I always say that it isn’t always other people who keep on disappointing us and lying to us. Obviously, some of them are walking red flags, but what about us? How many times have you lied to yourself and disappointed yourself?
The reality is that lies and disappointment are a part of our everyday life. However, it probably hurts more when you realize that, no matter where you go, you’re surrounded by snakes. And who wants that?
As you can see, this article is all about dealing with the mentioned, and I’ve decided to share my list of top 240 disappointment lies quotes to help you see clearly and heal your wounds.
I’ve gathered only the most powerful, inspirational and eye–opening quotes from various online sources so you can have them in one place.
Let’s get started!
10 Most Inspirational Disappointment Lies Quotes
1. “We all have our little gardens of dead dreams, don’t we? And sometimes we still try to water and tend those gardens, long after we should know nothing will ever grow there.” — J.L. Bryan

2. “There’s a way that the force of disappointment can be alchemized into something that will paradoxically renew you.” — Martin Scorsese
3. “Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy – the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.” — Eric Hoffer
4. “When disappointment festers in our soul, it leads to discouragement.” — Joyce Meyer
5. “If you’re betrayed, release disappointment at once. By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.” — Toba Beta

6. “Such a disappointment when you defend someone for so long thinking they are different and they turn out to be just like what everyone said.” — Khayri R.R. Woulfe
7. “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
8. “Nobody likes being alone that much. I don’t go out of my way to make friends, that’s all. It just leads to disappointment.” — Haruki Murakami
9. “God is the only source of hope that’ll never disappoint. When we place our faith in him, he provides joy, peace, and hope that overflows.” — Rick Warren
10. “No bad break, no disappointment, no accident can shorten one second of my divine destiny.” — Joel Osteen

Eye-opening Quotes About Disappointment And Lies
1. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

2. “Depression begins with disappointment.” — Joyce Meyer
3. “You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you.” – Sophie Kinsella
4. “Evil lurks where disappointment lodges.” — George Foreman
5. “It is better to know and be disappointed than to not know and always wonder.” — Oscar Wilde

See also: 100 Oscar Wilde Quotes For Every Point Of Your Life
6. “Suspense is worse than disappointment.” — Robert Burns
7. “There are some who say that you should forgive everyone, even the people who have disappointed you immeasurably. There are others who say you should not forgive anyone, and should stomp off in a huff no matter how many times they apologize. Of these two philosophies, the second one is of course much more fun, but it can also grow exhausting to stomp off in a huff every time someone has disappointed you, as everyone disappoints everyone eventually, and one can’t stomp off in a huff every minute of the day.” — Lemony Snicket
8. “Getting disappointed is like becoming broke. You invested so much in something and end up with nothing for your troubles.” — Unknown
9. “Fake friends are with you today and against you tomorrow.” — Shizra
10. “One thing that we can determine is how we handle disappointments.” — Reg Morais

11. “Never give your attention to someone who deserves your silence.” — Emma Xu
12. “Hope, but never expect. Look forward, but never wait.” — Unknown
13. “A cynic is someone who’s had his dreams shattered by the realities of disappointment.” — Unknown
14. “Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.” — Unknown
15. “I love disappointments. They make me grow. They motivate me to rise up and be even more fierce.” — Unknown

16. “Disappointment is a blessing. The sooner you realize it, the better your life is.” — Unknown
17. “You’ve been served millions of lies. You’ve been disappointed so many times that you start questioning yourself. Make sure you don’t take it personally. Let the karma do her job. They’ll get a taste of their medicine eventually.” — Unknown
18. “Lies. Lies everywhere. Lurking in your eyes and your smile. How convenient!” — Unknown
19. “It’s not the end of the world if you’ve been disappointed by someone you thought was an angel. You’re actually blessed because the trash took itself to the bin.” — Unknown
20. “I’m not proud of it, but life’s taught me to be extremely cautious. Snakes and their lies are almost everywhere. I just don’t want to waste my time dealing with more disappointments.” — Unknown

21. “What if I told you that lies are everywhere? You just may not have noticed it… But, it’s okay. Disappointment is there to teach some invaluable lessons.” — Unknown
22. “Tired of being disappointed and hearing lies all the time? It’s time to cut all the negative and fake people off! Simple as that.” — Unknown
23. “I never understood people whose only mission was to disappoint me. I guess they didn’t understand me, either.” — Unknown
24. “Nobody has some kind of a shield that’ll protect them from lies and disappointment of any kind. You should be okay with it.” — Unknown
25. “Yes, I have great expectations. Yes, I get disappointed. Do I give up easily then? No, I’m stronger than you think.” — Unknown

