March is my favorite month for many reasons. First, I was born in March! Second, spring starts in this beautiful month, which means nature wakes up, too. Third, it’s always been a month of hope for me since it brings new and fresh energy to all of us.
As you can see, today’s post is all about the third month in our calendars, so, welcome to my amazing collection of 170 March quotes I collected from various online sources!
You’ll agree that this month is associated with many beautiful things, yet, some will say that it can be quite unpredictable, too!
Well, I couldn’t agree more, but, where’s the beauty in being predictable? 🙂
If you ask me, there’s something really special about March, and if you keep reading, you’ll find many unique perspectives on it!
Are you ready to explore my collection?
10 Best March Quotes
I’ll kick things off with my 10 best March quotes. Let’s take a look:
1. “Every cold and dark phase ends and hence begins a beautiful phase of warmth and vibrance. Don’t believe? Just notice March.” – Anamika Mishra

2. “Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.” – Reginald Heber
3. “How terrible a time is the beginning of March. In a month there will be daffodils and the sudden blossoming of orchards, but you wouldn’t know it now. You have to take spring on blind faith.” – Beatriz Williams
4. “Flowers and colours everywhere, I am so glad that March is here.” – Anamika Mishra
5. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens

6. “The stormy March has come at last, with winds and clouds and changing skies; I hear the rushing of the blast that through the snowy valley flies.” – William C. Bryant
7. “I love March, as it gives me hope that new beginnings are always beautiful.” – Anamika Mishra
8. “The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.” – S. Brown
9.”In March, winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us, too.” – Jean Hersey
10. “March comes in with an adder’s head, and goes out with a peacock’s tail.” – Richard Lawson Gales

Inspirational March Quotes
March itself is pure inspiration. This section brings you plenty of inspirational quotes on the most beautiful month:
1. “March’s birth flower is the daffodil. It’s all too appropriate that cheerful yellow flowers represent the first month of spring.” – FTD

2. “We began as mineral. We emerged into plant life, and into the animal state, and then into being human, and always we have forgotten our former states, except in early spring when we slightly recall being green again.” – Rumi
3. “Spring’s an expansive time: yet I don’t trust March with its peck of dust, nor April with its rainbow-crowned brief showers, nor even May, whose flowers one frost may wither thro’ the sunless hours.” – Christina Rossetti
4. “Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.” – William Shakespeare
5. “In March, winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us, too.” – Jean Hersey

6. “The afternoon is bright, with spring in the air, a mild March afternoon, with the breath of April stirring, I am alone in the quiet patio looking for some old untried illusion – some shadow on the whiteness of the wall some memory asleep on the stone rim of the fountain, perhaps in the air the light swish of some trailing gown.” – Antonio Machado
7. “With rushing winds and gloomy skies the dark and stubborn Winter dies: far-off, unseen, Spring faintly cries, bidding her earliest child arise; March!” – Bayard Taylor
8. “March is a month of considerable frustration – it is so near spring and yet across a great deal of the country, the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away.” – Thalassa Cruso
9. “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” – Doug Larson
10. “You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming.” – Pablo Neruda

See also: 130 Beautiful Short Flower Quotes To Add Colors To Your Day
11. “One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the spring.” – Aldo Leopold
12. “In the Spring a livelier iris changes on the burnish’d dove; in the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
13. “Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will presently disappear, the taxes last us all the year.” – Ogden Nash
14. “Today is the day when bold kites fly, when cumulus clouds roar across the sky, when robins return, when children cheer, when light rain beckons spring to appear.” – Robert McCracken, Spring
15. “It is the first mild day of March… The redbreast sings from the tall larch, then come, my Sister! Come, I pray… and bring no book: for this one day, we’ll give to idleness.” – William Wordsworth

16. “If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you’ll know. . . Married when March winds shrill and roar, your home will lie on a distant shore.” – New Zealand proverb
17. “March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know, the Persons of Prognostication are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, but pompous joy
betrays us, as his first betrothal betrays a boy.” – Emily Dickinson
18. “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” – Henry Van Dyke
19. “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” – Leo Tolstoy
20. “Autumn arrives in the early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day.” – Elizabeth Bowen

