Message To A Cheating Boyfriend: 110 Absolute Best Ideas

a woman is standing on the street and typing on the phone

If you’ve been searching for the perfect text message to send to your cheating (ex, I hope!) boyfriend, then you’re at the right place. I’ve collected the very best messages to a cheating boyfriend from different web sources to make him realize how much he hurt you. Let’s dive right in!

Top Message To A Cheating Boyfriend Ideas

1. “I am not a fool for trusting you; you are a fool for betraying my trust. So you didn’t fool me; you fooled yourself.”

“I am not a fool for trusting you; you are a fool for betraying my trust. So you didn’t fool me; you fooled yourself.”

2. “You didn’t just cheat on me; you cheated on us. You didn’t just break my heart; you broke our future.”

3. “The fact that I am single taught me that it’s far better than being with someone who’s a cheater. The feeling is liberating.”

4. “Isn’t it magical how you turned out to be the person you said you’d never be in your life? Thank you for disappointing me to the core.”

5. “Since apparently, you thought I wasn’t good enough to be your only woman, then I guess it’s time to let you find a better one.”

6. “It’s time to give up. I am moving on from this, and I’ll never look back. You meant nothing to me, and I hope you realize what a mistake you made in cheating on me.”

7. ”I have no regrets in my life because it led me to meet you. And I will never regret meeting you because it led me to learn how evil a person could be.”

8. “If your lover makes you unhappy more than they make you happy, let them go. It does not matter how much you love them. There is a person who will make you happy.”

9. “I refuse to be subjected to your mind games and lies. I will not play a part in your constant drama. You will not manipulate me, nor will you control me.”

10. “I may forgive you, but I am not stupid enough to trust you again. Cheating me was your choice, not a mistake.”

“I may forgive you, but I am not stupid enough to trust you again. Cheating me was your choice, not a mistake.”

11. “You must be feeling like a real man now that you’ve broken a woman’s heart in the worst way imaginable. Thinking that all the times I touched you, those very hands had been in places I can’t even begin to imagine just a few moments earlier. You disgust me.”

12. “If you have a bit of decency, do not excuse yourself by simply saying that it was an accident because within the options you had, you chose to cheat, and you assumed the consequences that your actions triggered.”

13. “You’ve done many things wrong in this relationship ever since we first started dating, but I let everything slip because I thought you loved me. Now that I know that your love is directed elsewhere, I don’t have to put up with you anymore.”

14. “No, do not ask me for forgiveness, I simply understood that love cannot be like this, that I should not settle for a love that lies, a foolish love, a love that loves half, that sometimes wants, and sometimes not, that sometimes loves, sometimes not.”

15. “Please help me out in getting the answer to this question. The person who’s cheating is stupid, or the person who’s believing is stupid? Sincerely, your ex-girlfriend.”

16. “You pushed me to the point where I no longer cared. Thank you for making it easy for me.”

17. “If you really loved me like you always said, why were you not honest with me and tell me that you had betrayed me.”

18. “I am hurt, broken, sad, angry, and disappointed. Still, I am going to wear my biggest smile. I deserve to be happy – WITH YOU OR WITHOUT YOU.”

19. “A heart that genuinely loves would never think of betraying the one it loves. Instead, it will trust them and stay true to them.”

20. “Your love made me believe that we are a happy couple fishes in a pond living together happily. It was later that I realized that you were selfish.”

“Your love made me believe that we are a happy couple fishes in a pond living together happily. It was later that I realized that you were selfish.”

See also: 80+ Best Heartless Selfish Quotes You Simply Must See!

Goodbye Message To A Cheating Boyfriend

It’s time to say bye bye to your cheating boyfriend. You can do that with one of these wonderful goodbye messages to a cheating boyfriend.

1. “I’d rather cry now than cry the rest of my life next to a man whom I no longer believe. Betraying me was the worst thing you could do to me. I forgive you many things, but this one I will never forgive.”

“I’d rather cry now than cry the rest of my life next to a man whom I no longer believe. Betraying me was the worst thing you could do to me. I forgive you many things, but this one I will never forgive.”

2. “Real men don’t cheat. They’re honest, they’re loyal, and they have integrity. Cheaters are nothing more than cowards who are too afraid to be honest with themselves and their partners. They’re pathetic, and they don’t deserve anyone’s love or time. Are you a real man? Oh, sorry, I forgot you are a cheater, coward!”

2. “I loved you so much that I never imagined receiving disappointment as payment to my great love. Definitely, nobody knows who he works for, but life will take care of giving you what you deserve. Goodbye.”