26. “Once your eyes are wide open, you can see their real intentions. This means they’re one step behind me, and I’m one step closer to achieving my dreams. ” — Unknown
27. “I can see clearly now because I’ve had plenty of snakes and fakes in my circle. Well, a horrible experience is still an experience. And I’m thankful for it.” — Unknown
28. “Dystopia is our reality because we keep lying and deceiving ourselves.” — Unknown
29. “Nobody told me that disappointment is an integral part of life. And lies, too.” — Unknown
30. “Your name is Disappointment. I don’t want you anywhere near. Okay?” — Unknown

Motivational Quotes On Disappointment And Lies
1. “When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.” — Paulo Coelho

2. “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” — Joel Osteen
3. “If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.” — Henry David Thoreau
4. “Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. Our magic moment helps us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory; it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.” — Paulo Coelho
5. “Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.” — Eliza Tabor

6. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — H. Jackson Brown Jr.
7. “Disappointments are healthy for us. They tame egos, deflate pride, and soften hearts while cultivating respect for the struggles experienced by all humanity.” — Richelle E. Goodrich
8. “Did you hear it well? It’s time to cut all the phonies off! Starting now!” — Unknown
9. “As someone who has dealt with his fair share of disappointment, I’ve learned the best way to cope with trouble is to approach every situation with eyes wide open; focused and determined.” — Carlos Wallace
10. “Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfillment.” — Rasheed Ogunlaru

See also: 130 Wise Acceptance Quotes To Help You Grow And Prosper
11. “It’s in these seemingly “hopeless” moments, in our darkest trials, that we discover who we are. Greatness in our lives is almost always built on top of struggle, difficulties, failures, and disappointments.” — Mark Allen Moore
12. “Despair and disappointment are the parents of countless inspired, inspiring, triumphant creations.” — Rasheed Ogunlaru
13. “A lesser evil is still evil. The same applies to lies.” — Unknown
14. “When we refuse to work with our disappointment, we break the Precepts: rather than experience the disappointment, we resort to anger, greed, gossip, criticism. Yet it’s the moment of being that disappointment which is fruitful; and, if we are not willing to do that, at least we should notice that we are not willing. The moment of disappointment in life is an incomparable gift that we receive many times a day if we’re alert. This gift is always present in anyone’s life, that moment when ‘It’s not the way I want it!” — Charlotte Joko Beck
15. “We can weather disappointment in ourselves better if we act kindly towards ourselves.” — Gina Simmons Schneider

16. “Never be disappointed and never lose your hope and fortitude when all that you see around is only shadows. Because if there are shadows, there must also be sources of light nearby. Find them, take them with you to illuminate your trail and make shadows disappear!” — Giannis Delimitsos
17. “Our critics make us strong! Our fears make us bold! Our haters make us wise! Our foes make us active! Our obstacles make us passionate! Our losses make us wealthy! Our disappointments make us appointed! Our unseen treasures give us a known peace! Whatever is designed against us will work for us!” — Israelmore Ayivor
18. “If you go through life trying to please other people you will be disappointed. However, if you go through life enjoying what you do you will be only partially disappointed.” — Don Rittner
19. “Be determined to overcome any disappointments through diligence.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
20. “Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom.” – Sir Bayle Roche

21. “When things are a disappointment, try not to be so discouraged.” — Carol Burnett
22. “Every day can be a disappointment if you aren’t determined to make the most of it.” — Unknown
23. “We would be wise to understand that the utterly galling frustration of getting knocked down can be completely offset by understanding the far greater opportunities presented to us now that we have been handed a chance to get up.” — Craig D. Lounsbrough
24. “The sooner you catch them lying, the better it is for you. That’s when masks fall off and they show you their true colors.” — Scarlet Miles
25. “Disappointment is real but do not get discouraged.” — Lailah Gifty Akita

26. “Am I better than everyone else? – No. Am I better than you because you’re a liar? – Of course I am!” — Unknown
See also: 160 Best Quotes About Liars To Help You Deal With Them
27. “Always be realistic with your expectations. Too much expectation can only lead to frustration.” — Mouloud Benzadi
28. “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” — Robert Kiyosaki
29. “Regardless of how many times you’ve been disappointed, life goes on. It really does.” — Unknown
30. “One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments.” — Henry Ward Beecher

