150 Tuesday Motivation Quotes To Make You Love This Day

Cheerful young woman with winter scarf relaxing at park with yellow trees in background

Tuesdays have a bad rep, just as all weekdays have (except Friday which is all rainbows and sunshine).

And I’m not going to be a hypocrite and try to persuade you to love Tuesdays just like you love Fridays, because that’s just… stupid. 

But I’m gonna share some great Tuesday thoughts that’ll make you realize that Tuesdays ain’t all that bad.

They may just make you consider why and how your Tuesdays may be pretty awesome, and they are sure to give you a great dose of motivation to start your Tuesday off fresh and ready to face the world.

I collected these Tuesday motivation quotes from various sources on the web and I bet they’ll get you into a good frame of mind!

Let’s go!

10 Most Brilliant Tuesday Motivation Quotes

These are my favorite quotes about Tuesdays that’ll serve you as a perfect mid-week pick-me-up!

1. “Tuesday is the day that brings happiness to life.” ― Anthony T. Hincks

branch image representing a brilliant Tuesday motivation quote

2. “Have a beautiful Tuesday! Your mantra is: ‘All I have is all I need and all I need is all I have at this moment.” — Bryan Katie

3. “Tuesday is a day to remember that you are responsible and accountable for each word you speak so make each expression one to be celebrated not castigated.” — Byron Pulsifer

4. “Tuesday brings meaning to my week.” ― Anthony T. Hincks

5. “How would your Tuesday be different if you conducted yourself with complete love and consideration?” — Byron Pulsifer

“How would your Tuesday be different if you conducted yourself with complete love and consideration” — Byron Pulsifer

6. “Tuesday is the most sensible day of the week.” — Emily P. Freeman

7. “Tuesday is the day for action, as mighty Mars rules it. Now you can seek your passion, surge toward your goals, find your destiny, and be strong and courageous.” — Cerridwen Greenleaf

8. “Tuesday’s victory was big. But it did nothing more than level the playing field and give you a shot. Take it.” ― Charles Krauthammer

9. “Tuesday is a good day, you survived Monday. And tomorrow is Wednesday, halfway through your work week!” — Kate Summers

10. “Tuesday is the affirmation that my goals are being moved another step forward.” — Byron Pulsifer

image of a branch representing a brilliant Tuesday motivation quote

See also: 170 Genius Goal Achievement Quotes To Help You Succeed

Inspirational Quotes About Tuesday

Let’s continue with Tuesday inspiration and recharge your energy to face your Tuesday challenges with the right attitude!

1. “A fresh start, a clean slate, and a lot of potential for great things to come. That is what Tuesdays really are.” — Unknown

pink flowers image representing Tuesday inspirational quote

2. “Today is not just Tuesday, it is Transformation Tuesday. That means that success does not just come to you, you have to go out and get it. So what are you waiting for?” — Unknown

3. “Tuesday is one of my favorite days; it is the day offered to community service to recognize and meet the needs of others who are unable to do so.” — Byron Pulsifer

4. “There isn’t a Monday that would not cede its place to Tuesday.” — Anton Chekhov

5. “Hold onto positive things that elevate your spirit and be with positive people. Happy Tuesday.” — Tracey Edmonds

“Hold onto positive things that elevate your spirit and be with positive people. Happy Tuesday.” — Tracey Edmonds

6. “It is easy to hate Tuesdays, but actually, Tuesdays are friendlier than Mondays. Tuesday can be quite fun once we accept that the weekend is gone and that we need to start giving our best again. Tuesday is a working day, but work can also be exciting.” — Unknown

7. “Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it.” — Muhammad Ali

8. “The question I ask myself like almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’” — Mark Zuckerberg

9. “Most people feel that Tuesday is just a repetition of Monday, which makes it equally depressing. However, Tuesday is more than that because it teaches us how, after a weekend of fun and a day of dreariness, we are finally free to do meaningful things.” — Unknown

10. “On this Tuesday, remember that an attitude is contagious so remember to have a good one.” — Unknown

“On this Tuesday, remember that an attitude is contagious so remember to have a good one.” — Unknown

11. “My feelings of accomplishment leftover from the day before allow my Tuesdays as a testament to my children that each day brings its own rewards for a job well done.” — Byron Pulsifer

12. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

13. “Tuesday is the day I actually start the week, Monday I just deal with the depression of the weekend ending.” — Unknown

14. “Keep grinding! Stay persistent! One day you’re gonna wake up and be exactly where you dreamed you would be.” — Eric Thomas

