110 Seduction Quotes To Help Keep The Sparks Flying

couple flirting at cafe

Seduction is an emotional process that starts way before you enjoy the fruits of seduction.

To seduce is to make somebody gain romantic feelings for you. The best way to achieve this is by being charming, loving and attentive to that person.

Seduction can be complicated in two case scenarios: 

  1. When you have just met the person, and you are trying to develop romantic feelings between the two of you
  2. When you are already in a romantic relationship with a person, that lasts for a long time, and you find yourself being uninspired to be seductive

Either way, both cases can be easily understood and improved. Do you know what you need? You need to get inspired. 

And I know that this will be the place where you’ll find the best inspo for seduction! By reading these seduction quotes that I have collected online, I am sure that you will find your inspiration to become seductive (again). 

Best Seduction Quotes To Send To Your Loved One

1. “I’m addicted to your allure and I’m fiending for a cure.” ― Christina Aguilera, Christina Aguilera: Stripped

I’m addicted to your allure and I’m fiending for a cure.

2. “We dance to seduce ourselves. To fall in love with ourselves. When we dance with another, we manifest the very thing we love about ourselves so that they may see it and love us too.” ― Kamand Kojouri

3. “I turn and put my lips close to Peeta’s and drop my eyelids in imitation… “He offered me sugar and wanted to know all my secrets,” I say in my best seductive voice.” ― Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

4. “Mastering the art of seduction gives one a great power, and like any power, it’s to be wielded with responsibility; a man who wields the art of seduction without a sense of responsibility and restraint is a walking proximity bomb of viral epidemics, needless procreation, heartbroken families, and shattered dreams.” ― Mike Norton

5. “You see, seduction is not about WHAT you do, it’s about WHO you are when you do it.” ― Lebo Grand

You see, seduction is not about WHAT you do, it’s about WHO you are when you do it

6. “Make him love you,” Ruthless Me whispered. “Make it so he can’t live without you. The devil you know.” I felt her growing inside me, bringing with her the insane idea that I actually wielded power with Caleb.” ― C.J. Roberts, Captive in the Dark

7. “Shame on you if you ever get dumped out of boredom. Because you are so freakin’ fearfully and wonderfully and SEDUCTIVELY made.” ― Lebo Grand

8. “A seducer only sees the plot and it’s ending, not in the middle, the game of minds only gets interesting with time goes on.” ― MD. Muhtashimur Rahman

9. “It’s intelligence mixed with less than innocence, it’s cruelty mixed with a sense of elegance. It’s a trap set for seduction to those that are persuaded by speech.” ― Jose R. Coronado, The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey

10. “Eyes reveal the unsaid things. The innocence, the flirtations, and the naughtiness all emanate from the eyes.” ― Avijeet Das

Eyes reveal the unsaid things

Loving Seduction Quotes 

1. “Saints and Sinners may be separated by their actions, but they are united by their reaction to passion.” ― Gaiven Clairmont, Seductive Saints & Sensual Sinners Volume I

Saints and Sinners may be separated by their actions, but they are united by their reaction to passion.

2. “I think… if it is true that
there are as many minds as there
 are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

3. “She was so delicate that, while we sat beneath the linden branches, a leaf would fall and drift down and touch her skin, and it would leave a bruise. So as we sat in the afternoon hour, beneath that fragrant linden bower, I had to chase all of the leafs that fell away.” ― Roman Payne

4. “Whatever may have been said of the satiety of pleasure and of the disgust which usually follows passion, any man who has anything of a heart and who is not wretchedly and hopelessly blasé feels his love increased by his happiness, and very often the best way to retain a lover ready to leave is to give one’s self up to him without reserve.”― Théophile Gautier, Mademoiselle de Maupin

5. “If there’s no art of seduction involved, love is definitely not enough.” ― Lebo Grand

If there’s no art of seduction involved, love is definitely not enough

6. “It is not possible to be seduced by the lure of ego-gratification or intimidated by the tyranny of imposters when we know that we are as the angels. We are loved beyond comprehension. So, we must claim our rightful inheritance and live with the confidence of protection.” ― Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

7. “The majority of people seem to assume that sensuality means the amount of sex you have, or the amount of desire you have to have sex, or how seductive a woman is. But here’s the truth, sensuality is actually a reflection of the QUALITY of the ’inner’ life you already have. This quality can be infused in different areas including your sex life.” ― Lebo Grand

