness of [everything else] into focus. I remember reading that Shakers deliberately introduced a mistake into the things they made, to show that man shouldn’t aspire to the perfection of God. Flawed can be more perfect than perfection.” ― Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project

12. “Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.

You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.” ― Gordana Biernat, #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything

13.  “Happiness is something we reap from the seeds we sow. Plant misery seeds and that us what you reap.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

14. “If the fire in your heart is strong enough, it will burn away any obstacles that come your way.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

15. “Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul.” ― Molly Friedenfeld

Focus on faith and grow your roots strong and deep so no one can make you believe in something that is not good for your soul

16. “If life throws you a few bad notes or vibrations, don’t let them interrupt or alter your song.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

17. “Focusing is the great secret of power. If you want to use your full amount of focus, you must close down all other thought and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one outcome.” ― Stephen Richards, The Ultimate Focus Builder

18. “Sometimes, we feel conscious but unable to move our body.

The first thing to do is focus in a prayer, then start to wink frequently.

By this way, slowly but sure our body can be moved totally by our persistent willpower.” ― Toba Beta [Betelgeuse Incident], Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

19. “It’s all about reprogramming our minds to focus more on what brings us joy.” ― Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace: Essential Teachings For Enriching Life

20. “What you focus on grows!” ― Kelli Wilson, The Clutter Breakthrough: Your Five-Step Solution to Freedom from Clutter Forever

What you focus on grows

21.  “While amidst the crowd and seeking quieteness in another zone you can still get away from them by homing in on matters within.” ― Stephen Richards

22. “Once out of your cradle, you don’t focus on the world in the abstract, perceiving things for the first time, but in synchrony with your accumulated knowledge, which enriches and helps define your experience, as well as ensuring its uniqueness.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

23. “Feel your whole body from within, as a single field of energy. It is almost as if you were listening or reading with your whole body. Let this be your practice in the days and weeks to come. Do not give all your attention away to the mind and the external world. By all means focus on what you are doing, but feel the inner body at the same time whenever possible. Stay rooted within. Then observe how this changes your state of consciousness and the quality of what you are doing.” ― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

24. “To be here now is a gift. Choose to be present and stay focused on purpose” ― Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

25. “I am content, relaxed, creating, and focused on watering my own garden.” ― Robin S. Baker

I am content, relaxed, creating, and focused on watering my own garden

26. “Sometimes we forget about our problems and find the focus and clarity of everything in this moment that makes our problems disappear.” ― Curtis Tyrone Jones

See also: 150 Living In This Moment Quotes To Embrace The Here & Now

27. “Focus on the blessings and the logistics will disappear…” ― Tiffany Luard

28. “When you are engrossed in something,

Your focus shifts entirely to that, as if every event around directs you there..Yes, it happens in Love.. and so in Hatred..!” ― Mahendar Singh Jakhar

29. “The threshold is not when you get tired out,

It’s when you no longer care about it..!” ― Mahendar Singh Jakhar

30. “When time is limited, focus on energy.” ― Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

When time is limited, focus on energy

See also: 130 Buddhist Quotes To Help You Become The Awakened One

Short Focus Quotes

1. “You can’t get the attention of one who focused on himself.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

You can't get the attention of one who focused on himself

2. “Where your attention goes, your time goes” ― Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

3. “Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.” ― Stephen Richards

4. “Be on guard. The road widens, and many of the detours are seductive.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

5. “It’s not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less.” ― Nathan W. Morris

It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less.

6. “Your most important “want” should be the one you can control!” ― Shannon L. Alder

7. “The ability to stay calm and focused in the midst of change is what distinguishes great leaders from those just collecting a paycheck.” ― Todd Stocker

8. “Don’t pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure.” ― Anthony Liccione

9. “Don’t interpret anything too much. This is time waster number 1.” ― Dee Dee Artner

10. “Focus on your goals, not your fear.” ― Roy Bennett

Focus on your goals, not your fear

11. “Momentum builds success.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

12. “Do not invest time and money into yourself to have others completely destroy it!” ― Stephen Richards

13. “Be a disciple of depth in a shallow world.” ― Cal Newport, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

14. “What you focus on expands. So focus on what you want, not what you do not want.” ― Esther Jno-Charles

15. “Focus on what you can control. That is always enough.” ― Hunter Post

Focus on what you can control. That is always enough

16. “Hatred can’t erase love memories.