21. “How should Spring bring forth a garden on hard stone? Become earth, that you may grow flowers of many colors. For you have been heart-breaking rock. Once, for the sake of experiment, be earth!” – Rumi
22. “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” – Mark Twain
23. “It is ever so with the things that Men begin: there is a frost in Spring, or a blight in Summer, and they fail of their promise.” – J. R. R. Tolkien
24. “The beauty of winter is that it makes you appreciate spring.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
25. “In Winter the bare boughs that seem to sleep work covertly, preparing for their Spring.” – Rumi

26. “It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” – Mark Twain
27. “Happiness is waking up to a sunny day in March.” – Unknown
28. “Everything is new in the spring. Springs themselves are always so new, too. No spring is ever just like any other spring. It always has something of its own to be its own peculiar sweetness.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
29. “March puts a little spring in my step.” – Unknown
30. “Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery

Hello March Quotes
It’s almost time to say hello to March! Are you as excited as I am? I know that you are, so be sure to check out these wonderful March quotes as well:
1. “Winds of March, we welcome you, there is work for you to do. Work and play, and blow all day, blow the winter wind away.” – English proverb

2. “It was an overcast day, but the cloudy weather did not detract from the signs of spring that were evident all around them. It was the second week in March, and the official start of the season was just a couple of weeks away. The magnolia trees had already bloomed, and tulips, daffodils, and wildflowers were shooting up all around the convent’s gardens.” – Rosanna Chiofalo
3. “It is a beautiful March morning. The pink gillyflowers beneath my window are in bloom, filling the room with their sweet and heady scent. If I lean close to the windowsill and peer down at the garden bed, I can see the outermost petals, bright with sun. The peach blossom will be next, then the jasmine. Each year it is the same, will continue to be the same for years to come. Long after I am here to enjoy them. Eternally fresh, eternally hopeful, always ingenuous.” – Kate Morton
4. “The almond blossom from the tree has gone, to be replaced by new green shoots. It smells of spring, and mown grass, and tilled earth from the fields beyond. Now is the month of Germinal in the Republican calendar: the month of hyacinth, and bees, and violet, and primrose. It is also the windy month; the month of new beginnings, and I have never felt it so strongly as I feel it now: that sense of possibility; that irresistible lightness.” – Joanne Harris
5. “That was all she begged for on this March night that was perfectly equal to the day, unique in all the season.” – Alice Hoffman

6. “March is when some days are winter and some days are spring, but it’s not a smooth gradient from the beginning of the month to the end. Good thing my ducks love the merging of the two seasons.” – Jarod Kintz
7. “Spring was coming, either way, even in nasty old March — in like a lion, out like a lamb. That’s what folks say. But that year, it came less like a lion and more like a mule with a skittish streak and muscly haunches; one solid kick and that was all. One hard, white freeze and that was all.” – Allie Ray
8. “My birthday is in late March, right at that place when the seasons run together. When the sun is warm but the wind is cold, and trees are starting to blossom but the ground hasn’t quite thawed. Mom likes to say I was born with one foot in winter and the other in spring. That’s why I can’t sit still, and why (according to her) I’m always searching for trouble — because I don’t belong to one place.” – Victoria Schwab
9. “That’s the trouble with March — the warmth never lasts. There’s that narrow stretch when it parades as spring, just enough for you to thaw if you’re sitting in the sun, but then it’s gone.” – V. E. Schwab
10. “Match the right things in March.” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

11. “It was a bright spring morning, full of promise. Most travelers are familiar with this kind of weather – when the wind blows westward and warm but the ground still chills the soles of your feet, when the tree buds have begun to unfurl and scent the air with secret springtime madness – and they know those days are made for leaving.” – Alix E. Harrow
12. “Meanwhile spring arrived. My old dejection passed away and gave place to the unrest which spring brings with it, full of dreams and vague hopes and desires.” – Leo Tolstoy
13. “It was spring, the barren time in March when you cannot be sure if it is really warner, but you are so desperate for change that you tell yourself the mud at the edge of the sidewalk is different than winter mud and you are sure that the smell of wet soil has suddenly a bit of the scent of summer rains, of grass and drowned earthworms. And it has, because it is spring and inside the ground something is stirring.” – Maureen F. McHugh
14. “One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring.” – Aldo Leopold
15. “February makes a bridge, and March breaks it.” – George Herbert

