Looking for the ultimate collection of the best fishing captions for socials? Look no further, because this collection has them all!
Author’s Top Picks
1. The perfect bait knows how to wait.

2. Don’t chase the fish, let the fish come to you.
3. I still jump like a five-year-old whenever I catch a fish.
4. Don’t mind me. I’m just out here fishing.
5. If you want to move my heart, take me to a moving water and let’s go fishing together.
6. Catch of the day!
7. Even the sun looks pumped for today’s fishing event!
8. Hooked on fishing adventures.
9. Free therapy.
10. The fish whisperer in action.
Funny Fishing Instagram Captions
1. Finding Nemo and Dory has never been this hard.

2. How cod I refuse a fishing trip?
3. It would be such a fishaster if the fish was bigger than my boat.
4. I went ice fishing with salmon today. They find it fishy.
5. At this point, I don’t think I’ll ever get hungry if I’m left alone near water.
6. I just wanted to ice skate. I saw a hole in the ground, and suddenly got a rod in my hand.
7. Hours never felt like hours when I’m out in the waters waiting for a fish to come.
8. The best fishing trips don’t start until you crack open a Busch Light.
9. I look rad whenever I hold my fishing rod.
10. Hey e-fish, I’m the real clickbait.
11. I could feed myself forever like this.
12. True love waits and so does fishing by the lake.
See also: 260 Amazing Lake Captions For True Lake Lovers To Enjoy
13. I’m practically a mermaid with my underwater hunting skills.
14. I love chilling with my fishes underwater.
15. Something’s fishy around here.
16. Some fish are just too gullible they would take any bait I have.
17. It takes wit to know which fly would fool a fish.
18. Does fish taste better when it’s from the water? I have to find out.
19. Fishing: The art of sitting in a boat for hours, followed by brief moments of panic and chaos.
20. I like big fish, and I cannot lie!
21. Born to fish, forced to work!
22. Fish tales are always longer than the fish itself.
23. Do you know why I do fishing? Because the voices tell me so.
24. Keep calm and fish on.
25. Free therapy.
26. Just another day at the office: fishing for compliments.
27. I don’t always fish, but when I do, I catch things!
28. This is the ultimate hobby that screams ‘go with the flow’.
See also: List Of Top 180 Waterfall Quotes To Go With The Flow
29. If I continue doing so, I might just catch a goldfish.
30. Hooked on fishing.
31. Just found Nemo and Dory!
32. When in doubt, fish it out!
33. Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll spend a fortune on gear!
34. Fishing is a tangle of lines, but a net gain of memories.
35. I don’t always fish, but when I do, I’m hooked for life!
36. I fish because punching people is frowned upon.
37. Fishing is like yoga, but with more snacks and less stretching.
38. No shirt, no shoes, no problem – as long as I’ve got my fishing gear.
39. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy fishing gear, and that’s pretty close.
40. Fishermen are reel cool!
41. Fishing is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna catch.
42. Gone fishin’; be back whenever!
43. My favorite color is fish.
44. Life is short; go fishing often!
45. I’m not lazy; I’m in energy-saving mode for the next fishing trip.
46. Without the fisherman, there is no fish.
47. My version of ‘me time’.
48. When life gets complicated, I fish.
49. Fishing: The art of tickling fish with a stick until they jump into your boat.
50. I may be hooked on fishing, but I promise I’m not baiting you!
Cool Fishing Captions For Socials
1. Just out there, chillin’, fishin’.

