220 Best Gone Too Soon Rest In Peace Quotes For Loved Ones

I’ve collected more than 200 emotional gone too soon rest in peace quotes to express the pain and emptiness left after the departure of a loved one. Let them help you deal with your loss and keep you from losing your faith.
Best Gone Too Soon Rest In Peace Quotes
1. “To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die.”
2. “Your love will light our way. Your memory will forever be with us.”
3. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A Milne
4. “Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts.”
5. ”You are my first thought every morning and last thought every night.”
6. “Loved with love beyond telling. Missed with a grief beyond all tears.”
7. “The hardest part of an unexpected death is not having the opportunity to say goodbye.”
8. “Death is sad enough when anticipated, but even worse when unexpected.”
9. “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” — Maya Angelou
10. “Because someone we love is in heaven, there is a little heaven in our home.”
11. “We hope you know how much you and yours are loved. We are so sorry.”
12. “Like a shooting star, flying across the room, so fast, so far, gone too soon.”
13. “All the planning in the world cannot prepare those left behind for an unexpected death.”
14. “Hold on to the love she gave you, for it lives on even though she is no more.”
15. “Gone too soon, but we loved you enough for a lifetime.”
16. “Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.” — Isaiah
17. “It’s hard to forget someone who gave me so much to remember.”
18. “Goodbyes hurt the most when the story was not finished.”
19. “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi
20. “Death is the last chapter in time, but the first chapter in eternity.”
Another Beautiful Soul Gone Too Soon Quotes
There are plenty more emotional gone too soon rest in peace quotes to express your deepest feelings still to come.
1. “You are gone. Just like that. Even before I could realize it, you left us. Rest in peace.”
2. “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” — William Shakespeare
3. “No one could ever take your place in my heart. Today I am crying because I have lost a person who occupied a very special place in my heart! RIP.”
4. “Please accept our condolences on the passing of your brother. He will live on in our memories forever.”
5. “Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.”
6. “Know that our thoughts are with you and your family at this sorrowful time. May you know that your dad is now at peace and he loved you dearly…Our Deepest Sympathy.”
7. “I know it’s nowhere near the same, but maybe sometimes, when you’re really missing your mom, you can wrap this blanket around your shoulders and imagine it’s a hug from her. I cannot express.”
8. “We tell the dead to rest in peace when we should worry about living to live in peace.” — Anthony Liccione
9. “Your passing was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. Not a day goes by without missing you. Rest in peace.”
10. “Goodbye is not forever, goodbye is not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.”
11. “Today, as you are gone, I feel like I have lost my smile forever. I don’t know how my life would be without you. I will miss you forever! Rest in peace!”
12. ”Those who have shown us love, brought us joy, and made us laugh, have given us the lasting gifts of a beautiful life – and blessed our memories forever. Our Sincere Sympathy.”
13. “For you and your sisters, from all of us in your work Family. We know your dad had to be spectacular as he raised you. You are a wonderful legacy.”
14. “You have accomplished many good things in life. You worked hard and always followed the path of honesty. You sleep well, my friend. God has a beautiful reward for you!”
15. “With a broken heart and sadness, I miss you more daily.”
16. “Is this year over yet? Too many people are passing away. Rest In Peace, George Michael.” — William Shatner
17. “Nothing is more painful in this world than losing someone you love so dearly. I am so broken, but I will pray for your departed soul in every moment of my life.”
18. “You were taken without any expectation, and your loss will be felt so deeply. We miss you so much.”
19. “I wish there was a way to say a proper goodbye. Now what is left are the good memories of you. I will forever miss you. Rip, my friend!”
20. “You embrace death because life doesn’t exist without it.” ― Dominic Riccitello
21. “You were an angel, and your wings took you to your home in heaven. Love, you are gone too soon, and there is nobody to keep me sane.”
22. “Life can be so illogical at times. Today I am crying for the person who taught me how to laugh. You meant everything to me. Rest in peace, my dear!”
23. “May your soul rest in peace. To the world, you may have just been somebody, but to all of us, you were the world.”
24. “You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace up in heaven!”
25. “Losing you felt like someone snatched my soul from me. I will find you in the afterlife, love.”
26. “I wish to see your bright smile and hear your sweet voice again, but I know it is impossible. Rest in peace.”
27. “A thousand words won’t bring you back, I know because I’ve tried; neither will a thousand tears, I know because I’ve cried. I miss you, brother.”
See also: 140 Heartfelt I Miss You Brother Status Ideas
Gone Too Soon Quotes For Your Loved Ones
Take a look at these gone too soon rest in peace quotes for your loved ones that left too early.