You need to focus on anything else.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

17. “I don’t spend a lot of time asking “WHY?” Instead I focus on what I should do now or how I should react.” (p.180)” ― Jeff Dixon-The Key To The Kingdom

18. “Handle the little things well; for they become the great things.” ― Flo Falayi

19. “Depth gets context when breadth gets attention.⁣” ― Richie Norton

20. “Don’t act based on religion; always have a purpose and focus” ― Sunday Adelaja

Don’t act based on religion; always have a purpose and focus

21. “How critical it is to stay focused on Jesus Christ.” ― Henry Hon, ONE: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House

22. “The biggest thing holding you back is you. Start there.” ― Hunter Post

23. “I have great willpower, as I know the sky is my mirror and my spirit is its reflection” ― Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

24. “Rest to refuel for better focus.” ― Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

25. “Focus is an active ingredient of determination, without it, we can be determined in all different directions and accomplish none” ― Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Focus is an active ingredient of determination, without it, we can be determined in all different directions and accomplish none

26. “Without mind wandering we find it harder to make sense of the world.” ― Johann Hari, Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention- and How to Think Deeply Again

27. “Concentration of mind comes from long discipline and sternly acquired habit” ― Dorothy Strachey, Olivia

28. “Many of us never ever discover our greatness because we become sidetracked by a secondary activity.” ― Og Mandino, Og Mandino’s University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

29. “Don’t stop until you get five-finger clarity on your values and beliefs.” ― Anna Moore Bradfield

See also: 140 Best Quotes On Values To Present Inspirational Insights

30. “Filter out the irrelevant noise. Focus on the objective.” ― Robin S. Baker

Filter out the irrelevant noise. Focus on the objective

Quotes About Focusing On Your Goal

1. “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, focus your energy on what you can create.” ― Roy Bennett

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, focus your energy on what you can create

2. “Each day, wake up with a plan. Don’t just approach your days in an unfocused void. That state of mind leaves too much room for discontent, opposition, unhappiness and hopelessness.” ― Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

3. “It is difficult to live in and enjoy the moment when you are thinking about the past or worrying about the future.” ― Roy Bennett

4. “Yet he argued that even a tedious topic can take on a certain fascination if you make an effort to look at it afresh: “The subject must be made to show new aspects of itself; to prompt new questions; in a word, to change. From an unchanging subject the attention inevitably wanders away.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

5. “Beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living within that way of life.” ― Hunter S Thompson

Beware of looking for goals look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living within that way of life

6. “Remember, without a goal, your stamina is useless no matter how you get trained. You may defend your integrity and attack your obstacles, but when you have no target in focus, you will score many zero number of goals…” ― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

7. “Failure of your first attempt does not mean you can’t be a winner of great battles; it rather means, you must trigger only when your target is in focus.” ― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

8. “Your motivations–get that promotion, throw the best parties, run for public office–aren’t impersonal abstractions but powerfully reflect who you are and what you focus on. An individual’s goals figure prominently in the theories of personality first developed by the Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. According to his successor David McClelland, what Friedrich Nietzsche called “the will to power,” which he considered the major driving force behind human behavior, is one of the three basic motivations, along with achievement and affiliation, that differentiate us as individuals.