16. “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!'” – Robin Williams
See also: 150 Nature Captions For Instagram For All The Nature Lovers
17. “Yes, but it’s, you know — every year, you’re all, ‘March! This is going to be great! Start of spring!’ But it’s definitely not, right? Because there will be a weird, freak snowstorm, and it’s like winter’s started all over. Unexpected things happen in March.” – Kate Clayborn
18. “Despite March’s windy reputation, winter isn’t really blown away; it is washed away. It flows down all the hills, goes swirling down the valleys and spills out to sea. Like so many of this earth’s elements, winter itself is soluble in water…” – The New York Times
19. “My father was often impatient during March, waiting for winter to end, the cold to ease, the sun to reappear. March was an unpredictable month when it was never clear what might happen. Warm days raised hopes until ice and grey skies shut over the town again.” – Tracy Chevalier
20. “After a certain age, time just drizzles down upon your head like rain in the month of March.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

See also: 120 Dance In The Rain Quotes To Strengthen Your Spirit
21. “If there is magic in any month, it has to be March.” – Unknown
22. “Only in dreams of spring shall I ever see again the flowering of my cherry trees.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett
23. “It is spring time now! While the world looks for a new war to fight, you look for a cherry blossom to watch! Let the stupid seek the violence; you seek the elegance!” – Mehmet Murat ildan
24. “I will bring you flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” – Pablo Neruda
25. “The magnificent March brings splendid surprises and lovely blessings.” – Unknown

26. “March is the month of the aroma of lovely flowers and freshness everywhere.” – Unknown
27. “It is true, as they say, that the blossoms of spring are all the more precious because they bloom so briefly.” – Murasaki Shikibu
28. “If in this world there were no such thing as cherry blossoms, perhaps then in springtime our hearts would be at peace. “ – Ariwara no Narihira
29. “Look at the cherry blossoms! Their color and scent fall with them, are gone forever, yet mindless. The spring comes again” – Ikkyu Sojun
30. “Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men.” – Chinese proverb

Welcome To March Quotes
I’m always excited when March is around the corner. Read on to discover loads of brilliant quotes on our favorite month:
1. “Up from the sea, the wild north wind is blowing, under the sky’s gray arch. Smiling, I watch the shaken elm boughs, knowing it is the wind of March.” – John Greenleaf Whittier

2. “March, master of winds, bright minstrel and marshal of storms that enkindle the season they smite.” – Algernon C Swinburne
3. “March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine.” – L.M. Montgomery
4. “When flowery March knocks on the door, be sure to welcome it with a smile.” – Unknown
5. “By March, the worst of the winter would be over. The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run and the world would wake into itself again.” – Neil Gaiman

6. “As through the poplar’s gusty spire, the March wind sweeps and sings, I sit beside the hollow fire, and dream familiar things; old memories wake, faint echoes make a murmur of dead springs.” – Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature
7. “March, when days are getting long, let thy growing hours be strong to set right some wintry wrong.” – Caroline May
8. “March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice.” – Hal Borland
9. “Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” – Lewis Grizzard
10. “In March the soft rains continued, and each storm waited courteously until its predecessor sunk beneath the ground.” – John Steinbeck

11. “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.” – English proverb
12. “A windy March is lucky. Every pint of March dust brings a peck of September corn and a pound of October cotton.” – Julia Peterkin
13. “Now when the primrose makes a splendid show, and lilies face the March – winds in full blow, and humbler growths as moved with one desire; put on, to welcome spring, their best attire…” – William Wordsworth
14. “March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil.” – Sara Coleridge
15. “This is the perfume of March: rain, loam, feathers, mint.” – Lisa Kleypas