1. “Treasured in my heart, you’ll stay until we meet again someday. Rest in peace.”
2. “You have given me so many wonderful memories, I won’t ever forget those, and I won’t ever forget you.”
3. “I am so grateful that I knew you, but I regret that I had little time with you. I hope that you sleep in peace now.”
4. “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation.” — Rumi
5. “The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.” — Moira Rogers
6. “Why does God send his angels to earth if he does not allow them to stay here forever? I can’t believe you are no more on this earth. Rest in peace!”
7. “Everyone has to go one day or another. But some departures are too much to bear. This world deserved people like you, but I guess heaven deserved you more!”
8. “I miss your smile, laugh, love, joy, and kind spirit more than words can express. Rip my love.”
9. “Gone far too soon, but the memory of you will always be in our hearts.”
10. “So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.” – Helen Keller
11. “You were my world, my reason for being. My heart aches every day you’re not with me. Rest in peace, baby.”
12. “Why did God have to punish me this way? RIP, dear.”
13. “Nothing can ever take away a love the heart holds dear. Rest in peace.”
14. “May this special throw give you warmth, peace, and comfort. Love you, cousin.”
15. “I only have the memories but no words to express my grief.”
16. “Today, the world mourns the departure of a legend who has left behind shoes no one can fill. It will be very difficult to live without you. We pray you find peace wherever you are.”
17. “Your sister will be missed, and he will never be forgotten. May her soul rest in peace!”
18. “I promise that I am not going to cry because you loved my smile the most. Thank you for being in my life. I love you. Rest in peace.”
19. “Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts.”
20. “Death is just another stage of life, although the one you kind of hope comes last.” – Robert Breault
21. “You passed away so suddenly without any of us expecting it. I would never imagine that I would lose you so young and so soon. I love you so much, and my life will never be the same without you.”
22. “I cannot even begin to understand what you’re going through right now, but I would like to offer my prayers and condolences.”
23. “There is nothing as sorrowful as losing a loved one, the one who was so dear to your heart. I will deeply miss you. Rest in peace, love!”
24. “You gave me the truest form of love, care, and affection. I hope as you join God up in the sky, he accepts you with the same love, care, and affection.”
25. “Perhaps they are not stars but rather openings in heaven where our loved ones shine down and let us know they are happy.”
26. “There is nothing in this world that hurts more than losing someone close to us. Brother, rest well. I pray that you are at peace now.”
27. “I would trade anything or go any length just to bring you back! But I can’t! Rest in peace, dear!”
28. “Very few people can fit into your shoes. You were a blessing to many people. Rest in peace!”
29. “I really can’t believe you’re not here with us, dad. May the heavenly host guide you to peace.”
30. “Dance with the angels and always tell them about my love for you.”
Sudden Death Rest In Peace Quotes
Death is always a shock, but it’s even worse when it’s completely unexpected. Here are some gone too soon rest in peace quotes for all the loved ones who left suddenly.
1. “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss
2. “May God give you the strength to deal with your loss. Sending my condolences to you and your family, dear.”
3. “It breaks my heart that you were taken so unexpectedly. Your memory will never leave us and live long in our hearts.”
4. “Your son was a charismatic young man. It’s heartbreaking to think that he’s no more. Please accept my sincerest sympathy for you and your family.”
5. “Still trying to recover from the shock of losing you. I pray that your soul finds peace, and I hope to be reunited with you in heaven.”
6. “Our sympathy for the loss of your father. Sincerely, your coworkers.”
7. “No grief is greater than the departure of such a kind man as him. May he rest in peace.”
8. “I am deeply saddened by the loss of your mother. God rest her soul.”
9. “I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Please accept my condolences.”
10. “A great man has left this earth but will forever be in our hearts. Great memories will live on. All our love.”
11. “I am so sad that you have passed away so suddenly. You were always there for me, and I will never forget you and will always love you so much. Until we meet again, rest in peace, my love.”
12. “We are so sorry for your loss. Ed was an amazing man, and we were blessed he was a part of our Family”
13. “My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.”
14. “Deeply saddened and affected by this tragedy. Our hearts go out to you. RIP.”
15. “I wish to see your bright smile and hear your sweet voice again, but I know it is impossible. Rest in peace.”
16. “You passed away so suddenly without any of us expecting it. I would never imagine that I would lose you so young and so soon. I love you so much, and my life will never be the same without you.”
17. “You will always be within us, it’s just the graveyard where you lay to rest.”
18. “We are so sorry to hear about your mom. We are keeping you and the family in our thoughts and prayers. We are here for you if you need anything. Love.”
19. “How sorry I am that she has gone so soon. My heart is with you. Love.”