8. “The man who desires women only to deceive them, who loves them only to possess them, who takes them only to betray them, and who scorns them when they no longer please him…the man for whom nothing is sacred when it comes to seducing them, and who triumphs only in order to disgrace them—will such a man, I say, ever feel the happiness of finding a virtuous woman, someone who could repair the disorder of his desires, and replace that shameful frivolity with the sweetness of those ties that bind when woven by marriage?” ― Marquis de Sade, La marquise de Gange

9. “Not for me the languor and the subtlety I had read about in books. The challenge and the chase. The sword-play, the swift glance, the stimulating smile. The art of provocation was unknown to me . . .” ― Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca

10. “Your gaze betrays the willingness in your heart.” ― A.E. Samaan, Shades of Vanity – Shades and Shadows of Eroticism

Your gaze betrays the willingness in your heart

See also: 140 Oscar Wilde Love Quotes That Are Absolutely Genius

Seduction Quotes To For Woman To Understand Their Femininity 

1. “C’mon good girl, be bad.” ― Nicki Elson, Three Daves

C’mon good girl, be bad

2. “That’s it. Fate is a fickle whore. We’re not going. Take your clothes off and get back in my bed.” ― Karen Marie Moning, Shadowfever

3. “She lowered her lashes until they almost cuddled her cheeks and slowly raised them again, like a theatre curtain. I was to get to know that trick. That was supposed to make me roll over on my back with all four paws in the air.” ― Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

4. “Intense desire has a distracting power on a woman, just as the Siren’s physical presence does on a man.” ― Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction

5. “Everything you do seduces me. All you need to do is breathe and I would do anything for you.” ― Ashley March, Seducing the Duchess

Everything you do seduces me

6. “Since man is always considered strong and courageous. The woman turned inward to exploit the man through the art of attraction and seduction.” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo

7. “The feminine seduces because it is never where it thinks it is, or where it thinks itself.” ― Jean Baudrillard, Seduction

8. “Sensuality is not a sexual invitation, it’s a depth invitation.” ― Lebo Grand

9. “Sometimes the only way to hunt somebody is to pretend to be a prey.”
― Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

10. “Show a little bit of skin, but not too much.” Mastering the energetics of DESIRE is a seduction game.” ― Lebo Grand

Show a little bit of skin, but not too much

11. “Little boys tease little girls when they’re 8, and women still love it when they’re 28 and 48.” – David DeAngelo

12. “The resistance of a woman to a man’s advances is not always a sign of virtue. Sometimes it’s just a sign of experience.” – Ninon de Lenclos

13. “Seduction is merely encouraging a man to do something he already wants to do.” – Lisa Kleypas

14. “A quick smile is more seductive than a slinky dress.” — Mason Cooley

15. “A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run – sit still and ignore him and he’ll come purring at your feet.” — Helen Rowland

A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run – sit still and ignore him and he’ll come purring at your feet.

16. “I don’t use my body to seduce, no. I just stand there.” – Ursula Andress

17. “Women like what they hear, men like what they see.” – Marcel Achard

18. “Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself.” – Helen Rowland

19. “The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs.” — Marlen Dietrich

20. “You can seduce a man without taking anything off, without even touching him.” – Rae Dawn Chong

You can seduce a man without taking anything off, without even touching him.

Seduction Quotes For Men To Read And Take Notes

1. “Your mind is melting fast, your soul is whispering trust, your eyes are begging please and your anger has turned to lust.” ― Kerry E. Wagner

Your mind is melting fast, your soul is whispering trust, your eyes are begging please and your anger has turned to lust

2. “Sam: “You—you greatly overestimate my self-control.”
Grace: “I’m not looking for self-control.” ― Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver

3. “I want no blood from you–not until we’re both sweaty and naked and you’re screaming my name.” ― Nalini Singh, Angels’ Pawn

4. “He was, like everyone of a strongly erotic disposition, twice as good, twice as much himself when he knew that women liked him, just as many actors find their most ardent vein when they sense that they have cast their spell over the audience, the breathing mass of spectators before them.” ― Stefan Zweig, The Burning Secret and other stories

5. “Seduction is a spiritual affair.” ― Lebo Grand

Seduction is a spiritual affair.

