In relationships with our loved ones, there are threads of genuine connections and threads of more complex bonds. I’ve searched the internet to collect some great fake family quotes to help you navigate the complex threads of these relationships.
Top 10 Fake Family Quotes
1. “Blood doesn’t make you family. Some of the most demonic and demeaning people in your life share your DNA.” — Temi Ade

2. “Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it’s the place we find the deepest heartache.” — Lyanla Vansant

3. “Just because they are your family doesn’t mean that they are your friends.” — Beverly Miller

4. “Fake family members are more dangerous than standing armies.” — Samuel Zulu

5. “Fake families hate you when you are real but will love you with fake love when you conform to their wishes.” — Samuel Zulu

6. “It’s perplexing how family members claim their undying love for us. They can say whatever they choose, but their actions and behaviors don’t match their words.” — Dana Arcuri

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7. “It’s so sad that some people can lie to your face as if you are not blood-related.” — Samuel Zulu

8. “Humans can be so ugly sometimes that the ones you love the most would only love to see you fall. It’s a cruel world.” — Sidney Albury

9. “I can’t understand why someone would deeply hurt another person as if they are cold-blooded enemies despite living in the same house.” — Samuel Zulu

10. “A toxic family is even worse than a toxic relationship.” — Rohan Chouhan

See also: 120 Final Goodbye Toxic Relationship Quotes To Let It Go
Inspiring Quotes On Cutting Ties With Fake Family
1. “It’s okay to cut ties with toxic friends and family you’ve got to prioritize your own well-being.” — Brenden Dilley

See also: Top 90+ Cutting People Off Quotes To Save Your Sanity
2. “Ending the toxic cycle within your own life isn’t easy. When you don’t come from a healthy family, you do your best to ensure a healthy one comes from you.” — Steve Maraboli

3. “It’s okay to cut toxic family members out of your life. Blood ain’t thicker than peace of mind.” — Unknown

4. “Blood relations alone are not enough because a true family is based on love, acceptance, and honesty.” — Samuel Zulu

5. “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.”— Hussein Nishah

6. “Cutting people off doesn’t have limits. Family can get cut off too if they are causing you stress. Eliminate any negativity in your circle.” — Unknown

7. “Love them from a distance. Pray for them, wish them well, but don’t allow them to abuse you.” — Kimber Waul

8. “Fake people will fade away when you are in trouble; only real ones will remain.” — Unknown

9. “The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut, and cleared by the drama you have left behind. Let go. Be free.” — Steve Maraboli

10. “You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them — but still move on without them.” — Mandy Hale

11. “You don’t have to leave your whole family in the past, just those who don’t deserve a place in your future.” — Unknown

12. “Saying “no” to a toxic family member shows that you understand what family truly means.” — Unknown

13. “When you walk away from a toxic family, you begin the journey of finding your true people.” — Unknown

14. “If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, then there is really no hope for you to have a good relationship. That is another myth that we have to throw off so that we can get into what I call Reality.” — Gary Chapman

15. “I prefer to surround myself with people who reveal their imperfections rather than people who fake their perfection.” — Unknown

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16. “The best revenge against toxic family members is not fighting back.” — Samuel Zulu

17. “Don’t worry about the family that ignores and acts like you don’t matter. Love the ones who are always there for you no matter what.” — Unknown

18. “Toxic family members will see expressions of forgiveness as weaknesses to exploit. Don’t give in to their tactics this way. If you need to forgive them for your own healing, then do it, but keep it to yourself.” — Sherrie Campbell

19. “Family or not I will cut you off. That saying “but that’s family” means nothing if a family is toxic and means you no good.” — Morgan Sharee

20. “You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” — Chinonye J. Chudolue

21. “People only throw shade on what’s shining.” ― Genereux Philip

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22. “Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.” — Unknown

23. “Sometimes you have to accept the fact that some people can’t handle you doing well, having the peace they don’t, or knowing how to receive kindness. Let them go.” — Lavon Fr

24. “When you see the genuine, you don’t deal with the fakes anymore.” — Unknown

25. “Yes, I may be the back sheep of the family but at least I am not faking it to be a white sheep which I am not to fit in.” — Samuel Zulu

26. “It always amazes me how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people.” — Joe Abercrombie

27. “If the family you chose before your birth no longer supports your path towards fulfilling your true destiny, it is never too late to find a new tribe.” — Anthon St. Maarten

28. “Be strong, say “no,” and cut out those toxic fake family members.” — Unknown

29. “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” — Deborah Reber

30. “You don’t get to choose your family, but you do get to choose how they’re allowed to treat you.” — Unknown

Two-Faced Fake Family Quotes
1. “I hate people with two faces, and it’s even worse when they have to be your family.” — Unknown

2. “Toxic two-faced fake family members: once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.” — Unknown

3. “When they act the way they do, don’t be surprised. What you are seeing is the mask finally falling off.” — Samuel Zulu

4. “Everyone’s true colors show eventually.” — Unknown

5. “So many betrayals and lies among people who claim to be blood-related.” — Samuel Zulu

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6. “Fear not your outside enemy you know but fear those who give you fake hugs and kisses but are ready to backstab you when the opportunity arrives.” — Samuel Zulu

7. “Just because they’re your family doesn’t mean they’re your friends. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you have to put up with lies, chaos, drama, manipulation, and disrespect.” — Unknown