3. “I have been questioning your faithfulness for quite some time now, but I always thought it was in my head. Knowing you for most of my life, I felt I had indeed found the love of my life. I couldn’t have been more wrong. All I saw was a cheating, lying ex-boyfriend.”

4. “You have been a complete waste of time and effort. I am glad that I found out about your cheating ways before it was too late. It is better to know this now than later when we would have been married or had kids together. Lucky me!”

5. “You are behind, you are that past, a path that I do not want to travel anymore because in it I find the greatest disappointment that left the surprise of not knowing who was the being with whom I shared so much time.”

6. ”I hope you meet your kind. You know the type. The one who cheats on you and then expects you to take them back. The one who thinks infidelity is normal and acceptable, but when it happens to them, they are shocked and appalled. The one who doesn’t see that their actions have consequences or consider the emotional toll they put on others.”

7. “I trusted you, and I thought we had something special. I was wrong. I’m not going to pretend that I am not hurt because I am. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t feel betrayed, because I do. But I am going to move on because I deserve better. I deserve someone who is honest and loyal and who will never make me question how I feel about them. I deserve someone who loves me for who I am, not what I can do for them. And I know that person is out there, waiting for me. So goodbye, and good luck finding what you’re looking for.”

8. “I never wanted a loser like you in my life. Thank you for making me regret my decision, only to be extra careful the next time. Hope to never see you again. “

9. “It wasn’t your fault. It was mine for believing every single word you said.”

“It wasn’t your fault. It was mine for believing every single word you said.”

10. “The toughest part of letting a cheating boyfriend go is realizing that he was only waiting for your confirmation. So goodbye then, go to the person that makes you happy, since you were too much of a coward to tell me what you wanted.”

11. “Only a person who has no principles or values ​​is capable of betraying the love of their life. I think that there never really existed that great love that you said you had for me, that it was only words and nothing more.”

12. “Thank God and life for the signs it gave me to find your lie. You may think that what you have done is forgivable, but bear in mind that my values ​​are very high and defined, nothing, and nobody can violate them.”

13. “I’m not your priority, so I’m leaving. I have given so much in this relationship, but the love was one-sided. It’s time to let go.”

14. “The worst mistake a man can make is to betray a woman who actually fought the world for him and stood by him and supported him when he going through the worst in his life.”

15. “I can’t believe you thought I was stupid enough to believe all of your lies. After all the trust I placed in you, it only took a single moment to destroy everything. You indeed are a despicable person.”

16. “I wish I could talk to you again, but I think of all the deceptions that I have received from you, and it passes. I don’t want to hear from you anymore, leave me alone and go on your way.”

17. “Cheating does not happen from a lack of love…It comes from a lack of respect, from selfishness and being a scumbag!”

18. “You could have just left, said you don’t want this to continue, take your dignity and go home with a simple break-up and continue your life with this new lady-friend you have. But you got greedy, and decided you wanted to keep us both. Well then, now you have nothing, so have a nice day.”

19. “I never thought I would have a bitter-sweet break up with you. It’s bitter because you humiliated my love and sweet because I will never have to see your face again!”

“I never thought I would have a bitter-sweet break up with you. It’s bitter because you humiliated my love and sweet because I will never have to see your face again!”

See also: 280 Heart Touching Break Up Quotes To Help Heal Your Wounds

Hurting Message For a Cheating Boyfriend

Been there, felt that. Being cheated on makes you feel awful. I was so sad I wanted to die when it happened to me.

Let your cheating ex know how much he hurt you with one of these heartbreaking messages to a cheating boyfriend.

1. “I think you don’t know how to recognize a good opportunity when you have it in front of you, otherwise, you would not have deceived me, and you would have spoken in time.”

“I think you don’t know how to recognize a good opportunity when you have it in front of you, otherwise, you would not have deceived me, and you would have spoken in time.”

2. “I know that you are the person I have adored the most in this life, but I am also aware that whoever betrays you once can betray you again, and I will not take that risk. I already suffered enough, and I don’t want to continue suffering at your side.”

3. “As much as I think that was what motivated you to cheat on me in this way, I can’t find any answer. I always believed that you were happy by my side, that you lacked nothing and more. I thought my love was enough for you, but I was wrong.”

4. “You could have just left, said you don’t want this to continue, take your dignity and go home with a simple break-up and continue your life with this new lady-friend you have. But you got greedy and decided you wanted to keep us both. Well then, now you have nothing, so have a nice day.”

