50 Phenomenal Woman Quotes To Awaken The Goddess In You

What does it take to be a phenomenal woman? I’ve compiled a collection of inspirational phenomenal woman quotes to help you awaken the goddess in you.
A phenomenal woman lies in each of us, we’re phenomenal by nature. The problem is, we often suppress our nature and dim our light.
To help each one of us re-discover our potential, I’ve collected the best phenomenal woman quotes from different sources on the web.
Let’s take a look!
Top 10 Phenomenal Woman Quotes
I’ll start off with my all-time favorite phenomenal woman quotes. I know these by heart and try to live by them. Check them out!
1. “A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it.” — Suze Orman

2. “A woman who is convinced that she deserves to accept only the best challenges herself to give the best. Then she is living phenomenally.” — Maya Angelou

3. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.” — Maya Angelou

4. “Don’t think about making women fit the world – think about making the world fit women.” — Gloria Steinem

5. “If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” — Maya Angelou

6. “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” — Michelle Obama

7. “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” — Nora Ephron

8. “She unleashed her inner goddess and became the woman her soul knew she could be.” — Michelle Schafer

9. “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” — Melinda Gates

10. “Be an alpha female. Confident, bold. Not afraid of anything.” — Shilpa Negi

See also: The 130 Best Alpha Female Quotes For Women’s Empowerment
Phenomenal Woman Quotes To Inspire You
To keep you inspired and motivated, I’ve prepared a list of inspiring phenomenal woman quotes. Take a look!
1. “You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’.” — Erin McKean

2. “We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.” — Beyoncé
3. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou
4. “I think woman is phenomenal, magnificent. I mean that sincerely.” — Luke Goss
5. “Behind every great woman, I pray will be another great woman, whispering “you’ve got this” in her ear.” — Unknown

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6. “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” — Maya Angelou
7. “You’re going to walk into many rooms where you may be the only one who looks like you or who has had the experiences you’ve had. So use that voice and be strong.” — Kamala Harris
8. “If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?” ― Maya Angelou
9. “This is what I am learning, at 82 years old: the main thing is to be in love with the search for truth.” — Maya Angelou
10. “Never limit yourself because of others’ limits. Never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” — Mae Jemison

11. “Every woman needs these three things: Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Self-Confidence. A female that possesses all three is an empowered and unstoppable Queen. She knows her worth! Everything about her represents quality. Her happiness comes from within, first. She respects herself. She values who she is. She’s not easily impressed or persuaded by people or things. She has purpose and direction! An admirable being is what she is: Extraordinary and highly desirable. She’s an Unparalleled Woman.” ― Stephanie Lahart
12. “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” — Maya Angelou
13. “There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.” — Rihanna
14. “I have chosen to no longer be apologetic for my femaleness and my femininity. And I want to be respected in all of my femaleness because I deserve to be.” — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
15. “It’s all right for a woman to be, above all. “It’s all right for a woman to be, above all, human. I am a woman first of all.” — Anaïs Nin

See also: 110 Anais Nin Quotes On Being Fierce And Unapologetic
Phenomenal Woman Quotes To Boost Your Confidence
Staying confident while you face challenges is not easy. These phenomenal woman quotes will awaken the heroine in you and boost your confidence.
1. “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping-stone to greatness.” — Oprah Winfrey

2. “Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” — Serena Williams
3. “The woman who follows the crowd will usually go on further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” — Albert Einstein
4. “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fears; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” — Rosa Parks
5. “Believe that there are no limitations, no barriers to your success – you will be empowered and you will achieve.” — Ursula Burns

6. “I am a woman phenomenally, phenomenal woman that is your grandmother, that is your mother, that is your sister, that is you and that is me.” — Maya Angelou
7. “A phenomenal woman is never limited by a phenomenon. She goes out there, and stays the course until she prospers.” ― Gift Gugu Mona
8. “Be a strong woman. So your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he’s a man.” — Boss Lady
9. “The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.” — Beyonce
10. “I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story – I will.” — Amy Schumer

11. “The woman who truly intends to live a good life is already living phenomenally since intent is part of the achievement.” — Maya Angelou
12. “Learn to embrace your own unique beauty, celebrate your unique gifts with confidence. Your imperfections are actually a gift.” — Kerry Washington
13. “What I will say is that what I’ve learned for myself is that I don’t have to be anybody else and that myself is good enough; and that when I am being true to that self, then I can avail myself to extraordinary things. You have to allow for the impossible to be possible.” — Lupita Nyong’o
14. “A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.” — Gina Carey
15. “You can be both bold and kind. I am full of compassion, but I’m also savage and don’t tolerate nonsense.” — Kirsten Hill

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Self Love Maya Angelou Quotes
1. “When you know you are of worth – not asking it but knowing it – you walk into a room with a particular power.” — Maya Angelou

2. “I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.” — Maya Angelou
3. “Forgiveness. It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody. You are relieved of carrying that burden of resentment. You really are lighter. You feel lighter. You just drop that.” — Maya Angelou
4. “Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally.” — Maya Angelou
5. “Life is going to give you just what you put in it. Put your whole heart in everything you do, and pray, then you can wait.” — Maya Angelou

6. “My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done, to try and love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.” — Maya Angelou
7. “Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented. So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise.” — Maya Angelou
8. “A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” — Maya Angelou
9. “I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody. And because I do it, I then respect everybody, too.” — Maya Angelou
10. “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” — Maya Angelou

See also: 70 Self Compassion Quotes To Help You Love Yourself More
Final Words
Thank you for stopping by. I hope these phenomenal woman quotes have helped you to awaken your true godly nature. You’re phenomenal!
Until next time!
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