Top 170 Daily Affirmations For Women Eager For Change

Do you want to incorporate the most powerful daily affirmations for women into your daily life?
Do you want a fresh start and more positivity so that your mind and soul are open to the most amazing things and blessings?
If so, just stick with me since today’s article is dedicated to all my goddesses and queens out there who are ready for change!
I’ve collected the most powerful affirmations for women from various online sources so you can have them all in one place!
These positive affirmations will empower you, inspire you to love yourself more, help you embrace your femininity, and encourage and uplift you!
Are you ready?
10 Best Daily Affirmations For Women
First let’s check out my 10 most powerful affirmations:
1. “I love living in my divine female body.”

2. “I don’t need anyone else or anything to complete me because I am already complete just as I am.”
3. “I recognize all the blessings in my life, and each of them fills me with joy.”
4. “I attract energies and situations that fill me with joy every day.”
5. “My exquisite female body radiates loving kindness to the world.”
6. “I embrace being a woman.”
7. “All my words, thoughts and actions are divinely guided and protected.”
8. “I combine femininity and intelligence beautifully.”
9. “I am more than what I see, feel, and think. The wisdom of the whole universe lives inside me.”
10. “My mind is clear of self-doubt, and I am ready to embrace every challenge that comes my way.”

Powerful Affirmations For Women
Powerful daily affirmations for women will give you that boost you need. Just keep reading:
1. “My body is healthy. My mind is healthy. I am ready to start the day!”

2. “I have the power to change my story.”
3. “I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.”
4. “Challenge helps us grow stronger and makes us tougher in the face of the next challenge.”
5. “Times may be difficult, but it is a short phase of life. Things can get better. Things will get better.”
6. “I can overcome negative thoughts and situations. I choose positivity!”
7. “I have been given many talents. Today I will use them.”
8. “I am full of energy and optimism. I am ready to find joy.”
9. “I am committed to finding ‘me’ time today.”
10. “I will honor my need to rest and recharge.”

11. “I choose positivity. I choose happiness. I see both all around me.”
12. “I am courageous, and I stand up for myself.”
13. “I am grateful for the lessons I will learn today. I am grateful for learning new skills.”
14. “I love and accept my body completely.”
15. “I can do this. I am confident.”
See also: 80 Inspirational Confidence Affirmations To Empower You
16. “I have released all my negative thoughts and replaced them with positive ones.”
17. “I choose to let go of the old. My new path is before me. Today, my new life begins!”
18. “I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.”
19. “It’s only a phase. It will pass.”
20. “I choose to live in a way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness to myself and others.”

21. “I am well prepared for any situation.”
22. “I love myself. When I make a mistake, I forgive myself and others.”
23. “Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.”
24. “I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don’t need to compare myself to others.”
25. “I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.”
26. “I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it unfolds with grace and positivity.”
27. “I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.”
28. “My body deserves to be taken care of, so I feed it nourishing food and energizing exercise.”
29. “I deserve time for myself and I can attend to my own emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without guilt or apology.”
30. “Today is the beginning of whatever I want.”

Positive Affirmations For Women
Positive affirmations are a wonderful way to start your day with! Let’s check these out:
1. “I am ready to learn and grow.”

2. “It takes a very strong person to do what I do, and I should be proud of myself.”
3. “I am patient. I am present. I am positive.”
See also: Top 90 Positive Vibes Quotes To Empower You Every Day
4. “I need to give myself credit for what I do every day.”
5. “My body is one of the most precious gifts I will ever receive. I will take care of it.”
6. “Today my body will become stronger.”
7. “I am strong, confident, and motivated.”
8. “I choose to be happy and grateful today.”
9. “My future is full of light and laughter.”
10. “Happiness is everywhere I choose to see it.”

11. “I am at peace with my past.”
12. “I have all the happiness, love, and positive energy I need to have the most amazing day.”
13. “I’m going to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”
14. “I accept happiness into every moment of the day.”
15. “I am willing to find happiness in each moment.”
16. “My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract.”
17. “Following my joy reveals the path to my best life.”
18. “My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life.”
19. “I feel happy today. I will share my happiness with others.”
See also: Top 220 Happy Quotes For Instagram To Spread Good Vibes
20. “I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.”

21. “I am allowed to change my mind.”
22. “Anything is possible in my life.”
23. “I will stop apologizing for things I can’t control.”
24. “I have surpassed my own expectations in the past.”
25. “I am worthy of investing in myself.”
26. “I deserve support from those who are close to me.”
27. “I am a role model to many.”
28. “My past will never define me.”
29. “I am advancing at my own pace.”
30. “My ancestors would be proud of me.”