Intriguing Quotes On Lies And Disappointment
1. “Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.” — Charlotte Brontë

2. “She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.” — Markus Zusak
3. “Look. I have a strategy. Why expect anything? If you don’t expect anything, you don’t get disappointed.” — Patricia McCormick
4. “Life is a long preparation for something that never happens.” — W. B. Yeats
5. “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” — Alexander Pope

6. “There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you’ve carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.” — Sarah Dessen
7. “You really didn’t see the sadness or the longing unless you already knew it was there. But that was the trick, wasn’t it? Everyone had their disappointment and their baggage; only some people carried it in their inside pockets and not on their backs.” — Maggie Stiefvater
8. “Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. If things don’t go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is extremely difficult to handle, but those that do come out stronger. What did this failure teach me? is the question you will need to ask.” — Chetan Bhagat
9. “It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though you didn’t have something in the first place. I guess that’s what disappointment is– a sense of loss for something you never had.” — Deb Caletti
10. “But there were worse things than disappointment, and I’d lived through several of them already.” — R.J. Anderson

11. “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” — Alain de Botton
12. “If you expect nothing, you can never be disappointed.” – Tonya Hurley
13. “We are happy when people/things conform and unhappy when they don’t. People and events don’t disappoint us, our models of reality do. It is my model of reality that determines my happiness or disappointments.” — Stefan Zweig
14. “Disappointment is really just a term for our refusal to look on the bright side.” — Richelle E. Goodrich
15. “I embraced a cloud, but when I soared, it rained.” — Frank O’Hara

16. “I think people would be happier if they admitted things more often. In a sense we are all prisoners of some memory, or fear, or disappointment – we are all defined by something we can’t change.” — Simon Van Booy
17. “Never marry at all, Dorian. Men marry because they are tired, women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.” — Oscar Wilde
See also: 140 Oscar Wilde Love Quotes That Are Absolutely Genius
18. “I saw everything in the world build up and then everything in the world fall down again.” — Marina Keegan
19. “The stranded, walking a fine line between reality and illusion, constantly weaving through disappointment and hope, despite all, never stop dreaming of empathy and good feeling, while craving for attention and endorsement. (“No monsters hide at this point” )” — Erik Pevernagie
20. “Only a few of us are going to be willing to break our own hearts by trading in the living beauty of imagination for the stark disappointment of words.” — Ann Patchett

21. “All this disappointment was, I felt, intensified by the terrible movements in our world. There has never been a worse time to be a bystander, to be the person who says, “That was taken out of context, or, There are always two sides, or, We don’t yet know the whole story.” — Laura van den Berg
22. “If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it, the more of life I shall have to wear it off.” — Thomas Jefferson
23. “Anybody who thinks there’s nothing wrong with this world needs to have his head examined. Just when things are going all right, without fail someone or something will come along and spoil everything. Somebody should write that down as a fundamental law of the Universe. The principle of perpetual disappointment. If there is a God who created this world, he should scrap it and try again.” — Athol Fugard
24. “You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.” — Emily Henry
25. “Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.” — C.S. Goto

26. “You can devise all the plans in the world, but if you don’t welcome spontaneity; you will just disappoint yourself.” — Abigail Biddinger
27. “Hope isn’t destiny. Left passive, it’s nothing more than disappointment deferred.” — Bill Willingham
28. “Assuming is the root of all disappointments. — Rogienel Reyes
29. “I’ve never lied to you. I’ve never disappointed you. What about you?” — Unknown
30. “One always expects something else.” — Erich Maria Remarque

Disappointment In Love Quotes
1. “Doing right with the wrong person and doing wrong with the right person: this is the source of all disappointment.” — Augusto Branco

2. “Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you.” — Gugu Mofokeng
3. “You fall in love, it’s intoxicating, and for a little while you feel like you’ve actually become one with the other person. Merged souls, and so on. You think you’ll never be lonely again. Only it doesn’t last and soon you realize you can only get so close and you end up brutally disappointed, more alone than ever, because the illusion–the hope you’d held on to all those years–has been shattered.” — Nicole Krauss
See also: 140 Quotes About Solitude That Will Make Sense To You
4. “Disappointments in love, even betrayals and losses, serve the soul at the very moment they seem in life to be tragedies. The soul is partly in time and partly in eternity. We might remember the part that resides in eternity when we feel despair over the part that is in life.” — Thomas Moore
5. “We met each other when we were young, before we knew enough about disappointment, and once we did we found we reminded each other of it.” — Nicole Krauss