5. “I was so happy when I first met you, thinking I had met the love of my life and we would be together forever. At least that was what you had promised me. I didn’t know that forever had an expiration date, but it did. It all went wrong when you first laid eyes on the woman that got between us.”

6. “I am trapped by the dilemma of listening to you or letting go of any illusion that still stubbornly persists in finding a solution, I am honest with you, I do not know if I can look you in the eyes again and feel that you are a person in which I can pin my hopes on the future.”

7. “You were my whole world at some point, my best friend. Now I don’t feel like co-existing with you in any given world. I hate you.”

8. “You’re a cheater and a liar. You don’t deserve me or my love. You broke my trust, and you hurt me. I gave you everything, and you threw it away. You’re nothing but a coward. You’re not man enough to own up to your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. You’re pathetic, and I deserve better. I hope you rot in hell for what you’ve done to me. You’ll never be able to fix what you’ve broken. I hope you realize that, and I hope it haunts you for the rest of your life.”

9. “You cheated on me, lied to me, and broke my heart. What did I do? I just called Karma and gave your address. I hate you and I hope Karma gets to you soon.”

10. “I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body.”

“I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body.”

11. “I didn’t understand why he sabotaged our future at the time – cheating on me, again, as we were making final plans to move in together. By the time he came over to smooth talk his way out of it, I was done. No more crying. Even my tears had given up on him. I’d already moved on, his cheating was merely the key left in the mailbox.”

12. “Don’t think you’re some hot stud because you were cheating on me, and I never found out. I was just trusting you more than you could have ever deserved.”

13. “I noticed something strange in you, but I thought they were my ideas, and I let it pass, but the lie has short legs because sooner or later, I knew that the moment of truth would come. You are a person who is not worth appreciating.”

14. “It’s been a while since I got all the evidence that proved my suspicions. I cannot believe that you had the nerve after all this time to go out and do something like this. I don’t even want to see you in front of me again.”

15. “What hurts the most is learning that while I was thinking I’d found my soulmate, for you, I was someone you spent your time with while waiting for your soulmate to show up.”

16. “Surely you will tell me that it was something unexpected, that you did not want to do it, but I see that you do not care about our love. Go your way because weak men like you don’t interest me.”

17. “I am sorry I made things difficult for you by loving you so much. It was me who loved you so much that made you lie to me every other day about how unhappy you are in this relationship. Had I not been this way, you should have cheated on me way earlier, right.”

18. “Life has a funny way of teaching us that it’s not a fairy tale. Sometimes it comes in the form of an explanation, others in the kind of a cheating husband, showing you that you weren’t the princess in the end.”

19. “Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, it doesn’t mean that they’ll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most turn out to be the people you can trust the least.”

20. “Thank you for showing me your true face, now I know that I deserve something better, and I will never again settle for less than I deserve!”

“Thank you for showing me your true face, now I know that I deserve something better, and I will never again settle for less than I deserve!”

See also: Top 90 Never Settle For Less Quotes To Encourage You

Painful Message To A Cheating Boyfriend

Below you’ll find even more emotional messages to a cheating boyfriend you can send to your awful ex.

1. “What I want most right now is to get you out of my world completely. Pretend that you never existed, that you were only a passing illusion that left no mark on me.”

“What I want most right now is to get you out of my world completely. Pretend that you never existed, that you were only a passing illusion that left no mark on me.”

2. “All the time and the beautiful moments that we share have not been an iota of importance for you. That you have shown me after having dared to deceive me in such a way. I trusted you, but I see that I was wrong.”

3. “You know that I would never have been able to do something like that, but you had no scruples and threw all my feelings into the trash without thinking about how many tears I would shed for you. That is not done to a person who loves you as I love you.”

4. “I’ve tried my absolute best to be the best girlfriend anyone could ever have. For some reason, you thought I didn’t even deserve an explanation for all that happened. If I wasn’t good enough for you, then you should have just left!”

5. “If life has taught me something, it’s that I must always forgive, but never forget. So, I may not be that upset with you now and sincerely tell you that everything is ok, but don’t expect anything to be the same ever again! Once the glass breaks, it can’t be repaired.”

6. “I never thought I would be able to hate you to the extent I hate you now. It’s limitless. Thank you for making me fall in love with you like crazy. Now, even this hate feels satisfying. Hate you to the moon and back!”

7. “I can’t be a friend, partner, or anything with you. The best thing for both of us is that we stay apart for the rest of our lives. Maybe one day you will realize how much you threw away for having the stupid pride of being a “macho” who can date many women.”