2. I could almost see “fishing” written in my prescription today.
3. Shivering toes, chattering teeth, and big fish swimming underneath.
4. I love fun weather when I can soak my feet in the water all day.
5. No matter how cold it gets, my fishing rod will bring warmth to my soul.
6. Fly fishing moves my heart as much as the water moves underneath me.
7. Am I fishing with flies or are fishes flying with me?
8. My heart flies with happiness whenever I catch a fish.
9. The ice is so slippery that I always fall in love with fishing.
See also: 120 Exciting Fishing Pick Up Lines To Get Them Hooked
10. Cast away your troubles.
11. The best days are spent fishing.
12. Rise and shine, it’s fishing time!
13. I’d rather be fishing.
14. Early to bed…early to rise…fish all day…make up lies.
15. Lost fishing, don’t try to find me.
16. The fishing was good. It was the catching that was bad.
17. What happens on the fishing trip stays on the fishing trip.
18. Stress is caused by not enough fishing.
19. I’m a reel expert. I can tackle anything.
20. There’s always time for one more cast.
21. There is no limit to how many times you can go fishing.
22. You can’t go wrong with fishing.
23. You say I’m a compulsive fishing freak like it’s a bad thing?
24. There are two types of fisherman – those who fish for sport and those who fish for fish.
25. Gone fishin’, be back at dark-thirty!
26. That’s about as big as a fish that big gets.
27. A day without fishing is like a day without sunshine.
28. Fish stories told here…. some true!
29. I don’t exaggerate…I just remember big!
30. Fishing is fun…catching is better.
31. To fish or not to fish? That’s a dumb question.
32. I spent most of my money on fishing. The rest I wasted.
33. Fishing is the sport of drowning worms.
34. Fish tremble before me.
35. The two best times to fish are when it’s raining’ and when it doesn’t.
36. It’s not how deep you fish, it’s how you wiggle your worm.
37. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. I was thinking about fishing.
38. Ghost-fish Killah.
39. You’ve cod to be kidding me.
40. A man’s one last cast is like a woman’s ‘I’ll be ready in five minutes.’
41. Party like a lob-star.
42. She’s a jackfish of all trades.
43. I fish you were here.
44. If I am fishing I’m happy. If not… well, guess.
45. She’s a damselfish in distress.
46. I’m trying my best, but I keep floundering!
47. Drop a line, stay awhile.
48. Don’t be koi.
49. Hooked on you.
50. If I’m not fishing I’m thinking about it.
Deep And Philosophical Fishing Captions
1. If no one takes your bait, it’s because the big fish is still on the way.
2. Sometimes, I’d rather go fishing than swallow a pill for healing.
3. There’s a paradise awaiting in the depths of the sea.
4. I feed my passion before I sate my hunger.
5. Somehow, I can feel that the sea is my home now.
6. Sometimes, if you want to catch the big one, you gotta put yourself out there.
7. It doesn’t matter how deep the sea is as long as I can fish and be free.
8. No one can take away my love for the sea and its fishes.
9. You never know what fish you’ll find until you dive into their world.
10. I am one with the nature around me. I receive every fish as a gift, and am deeply grateful that the waters have decided to bless me with this food today.
See also: 260 Gripping Water Captions For Instagram To Inspire Change
11. Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets.