16. “To welcome her the Spring breath’s forth Elysian sweets; March strews the Earth with violets and posies.” – Edmund Waller
17. “A light exists in Spring, not present in the year at any other period, when March is scarcely here.” – Emily Dickinson
18. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens
19. “March bustles in on windy feet, sweeps my doorstep and my street.” – Susan Reiner
20. “A perfect spring day! Enjoy it while it lasts because you don’t know what’s coming.” – Marty Rubin

21. “I’ve seen spring come to the orchard every year as far back as I can remember, and I’ve never grown tired of it. Oh, the wonder of it! The outrageous beauty! God didn’t have to give us cherry blossoms, you know? He didn’t have to make apple trees and peach trees burst into flower and fragrance. But God just loves to splurge. He gives us all this magnificence and then, if that isn’t enough, He provides fruit from such extravagance.” – Lynn Austin
22. “An optimist is the human personification of spring.” – Susan J. Bissonette
23. “Hope sleeps in our bones like a bear waiting for spring to rise and walk.” – Marge Piercy
24. “There was a silver lining tucked into last weekend’s blizzard.” – Liz Krieger
25. “March is a month of lovely surprises.” – Unknown

26. “March is the month of perfect magic.” – Unknown
27. “March brings us happy memories.” – Unknown
28. “March is the month of confidence, love, and strength.” – Unknown
29. “Happiness is unbound in March.” – Unknown
30. “Earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marvelous March Quotes
Looking for marvelous March quotes? Be sure to check these out:
1. “Spring. March fans it, April christens it, and May puts on its jacket and trousers.” –
Henry David Thoreau

See also: 70 Cheerful May Quotes To Inspire Your Bloom And Growth
2. “When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest.” – Ernest Hemingway
3. “… There was great pleasure in watching the ways in which different plants come through the ground, and February and March are the months in which that can best be seen.” – Henry N. Ellacombe
4. “It was March. The days of March creeping gustily on like something that man couldn’t hinder and God wouldn’t hurry.” – Enid Bagnold
5. “March was an unpredictable month, when it was never clear what might happen. Warm days raised hopes until ice and grey skies shut over the town again.” – Tracy Chevalier

6. “That is one good thing about this world – there are always sure to be more springs.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
7. “You are reborn with the roses, in every spring.” – Juan Ramón Jiménez
See also: 290 Beautiful Rose Captions For Instagram To Inspire You
8. “Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour. We go forth austere, dedicated, believing in the iron links of Destiny, and will not turn on our heel to save our life: but a book, or a bust, or only the sound of a name, shoots a spark through the nerves, and we suddenly believe in will…” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
9. “Only those with tenacity can march forward in March.” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
10. “March is the month God created to show people who don’t drink what a hangover is like.” – Garrison Keillor

11. “March: its motto, “Courage and strength in times of danger.” – William Morris
12. “All were happy – plants, birds, insects and children. But grown-up people – adult men and women – never left off cheating and tormenting themselves and one another. It was not this spring morning which they considered sacred and important, not the beauty of God’s world, given to all creatures to enjoy – a beauty which inclines the heart to peace, to harmony and to love.” – Leo Tolstoy
13. “The sun was warm but the wind was chill. But if you so much as dare to speak, a cloud comes over the sunlit arch, and wind comes off a frozen peak, and you’re two months back in the middle of March.” – Robert Frost
14. “March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know, The persons of prognostication are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, But pompous joy betrays us, as his first betrothal betrays a boy.” – Emily Dickinson
15. “Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

16. “You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason.” – Ernest Hemingway
17. “Poor March… It is the homeliest month of the year. Most of it is MUD, every imaginable form of MUD, and what isn’t MUD in March is ugly late-season SNOW falling onto the ground in filthy muddy heaps that look like piles of dirty laundry.” – Vivian Swift
18. “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” – English proverb
19. “Where did Gabriel get a lily, in the month of March, when the green is hardly seen on the early larch?” – Grace James
20. “In winter, I plot and plan. In spring, I move.” – Henry Rollins

21. “March is the bird chirping month.” – Unknown
22. “It is worth taking the time to stop and contemplate at the beginning of each new month.” – Nadine Locke
23. “One Christmas, my father kept our tree up till March. He hated to see it go. I loved that.” – Mo Rocca
24. “The object of a new month is not that we should have a new month… we should have a new soul.” — G. K. Chesterton
25. “Let this new month bring great miracles, new visions and greater blessings for you and your beloved ones.” – Rajesh Goyal

