Why don’t you start your day by making someone else’s a little brighter with these good morning messages for friends? Not only they will brighten their day, but they’ll also strengthen the bond of your friendship.
Top 10 Good Morning Messages For Friends
1. “Rise and shine, or snooze and lose? The choice is yours, but I’m here to cheer you on. Good morning my friend, rock your day!”

2. “Coffee and friends make the perfect blend for a kickstart morning. Sip wisely and tackle the day!”

3. “Kickstart your morning with a goal set for yourself, and you will have an amazing day.”

4. “Did someone order a plate of happiness, sunshine, and joy? Here’s your special breakfast delivery. Good morning buddy!”

5. “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Good morning, my clever friend!”

6. “It’s a new day with endless possibilities. Seize the day, my friend, and make it extraordinary.”

7. “Dear friend, whenever life gives you lemons… remember that you can always count on me to help you make lemonade! Good morning.”

8. “A good friend knows all your best stories. A great friend has lived with them with you. Have a fantastic day, my friend!”

9. “Knock, knock, there’s a new visitor at your window. The sun!! Wake up to welcome it.”

10. “Happiness can’t be behind sorrow, and It is your choice to make a better tomorrow; enjoy this beautiful day with a lovely smile. Good morning friend!”

See also: 130 Sweet And Inspirational Have A Beautiful Day Quotes
Uplifting Good Morning Text Messages For Friends
1. “Make sure you make the most of the day that you have been gifted with. Put your heart and soul into everything you do to make it a perfect one.”

2. “A new day reminds us to forget all the sorrows of our lives and live every moment to the fullest. Good morning my friend!”

3. “There is so much more to do when you rise early. Wake up and get going, amigo!”

4. “Mornings come with a blank canvas. Paint it as you like and call it a day. Wake up now and start creating your perfect day. Good morning!”

5. “It’s all bright and happy today! Cherish this dawn with a grateful heart and a positive mindset.”

6. “Rise and shine my friend, there’s an adventure waiting.”

7. “Ask a question every day; take a challenge every day, spread love, smile and happiness every day, because every day is a new one. Good morning!”

8. “A bright dawn awaits you. Open the curtains, leave the bed, and shine like a diamond.”

9. “Never give up on your dreams, work hard to make them a reality. Rise and shine.”

10. “It’s not always easy facing a new day but I believe in you — you got this superstar! Have an awesome one.”

Sweet Good Morning Messages For Your Best Friend
1. “Mornings are like blank pages, and you’re the author of your day’s story. Write a bestseller! Good morning to my best friend!”

2. “Are you up? Well, you better be, because I’m ready to start this day and I need you to make it fun and unforgettable. Drink your coffee, make your smoothie, and text me as soon as possible!”

3. “Good morning to my best friend! It’s time to wake up and do something important for this world. I know you are capable of anything. Rise and shine!”

4. “Here’s wishing you a refreshing cup of coffee, a short day at work, and a beautiful new day. Good morning bestie!”

5. “I’m pretty sure your day will be full of laughter and happiness because you start it with a text from your best friend — me. Now get up and make this world a better place, fella!”

6. “Good morning dear friend. Just in case no one told you today… You’re amazing!”

7. “It’ll always be a “good morning” as long as I have you as my best friend.”

8. “Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! You better be ready for some adventures with your best friend, because I have big plans for today. Grab your coffee and let’s rock’n’roll!”

9. “Every day is a new day, and there’s no better way to start it than by thinking positively and sharing good morning wishes with your best friend. I hope you have a great day!”

10. “Today’s weather report: a high chance of smiles and a low chance of stress. Have a sunny-side-up morning, bestie!”

Heart Touching Good Morning Messages For Friends
1. “Each day, I think of how supportive you have been, and it moves me to tears. Cheers to the most wonderful friend in the world. May all your dreams and visions come true.”

2. “Never stop chasing your dreams as they may turn fruitful any day. Happy morning to you.”

3. “Wake up, open your eyes, and sip a cup of loving friendship, eat the piece of your heart out from a plate of trust. To crown it all, a fork full of love and kindness. I hope this is enough from me to you.”