15.  “Monday always passes and there will always be a Tuesday with a beautiful blue sky with few clouds.” — Unknown

“Monday always passes and there will always be a Tuesday with a beautiful blue sky with few clouds.” — Unknown

See also: 70 Monday Motivation Quotes To Make Your Monday Blues Pink

16. “Life is about contrasts and changes, that is why every day is different from the others. We can’t have Sunday every day, because it is not sustainable. We need days for work as much as we need days for entertainment. In this balance lies the secret to a happy and meaningful life.” — Unknown

17. “Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground.” — Theodore Roosevelt

18. “You may have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There’s another day you might want to know about: Giving Tuesday. The idea is pretty straightforward. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, shoppers take a break from their gift-buying and donate what they can to charity.” — Bill Gates

19. “When we don’t like our jobs or our lives, Mondays and Tuesdays feel similar. They are days of misery and complaints. However, if we respect our lives and our time, we need to start thinking differently about Mondays and Tuesdays.” — Unknown

20. “Every single day, you’ll face outside influences telling you why it won’t work & you don’t deserve it. Keep going.” — Unknown

“Every single day, you’ll face outside influences telling you why it won’t work & you don’t deserve it. Keep going.” — Unknown

Positive Tuesday Quotes

The following lines will arm you with positivity so you can be the best version of yourself!

1. “Each day is a blank page where we can write anything we want. Even a boring Tuesday can turn into an amazing day, with the right attitude.” — Unknown

pampas image representing positive Tuesday inspirational quote

2. “It’s TUESDAY! And since it’s CHOOSEDAY: choose to smile, choose to be happy, choose to love, choose to bless, choose to be a blessing, choose to be humble, choose to be patient, choose to be kind… and above all choose God to guide your life!” — Unknown

3. “On a sunny Tuesday — for it seems so many awful things happen on a Tuesday — six astronauts and one schoolteacher attempted to pierce the sky. Instead, they touched the stars.” ― Neal Shusterman

4. “Tuesday’s child is full of grace.” — Unknown

5. “Why not make Tuesday a day that you will go out of your way to help someone in need.” — Kerry M. Olitzky 

“Why not make Tuesday a day that you will go out of your way to help someone in need.” — Kerry M. Olitzky

6. “Choose to tell your own story. The only way you will tell a better story about your life is choosing to live your own life to the fullest without being apologetic about it or copying others.” — DJ Kyos

7. “Tuesday! Worry less, live more.” — Unknown

8. “Each day of the week is special in its own way and brings us a different set of challenges. Among them, Tuesday seems like the poorer relative, but in fact, it is one of the days when most things are accomplished and when many things are ticked off the list.” — Unknown

9. “For many people, Tuesday is one of those days when an air of gloominess seems to pervade everything. However, Tuesday is a good day for both reflection and action. After escaping the carelessness of the weekend, life becomes serious again.” — Unknown

10. “If things go wrong this Tuesday, look for the good. Keep your attitude positive no matter what happens this day!” — Unknown

“If things go wrong this Tuesday, look for the good. Keep your attitude positive no matter what happens this day!” — Unknown

11. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” — John Wooden

12. “Happiness and Monday don’t go well together, but a happy Tuesday is a possible dream. It is up to us to decide how we want to spend our days, that is why a happy Tuesday means a happy life.” — Unknown

13. “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” — John Wooden

14. “Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.” — Christian Larson

15. “We each need to fill our minds and hearts with positive and joyful reinforcement each day.” — Kathy Henn

“We each need to fill our minds and hearts with positive and joyful reinforcement each day.” — Kathy Henn

16. “Be unto Tuesday in expectation and commitment as unto Monday when vigorousness abounded.” — Byron Pulsifer

17. “It is hard to convince ourselves that Tuesday is an exciting day, but at least we can admit that Tuesday is closer to freedom than Monday. After a pessimistic Monday, we can start working responsibly while making plans for the weekend to come.” — Unknown

18. “No matter what your Tuesday is, don’t worry because Friday is on its way.” — Unknown

19.  “Once Monday is gone, we can give up on the self-loathing thoughts and start being joyful about life and work again. We hold in our hands the power to go through every Tuesday as if it would be the happiest day of the week, just by remembering to do little things that give us pleasure and comfort.” — Unknown

See also: Ultimate Collection Of 60 Do What Makes You Happy Quotes

20. “This Tuesday think about the books you are reading, the TV you are watching, the music you are listening to, and ask yourself: “is it positive”?” — Unknown

“This Tuesday think about the books you are reading, the TV you are watching, the music you are listening to, and ask yourself “is it positive”” — Unknown

Tuesday Morning Motivational Quotes

As said, one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day for the better. Let’s read a bunch of positive Tuesday morning thoughts to make sure your day is nothing less than fabulous!