6. “Why is it so hard to articulate love yet so easy to express disappointment?” — Kaui Hart Hemmings
7. “Rejection sucks, no matter how it’s presented.” — Colleen Hoover
8. “The strength of a love is always misjudged if we evaluate it by its immediate cause and not the stress that went before it, the dark and hollow space full of disappointment and loneliness that precedes all the great events in the heart’s history.” — Stefan Zweig
9. “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” — William Shakespeare
10. “To be honest, your middle name should be Lies.” — Unknown

11. “I’ll say I love you, which will lead, of course, to disappointment, but those words unsaid poison every next moment. I will try to disappoint you better than anyone else has.” — Stephen Dunn
12. “…recognizing that there is more heartbreak in continuous disappointment than a void…” — Emily Giffin
13. “(On getting married at 19) We told ourselves we had forever and we never looked back. The problem was that we never really looked ahead.” — Crystal Woods
14. “It’s common to reject or punish yourself when you’ve been rejected by others. When you experience disappointment from the way your family or others treat you, that’s the time to take special care of yourself. What are you doing to nurture yourself? What are you doing to protect yourself? Find a healthy way to express your pain.” — Christina Enevoldsen
15. “I refuse to believe your lies. I deserve better.” — Unknown

16. “This was the cruelest of ironies; you only loved the parts of me that needed finding, and I had to choose between losing everything and staying lost.” — Mira Hadlow
17. “Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain.” — Bob Dylan
18. “I knew you could destroy me like no one ever had. And I knew I’d let you.” — Mira Hadlow
19. “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” — David Richo
20. “They call it a lie. I call it poison.” — Scarlet Miles

21. “Never trust a person that has let you down more than twice. Once was a warning, twice was a lesson, and anything more than that is simply taking advantage.” — Unknown
22. “When you used to think so highly of someone and then one day realize you were blind to things that screamed ‘not a person of honorable character at all.'” — Richelle E. Goodrich
23. “I don’t hate you. I’m just disappointed you turned into everything you said you’d never be.” — Unknown
24. “I never intended to disappoint you. You created a one sided promise I never agreed to. Note to self: A request is not an obligation. A one–side promise is the recipe for resentment.” — Brian Schwartz
25. “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” — Chogyam Trungpa

See also: 120 Best Spiritual Universe Quotes To Contemplate Life
26. “Do not believe others when they say they love you. If you do not see the actions with your own eyes, you shall experience disappointment.” — Unknown
27. “Why is it so hard to articulate love yet so easy to express disappointment?” — Kaui Hart Hemmings
28. “There’s only so many times you can allow someone to let you down before you will no longer tolerate being disappointed. When things go wrong between two people, something has got to give. You get to the point where you get tired of being the only one trying to fix things, it’s not giving up, it’s realizing you had enough. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts.” — Brigitte Nicole
29. “Don’t let disappointment be the measure of your relationship with a person. Let trust be the measure.” — Nicole Williams
30. “There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Deep Quotes On Disappointment
1. “How disappointing, when people succumb to what is expected of them.” — Lauren Groff

2. “What destroys the dream? What destroys it, eh?……….Disappointment. Disappointment. Disappointment.” — Anthony Burgess
3. “Disappointment has quite a penchant for taking one by surprise.” — Pawan Mishra
4. “I went back to my room and spent all night contemplating whether it was possible in life not to be constantly let down. If it could ever be worth pinning your happiness to another person, when all other people ever seemed to do was disappear.” — Olivia Sudjic
5. “Disappointment was never a thing you looked for, but it had a wonderful way of clearing the mind.” — Stephen King

6. “If you want to know the real character of man, intentionally and timely give him the test of 3d’s; delay, denial and disappointment.” — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
7. “I only remember the good days. I don’t remember anything.” — Ljupka Cvetanova
8. “It is a world of disappointment: often to the hopes we most cherish, and hopes that do our nature the greatest honour.” — Charles Dickens
9. “Hope can be dangerous because it means exposing yourself to the possibility of success, to allow yourself to imagine a happy ending, only to be confronted by cold, brutal disappointment.” — Wajahat Ali
10. “Disappointment is an unwanted—but invited—guest.” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