12. Water is the most essential element of life because, without water, you cannot go fishing.
13. Life is just a series of obstacles preventing you from fishing.
14. You can’t buy happiness, buy you can buy a fishing pole and that’s pretty much the same thing .
15. Procrastifishing – the art of going fishing when you should really be doing something else.
16. Nothing like the freedom on being on the lake fishing.
17. I’m either just floating or I’m looking for the catch of the day.
18. Lake rules: Sleep in. Read. Nature. Memories. Relax. Fish. Enjoy each moment.
19. The earlier the better.
20. A man and his boat do not need to be justified.
21. The early fisherman catches the fish.
22. Another day, another sunrise, another fish.
23. Head out before the sunrise.
24. If you’re gonna rise you might as well fish.
25. Alone with only the rising sun and my fishing rod.
26. Lost fishing and happy about it.
27. Happiness is catching.
28. Cast away your troubles!
29. Fishing is a discipline in the equality of men: for all men are equal before fish.
30. I’m either just floating or I’m looking for the catch of the day.
Fishing Quotes You Can Use For Socials
1. “I fish better with a lit cigar; some people fish better with talent.” — Nick Lyons
2. “Somebody just back of you while you are fishing is as bad as someone looking over your shoulder while you write a letter to your girl.” — Ernest Hemingway
3. “It is impossible to grow weary of a sport that is never the same on any two days of the year.” — Theodore Gordon
4. “One thing becomes clearer as one gets older and one’s fishing experience increases, and that is the paramount importance of one’s fishing companions.” — John Ashley Cooper
5. “The solution to any problem — work, love, money, whatever is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be.” — John Gierarch
6. “There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.” ― Steven Wright
7. “Last year, I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.” — Steven Wright
8. “He liked fishing and seemed to take pride in being able to like such a stupid occupation.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
9. “You roll back to me.” ― Ernest Hemingway, Islands in the Stream
10. “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” — Henry David Thoreau
11. “You [demagogues] are like the fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly stir up the slime, their fishing is good; in the same way it’s only in troublous times that you line your pockets.” ― Aristophanes, The Knights
12. “How do men act on a sinking ship? Do they hold each other? Do they pass around the whisky? Do they cry?” ― Sebastian Junger, The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea
13. “Teach all men to fish, but first teach all men to be fair. Take less, give more. Give more of yourself, take less from the world. Nobody owes you anything, you owe the world everything.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
14. “Anyone can be a fisherman in May.” ― Ernest Hemingway
15. “As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler.” ― Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation
16. “And chase hard and good and with no mistakes and do not overrun them.” ― Ernest Hemingway, Islands in the Stream
17. “I fish because I love to . . . because I love the environs where trout are found . . . because I suspect that men are going along this way for the last time, and I for one don’t want to waste the trip . . . and, finally, not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant––and not nearly so much fun.” ― John Voelker
18. “Angling or float fishing I can only compare to a stick and a string, with a worm at one end and a fool at the other.” ― Samuel Johnson
19. “It was pretty fishing. The brook was edged with fern and birch and sassafras and shadbush. The rocks had different kinds of moss. There were lots of birds, warblers, nuthatches and thrushes. Ever catch a speckled beauty of a trout while a hermit thrush sang? Well-it’s something you always remember.” ― Ruth Sawyer, Daddles: The Story of a Plain Hound-dog
20. “…as the old saying goes: if you teach a man to fish, he will feed himself for a lifetime. But if you just give him a fishing pole, he’ll have to teach himself.” ― Zechariah Barrett
21. “Those who are always fishing for compliments will soon run out of bait.” ― Christine E. Szymanski
22. “Writers fish for the right words like fishermen fish for, um, whatever those aquatic creatures with fins and gills are called.” ― Jarod Kintz, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat
23. “Mother Nature had blessed her with the customary rear-end one expects of a Brazilian smokeshow. However, her chest was ornamented by a beautiful set of
bolt-ons, arguably the only thing man has crafted better than the hand of God.” ― Kenton Geer, Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women, and Water
24. “If I have all of the gear but I can’t bait the hook, the fish have nothing to worry about.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough
25. “Fishing… is like life: mostly about deception, waiting, luck, and going home empty-handed.” ― Gabino Iglesias, Coyote Songs
