Need some encouragement to cut the ties with shady people surrounding you? I got you!
I’m bringing you the best shady people quotes I could find online to help you recognize the dishonest, two-faced people throwing shade and adding so much negativity to your life.
Shady people are everywhere around us. They may be our friends, lovers, colleagues, or even our family members.
In this article, I’m going to share quotes about those toxic people who are the cause of the negative energy around you.
These motivational quotes serve as real eye-openers that will help you free yourself from bad vibes.
Scroll down to read my collection of shady people quotes!
Top 10 Shady People Quotes
1. “You have to shine a light on shady people. The future is too bright to sit under their shade. The truth will eventually expose the fake!” ― Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

2. “If you’re gonna be two faces, at least make one of them pretty.” ― Marilyn Monroe
3. “A person’s character is shown through their actions in life, not where they sit on Sunday.” ― Navonne Johns
4. “A shady business never yields a sunny life.” ― B. C. Forbes
5. “Shady people will expose themselves. Don’t disrupt your happiness by trying to be Sherlock Holmes. Just sit back and pay attention. The truth will surface!” ― Tony Gaskins

6. “I like playing weird, kind of shady people.” ― Paul Giamatti
7. “Shady people all around, I’ll do my work without making a sound.” ― Abhishek Dhal
8. “Well, you can’t trust most people in this game, period; it can be a very shady business.” — Marvin Hagler
9. “The secret lives of politicians are always shady. People need to accept the fact that their leaders aren’t perfect. No one is.” — Evan Rachel Wood
10. “It’s easier to hide your light under a bushel than to keep your shady side dark.” — Helen Rowland

Inspirational Quotes About Shady People
1. “When people act shady, allow them. When people betray your trust, allow them. But never, ever sink to their level…”

2. “Not everyone will have the heart you have. Not everyone will appreciate you and what you do for them. It won’t be easy having a kind heart in a cruel world. Be prepared.” ― Tony Gaskins
3. “Don’t take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually. We are all given chances, but you never know when the last chance may be.”
4. “Some people aren’t loyal to you. They are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.”
5. “If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to avoid it being seen, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it.”

6. “Try not to stress over shady people who betrayed you. I know it hurts, but the truth is that they were always shady, they’re never going to change, and you’re actually much better off now because at least you know who they really are.”
7. “Characterize people by their actions, and you will never be fooled by their words.”
8. “If you’re wrong, own up to what you didn’t do right. That’s how you learn and earn respect.”
9. “Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can’t wait for the opportunity to use them against you.”
10. “Don’t waste time exposing shady people for what they are. Their true colors will shine through soon enough.”

11. “Shady people can be role models, use them as examples of what not to do.”
12. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Nope. Shame on you and only you. You took advantage of my giving nature and what you thought were unlimited second chances, and even worse, tried to make me feel bad about it, and I will not change who I am. But I will change where you fit in my life. What a shame for you.”
13. “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” — Mandy Hale
14. “I can’t stand fakes! Don’t look me in the eye and be nice when behind my back you are nothing but unpleasant about me. You either like me, or you don’t. If you don’t, then leave me alone to get on with my life while you get on with yours.”
15. “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.”

16. “The best way to stop being frustrated is not to expect anything from someone.”
17. “People show their true colors unintentionally; pay attention.”
18. “Don’t follow my shadow if you’re going to be shady with me.”
19. “I used to rush to defend myself against false accusations, but now I watch to see who believes it, so I know who to cut off first. In this season, I can’t be connected to nobody that can’t discern the plot against me.”
20. “Shady people show their shade eventually, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit under it. Be the sun.”

See also: Top 90+ Cutting People Off Quotes To Save Your Sanity
Shady Friends Quotes
1. “Be very selective when it comes to choosing friends. People nowadays don’t know the true meaning of friendship and loyalty.”

2. “An honest enemy is better than a false friend. When in doubt, pay more attention to what people do and less to what they say. Actions not only speak louder than words, they are more difficult to fake.” ― Zero Dean
3. “Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re for you. Just because they say they got your back doesn’t mean they won’t stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn’t live far. So know your circle. At the end of the day real situations expose fake people so pay attention.” ― Trent Shelton
See also: Hard Times Reveal True Friends: 80 True Friendship Quotes
4. “Not every friend request is a friend request. Some are just surveillance cameras.”
5. “Some people aren’t satisfied until they sabotage someone else’s happiness. Be careful who you trust, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.”