11. “She had this vague look in her eyes, half–disappointed, half what’s–the–difference. Like someone who realized he bought skim milk by mistake and doesn’t have the energy to take it back.” — Etgar Keret
12. “Life enticed you to love it. It lured you on with the sweet, terrible music of happiness. Life told you: Love, Get Married, Work, Hope, Pray, Put Everything on My Altar. And in the end it abandoned you without a backward glance…” — John Bemrose
13. “The only thing the young should be taught is that there is virtually nothing to be hoped for from life. One dreams of a Catalogue of Disappointments which would include all the disillusionments reserved for each and every one of us to be posted in the schools.” — Emil M. Cioran
14. “Maybe that’s what all lives were, though. Maybe even the most seemingly perfectly intense or worthwhile lives ultimately felt the same. Acres of disappointment and monotony and hurts and rivalries but with flashes of wonder and beauty. Maybe that was the only meaning that mattered. To be the world, witnessing itself. Maybe it wasn’t the lack of achievements that had made her and her brother’s parents unhappy, maybe it was the expectation to achieve in the first place.” — Matt Haig
15. “The prompter the refusal, the less the disappointment.” — Publilius Syrus

16. “It hurts my heart that doing what I love has been kind of taken away from me to please other people. I wanted it to be for myself. But I was still doing it for other people.” — Simone Biles
17. “I learned to make things not matter, to put a seal on my hopes and place them on a high shelf, out of reach. And by telling myself that there was nothing inside those hopes anyway, I avoided the wounds of deep disappointment.” — Amy Tan
18. “Most things disappoint till you look deeper.” — Graham Greene
19. “Any failure to live up to someone else’s expectation of you is a disappointment from which they will recover. But failure to live up to your own is a desertion of your very soul.” — Becky Vollmer
20. “Enthusiasm is followed by disappointment and even depression, and then by renewed enthusiasm.” — Murray Gell–Mann

21. “So many things felt so routinely disappointing to her that it seemed a shame to waste this evening on that mild unhappiness, one that she could admit to herself possibly wasn’t deserved.” — Emily M. Danforth
22. “Nobody had to tell Ramona life was full of disappointments. She already knew.” — Beverly Cleary
23. “One of the most agonizing problems of human experience is how to deal with disappointment. In our individual lives we all too often distill our frustrations into an essence of bitterness, or drown ourselves in the deep waters of self–pity, or adopt a fatalistic philosophy that whatever happens must happen and all events are determined by necessity. These reactions poison the soul and scar the personality, always harming the person who harbors them more than anyone else. The only healthy answer lies in one’s honest recognition of disappointment even as he still clings to hope, one’s acceptance of finite disappointment even while clinging to infinite hope.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
24. “I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than fatally disappointed.” — Julia Glass
25. “Disappointments pile up. And then you have to throw them out with the rest of the trash.” — Marty Rubin

26. “In the midst of my disappointment I am never defeated. Only given the opportunity to rise again willing to take on new challenges.” — Eleesha
27. “Man must be disappointed with the lesser things of life before he can comprehend the full value of the greater.” — Edward Bulwer–Lytton
28. “There are moments when disappointment comes to seek your soul as musicians do with notes, and the more these are wide and deep, the more a single word or gesture is enough to make music resonate within you that you would never want to hear.” — Stewart Stafford
29. “Life is not always a celebration; so be ready to courageously face disappointments when they come, and be sure to grow stronger and wiser from them.” — Edmond Mbiaka
30. “There’s always a failure. And there’s always a disappointment. But the secret is learning from failure, and realizing that none of those holes are vacuums.” — Michael J. Fox

Mind-blowing Quotes On Disappointment
1. “As much as a disappointment this was, I can only learn from it and become a better fighter.” — Alexis Davis

2. “So often people equate good looks with good manners, and although it’s a foolish assumption to make, it’s always disappointing to meet a beautiful bastard.” – Jesse Stryker
3. “People who tell you they’re disappointed in you are full of the worst kind of sh*t and you can always ignore them. The stuff they say only means that you’re doing what you want to do, not what they want you to do. It’s the people who really do care about you who will never tell you when you’ve hurt them.” — Josh Ritter
4. Maybe – you didn’t have so much control over your life as a kid. So, to avoid disappointment, you learned never to ask yourself what you truly wanted.” — Emily Henry
5. “Don’t try to discuss your great idea with average people, you’ll always be disappointed.” — Anuj Jasani