26. “The sea may be your lover, but she is not your friend. You cannot safely turn your back to her. Her loyalty is that of an ex- wife, her characteristics more of a new mistress; she will bring you to your highest peaks, but beware for on the other side of the high ground lie valleys of unspeakable misery. Her mind games are second to none. She will lead you down darker alleys of your mind than you ever knew existed within. She will make you question all that you are.” ― Kenton Geer, Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women, and Water
27. “Fly fishing is a contemplative experience that embodies the truth of nature and the nature of life” ― Michael Vincent Stagnitta
28. “When I felt better, I tried to remember what had been beautiful in my life. I did not think about love or how I had wandered all over the world. I did not think about night flights across the ocean or how I played Canadian hockey in Prague. I remembered walking along the brooks, rivers, ponds, and dams to fish. I realized that these were the most beautiful experiences in my life.” ― Ota Pavel, How I Came to Know Fish
29. “Fly fishing is not a braggers game. There’s no glory to win. No competition or comparison between humans. It’s not about growing ego, but removing it. No fish will provide this lesson. It must come from the conscience of the angler. In the most simple explanation, fly fishing is an introspective quest to tame one’s own mind. This can be shared with others, but only discovered alone.” ― Daniel J. Rice, Familiar Waters: A lifetime of fly fishing Montana
30. “She’ll come to love me or she won’t. I’m a fisherman, not a hunter.” ― Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can’t
31. “You tickle trout by gaining their confidence, and then abusing it.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Glory Road
32. “She laughed. ‘I hope he will enjoy good sport– though my small experience informs me that catching fish is not necessary for your true angler’s enjoyment.’ ‘Oh, no! But to lose a fish is quite another matter!’ ‘Certainly! One cannot wonder that it should cast even the most cheerful person into gloom, for it is always such an enormous one that escapes!’ ‘I begin to think you are yourself an angler, ma’am: you are so exactly right!” ― Georgette Heyer, The Nonesuch
33. “You can spend a lifetime at sea. Your present and past surround you as sure as the salt air. One does not stare out to the horizon and eventually not see themselves staring back. The farther we go out to sea, the deeper we go inside our mind. The spirit of the ocean is a living, breathing thing, as alive as any of the creatures who inhabit her waters above and below.” ― Kenton Geer, Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women, and Water
34. “Nothing can give as food but farming as much as fishing.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita
35. “When one looks at the horizon above any body of water for long enough, they often find self-reflection in the distance.” ― Kenton Geer, Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women, and Water
36. “The sea can gauge your mood better than a thermometer can gauge your temperature. The sea is a teacher and a doctor. She gives you what she believes you deserve in dosages, prescribed by her liking. What you believe you need for your ailment may be exactly the opposite of what she believes you need. You may believe a slam job trip will fix your problems, yet she may believe a broker is more important to the lesson you are supposed to learn. You’ll find no better therapy when both the patient and doctor are on the same page. I was hopeful we both agreed that a slammer was in order.” ― Kenton Geer, Vicious Cycle: Whiskey, Women, and Water
37. “There is considerable difference between experience and expertise.” ― David Stuver, Familiar Waters: A lifetime of fly fishing Montana
38. “To fish for one’s food is meditation.” ― Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice
39. “Like hunting, fishing offers up a sacrifice and a bond to the land that increases power in those with honorable tactics.” ― Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice
40. “Nature may have even less patience than politicians.” ― Mark Kurlansky, Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World
See also: 150 Nature Captions For Instagram For All The Nature Lovers
Fishing Puns
1. I’ll be tuna-ing in tonight for my favorite show.
2. This is shrimp-ly awesome!
3. Stop clownfish-ing around!
4. We love fishing for the halibut!
5. Good things come to those who bait.
6. ‘Carpe Diem,’ does not mean ‘fish of the day’.
7. To celebrate Pride we serve Rainbow Trout.
8. What’s this all aboat?
9. I love you! Let’s cuttlefish!
10. Are you for reel?
11. We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
12. You can’t be crabby when you’re fishing on a boat.
13. Paradise: Lake. Boat. Fishing rod.
See also: 120 Best Boat Instagram Captions For Those Who Love To Sail
14. “I’m not telling fish jokes anymore; they’re too ‘finny’ for me!”
15. “You’re the reel MVP of this fishing trip!”
16. “I’m ‘reely’ good at telling fish tales!”
17. What did the fish say to the fisherman? ‘You’ve got me ‘hook, line, and sinker’!’
18. Fishing in the rain is an ‘unbrella’-vable experience!
19. I’ve got ‘troutful’ stories to share from my fishing trips!
20. Fishing puns? I’ve got a ‘net’ full of them!
Final Word
I hope that you have found the perfect one among these fishing captions! These are the best ones I found online.
Enjoy your fishing adventures, and remember to take photos, so you’d remember that moment for a lifetime!