20. “I have always thought this life is so beautiful. But I didn’t know someday it would be this cruel to me. I wish I could bring you back to life.”
21. “I must have done something great in life. That is why the Heavens had us meet. Now that the Heavens have separated us, I only hope for you to be happy and sleep in peace.”
22. “I feel like I have lost my happiness forever. I can’t believe you are gone. I don’t know how I will live without you. I will deeply miss you. Rest in peace.”
23. “Mom, your sudden death has brought pain into my life. I will forever miss you. No one will ever you’re your space. RIP, mom!”
24. “The sudden departure of your father is making my heart cry. Sending my heartfelt sympathies. May the Lord give you all the strength to bear this tough time.”
25. “My love, it is hard to believe that you have left this beautiful world behind, but I am sure you are in a better place now.”
26. “Everything feels like a nightmare without you. I love you, and death can never take you away from my heart. Rest in peace!”
27. “Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your wife. May you be able to find strength in this tough period of your life.”
28. “Words cannot describe how sorry I am for your loss. Received my condolences. You are in my thoughts and prayers. RIP.”
29. “My heart broke when I heard about the sad news. You may be gone, but your love for us will remain forever. Rest in peace!”
30. “I ask why, why so soon. It is the saddest moment of my life.”
See also: 100 Sad I Wanna Die Quotes To Comfort You Straight Away
Gone Too Soon Rest In Peace Quotes For The Family
If you’re searching for the perfect rip quote to dedicate to your family member, then you must check out these gone too soon rest in peace quotes.
1 “One day you were here, the next you were gone. I miss you more than words can say.”
2. “I spent the best days of my life in your arms. No one can ever be like you, Mom. Sleep in peace.”
3. “You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace up in heaven!”
4. “Your passing would always be unbearable, but being so sudden was even worse.”
5. “You are gone, but you will always live in our memories. Rest in peace, dear.”
6. “You were my angel, my shining star. Your mother and I cannot believe that you are not going to be around us anymore. We hope that the Heavens make you happy. Sleep peacefully, my dear darling daughter.”
7. “We are so sorry for your loss. Ed was an amazing person, and we were blessed he was a part of our Family.”
8. “I still can’t believe that you are gone. I miss you so much, and I’ll miss you forever. Rest in peace!”
9. “Our hearts are saddened by your loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerely.”
10. “I feel truly saddened that you are no more with us. May God bless you.”
11. “Life can be so illogical at times. Today I am crying for the person who taught me how to laugh. You meant everything to me. Rest in peace, my dear!”
12. “I would trade anything from my life to bring you back again. But some things in life are one-way. You can never rewind them back. Rest in peace, my love.”
13. “I don’t remember when was the last time I cried this much. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart. Rest in peace!”
14. “I have so many questions on my mind, but I am upset that I will never get the answers to them. Who knew we were meeting for the last time? Rest in peace, darling.”
15. “I never knew just how painful goodbyes were until death took you away from me. Rest in peace, my dear!”
16. “Our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your aunt. May our friendship and prayers ease you through this challenging time.”
17. “You are irreplaceable and treasured in our hearts forever. To say we will miss you does no justice to what we feel. No amount of tears can express the pain we feel in losing you, but then again, thank you for the honor of sharing a lifetime with you. Rest in peace.”
18. “I remember the first day we met, your generosity and kindness. I can’t believe that you are no longer with us. Now I am only left with sorrow in my heart. Rest in peace.”
19. “Dear husband, I never thought I would lose you this early, but you will forever be in my heart. I pray that you find peace and solace in your afterlife.”
20. “I know that your kind soul is in Paradise watching over us. Until we meet again.”
21. “Dear, you left everything behind in such a short time! We will miss you greatly. You will always be in my prayers and thoughts!”
22. “Nothing is more painful in this world than losing someone you love so dearly. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart.”
23. “I still think about you every day, Dad. I hope and pray that you are now in a better place.”
24. “I don’t want to cry because I know you can still see me. You never wanted to see me crying. All I want to say is that I love you. Death can never erase you from my heart!”
25. “You have always been a hero to me, and I have always wanted to be a great human being like you. Your legacy will never fade.”
26. “In loving memory of my sister, who was the kindest, purest, and most amazing woman that I had ever seen, may her soul rest in peace.”
27. “There is no single day that you stopped being a hero to me. You will always be in my heart. Rest in peace, father!”
28. “God calls those first whom he loves the most. We will miss you, dear son, but at last, you are going to smile. Sleep peacefully.”
See also: 120 Heart-Touching Missing You My Son Quotes To Comfort You
Gone Too Soon Rest In Peace Quotes For Friends
If you have lost a friend, these gone too soon rest in peace quotes dedicated to friends will hopefully bring you some comfort.