Words Of Affirmation For Women
This section brings you daily affirmations for women and self-love affirmations that will help you focus on the present moment and everything that makes you special and important:
1. “People look up to me.”

2. “Every day is an opportunity for greatness.”
3. “I am proud of the person I am becoming.”
4. “I make a difference in my family’s life.”
5. “I am my own biggest cheerleader.”
6. “I will not change who I am for anyone else.”
7. “I do not have to be happy all the time.”
8. “People who matter in my life will not ask me to change my identity.”
9. “These times are tough, but they won’t last forever.”
10. “I am not defined by beauty standards.”

11. “I forgive myself for my past mistakes.”
12. “I am rejecting negative energy.”
13. “I am contributing to the world.”
14. “I make a positive impact on my community.”
15. “I make a difference in the world.”
16. “I am proud of the impact I make.”
17. “My kindness makes others’ lives better.”
18. “There are many small things I’m grateful for.”
19. “I am supported by people who love me.”
20. “I have every quality I need to achieve success.”

21. “I am grateful for the life I have.”
22. “I appreciate the little things in life.”
23. “I am an amazing gift to myself, my friends, and the world. I am too much of an amazing gift to feel self-pity.”
24. “I do not need the company of others to feel complete. I am more than enough. I enjoy being in my own solitude.”
25. “The past no longer matters. It has no control over me. What only matters is the present. What I do in the present will shape my future.”
26. “Everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place. When something is meant to happen, it will happen.”
27. “I will not give up until I have tried everything. And when I have tried everything, I will look for other ways to try.”
28. “I will not compare myself to anyone else because everyone is on their own personal journey. My journey is unique and cannot be compared to anything.”
29. “I will only compare myself to myself. I know what greatness I can accomplish and I will only hold myself to that.”
30. “I will not look at the darkness in the world around me but instead at the light that is within me.”

Positive Daily Affirmations For A Goddess
Negative self-talk is a complete waste of time. Instead of mentally abusing yourself, try these positive morning affirmations and daily affirmations to help you cultivate positive thoughts:
1. “I will not criticize myself. I will love myself for who I am and for what I have become.”

2. “The answer is always in front of me, even if I have not seen it yet. As long as I continue to search. I will find the answer.”
3. “I am happy with who I am. I am happy in my own skin. I am enough and I do not need to be anyone else.”
4. “I will award and praise myself for my accomplishments. I will not dwell on the praise of others for my own praise is more than enough.”
5. “Every problem I ever face will have a solution. There has never been a question without an answer. I just need to discover the answer.”
6. “I will follow my dreams no matter what happens around me. The only person who can prevent me from achieving my dreams is me.”
7. “I am a smart, capable, brilliant woman, and I have everything I need to get through this. When I make it through this, I will be better for it.”
8. “I practice self-care and recognize when I need to take a break. I feel good about taking care of myself.”
9. “Every day, I make choices that support my well-being and my self-worth.”
10. “I am beautiful and I am worthy of every beautiful thing in this world.”

11. “I am always capable of creating inner peace.”
12. “Life does not happen to me. Life happens for me. It will all work out in my best interest. I believe that my wildest dreams can come true, and everything I am experiencing brings me closer to the manifestation of those dreams.”
13. “I will project onto the world what I want and need most. I will be my best self so that like-energy will return to me.”
14. “I embrace this day as a chance to be better than I was yesterday. I make only the best decisions for my life today.”
15. “Self-love is a process and I can choose to enjoy the journey of discovery.”
16. “My self-love is the greatest love I can experience. Loving myself is the key to joy, peace and happiness.”
See also: 130 Self-Love Affirmations To Help You Embrace Yourself
17. “I am patient with myself and accept that positive change takes time. My best self is emerging every day.”
18. “I am attracting wonderful things into my life.”
19. “I commit to living a joyful and happy life.”
20. “I am in charge of my own life.”

21. “I believe in myself and I know I can do anything. I deserve all of the positive things that come my way in life.”
22. “Those who love me will always love me, even if they do not understand my dreams fully. True friends and family will love me regardless of my dreams. False friends will love me because of my dreams.”
23. “I am fully in charge of my future. I am the only one who can dictate the outcome.”
24. “I will let go of my worries I cannot control. I will focus my energy on only what I can control.”
25. “I will always strive to put in my best every day, regardless of what is going on around me.”
26. “I can change the world with what I do. The more effort I give, the more I will get out of it.”
27. “I am beautiful and smart. Everyone I encounter sees me as smart and beautiful.”
28. “I do not need anyone else to thrive in this life. I do not need to depend on anyone else to succeed in this life. I am all that I need, and I am enough.”
29. “I can accomplish all of my goals. I am in control of my destiny. If I can envision it, I can make it happen.”
30. “I am safe and I am well. I am healthy and I am loved.”