8. “In the beginning, some people try to appear that everything about them is “in black and white,” until later their true colors come out.” — Unknown

9. “Some people can pretend to be the white sheep in the family but their hearts are black like charcoal.” — Samuel Zulu

10. “A fake family is like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.” — Unknown

11. “So, you want to sniff out imposters in your family? Just put money in the equation and see what happens.” — Samuel Zulu

12. “Some humans spend their whole lives making something that isn’t real look like something that is.” — Anna Banks

13. “I really hate two-faced people, it’s hard to decide which face to slap first.” — Yong Junhyung

14. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” — Unknown

15. “The best way to expose them is to let a major event occur where money is concerned.” — Samuel Zulu

16. “In a toxic family system, the black sheep is often just the person who sees through everyone else’s lies.” — Unknown

17. “Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.” — Ismail Haniyeh

18. “Difficult situations in life always prove who the real ones are and who the fake one is.” — Unknown

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19. “Better to have an honest enemy than a false family.” — Unknown

20. “Your worst enemy will always come from within especially loved ones and not outside.” — Samuel Zulu

21. “Make sure everybody in your “boat” is rowing and not drilling holes when you’re not looking at your circle.” — Unknown

22. “Families are homes built on a foundation of trust and love; a toxic family can never be home because the foundation doesn’t exist.” — Unknown

23. “Not all that glitters is gold when it comes to family members.” — Samuel Zulu

24. “Life is full of fake family and friends.” — Unknown

25. “All that fake and jealous family members can give you are lies, drama, and jealousy.” — Samuel Zulu

26. “Make sure the lions you roll with aren’t snakes in disguise.” — Genereux Philip

27. “Sometimes, the people closest to you betray you, and your home isn’t a place you can be happy anymore. It’s hard but it’s true.” — P.C. Cast

28. “Even those we love the most can be a poison to our souls.” — Unknown

29. “Fake families are like clouds when they disappear, the day is much brighter.” — Unknown

30. “People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention.” — Keri Hilson

Dysfunctional Family Quotes
1. “A dysfunctional family is not a family at all; it’s a toxic relationship parading as a requirement.” — Unknown

2. “We erroneously believe that if we try to be good enough, successful, or perfect, maybe our toxic family members will change their minds about us.” — Sherrie Campbell

3. “I don’t wish I was born in a different family; I wish I was born in a real family.” — Unknown

4. “I grew up in a toxic environment. I have a hard time tryna love.” — Polo G

5. “Dysfunctional families have sired a number of pretty good actors.” — Gene Hackman

6. “Calling this a family doesn’t make it a loving home; it just makes it a hateful lie.” — Unknown

7. “When dealing with a toxic family member, always anticipate their moves before they act.” — Samuel Zulu

8. “People talk about dysfunctional families; I’ve never seen any other kind.” — Sue Grafton

9. “Some of us were never taught family values, and we were looking for something that would recreate what we always wanted: a loving and caring family.” — Unknown

10. “People who come from dysfunctional families are not destined for a dysfunctional life.” — Bo Bennett

11. “Let’s get out of the habit of telling people, “That’s still your mom, your dad, or your sister.” Toxic is toxic. You are allowed to walk away from people that constantly hurt you.” — @bynnada

12. “Not everyone deserves full access to you, and that includes toxic family members.” — Samuel Zulu

13. “A good family will see your boundaries and move around them, a toxic family won’t even realize they’re there.” — Unknown

14. “With words, I could build a world I could live in. I had a very dysfunctional family and a very hard childhood. So I made a world out of words. And it was my salvation.” — Mary Oliver

15. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” — Richard Bach

16. “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” — John Mark Green

17. “Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn’t listening.” — Unknown

18. “Sometimes, it’s necessary to temporarily distance yourself physically from toxic family members for the sake of your well-being if they prove to be too toxic to be around them.” — Unknown

19. “A fake family is worse than a regular fake relationship where blood relations aren’t involved.” — Samuel Zulu

20. “Toxic family relationships spoil all other relationships unless you remove the poison before it’s too late.” — Unknown

Fake Family Quotes On Fake Relatives
1. “Everything is fake nowadays, fake relationships, fake feelings, fake friends, even fake relatives.” — Unknown

2. “Honesty and integrity are the best revenge you can give to fake relatives.” — Samuel Zulu

3. “Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.”— Ismail Haniyeh

4. “Your worst enemies will always be a fake friend or relative masquerading as your real friend in disguise.” — Samuel Zulu

5. “Fake relatives will give you a fake smile to hide the evil intentions they have against you.” — Samuel Zulu

6. “Blood relatives often have nothing to do with family, and similarly, family is about who you choose to make your life with.” — Oliver Hudson

7. “Some people pretend to be Aries at home, but their hearts are as black as coal. Even within families, fake relatives wear masks to hide their true identities.” — Unknown

8. “Some people are real. Some people are good. Some people are fake, and some people are really good at being fake.” — Unknown

9. “Even in families, fake relatives wear masks to hide their real identity.” — Samuel Zulu

10. “Your enemies are not so far from you. They laugh with you; they give you advice and they eat with you. God exposes them.” — Gugu Mofokeng

Final Words
When we get hurt by a loved one that we share blood with, it’s crucial to learn to let go of that fake love and move on in a positive direction.
I hope these fake family quotes helped you get closer to that goal!