A simple experiment shows these broad emotional motivations can affect what you pay attention to or ignore on very basic levels. When they examine images of faces that express different kinds of emotion, power-oriented subjects are drawn to non confrontational visages, such as “surprise faces,” rather than to those that suggest dominance, as “anger faces” do. In contrast, people spurred by affiliation gravitate toward friendly or joyful faces.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

9. “She must have known what she planned to do, the risk she was going to take. ‘Where did that calm come from?’ I had wondered at the time. Now I knew. It was a resolve to execute the plan without attachment to the result. It was valuing guts more than the win.” ― Lauren Fleshman

10. “To achieve a goal all you need is a focused mindset. Distraction is just a word that tells you are less focused” ― Deeksha Kamble

To achieve a goal all you need is a focused mindset. Distraction is just a word that tells you are less focused

11. “It’s hard to build momentum if you’re dividing your attention.” ― J.K Dean, Get That TROPHY: A zillion ways to win with Focus

12. “The myth is that there isn’t enough time. There is plenty of time. There isn’t enough focus with the time you have. You win by directing your attention toward better things.” ― James Clear

13. “Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act decisively without needing to know why.” ― Lolly Daskal, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness

14. “Life can stare you into any direction. Stay strong, keep balance, keep pushing forward and never give up.” ― Wazim Shaw

15. “Goals are important. They provide clarity, direction, and focus. Go for your goals.” ― Elegbede Tayo JET

Goals are important. They provide clarity, direction, and focus. Go for your goals

16. “When faced with a tough decision, put your emotions aside, think victory thoughts, and try to envision how you want to end up when the battle ends. ” ― Germany Kent

17. “I know it’s tough losing someone you respected, but it will get better. Don’t let that affect you from reaching your goals… don’t get side-stepped by a tragedy like this. I know it’s sad. Cry if you must. Just stay focused, and don’t let your grief break you and derail you from your desired path.” ― Imania Margria, The Pacemaker

18. “Design your day thinking that you have limited mental resources, knowing that taking time to replenish them will not only help you be less stressed and better able to resist distractions, but also more creative. We know how different activities affect our physical energy in the world, such as being with family or friends, coordinating a complex event, or taking a walk in nature. In the digital world, what taxes your mental energy? What things do you do that replenish your resources? What kind of rote activity relaxes you? At the end of the day, you want to feel energetic and positive. Don’t end up with your tank of resources on reserve when it’s only early afternoon.” ― Gloria Mark, Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity

19. “Whilst some people inspire, others conspire!” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

20. “Take charge of your inner world by destroying the limitations caused by the outer distractions.” ― Hiral Nagda

Take charge of your inner world by destroying the limitations caused by the outer distractions.

21. “Have a Plan B, and maybe even a Plan C. Because unexpected changes are most difficult to handle when we don’t have a backup.” ― Germany Kent

22. “You keep wishing what’s been testing you would stop and go away, instead of seeing these tests keep showing up to ensure that you do, too.” ― Broms The Poet, Feast

23. “At some point in life, you will realize that a substantial majority of people in the world will slowly and surely start living in the way they once hated the most. That’s why being able to stay true to yourself is a very happy thing. CHERISH IT!” ― Rifa Coolheart

24. “When you are active there’s no time to talk about anyone. When you are idle you leave room for all kinds of foolishness.” ― Terraine Francois

25. “Stay firm to your goal, the right people will associate with you!” ― Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?

Stay firm to your goal, the right people will associate with you

26. “Stay focused and capture the beautiful moments of life. Love your life and celebrate every wonderful day that comes.” ― Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

27. “You guide your team when they lose the path, you pick them up when they fall, and you give them motivation when they have none.” ― Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

28.  “God has already equipped you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams. If you just try, work hard, take control of your destiny, remain true to yourself and believe it is possible, you will have unlimited power to achieve the impossible.” ― Germany Kent

29. “Faith is a commitment to stay focused on the fulfillment of God’s promises.” ― Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

30. “It’s you against you. skip the excuses and find a way to make it happen.” ― Wesam Fawzi

It's you against you. skip the excuses and find a way to make it happen

Wise Focus Quotes

1. “When you fully focus your mind,

you make others attracted to you.” ― Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

When you fully focus your mind,

2. “There is nothing like suspense and anxiety for barricading a human’s mind against the Enemy. He wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

3. “It is when things are at their worst that Allah will raise the best generation. The generation that the Prophet would be told Sahabat should look up to. So maybe the fact that you are living in the darkest of time means that Allah thinks you can be the strongest source of light.