1. “Good morning Tuesday! Please enter and pour out that shower of blessings into our lives, renew our spirits, our strength, our faith, and our hope.” — Unknown

sunrise over ocean image representing Tuesday morning motivational quote

2. “Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a new beginning.” — Unknown

3. “There is something about an early Tuesday morning that makes me productive.” — Tahnni Dupre

4. “One small, positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” — Dalai Lama

5. “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” — Dr. Seuss

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” — Dr. Seuss

6. “Good morning, it’s Tuesday! Congratulations! You somehow survived Monday.” — Invajy

7. “Sometimes Tuesday feels like you will never get to be where you want to be, but don’t give up. Small actions every day do make a difference!” — Unknown

8. “We often think that we need special celebrations to spoil ourselves. However, what better occasion to spoil ourselves and inject some enthusiasm into our lives other than a regular Tuesday? It is in these regular moments that we actually need the enforcement of happiness.”— Unknown

9. “Today, be the badass you didn’t have time to be yesterday.” — Unknown

10. “Start your day with these words: today is going to be a good Tuesday and this morning is going to be an awesome one.” — Unknown

“Start your day with these words today is going to be a good Tuesday and this morning is going to be an awesome one.” — Unknown

11. “The key to a happy Tuesday is forgetting about the broken images of Monday and focusing on a new beginning. Tuesday is, in some ways, a bright and promising day.” — Unknown

12. “Today is as good a day as any. In fact, today is a better day than any other precisely because it’s today.” — Richard Beard

13. “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.” — Kristin, Sophisticated Gal

14. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” — Ken Poirot

15. “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” — George Lorimer

“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” — George Lorimer

16. “I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” — Miles Davis

17. “You may find Tuesday harder than Mondays, however, let it be a day full of smiles and laughter!” — Unknown

18. “Among people who really hate Monday, Tuesday seems like a worse version of Monday, because any excuse to not work is no longer valid.  Maybe it’s true that nobody likes Tuesday, but it is our fault if we don’t want to enjoy it. Tuesday is just a day and it is up to us how we spend it.” — Unknown

19. “I’m a big believer in creating family traditions. Every Tuesday morning, I make a proper eggs breakfast, and we all sit down and eat.” — Ivanka Trump

20. “If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.” — Elon Musk

“If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.” — Elon Musk

See also: 150 Best Positive Good Morning Blessings To Wake Up To

Tuesday Motivational Quotes For Work

Need some Tuesday motivation for work? No problem, I’ve got just the perfect Tuesday quotes for work that’ll boost your energy to hit the office and make some wonders in your career!

1. “You can sit and whine about Tuesday, or you can get down to work and make the Wednesday you proud.” — Emma Xu

office supplies image representing motivational Tuesday work quote

2. “Work hard for you and your own goals. Progress will come.”— Unknown

3. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs

4. “If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.” — Olin Miller

5. “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” — Michael Phelps

image of office supplies representing Tuesday work motivation quote

6. “Three positive facts are obvious on Tuesday: Tomorrow allows me another day to demonstrate my worthiness to my employer; it is yet another day to influence those around me with encouragement to handle their own trials; and, it is my day to celebrate each small victory of yesterday.” — Byron Pulsifer

7. “If you love the work you are doing, then you will love Tuesday!” — Catherine Pulsifer

8. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” — George Herbert

9. “What are you planting in your mind this Tuesday — results or weeds?” — Unknown

10. “Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

11. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” — Steve Jobs

12. “Tuesday is a great day for deadlines because it is the day when people realize that, after a long weekend and a boring Monday, they really must get back to work and do something productive. A deadline on Tuesday reminds us of our responsibilities.” — Unknown

13. “A little progress every day adds up to big results.” — Satya

See also: 120 Ultimate Best Quotes About Progress To Fuel Your Growth

14. “Tuesday morning is a time to reflect upon what to include in your team meetings; it is your time to deliver words of passion that speak to the dazzling new roads ahead where each person is accountable for their own actions and behaviors; where each day represents a fresh start to be a positive influence; and, where self is expressed as unselfishness with each person you meet.” — Byron Pulsifer