See also: 50 Phenomenal Woman Quotes To Awaken The Goddess In You
Uplifting Daily Affirmations For Women
Positive thinking is the only right and acceptable way of thinking. Why don’t you check out these uplifting daily affirmations for women as well:
1. “I will live in the present. The past does not define me. The future is mine to create.”

2. “I choose to release love, happiness, and gratitude into the world today. Life is precious and beautiful, and I choose to focus on the positive.”
3. “Today I choose to enjoy my day, be happy, have joy, and embrace peace. I choose to remain in this state of being no matter what life throws my way. It is not the event, but my thoughts about the event that control how I feel. I have the power to reject all thoughts that do not make me feel good.”
4. “I accept that I am connected to something greater than myself. And that greatness is so gracious it has implanted that same greatness inside of me, too.”
5. “What people talk behind my back is none of my business. What I say to myself matters. It determines who I am. I choose to speak kind words to myself. I choose to breathe love and life into who I am so I can be who I really want to be.”
6. “I am confident. I believe in myself. I am here for a reason, and I let that reason shine every day.”
7. “Happiness is always around me. If I lose sight, I just need to focus on the things I am grateful for.”
8. “I live in an abundant universe. My desires are within my reach. Once I believe it, I can make anything happen.”
9. “I am as powerful as my thoughts. Today, I will make sure my thoughts create the reality I truly want. My thoughts are the first step, because they determine the actions that follow.”
10. “I make the best of every situation. I have the power to change how I feel by changing my perspective.”

11. “I am the giver of life. I am nature. And just like nature, I am essential.”
12. “I have gratitude for so many wonderful things in my life. Most of all, I am grateful for the breath that gives me life.”
13. “I am grateful for all the beauties and wonders of nature. I look at the world around me and find so many reasons to smile.”
14. “I am the only person who can create my happiness. I am the only person who can take it away.”
15. “I don’t need a special occasion or reason to laugh, have fun, and enjoy every moment of life. The fact that I am alive is reason enough!”
16. “If I am sad, depressed, or anxious, this is a sign that I am reliving the past or trying to predict the future. I can only enjoy the present when I am fully present in the here and now. I will be mindful of my feelings, as they are indicators of my thoughts. When I am not feeling the happiness I deserve, I will return my focus to the present.”
17. “I choose to be proud of myself and the things I choose to do.”
18. “I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet.”
19. “My potential to succeed is limitless.”
20. “I am a strong and confident woman who can take over the world.”

21. “I let go of all that no longer serves me.”
22. “I’m allowed to make mistakes; they don’t make up my whole story.”
23. “I love myself fully, including the way I look.”
24. “My life is a gift and I appreciate everything I have.”
25. “My life becomes richer as I get older. I am amazing.”
26. “I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.”
27. “I’ll surround myself with good people who will help bring out the best in me.”
28. “I am grateful for this wonderful day and the endless possibilities it has to offer. I know something great is in store for me.”
29. “No matter what goes on today, I know the truth that I am a radiant, powerful, and free woman.”
30. “I am powerful and fearless.”

Beautiful Daily Affirmations For Women
This exciting and inspirational collection ends with more beautiful daily affirmations for women that will boost your self-confidence and empower you. Let’s read them!
1. “I am patient with my body when it needs rest, healing, and recovery.”

2. “I accept myself the way I am. My body is perfect the way it is.”
3. “I allow love to fill every inch of my skin, and I will embrace the warmth this love gives to me.”
4. “I deserve to feel safe, comfortable and confident in this body.”
5. “Even though I’ve felt ashamed of (body part), I commit to changing it.”
6. “My body is my responsibility, and I will do what’s best for me, for me.”
7. “My body is a tremendous gift, and I will treat it with love and kindness.”
8. “I love my body and I take care of it through a healthy diet and exercise. I respect my body and I am thankful for all it can do.”
9. “I exercise my body daily with ease and I am amazed at the ways it can bend, move, stretch, and pose.”
10. “My imperfections make me unique.”

To Wrap It Up
That’s all for today, my beautiful queens!
As you all know, our mental health is extremely important, and our overall well-being depends on many different factors.
Our lives and schedules can get really busy, expectations are always high, and our work-life balance is often difficult to maintain.
What you can do is try to put yourself first and focus on self-care – you deserve it!
I hope my list of 170 daily affirmations for women will be life-changing for you, and that you will share it with your queens, too!
Stay tuned for more amazing content. Until next time!
Read next: 80 Powerful Spiritual Affirmations To Awaken Your Spirit