Allah thinks you — you — were born for this time. That’s Allah’s decision. Which means you have something significant to offer the world. You have some serious trees to plant. And you have to not get overwhelmed with the news around you. Even if dajjal is tapping you on the shoulders. Say (to Dajjal), “Hold on, I’m planting a tree”. You do what you gotta do. You gotta focus.” ― Nouman Ali Khan

See also: 130 Islamic Quotes That Will Soothe Your Soul

4. “Real women fight for something, other than their own emotions.” ― Shannon L. Alder

5. “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is when you are thinking about it.” ― Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow

Nothing in life is as important as you think it is when you are thinking about it

6. “In those days a boy on the classical side officially did almost nothing but classics. I think this was wise; the greatest service we can to education today is to teach few subjects. No one has time to do more than a very few things well before he is twenty, and when we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life.” ― C.S. Lewis

7. “Extroverts are more likely to take a quick-and-dirty approach to problem-solving, trading accuracy for speed, making increasing numbers of mistakes as they go, and abandoning ship altogether when the problem seems too difficult or frustrating. Introverts think before they act, digest information thoroughly, stay on task longer, give up less easily, and work more accurately. Introverts and extroverts also direct their attention differently: if you leave them to their own devices, the introverts tend to sit around wondering about things, imagining things, recalling events from their past, and making plans for the future. The extroverts are more likely to focus on what’s happening around them. It’s as if extroverts are seeing “what is” while their introverted peers are asking “what if.” ― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

8. “Long before they had ever met, I think this destiny awaited them. They were not like ships passing in the night. It wasn’t like they didn’t understand each other. They understood each other better than anyone else, and each was focused solely on the other.” ― Gen Urobuchi, 監視官 常守朱 1 [Kanshikan Akane Tsunemori]

9. “People who are diagnosed as having “generalized anxiety disorder” are afflicted by three major problems that many of us experience to a lesser extent from time to time. First and foremost, says Rapgay, the natural human inclination to focus on threats and bad news is strongly amplified in them, so that even significant positive events get suppressed. An inflexible mentality and tendency toward excessive verbalizing make therapeutic intervention a further challenge.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

10. “Find your focus by seeking all that is good in your life.” ― Lorii Myers, Make It Happen, A Healthy, Competitive Approach to Achieving Personal Success

Find your focus by seeking all that is good in your life

11. “What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest, because they’re dragging you down. They’re turning you into Microsoft. They’re causing you to turn out products that are adequate but not great.” ― Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs

12. “You do not become outstanding by working on your weaknesses.

You become outstanding by focusing entirely on your strengths.” ― Gordana Biernat, #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything

13. “It took greater energy to be able to focus when heard

the voice of wisdom in a hustle bustle than in serenity. ― Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

14. “I can choose my focus!

I can choose whether to look at what feels awful, what terrifies me, or robs me of hope. or to what builds me up, delights, makes me happy and giggle.

This is all I need to know to have a wonderful day, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.” ― Elke Heinrich 

15. “Engage with the world and it will hone you,

more connected and less frivolous.” ― Shellen Lubin

Engage with the world and it will hone you,

16. “Big ventures make you realize

even more deeply

how much each

piece, each part, is needed

to realize a vision, complete

a journey,

For want of a nail, the kingdom was lost” ― Shellen Lubin

17. “Productivity is far more related to undivided attention and openness than it is to time.” ― Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

18. “If we want to create something significant in our lives, we need highly focused attention. The focus gathers the energy, enlarges it, and births ideas, experiences, and manifestations. The energy makes the creation. Spiritual seekers have inclusive and well-intentioned desires from which to create. Their creations do not have a downside and are harmful to neither their maker nor anyone else.” ― Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

19. “I have said for many years

that the only real difference between a philosophy

and a religion

is one or more gods…

I am learning more and more–

as I did when studying eastern religions in my twenties–

how powerful prayer can be,

and I don’t mean because one god answers anyone’s prayers.