1. “May God give you rest, friend, and reward you for a lifetime of happiness.”
2. “We know what we have lost. A lovely friend like you is rarely found these days. Your memories will remain etched in our hearts forever.”
3. “Hey, my friend, you were the only one with whom I shared my happiness and sorrow. You were not only my friend, I always considered you a brother. RIP.”
4. “You will live with us in memory for evermore.”
5. “Rest in peace, my friend. We know you are in a better place, and one day we shall meet again.”
6. “You will always be remembered no matter what. Your presence, love, and kindness will forever be with us. Rest for now until we meet again.”
7. “You were the person who helped me in every situation, made me believe in myself. I owe my whole life to you, dad. Life won’t be the same without you. Rest in peace.”
8. “May you find comfort in loving memories.”
9. “I can’t hold the tears back. It wasn’t fair that your life had to end. I’ll always keep you in my heart. Rest in peace, my friend.”
10. “My heart has never felt so heavy earlier. Missing you and sending my prayers to you, buddy.”
11. “I’m mourning and celebrating the time we shared together. Your life was a gift to the world.”
12. “You had a pure heart and a beautiful mind. Today I have lost the person I loved most in this world. You were a treasure for me. Rest in peace!”
13. “No farewell words were spoken, there was no time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.”
14. “Not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed.”
15. “I ask why, why so soon. I believe you are now singing with the angels. We will dearly miss you. Rest in peace, my dear friend.”
16. “I express my sincere condolences at the news of his sudden death. May he rest in peace.”
17. “I know it is our last goodbye. But [Name], you will always be in my heart. Rest in peace!”
18. “(Name) and I continue to remember you in our thoughts and prayers, believing that God will provide you all that you need to endure.”
19. “We have always been together in good times and bad times. Today you may be leaving this earth without me, but someday I will meet you there. May God reward you with a peaceful afterlife!”
20. “With teardrops running down my face, I bid you farewell. See you in heaven, partner.”
21. “My heart hurts every time I think about you, but knowing you are in a better place brings me comfort to live on.”
22. “The loss of a friend like you is something that can never be recovered. It’s hard to pick myself up and continue without you. I miss you and I pray for your departed soul!”
23. “Some truths in life are hard to accept. Your memories will never be forgotten! Those will always remain with us forever.”
24. “You were one of a kind, May the Almighty open the gates of heaven for you, my friend. RIP!”
25. “As long as I live, you will live, be remembered, and be loved. Rest in peace, my friend.”
26. “The tragedy of your death has left a deep wound in my heart. May your soul rest in peace.”
27. “There is a reason I called you my best friend. You were the best, and no one can ever fill up this vacuum. Sleep in peace, my dear friend.”
See also: 60 Touching Quotes Of Losing A Friend To Help You Heal
Emotional Gone Too Soon Rest In Peace Quotes
If you’re searching for emotional gone too soon rest in peace quotes, you’ll find plenty of them right here.
1. “You are forever in our hearts. We can’t wait to be with you again.”
2. “Dear, you left everything behind in such a short time! We will miss you greatly. You will always be in my prayers and thoughts!”
3. “I don’t know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I don’t know how to control myself! I hate my life now that you’re not here anymore.”
4. “Deeply sorry and saddened by this tragedy. Our deepest condolences go out to you. Rest in peace!”
5. “May God give you the strength to deal with your loss. Sending my condolences to you and your family, dear.”
6. “With heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your daughter, (Name of deceased). May the love, prayers, and support of your family and friends bring you comfort during this most difficult time.”
7. “I am sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during these difficult times.”
8. “Your mother was the best person I knew. With her around, everything felt so nice and calm. I hope that she remains happy, wherever she is. May her soul rest in peace.”
9. “Let patience be upon you in this time of grief.”
10. “No matter what I say, I can never bring you back to life. I just want to pray to God so he keeps you in the best place in heaven.”
11. “It’s an honor to remain your best friend until your last moments. Your memories will always stay with me no matter where I go and what I do! RIP!”
12. “This is one of those moments I wish rebirth was possible because I wish more than anything to know and meet you again because one lifetime with you is simply not enough. Sleep in peace and rest now, our dearest.”
13. “We always thought we would have you, and losing you has reminded us of the cruelty of reality. A world without you is unimaginable, yet we are now forced to face it. Sleep now, our dearest, and pay your pains to be gone forever.”
14. “Our God has called you home, if only we were forewarned so we would have made the most of the time we had and tell you how much you made our lives better. A world without you is a reality we are not ready to face. Rest in peace.”