6. “Underneath the sky, so void of light, the rain soaked me through. I held on to the railing and felt calm, even content, and then he had to reach through the dark, raise my temperature and make my heart beat a little bit faster. Not very gallant I should say…especially so close to bedtime. Friend or not, should he rob me of sleep, I’ll be sure to take his.” ― Donna Lynn Hope

7. “Most men don’t understand that the instance of touch does not necessarily situate a woman as seduced. More is involved. The cumulative effect of his kind words and actions throughout keeps her connected. Therefore, a man who acts like a lion in the day and behaves like a lamb at night is a transparent intrigue of a selfish man whose interest is a woman’s body and nothing more.” ― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu

8. “I thought you weren’t going to do that sort of thing.”

“I’m not going to seduce you without invitation,” Heilyn clarified, “but I’m still allowed to flirt, and that was flirting.”

“I think you’re changing these rules as we go along.”

“More fun that way, isn’t it?” ― Amy Rae Durreson, Emyr’s Smile

9. “If you ask any woman what she values at the highest level, you will find that on mass, women want a man that’s going to make them feel safe and looked after.” – Matthew Hussey

10. “We’re all multi-sensory beings; if you want to seduce your partner on deeper levels, it’s time to start exploring different sensory triggers.” ― Lebo Grand

We’re all multi-sensory beings; if you want to seduce your partner on deeper levels, it’s time to start exploring different sensory triggers

11. “The real lover is the man who can thrill you just by touching your head or smiling into your eyes — or just by staring into space.” – Marilyn Monroe

12. Never rush into the waiting arms of the first person who seems to like you. That is not seduction but insecurity.” – Robert Greene

13. “Challenging her a little is a part of what ignites attration.” – Marni Kinrys

14. “You gotta turn yourself on before you can turn a woman on, meaning you have to like yourself first.” – Marni Kinrys

15. “Good game doesn’t look like game.” – Todd Valentine

Good game doesn’t look like game

See also: 40 Edgar Allan Poe Love Quotes To Make You Rethink Romance

Art Of Seduction Quotes For The Passionate Ones

1. “Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion” ― Ninon De Lenclos

Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion

2. “Her lips touched his brain as they touched his lips, as though they were a vehicle of some vague speech and between them he felt an unknown and timid preasure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odor.” ― James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

3. “You want sensitive and understanding, stick with the therapist.You want great,

headbanging sex, get off the fucking phone and come with me.” ― Jennifer Crusie, Welcome to Temptation

4. “Apparently, dancing for him and throwing herself at him weren’t enough. Apparently, she had to nearly commit murder to arouse him enough to attack her.”― Gena Showalter, The Darkest Kiss

5. “The less we love her when we woo her,
The more we draw a woman in.” ― Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin

The less we love her when we woo her, The more we draw a woman in

6. “He was the kind of young man whose handsome face has brought him plenty of success in the past and is now ever-ready for a new encounter, a fresh-experience, always eager to set off into the unknown territory of a little adventure, never taken by surprise because he has worked out everything in advance and is waiting to see what happens, a man who will never overlook any erotic opportunity, whose first glance probes every woman’s sensuality, and explores it, without discriminating between his friend’s wife and the parlour-maid who opens the door to him. Such men are described with a certain facile contempt as lady-killers, but the term has a nugget of truthful observation in it, for in fact all the passionate instincts of the chase are present in their ceaseless vigilance: the stalking of the prey, the excitement and mental cruelty of the kill. They are constantly on the alert, always ready and willing to follow the trail of an adventure to the very edge of the abyss. They are full of passion all the time, but it is the passion of a gambler rather than a lover, cold, calculating and dangerous. Some are so persistent that their whole lives, long after their youth is spent, are made an eternal adventure by this expectation. Each of their days is resolved into hundreds of small sensual experiences – a look exchanged in passing, a fleeting smile, knees brushing together as a couple sit opposite each other – and the year, in its own turn, dissolves into hundreds of such days in which sensuous experience is the constantly flowing, nourishing, inspiring source of life.” ― Stefan Zweig, The Burning Secret and other stories

7. “Ô, Wanderess, Wanderess
When did you feel your
most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source
of your greatest bliss?” ― Roman Payne