8. “I am finally trying to forget who loved me yesterday because it’s time to be with the one who’ll love me today!”

9. “You have erased with a single word all the beauty that was our relationship. I thought that our love would keep us together until we were old people, but I was wrong. I hope you understand well, but I will never forgive your betrayal.”

10. “I feel so alone after your departure that, at times, it makes me want to call you and forgive you, but my pride is stronger, and I will not let you trample on my honor.”

“I feel so alone after your departure that, at times, it makes me want to call you and forgive you, but my pride is stronger, and I will not let you trample on my honor.”

11. “I never thought I would be able to hate you to the extent I hate you now. It’s limitless. Thank you for making me fall in love with you like crazy. Now, even this hate feels satisfying. Hate you to the moon and back!”

12. ”You’re not the kind of guy I thought you were, and to be honest, I’m glad you’re out of my life. You were only a temporary happiness that I was too blind to see. I’ve realized a lot about myself through this whole experience. Now I know that it’s better to be alone than with someone who doesn’t care about me. I hope one day you regret everything you did to me and realize what an idiot you’ve been.”

13. “Did you think I was not going to find out? The rotten always stink, and the smell gives it away.”

14. “Some people view love and romance as a sacred bond between two individuals. Other people see love as a game, where the goal is to manipulate another individual and gain emotional power over a partner. People who view love as a game are much more likely to have multiple love interests; cheating is just another way to gain control over one’s partner.”

15. “Cheating will always drag you a thousand steps behind, what you have built in your relationship will always be reduced to nothing once you cheat.”

16. “Did you know that your voice once was the melodious music to my ears? Now I can’t take it even for a second. And do you know what? I am enjoying it. I HATE YOU.”

17. “Now you come to ask for forgiveness after the damage you’ve caused me by cheating on me with another person. If you think things are that easy let me tell you how wrong you are.”

18. “You think you’re a smooth operator, don’t you? You think you can just go out and cheat on a good woman, and she’ll never find out. You think you’re getting away with something, but you’re not. You don’t deserve a good woman who loves and cares for you. You don’t deserve someone who is loyal and faithful. You don’t deserve someone who would do anything for you. You don’t deserve me. So go ahead and keep cheating. You are not disrespecting me; you are disrespecting yourself. You deserve every bit of pain and heartache that comes your way.”

19. “It was so hard for me to resist slapping you right in your face. So I decided I would let Karma do it for me. Wait and watch!”

20. “It is true that I am suffering and that my heart has been broken in two, but I know that this pain will not last a lifetime. Someday I will be happy again.”

“It is true that I am suffering and that my heart has been broken in two, but I know that this pain will not last a lifetime. Someday I will be happy again.”

See also: 150 Best Love Failure Quotes For All The Heart-Broken Souls

Heartbreaking Message To a Cheating Boyfriend

Here you’ll find more heartbreaking messages to a cheating boyfriend to express your pain and hurt.

1. “Sometimes I think that this has not happened, that I am living a bad dream from which I am going to wake up, and my reality will be different.”

“Sometimes I think that this has not happened, that I am living a bad dream from which I am going to wake up, and my reality will be different.”

2. “The funny thing about apologizing is that you are supposed not to go ahead and make the same mistake again. Someone didn’t teach you the word correctly. But who cares anyway, you will have all the time to go and learn every single word by heart now that you’re single.”

3. “I always thought that you were the most correct man I had ever met in my life, that you were the ideal person to take care of my heart and see how life is. You have been the only person who has cheated on me, and I will never be able to forgive you. What a shame that you have destroyed all our dreams.”

4. “Infidelity has absolutely nothing to do with love. It has to do with an emptiness or a now-bankrupt coping mechanism within your spouse that has been there long before they met you. An affair is an attempt to escape from the reality of one’s self.”

5. “I gave you my heart, you crushed it. You were supposed to love it. I gave you my body, you humiliated it. You were supposed to cherish it. I gave you my soul, you killed it. You were supposed to embrace it. Such amazing reasons to hate you.”

6. “Get out of my sight, I don’t love you anymore. Understand that love is a feeling of the soul, pure, chaste, and beautiful, it is enough that it runs into an act of heartbreak for this feeling to become heartbreak. You behaved badly towards me, so now you know what you have to do.”

7. “I don’t want to be your stubborn doll that when you want, you have it and when you don’t throw it away. Get out of my life and let me live it alone, you have not been a good man to me, and therefore the bad is undone.”