15. “May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace, may my prayers help guide her on her journey to our Creator.”
16. “We will never say goodbye to each other, we were meant to be friends forever. You will always be in my heart. Rest in peace!”
17. “For the first time, it feels like life has betrayed me. It has taken away the person I cared for most. I can never forget your memories of you. RIP!”
18. “I found my soulmate in you. There was never a person, nor will there ever be anyone who can take your place in my heart. Rest in peace, dear!”
19. “I want to find a quiet place, to sit with you awhile, to talk about the happy times, and hope that makes you smile. Rest in Peace, Darling.”
20. “Our memories together will keep me going. I feel your presence even though you have gone.”
21. “Whoever said death was the hard part was wrong. Letting go and realizing I will never see, feel, and hear you again is even harder. RIP.”
22. “I still can’t believe I lost you early on in our lives. We wanted to live a good life, and now you are gone all of a sudden, and it has become difficult for us to survive.”
23. “I really wish it’s a dream. I hope I will wake up sometime later and find you sitting beside me and smiling. I want you to wake me up from this nightmare.”
24. “Coming to terms with your passing away has been incredibly tough for me, Dad, I want to thank you for being the best Dad ever. Rest in peace.”
25. “Your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.”
26. “Even if I forget everything else, I will always remember you. You are the best. You were true to me. Rest in peace!”
27. “Death changes everything, but time changes nothing. I miss you today the same way I missed you on the day you died.”
28. “Every day, I lose hope; I hear you whisper, ‘I am with you’.”
29. “I am with you still, for I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, the sunlight on the ripened grain and the gentle autumn rain.”
30. “All that I can say is that I will miss you the most, mom. Rest in peace.”
See also: 140 Heart Touching I Miss You Mom Quotes From Daughter
Gone Too Soon, But Never Forgotten Quotes
These gone too soon rest in peace quotes are for those who will forever remain in the hearts of their loved ones.
1. “What we once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.”
2. “I remember how much she used to love us, and take care of us, and be there for all of us. We will always consider your Mom part of our family.”
3. “You have left my life, but you will never leave my heart. Rest in peace.”
4. “Very few people have influenced my life the way you did. Thank you for being there. Rest in peace.”
5. “Death may have taken you away from me, but it could never take your memories away. You will always be in my heart in your own special place.”
6. “You were such a kind and caring person. We will greatly miss you. May your beautiful soul rest in peace!”
7. “I keep wishing this is a dream, and I’ll open my eyes and see you walk through the door. I know I have to be strong, but I’m emotionally tired. Wherever you are, may you find peace.”
8. “Love never felt so real and so beautiful. You made me feel alive. Now that you are gone, I have no idea how I am going to manage without you. I will miss you so much.”
9. “This world just got a little sadder. Prayers going up. Rest in peace.”
10. “You have given me so many wonderful memories, I won’t ever forget those, and I won’t ever forget you.”
11. “Death robbed you from me but never broke our bond.”
12. “You may not be present with us physically, but your name will be known to everyone due to your virtuous actions and deeds.”
13. “God decided to call you to Him because you were never less than an angel. You are going to be forever in my thoughts. Rest well, my dear friend.”
14. “Today, I lost you, the person I loved most in this world. I will hold onto your memories until my last breath. RIP!”
15. “Death is natural and unavoidable. I will do my best to accept it, but my love will always be yours.”
16. “Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, and forever dear.”
17. “I am the luckiest that I got to know your sweet soul. I know that even though you are not with me physically, you will always guide me. Rest in peace.”
18. “There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains.”
19. “You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace and up in heaven!”
20. “Our journey together comes to an end today. You will remain in my heart forever. May your soul rest in peace.”
21. “Your smile, the way you used to get angry when we teased you. The way you pouted when you whined, I will miss each little thing about you.”
22. “You were not just my friend. You were my confidant and my source of inspiration and motivation. You will always stay alive in my memories and heart.”
23. “You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.”
24. “Death is inevitable. One can rest in peace when they are considered to have done their best to make a difference. I believe he did his best.”
25. “You taught me how to love, trust, and believe. The only thing you didn’t teach me was how to live without you.”
26. “Since Heaven has become your home, I sometimes feel I’m alone. But one day, all the pain will cease when God restores this missing piece.”
27. “Always on my mind and forever in my heart.”
28. “I found love in you, and no one will ever take your place, no matter what.”
See also: 110 I Love You No Matter What Quotes That Melt Hearts
To Wrap Up
I hope you liked the gone too soon rest in peace quotes I prepared, and found your perfect one.
Until next time!
Read next: 190 Thoughtful & Sad Missing A Sister Who Died Quotes