4. “Friendship is what makes life worth living. I want to thank you for being such a special friend of mine. Good morning to you!”

5. “I cannot guarantee you a day without a few mishaps, but I do guarantee a friend whom you can lean on and take some advice from. And that is better than most things in life. Good morning.”

6. “You, my friend, deserve all the good things in the world. Time to wake up, smell the bacon, and make today awesome. I believe in you!”

7. “Just like how a beautiful morning is incomplete without its orange hue, my morning coffee is incomplete without texting you. Good morning! Have a great day ahead.”

8. “No matter how hard life gets, always remember that you’ve got a friend who will always be there for you. Good morning, my friend!”

9. “Life has so many disappointments. At the same time, it has numerous opportunities. Today, I hope you find an opportunity amidst the storms and manage to smile through the tough situations. Blessed morning!”

10. “Good morning. Wake up knowing that having a wonderful friend like you makes me feel so blessed.”

See also: 170 Blessed To Have You In My Life Quotes To Show Your Love
Thoughtful Good Morning Messages For Dearest Friends
1. “A perfect morning doesn’t begin with coffee or tea. It begins with wishing a good morning to a dearest friend like you.”

2. “Some days are going to be tough, some are going to be good, but you have to keep your head strong and believe in yourself. Good morning!”

3. “Though you are not a morning person, I still wish that you get up early for a healthier and happier life. Good morning buddy!”

4. “May the brightness of this morning spread joy into your life.”

5. “You are competent, caring, and skilled. You will succeed with your virtue. Wishing you a happy start!”

6. “A good friend like you is everything I could wish for. Thanks for making every day awesome. Go smash today.”

7. “Every morning is an opportunity. Make the most of it. Wishing you a day full of new opportunities and new success stories.”

8. “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. I hope your day is filled with happiness and joy!”

9. “May each and every morning fill your heart with happiness and positive vibes. Good morning.”

10. “Good morning friend. Knowing that someone is thinking of you is a sign that you are so important.”

Good Morning Message For A Friend Miles Away
1. “Though miles apart, our friendship remains close at heart. Good morning, my friend.”

2. “Wishing a fantastic morning to my friend across the miles. Your presence is felt no matter how far apart we are.”

3. “Good morning to the friend who’s miles away but always near and dear in my thoughts.”

4. “I’m sorry I can’t be there in person so sending you the biggest good morning hug from afar!”

5. “Good morning to my friend on the other side of the map. Distance can’t diminish the warmth of our friendship.”

6. “Miles can’t separate true friends. Good morning, my dear friend, may your day be as special as you are.”

7. “Sending you a virtual hug and a good morning wish to start your day with warmth and love.”

8. “As the sun rises in your part of the world, remember that our friendship knows no bounds. Good morning from afar!”

9. “Don’t worry about the distance, because I am always with you to guide you and protect you. Have a wonderful day my friend.”

10. “Good morning to a friend who has given me the most beautiful friendship that money can’t buy or that distance can’t break.”

Good Morning Messages To Make Your Friends Laugh
1. “A yawn is a silent scream for coffee. Have you gotten your fix yet? Good morning to you! And stop screaming.”

2. “Have a bright morning! Don’t keep a count of your number of farts.”

3. “You don’t need inspirational good morning messages. You need a loud alarm or an annoying friend like me. Happy morning!”

4. “Hey, it’s time to function like a responsible adult. I hope you won’t just pretend.”

5. “Don’t you just hate that part of the morning when you actually have to get up and take part in the real world like adults?! Me too man. Me too.”

6. “Good morning, buddy. There is much more life out than snoring.”

7. “Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s time to shine and convince everyone around that you’re mentally stable. We’re so good at it, aren’t we? Grab your coffee and show the world how gorgeous you are.”

8. “Good morning, my lazy bug who wakes up in the afternoon and replies at night.”

9. “Good morning. Start the day with a fart just like any other day!“

10. “You’re so close to me now that I consider you a brother. Well, who knows? The 90s were crazy. Good morning, my friend.”

Wrapping It Up
I handpicked this collection of good morning messages from various online sources and I hope it offered you the perfect words to share with your dearest companions!
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