6. “Silly me for thinking honesty and friendship were important these days. The new trend is all about being secretive and shady!”
7. “At the end of the day, people will let you down, they will label you as something you are not, it is all to make them feel better, it is about them not you.” — Leon Brown
8. “Fake friends: Once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.”
9. “Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.”
10. “My biggest regrets in life are being too damn nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and making unworthy people a priority.”

11. “Avoid people who mess with your head. Avoid people who intentionally and repeatedly do say things that they know upset you. Avoid people who expect you to prioritize them but refuse to prioritize you. Avoid people who can’t and won’t apologize sincerely. Avoid. Avoid.”
12. “Shady people do not respect other people’s rights in life, even if you think that they are your friend. Shady people like drama and picking apart other people’s lives.”
13. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”
14. “Betray a friend, and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself.” — Aesop
15. “Sometimes we have to remove people without warning we’re getting too old to be explaining what they already know they’re doing wrong.”

16. “Shady people don’t bother me a bit. Mean people who disguise themselves as nice people bother me a whole lot.”
17. “Shady people try to befriend everyone around you in an effort to make you look like the problem.”
18. “Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour. True friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but they are always there.” — Habeeb Akande
19. “Life is too short for selfish and shady friends.”
20. “Everywhere we see shadowy minds, cloudy brains! World needs more light of wisdom!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Throwing Shade Life Quotes
1. “Throwing shade isn’t gonna make you smile.”

2. “Controllers, abusers, and manipulative people don’t question themselves. They don’t ask themselves if the problem is them… They always say the problem is someone else.” ― Darlene Ouimet
3. “There is no shortage of shady people working in the disability and workers’ compensation system.” ― Steven Magee
4. “Selfish people often mistake selfishness for strength. It takes no talent, no intelligence, no self-control, and no effort to sacrifice other people for your ego.”
5. “Shady people do shady things.”

6. “Some people have a knack, for example, of being able to tell when someone’s lying to them. They may not know what the truth is, but they can tell when someone is trying to lead them astray or sell them something shady.” — George Orwell
7. “It’s hard to confront someone without knowing, [but] I think the first thing you should do in a relationship – any kind of relationship – is confront. Then, if they seem shady, maybe go for the email or the text message.” — Chloe Grace Moretz
8. “The only people I owe my loyalty to are the people who never made me question theirs.”
9. “I thought only trees were supposed to be shady, but there are forests full of shady people too!”
10. “In the end, we all discover who’s fake, who’s true, and who would risk it all for you.”

11. “Karma says you will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That’s why I am here.”
12. “What I don’t understand is how a person can tell you so many lies and never feel bad about it.”
13. “There’s something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.”
14. “People get mad when you treat them how they treat you.”
15. “Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.”

16. “I’d rather eat crumbs with bums… Than steaks with snakes.”
17. “Not telling me something or hiding something on purpose is just the same as lying.”
18. “People who have done you wrong will always think your posts are about them.”
19. “Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn’t lie.”
20. “I really do try to see the best in people. But seriously, some of the shady people are making it so damn hard.”

More Shady People Quotes
1. “You deserve an Oscar for the show you put on; because, at the end of the day, you’re still a shady person.”

2. You seem to forget, I was born into this family a long time ago…I’ve had lots of experience with shady liars!
3. “I know what I bring to the table, so trust me when I say I’m not afraid to eat alone.”
4. “Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me.”
5. “Stop expecting loyalty from people who can’t even give you honesty.”

6. “Stop being loyal to people that do you dirty.”
7. “Your actions and your words should always agree with each other. Don’t say one thing, then do another.”
8. “Before you fake your lifestyle on Facebook, please block the people who know you in real life.”
9. “Something I learned about people… If they do it once, they’ll do it again.”
10. “I don’t hate shady people, at least they have my pretty life to talk about at my back.”

See also: The Best List Of 130 People Talk Behind Your Back Quotes
Wrapping It Up
Now that you’ve read my collection of shady people quotes, I believe you are ready to remove the toxic souls who have been draining the life out of you.
It may seem hard in the beginning, but believe me, it will be worth it in the end!