26. “I wish you a beautiful new month from the first day of this month to the last day.” – J. K. Rowling
27. “Spring officially starts later this month, but unfortunately, Mother Nature tends to march to the beat of her own drum.” – Unknown
28. “Welcome to March, when the snow season gradually gives way to the mud season!” – Unknown
29. “A wet March, a wet spring.” – Unknown
30. “March means peace, serenity, gratitude, and coolness.” – Unknown

Brilliant March Quotes
This section brings you plenty of brilliant quotes about March you simply can’t miss:
1. “So many mists in March, so many frosts in May.” – Unknown

2. “When March goes on forever, and April’s twice as long, who gives a damn if spring has come, as long as winter’s gone.” – R. L. Ruzicka
3. “A dry March and a wet May, fill barns and bays, with corn and hay.” – Unknown
4. “Welcome, March! Bring me luck.” – Unknown
5. “Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.” – Ellis Peters

6. “The March wind roars, like a lion in the sky, and makes us shiver, as he passes by.” – Unknown
7. “As it rains in March, so it rains in June.” – Unknown
8. “Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!” – Wallace Stevens
9. “In those days, though, the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.” – Ernest Hemingway
10. “Hey March! Show me your colors!” – Unknown

11. “The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.” – Gertrude S. Wister
12. “Spring buds burst to bloom, and the river carries their song of life.” – Jayita Bhattacharjee
13. “Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.” – Virgil A. Kraft
14. “The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!” – Jen Selinsky
15. “Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of his instruments, not the composer.” – Geoffrey Charlesworth

16. “No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.” – Sheryl Crow
17. “Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” – John Muir
18. “January gray is here, like a sexton by her grave; February bears the bier, march with grief doth howl and rave, and April weeps –– but, o ye hours! Follow with May’s fairest flowers.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley
19. “Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne
20. “Spring comes: the flowers learn their colored shapes.” – Maria Konopnicka

21. “New month. New beginning. New mindset.” – Unknown
22. “Where flowers bloom so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson
23. “March is a month without mercy for rabid basketball fans. There is no such thing as a ‘gentleman gambler’ when the Big Dance rolls around. All sheep will be fleeced, all fools will be punished severely… There are no Rules when the deal goes down in the final weeks of March. Even your good friends will turn into monsters.” – Hunter S. Thompson
24. “March is here. It reminds me of sports day at school, 3rd March, full day on the field.” – Faraz
25. “March comes silently, bringing sunshine and flowers to our souls.” – Unknown

26. “The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” – Harriet Ann Jacobs
27. “Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.” – Robert H. Schuller
28. “Winds of March, we welcome you, there is work for you to do. Work and play and blow all day, blow the winter wind away.” – Unknown
29. “Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.” – Anita Krizzan
30. “It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Positive March Month Quotes
My collection ends with more positive March quotes. Let’s take a look!
1. “Keep calm and welcome March.” – Unknown

2. “Well, hello there March!” – Unknown
3. “New month, a new beginning, new mindset, new focus, new start, new intentions, new results.” – Unknown
4. “Hello March! Be good to me!” – Unknown
5. “Welcome March. I’m ready for spring!” – Unknown

6. “Goodbye February, hello March.” – Unknown
See also: 80 Beautiful February Quotes To Make You Fall In Love
7. “Hello, flowers. Hello, sun. Hello, March!” – Unknown
8. “Hello March! Bring love & happiness into our lives.” – Unknown
9. “Bye February, thanks for the memories. Hi March, I look forward to making new ones.” – Unknown
10. “Hello, March! Surprise me.” – Unknown

To Wrap It Up
Little by little, you’ve reached the end of my collection of 170 March quotes! I hope you liked it!
Finally, there’s definitely something magical about March, and each year I’m reminded of that.
So, what is your favorite thing about March? I’m excited to hear from you! Let me know in the comments section below.
Until next time!
Read next: Awesome List Of 70 April Quotes To Spring Into The Season