6. “I had nothing to fear from my father. Except his disappointment. Which was no small thing.” — Barbara Delinsky
7. “Lots of kids screwed up. Lots of kids disappointed their parents. Lots of kids did nothing with their lives. Viv was just having trouble accepting that she was one of them.” — Vicki Grant
8. “Your experiences will be yours alone. But truth and best friendship will rarely if ever disappoint you.” — Anne Lamott
9. I have enormous affection that grows rather than diminishes with time, for the I that I painfully cose from the many, my I. How we love—all of us—our chatty little imp. The toil begins when we toss him into the world so that he’s loved as much as we love him. An impossible thing. Disappointment follows the toil.” — Domenico Starnone
10. “You have to think positively. Most of your fears, like thinking that people will be disappointed in you, are just self–created.” — Matthew Lewis Browne

See also: 380 Positive Thought Of The Day Quotes To Empower You
11. “Trying to design the perfect plan is the perfect recipe for disappointment.” — Patrick Lencioni
12. “Expectations are dangerous. I recommend not having any, if only to avoid disappointment.” — Conchita Wurst
13. “If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier.” — John Wooden
14. “Disappointment is simply a dream that doesn’t want to become a reality.” — Richard Wilkins
15. “As you work towards your goals, disappointments may slow you down, but they don’t have to keep you down.” — Catherine Pulsifer

16. “If you think one day you will get it all done, and then you can relax, you are bound to be disappointed.” — Christina Winsey–Rudd
17. “The cost of mediocrity is disappointment.” — William Arthur Ward
18. “One minute of sincere gratitude can wash away a lifetime’s disappointments.” — Silvia Hartmann
19. “Life has too many disappointments to make room for negativity.” — Daniel Willey
20. “To courageously straighten up again after our heads have been bowed by defeat, disappointment and suffering is a supreme test of character.” — Wilferd Peterson

21. “You need to keep your emotions in balance, treading that fine line between commitment to your goals and disappointment when they do not come to fruition, whilst still being optimistic and positive about the future.” — Tom Laurie
22. “The crushing disappointments that are so often part of the human condition have sometimes led to crises of confidence in the future, replacing hope with despair.” — Al Gore
23. “Unfortunately, there are many things in life that hold us back like agonizing personal experiences, hurts, disappointments and major setbacks that form in us limiting beliefs about ourselves.” — Clarence Chan
24. “Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.” — Les Brown
25. “If you so choose, the challenges can make you stronger. If you so choose, the disappointments can make you more determined.” — Ralph Marston

26. “Don’t go into the new year holding a grudge from last year. Leave the hurts and disappointments behind.” — Joel Osteen
27. “Many of our disappointments and much of our unhappiness arise from our forming false notions of things and persons.” — Abigail Adams
28. “You live with life’s disappointments and learn from them. At seventy–eight, I know it all.” — Rodney Dangerfield
29. “It was better to live with disappointment and frustration than to live without hope.” — Robert A. Heinlein
30. “Disappointments are to the soul what a thunderstorm is to the air.” — Friedrich Schiller

Brilliant Disappointment And Lies Quotes
1. “Disappointment, when it involves neither shame nor loss, is as good as success; for it supplies as many images to the mind, and as many topics to the tongue.” — Samuel Johnson

2. “Struggle and disappointment are necessary ingredients to success both in the present and in the future.” — Britney Watkins
3. “Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.” — Kurt Vonnegut
4. “Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory; it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.” — Paulo Coelho
5. “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” — Alain de Botton

6. “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey
7. “When everything is falling down around you; when you’re faced with horrible disaster and people are overwhelmed; when you’re in the midst of huge personal disappointments; when the things you are believing in don’t happen – remind yourself that God is in charge. When it would be easy to think, “God, where are You?” – that is exactly when you need to stir up your loyalty to Him and lean into your core beliefs of what you know to be true about His nature and character. He is always good, kind, just, loving, faithful and true.” — Darlene Cunningham
8. “The more we shelter children from every disappointment, the more devastating future disappointments will be.” — Fred G. Gosman
9. “If you are someone who is in constant doubt and your life thus far has been a constant string of disappointments, it’s time you stop fixating on doubt and spend your valuable time on building a list of things that make you feel confident and assertive.” — Zak Frazer
10. “You have to learn to not let little disappointments get you down and to stay focused on the big picture.” — Gillian Tans