15. “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” — Estée Lauder

“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” — Estée Lauder

16. “If you don’t burn out at the end of each day, you’re a bum.” — George Lois

17. “You’re always working to improve, and you’re always being critiqued on your next performance. It’s not about what you’ve done. There’s always room to grow.” — Misty Copeland

18. “Work hard and be kind and amazing things will happen.” — Conan O’Brien

19. “Schedule your time. People always ask, ‘How do you do it all?’ I’m like a walking calendar. I literally make my snacks on a Sunday if I’m traveling on a Tuesday, and I’ll pack them before I leave.” — Molly Sims

20. “Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.” — Roy T. Bennett

“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.” — Roy T. Bennett

Happy Tuesday Motivation Quotes

Here are some happy Tuesday quotes to give your Tuesday all you got, be the best you can be, and enjoy it!

1. “Did someone order a bright and sunny day? Well…here it is. Happy Tuesday!” — Anthony T. Hincks

“Did someone order a bright and sunny day Well…here it is. Happy Tuesday!” — Anthony T. Hincks

2. “Happy Tuesday! We are responsible for peace and order in our lives! When your world is CONSTANTLY filled with chaos, then it’s time to take a look at SELF!” — Tracey Edmonds

3. “Happy Tuesday! Get your light and life back! Steer your energy in the right direction. Let go of any anger you have for others and prepare to be the best you!” — Tracey Edmonds

3. “Happy Tuesday! Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.” — Unknown

5. “Happy Tuesday. Stay positive. Saying ‘YES’ to HAPPINESS leaves no room for STRESS!” — Unknown

“Happy Tuesday. Stay positive. Saying ‘YES’ to HAPPINESS leaves no room for STRESS!” — Unknown

6. “Don’t just dream it, be it, because anything is possible. Happy Tuesday.” — Unknown

7. “Use your words to motivate and lift others, not to hurt and bring down the people you love.” — Cheryl Whitsett

8. “You won’t have this Tuesday again. Make it count.” — Unknown

9. “Happy Tuesday: a day to choose to bless everyone you meet; a day to choose to be kind, considerate and compassionate; a day to be humble by showing how much you put others before your own self; and, a day to celebrate love with your family and friends.” — Byron Pulsifer

10. “Happy Tuesday! Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you.” — Jack Canfield

“Happy Tuesday! Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you.” — Jack Canfield

11. “Rid yourself of negativity and have a positively happy Tuesday.” — Unknown

12. “It’s a terrific Tuesday. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings!” — Unknown

13. “Every day is a gift and proof that your purpose in life has not yet been fulfilled.” — Unknown

14. “Happy Tuesday. You’re awesome.” — Unknown

15. “Take in the oxygen of adoration. Exhale out the oxygen of harmony. Happy Tuesday!” — Unknown

“Take in the oxygen of adoration. Exhale out the oxygen of harmony. Happy Tuesday!” — Unknown

16. “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — Saint Francis

17. “Happy Tuesday! You got to admit, at least it sounds better than happy Monday.” — Unknown

18. “Today is Thoughtful Tuesday. Try doing something nice for someone else whether it is a kind gesture or a positive remark.” — Unknown

19. “Have a beautiful day! Take time to enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment. Happy Tuesday!” — Unknown

20. “Let Tuesday tarnish your day with love and smiles. Happy Tuesday.” — Anthony T. Hincks

woman in sunset image representing make today great quote

Encouraging Tuesday Quotes

Scroll down to read some encouraging lines that’ll help you rise to your full potential this Tuesday!

1. “Give the gift of confidence to yourself this Tuesday. Believe in your abilities and skills!”— Unknown

“Give the gift of confidence to yourself this Tuesday. Believe in your abilities and skills!”— Unknown

2. “You may only succeed if you desire succeeding; you may only fail if you do not mind failing.” — Philippos

3. “When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday — no matter what happened Tuesday.” ― Stephen Colbert

4. “No one is more powerful than Self. Why give your power to others when it’s for you to keep and thrive?” — Roxana M Jones

5. “If we make the mistake of being negative, discouraged, grumpy, or sour, we’ve wasted the day.” — Joel Osteen

“If we make the mistake of being negative, discouraged, grumpy, or sour, we’ve wasted the day.” — Joel Osteen

6. “Instead of traveling on a weekend, begin your trip on a Tuesday or Wednesday, which are often the cheapest days to fly. Being flexible with timing can help with savings.” — Gillian Tans