8. “I don’t know how many times I’ve forgiven you for your mistakes and wrongdoings, but this time it’s too much for me to take. You’ve hurt me too much already, and this time there’s nothing left inside me to give you another chance at redemption because deep down inside, I know that you’ll always end up doing the same thing again and again until we break up for good.”

9. “I thought that we were happy. I thought that our relationship was strong and good. But now, I see that all of this was a lie. You were cheating on me with some other girl behind my back. You made me feel like everything was okay, but it wasn’t okay. You were lying to me the whole time, and now I can’t believe it. There is no reason for me to be in love with someone who doesn’t love me back. So now I’m going to leave you alone forever and find someone who can care about what happens to me instead of only caring about themselves and their desires.”

10. “Now I believe it when people say love is blind…’cause I must have been blind to love a person like you.”

“Now I believe it when people say love is blind…’cause I must have been blind to love a person like you.”

11. “I feel a lot of pain in my chest after finding out about such deception. How easy it was for you to invent something to cover your lack, but thank God I have opened my eyes with his light to say goodbye forever.”

12. “I will not be the one to punish you, after all, I am just a name on your list. But rest assured that I will be there the day life passes the bill to you for the broken hearts that are on your property.”

13. “I would like to stop time in our happy moments, in those days in which we only knew how to smile, love each other, and more. Because you had to betray me if I only knew how to give you my love.”

14. “I do not understand what was the reason for you to cheat on me, and you do not value all the love I gave you. I honestly don’t believe in your regret.”

15. “You stabbed me a hundred times, and then you acted like you were the one who was bleeding, and the worst part was that everyone was helping you while I was bleeding to death.”

16. “I should have opened my eyes and realized that something was happening, that you were no longer the same, that your kisses had belonged to others, and more. I cannot forgive you for betraying me, and therefore I prefer to withdraw from your life.”

17. “Hey, wanna hear something interesting? Karma is about to finish her drink, and she was asking for your address. All the best!”

18. “Learning about it from other people has been an even stronger pain. It will be very difficult for me to forgive you. You better take your way.”

19. “I have been questioning your faithfulness for quite some time now, but I always thought it was in my head. Knowing you for most of my life, I felt I had indeed found the love of my life. I couldn’t have been more wrong. All I saw was a cheating, lying ex-boyfriend.”

20. “Isn’t it ironic how I was always giving my warmest hugs to the coldest person in the world? Your love was fake, but the fact that I hate you is real.“

“Isn’t it ironic how I was always giving my warmest hugs to the coldest person in the world Your love was fake, but the fact that I hate you is real.“

See also: 210 Relatable Fake Love Quotes For The Brokenhearted

Cheating Boyfriend Quotes That Can Be Used As Messages

You can use these inspirational quotes as powerful messages to a cheating boyfriend to make him realize what he’s done to you.

1. “I gave my heart to a man who loved me, who wanted to be with me. Who ultimately was afraid of all I offered.” 

“I gave my heart to a man who loved me, who wanted to be with me. Who ultimately was afraid of all I offered.” 

2. “All people have feelings, they are not there to be used. If you’re no longer interested in someone, they have the right to be informed before you go and cheat or go looking elsewhere.”

3. “Real men stay faithful. They don’t have time to look for another woman because they’re too busy looking for new ways to love themselves.”

4. “When people cheat in any arena, they diminish themselves – they threaten their own self-esteem and their relationships with others by undermining the trust they have in their ability to succeed and in their ability to be true.”

5. “If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool. Instead, realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.”

“If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool. Instead, realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.”

6. “I’m not crying because of you; you’re not worth it. I’m crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are.” — Steve Maraboli

7. “All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.” — Alexander Scott

8. “When your other half starts keeping secrets from you, it means they don’t want to build the future with you. They don’t consider the long-term relationship with you, they are there for fun.”

9. “Cheating isn’t always kissing, touching, or flirting. If you gotta delete text messages so your partner won’t see them, you’re already there.”

10. “If a girl asks you a question, it’s better to just give her the truth, chances are she is asking you because she already knows the answer.”

“If a girl asks you a question, it’s better to just give her the truth, chances are she is asking you because she already knows the answer.”

See also: 80 When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes

Final Thoughts

Now you have plenty of options to choose from! These messages to a cheating boyfriend will make your cheating boyfriend regret his actions.

I hope you enjoyed the article.

Until next time!

Read next: 170 Best Cheating Captions To Help You Regain Your Power

Message To A Cheating Boyfriend 110 Absolute Best Ideas