11. “There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you’ll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment.” — Nick Saban
12. “Disappointments can have a negative effect and can be difficult to rise above. However, by the grace of God, we can move from that place of brokenness to peace and wholeness where there is nothing missing, and nothing broken!!!” — Linda Chapman
13. “To lean one’s hopes on anything other than God and His wondrous grace, is to set oneself up for disappointment and despair.” — John Krohn
14. “A lack of sleep causes stress on our bodies and will eventually lead to burn out or disappointment.” — Josh Austin
15. “Part of the challenge that comes with striving for success is how the entire journey comes with its own fair share of failures and disappointments.” — Rupert Johnson

16. “Forget yesterday and last month and last year, with their gloomy diary of failures and disappointments. All that is in the past.” — Og Mandino’s University of Success
17. “To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal.” — Boyd K. Packer
18. “Don’t be shaped by regret, disappointment, fear of the future, resentment and the like. The Lord’s joy is your strength. Enjoy it.” — Terry Virgo
19. “You can’t dwell on disappointment. You’ve got to take the positives and keep looking ahead.” — AJ Tracey
20. “Failure is a disappointment, but not defeat.” — Jeanne Robertson

Powerful Disappointment And Lies Quotes
1. “Dwelling on a disappointing situation is like walking through drying cement; eventually you will get stuck. Instead make a mental note, pick yourself up and continued living life.” — Carlos Wallace

2. “Beware of wallowing in disappointment for it is in this state that depression creeps from behind.” — Unknown
3. “When we are disappointed in ourselves, it is natural to want to improve. After all, we are our own harshest critics. We see our flaws more clearly than anyone else. Disappointment can be a powerful motivator for self–improvement. It can inspire us to work harder and be better. We may not enjoy feeling disappointed in ourselves, but it can be a valuable tool in our quest to become the best version of ourselves.” — Denis Waitley
4. “Friends who tell you that you cannot are a disappointment and should be kept away from as they are not friends, but doubts in human form.” — Unknown
5. “Disappointment builds character and strength.” — Nafessa Williams

6. “Disappointment has no place in a heart full of gratitude.” — Unknown
7. “You can hate life and be done with it, but it is an underlying fear of disappointment that causes you to do so. Look for the light in your soul to free you from this prison.” — Unknown
8. “We are our own sculptors. We chisel away to create our life’s work but sit down in disappointment when a part is not properly done. Remember, it is a work in progress, there is still much to do.” — Unknown
9. “A disappointment is merely an assignment for your next appointment.” — Kayambila Mpulamasaka
10. “Whenever I experienced some disappointment in my life, it was always laughter that came to my rescue.” — Marty Rubin

11. “It is a gift when someone shares your disappointment. Often, the mere listening of one’s woes is enough to dispel it.” — Unknown
12. “The importance we give our disappointment is what turns it into a tragedy.” — Nitya Prakash
13. “The best way to deal with disappointment is to acknowledge and work through the feelings it induces.” — Noaman Kaysingwala
14. “Disappointment is a blessing. If you were never disappointed, you’d never know what was important to you.” — Kamand Kojouri
15. “Destroying the seeds of disappointment requires you to unexpect the expected.” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

16. “You say you are disappointed with life. But maybe it is life that’ is disappointed with you.” — Marty Rubin
17. “Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there’s a choice I make.” — Charles Stanely
18. “Nothing in life has happened to you. It’s happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are.” — Joel Osteen
19. “It’s easy not to be disappointed when you’re always wading in the shallow end of feelings.” — Maurene Goo
20. “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” — Beverly Sills

21. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
22. “You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” — Joel Osteen
23. “Disappointment focuses on ‘what is not,’ and completely misses the far greater reality of ‘what now is.” — Craig D. Lounsbrough
24. “You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.” — Paulo Coelho
25. “If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.” — Henry David Thoreau

26. “Life is all about setbacks. A life lived without disappointment is a life lived in a cocoon. People have recovered from far worse setbacks.” — Tony Clark
27. “The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility.” — Thomas S. Monson
28. “If you’re betrayed, release disappointment at once. By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.” — Toba Beta
29. “The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.” — Conan O’Brien
30. “When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.” — Kristin Armstrong

See also: 160 Wise Quotes About Focusing On Yourself To Empower You
Final Thoughts
What a comprehensive and inspiring list, right?
Thanks for stopping by and reading my collection of 240 disappointment lies quotes. Until next time!
Read next: 100 Eye–Opening Fake People Quotes To Avoid The Phonies