Are you interested in reading some short, positive affirmations to help you get rid of negative thoughts in your head and replace them with positive reinforcements?
If yes, then I am glad that you’re here!
Today I’ll present you with the best spiritual affirmations to promote the development of self-love and self-esteem.
They’ll boost your mindset through the awakening of your spiritual side.
I collected these positive spiritual affirmations from various online sources to provide you with positive vibes and improve your inner state and your overall well-being.
Let’s check them out!
10 Best Spiritual Affirmations
1. “I rise above negative thoughts and embrace positivity.”

2. “I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good and I am receiving all that I am meant to have.”
3. “I believe that we’re all guided by divine providence.”
4. “I am a loving soul in a human body.”
5. “The power of spirituality and positive thinking is within me at all times.”
6. “I am anchored in love. I am buoyed by love. The wings of love lift me into perfect communion with all life everywhere.”
7. “Positive forces from the spiritual realm provide me with healing, peace, and joy.”
8. “I accept and approve of myself.”
9. “I perceive another person’s body and mind as just a screen, behind which I can feel their true reality, just as I feel mine.”
10. “Everything happens in its own time, and I am happy to live this journey.”

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Spiritual Growth Affirmations
1. “Every moment of every day is a new opportunity for growth and joy.”

2. “I am accountable for my spiritual growth, and commit to my spiritual journey.”
3. “I’m ready to lift the veil of the spiritual realm.”
4. “Every day, I will seek happiness more and more within my mind, and less and less through material pleasures.”
5. “I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I can do anything.”
6. “Everywhere I go, everything I see, everything I experience provides visible proof that I am supported and sustained by the entirety of creation.”
7. “I enjoy a healthy, long-lasting soul mate bond that will stand the test of time.”
8. “I make the conscious choice to look at others’ circumstances with hope and compassion.”
9. “In accordance with my spiritual nature, I am becoming a loving, kind, and forgiving self.”
10. “I invest in the progress of well-being of myself, mind, body, and soul.”

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Positive Spiritual Affirmations
1. “I have a fierce inner spirit.”

2. “I have the power to change my human experience, by changing my thoughts.”
3. “I radiate positivity and love, and love and positivity are reflected back to me.”
4. “Today I choose to embrace calm and positivity.”
5. “I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.”
6. “My positive mindset is my inner power.”
7. “I trust my intuition and its spiritual guidance.”
8. “I can create positive change using my positive thoughts.”
9. “I now smash and demolish (by my spoken word) every untrue record in my subconscious mind. They shall return to the dust heap of their native nothingness, for they came from my own vain imaginings.”
10. “All that is mine by divine right now comes to me speedily, richly, freely. I am receiving now.”

Affirmations For Spiritual Healing
1. “I am guided by my spirit and surrender to my journey.”

2. “I am worthy of healing and joy.”
3. “When I heal myself as an adult, I am also healing the inner child within me.”
4. “Pure white light flows through me and heals my body, mind, and spirit.”
5. “My spirit and soul shine with beauty and awe.”
6. “I was born with the power to heal myself.”
7. “I inhale peace, and exhale tension.”
8. “My body is flooded with forgiveness and peace.”
9. “My spirit flourishes with peace and tranquility.”
10. “My soul is illuminated with health and vitality.”

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Affirmations For Spiritual Enlightenment
1. “I glow with the abundance and pure light of enlightenment.”

2. “I am One with the energy of Mother Earth and all living things.”
3. “My spirit is enlightened.”
4. “I am a spiritual being and can tap into source energy.”
5. “My spiritual power is an inner wisdom that guides my spiritual path.”
6. “I have a deep spiritual connection with the higher power of the spirit realm.”
7. “My spiritual practice helps me align with my higher self.”
8. “I invite and welcome spirituality into my life.”
9. “I let go of everything and everybody that is no longer a part of the divine plan of my life. I now expand quickly into the divine plan of my life where all conditions are permanently perfect.”
10. “The Divine Spirit nourishes my soul with inner peace.”

Law of Attraction Affirmations
1. “I am creating the life I desire and love.”

2. “My good attitude attracts opportunities.”
3. “I am releasing the negative beliefs that have held me back, and trusting in my capabilities to succeed.”
4. “I believe in myself and my unlimited potential.”
5. “I take intentional actions to move towards my goals.”
6. “I radiate an inner peace.”
7. “I can achieve my deepest desires.”
8. “I have the determination and ability to achieve my goals.”
9. “I emanate positivity and positivity is reflected back to me.”
10. “I am in charge of my own destiny and have everything I need to succeed.”

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Powerful Affirmations About the Universe
1. “My spirituality is in harmony with the Universe.”

2. “I am embraced by the positive energy of the Universe.”
3. “I am connected to the wisdom of the universe.”
4. “I am spiritually aligned and in Divine order with the Universe.”
5. “The Divine power of the Universe is always supporting me.”
6. “I am attuned to the wisdom of universal consciousness.”
7. “I am thankful for the abundance of the Universe.”
8. “I am guided by the spiritual nourishment of the Universe.”
9. “I am a child of the Universe.”
10. “I am intrinsically connected to and supported by the Universe.”

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Christian Spiritual Affirmations
1. “I have 100% trust in God’s divine plan.”

2. “I am safe, because God is always by my side.”
3. “Religion helps me to develop moral and ethical values.”
4. “My heart and soul reflect the unconditional love of God.”
5. “I place my faith in God’s Divine guidance and his plan for me.”
6. “I choose to see my challenges as opportunities to grow closer to God.”
7. “With the presence of God by my side, all things are possible.”
8. “When I am struggling, I surrender to God’s Divine energy and know he will guide me to the right path.”
9. “I am filled with gratitude and awe for Almighty God and His Divine love.”
10. “I trust in the power of God and have unwavering faith in His Divine wisdom.”

To Conclude
I think that by practicing these spiritual affirmations we can remove the negative thoughts that are holding us back and get a new sense of the world.
I use them on a daily basis as a source of inspiration and guidance and I believe they are really helping me in my spiritual growth journey.
Why don’t you try them too?
Read next: 90 Funny Affirmations To Start Your Day With Laughter