It is the place it puts us in.



Vertical communication.

Surrender (to the powers that be

and those that may or may not be).

And so:

Hope.” ― Shellen Lubin

See also: List Of Top 100 Self-Reflection Quotes To Help You Thrive

20. “The fruit of patience with focus is sweet.” ― Isaac A. Yowetu

The fruit of patience with focus is sweet.

21. There are two ways to be wealthy: to get everything you want, or to want everything you have…the same goes for freedom. If you chafe and fight and struggle for more, you will never be free. If you could find and focus on the pockets of freedom you already have, well, then you’d be free right here, right now.” ― Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living

22. “You’ll never get from where you are to where you want to be if you keep your focus on the fact that you are not there yet. See it the way you desire and feel it ‛‛as if’’ it is happening.” ― Kristen Butler

23. “If you know more about what’s happening in another person’s life than they do, your focus is flawed. While you are busy eyeing the progress of others, you lose sight of your own opportunities! Handle your own business. Put your personal affairs in order. Paying too much attention to someone else’s blessings will ultimately cost you your own.” ― Carlos Wallace, Life is not Complicated, You Are

24. “To survive, you need to focus on something” ― Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong

25. “Focus more on people who inspire you rather than annoy you. You’ll get much further in life.” ― Kristen Butler

Focus more on people who inspire you rather than annoy you. You’ll get much further in life

26. “Mindfulness articulates immeasurable thought messages with power if we engage it with consistent focus…” ― Dr. Tracey Bond, D. Litt, is Dr. DoubleOHHSeven™

27. “A good idea is like a lens. It keeps you focused!” ― Abhijit Kar Gupta, Scientific Computing in Python

28.  “Among these temperamentally unhappy campers are “reactant” personalities, who focus on what they often wrongly perceive as others’ attempts to control them. In one experiment, some of these touchy individuals were asked to think of two people they knew: a bossy sort who advocated hard work and a mellow type who preached la dolce vita. Then, one of the names was flashed before the subjects too briefly to register in their conscious awareness. Next, the subjects were given a task to perform. Those who had been exposed to the hard-driving name performed markedly worse than those exposed to the easygoing name. Even this weak, subliminal attention to an emotional cue that suggested control was enough to get their reactant backs up and cause them to act to their own disadvantage. All relationships involve give-and-take and cooperation, so a person who habitually attends to ordinary requests or suggestions like a bull to a red flag is in for big trouble in both home and workplace.” ― Winifred Gallagher

29. “When our mental functioning is whittling away and our mind becomes a lame duck, perception does not form the context anymore and all connections on the social chessboard are conked out. Only patience and endurance may draw us out of the quagmire of numbness and allow us to tear open the cloudy screen that is hiding our points of ‘interest’ and ‘attention’, so long as we focus on the ‘singular moments’ and the ‘appealing details’ in our life. Awareness can help us shape a comprehensive picture for a functional future.” ― Erik Pevernagie

30. “Energy and focus do not come with success and wealth. Success and wealth come from having energy and focus.” ― Corey Rewis

Energy and focus do not come with success and wealth. Success and wealth come from having energy and focus

See also: 210 Connection Quotes About Uniting Everything Together

Final Word

I hope that you have found the right chunk of inspiration while reading these focus quotes. Sometimes, all you actually need is a little push, in order to achieve great things!

I believe you can achieve whatever you want, and all you have to do is implement these wise quotes about focusing and hit the target!
Read next: 160 Words To Live By That Are Truly Inspiring And Insightful

190 Focus Quotes To Help You Stay On The Right Target