7. “How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank

8. “Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. That’s cleaning day.” — Jim Miller

9. “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — Lolly Daskal

10. “Is there something you would like to see changed this Tuesday? Are you talking about it or are you setting the example to change it?” — Unknown

woman with raised hands image representing encouraging transformation Tuesday quote

11. “In life, you have got to make the best of every situation; you have to keep going.” — John Daly

12. “Tuesday means we’re a day closer to a weekend spent dreading Monday.” — Unknown

13. “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” — Sam Levenson

14. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” — Confucius

15. “Don’t hold grudges, they will ruin your Tuesday. Forgiving helps you more than it helps others. Have a good Tuesday, forgive!” — Unknown

“Don’t hold grudges, they will ruin your Tuesday. Forgiving helps you more than it helps others. Have a good Tuesday, forgive!” — Unknown

16. “If your Monday didn’t go so well, Tuesday is the day to try again.” — Unknown

17. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn

18. “Make a difference this Tuesday, be an encourager!” — Unknown

19. “Every day brings challenges, so on this Tuesday walk around them!” — Unknown

20. “Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly.” — Old Eskimo Proverb

“Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly.” — Old Eskimo Proverb

See also: 100 Tomorrow Is Not Promised Quotes To Seize The Day

Tuesday Vibes Quotes

Check out these positive vibes quotes for Tuesday that’ll have a great effect on you!

1. “Tuesdays were my favorite day. It was just something about the way that u looked like when it was next to e that seemed very friendly.” — Maggie Stiefvater

“Tuesdays were my favorite day. It was just something about the way that u looked like when it was next to e that seemed very friendly.” — Maggie Stiefvater

2. “Tuesday nights are sushi nights, so we go out then.” — Al Rocker

3. “Transformation Tuesday: The day to stop rushing and start prioritizing.” — Unknown

4. “Tuesday isn’t so bad…It’s a sign that I’ve somehow survived Monday.” — Unknown

5. “Always keep a bottle of wine in the fridge for special occasions. You know, like a Tuesday.” — Unknown

“Always keep a bottle of wine in the fridge for special occasions. You know, like a Tuesday.” — Unknown

6. “I love Texans. And Texas is clearly the crown jewel of Super Tuesday.” ― Ted Cruz

7. “I’d take half an argument over half a silence any day. And I’d take peace and quiet over a full-blown argument any other day unless it’s Tuesday.” — Will Advise

8. “Tuesday is a huge day.” — Ian Mcdougal

9. “In my first 100 days, I will make Taco Tuesday the law.” — George Lopez

10. “Tuesday is the day to finish what’s left on Monday before Wednesday arrives.” — Unknown

“Tuesday is the day to finish what’s left on Monday before Wednesday arrives.” — Unknown

Funny Tuesday Quotes

Last but not least, here are some terrific Tuesday quotes that are by no means motivational, but will make you smile your way through the day with a little fun and sarcasm!

1. “Tuesday: The day after Monday that reminds you that you still have four more days of not trying to slap a fellow coworker.” — Unknown

image of smile emojis representing Tuesday motivation funny quote

2. “After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W – T – F.” — Unknown

3. “A Tuesday after a three-day weekend is like a double-whammy Monday!” — Unknown

4. “Tuesday just called and wants to know what happened to Friday!” — Neil Leckman

5. “May the bluebird of happiness follow you around all day… just not directly overhead. Happy Tuesday!” — Unknown

smile emojis image representing positive humorous Tuesday quote

6. “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” ― Elbert Hubbard

7. “I am having Friday feelings towards Tuesday.” — Unknown

8. “No matter how successful you are, no matter how good you are at what you do, even if a golden path rolls out in front of your feet your whole life, there will come one particularly bleak Tuesday when you glance over at Facebook and notice that Jen From Down The Hall has just won an Oscar.” — Alexandra Petri

9. “You can come out now, Monday’s gone!” — Unknown

10. “Tuesday is my second favorite day of the week to put off everything until later in the week.” — Unknown

“Tuesday is my second favorite day of the week to put off everything until later in the week.” — Unknown


So that’s my list of Tuesday motivational quotes! 

I hope it served you well, reminded you to see the good in every day, and helped you gain a new perspective on Tuesday.

Let me know in the comments which quote inspired you the most, what would be your Tuesday quote of the day?!

Read next: The 150 Best Tuesday Captions For Your Next Instagram Post

150 Tuesday Motivation Quotes To Make You Love This Day