8. “It was the wildness of it that got me going: the primal lust, the sheer needs of two people in heat, quickly finding ways to express their sacred hunger to each other in animal passion.” ― Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

9. “I profess not to know how women’s hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration. Some seem to have but one vulnerable point, or door of access; while others have a thousand avenues, and may be captured in a thousand different ways. It is a great triumph of skill to gain the former, but a still greater proof of generalship to maintain possession of the latter, for man must battle for his fortress at every door and window. He who wins a thousand common hearts is therefore entitled to some renown; but he who keeps undisputed sway over the heart of a coquette is indeed a hero.” ― Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

10. “It’s the fire in her eyes & the furnace in her groins that made others’ seductions look cheap.” ― Bimri, A Picasso

It's the fire in her eyes & the furnace in her groins that made others' seductions look cheap

11. “When you master the energetics of DESIRE you know how to ensure that your image is constantly at the front of his mind with the right emotional attachment and sensory perception.” ― Lebo Grand

12. “There is no longer any happiness for me, no longer any peace but in the possession of this woman whom I love and hate with equal fury. I cannot tolerate my life until hers is again mine to dispose of. Then, contented and calm, I shall see her in turn buffeted by the storms that assail me now, and I shall stir up a thousand others too. I want hope and fear, faith and suspicion, all the evils devised by hate and all the blessings conferred by love, to fill her heart and to succeed one another there at my will.” ― Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons dangereuses

13. “To lack confidence in a man is a most wasteful exercise. A woman is not as weak a creature as one presumes. I must tell you that there exists no man who can seduce a disinclined woman. And I cannot omit the fact that if the woman is determined to find love, no amount of policing can keep her from falling into that state.” ― Mukta Singh-Zocchi, The Thugs & a Courtesan

14. “   ‘I can no longer endure my existence unless it is of use in making you happy. I devote myself entirely to that. From this moment on I am yours, and you will hear neither refusals nor regrets from my lips.’ With such candour—naïve or sublime—did she give up her person and her charms, increasing my happiness by sharing it.” ― Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons dangereuses

15. “Who would willingly walk the path of love without first being seduced by its promise?” ― Donna Goddard, Together

Who would willingly walk the path of love without first being seduced by its promise

16. “The last time a man read me poetry in bed, he wanted me to do a great deal more than go back to sleep.” ― Molly Ringle, Lava Red Feather Blue

17. “Seduction is not like a veiling cloth but rather like water as it has the power to flow in the direction you want it to. Not where you put your direct focus, rather the point of focus must be somewhere else. Because all water go to the ocean, the ocean does not come to it.” ― MD. Muhtashimur Rahman

18. “Don’t lose yourself in a man, that’ll make you lose your pizzazz indefinitely. Instead, lose yourself in your own sensuality and you’ll forever enchant him. The power to enthrall and keep a man is hidden in your sensuality.” ― Lebo Grand

19. “Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. The best thing is living seductively; which is about finding new ways to make the same person fall for you daily.” ― Lebo Grand, Sensual Lifestyle

20. “To find and keep love today, you have to learn the mystery of seduction.” ― Lebo Grand

To find and keep love today, you have to learn the mystery of seduction

Impressive Seduction Quotes

1. “Seduction is an art that is tested in the mirror” ― Miguel Ángel Sáez Gutiérrez, Poemas y canciones para el mal de amores Volumen1

Seduction is an art that is tested in the mirror

2. “I coveted you. I had no right to want you–but I reached out and took you anyway. And now look what’s become of you! Trying to seduce a vampire.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

3. “I once knew of a girl whose story forms the substance of the diary. Whether he has seduced others I do not know… we learn of his desire for something altogether arbitrary. With the help of his mental gifts he knew how to tempt a girl to draw her to him without caring to possess her in any stricter sense.

I can imagine him being able to bring a girl to the point where he was sure she would sacrifice all then he would leave without a word let alone a declaration or a promise. The unhappy girl would retain the consciousness of it with double bitterness because there was not the slightest thing she could appeal to. She could only be constantly tossed about in a terrible witches’ dance at one moment reproaching herself forgiving him at another reproaching him and then since the relationship would only have been actual in a figurative sense she would constantly have to contend with the doubt that the whole thing might only have been an imagination.” ― Soren Kierkegaard, The Seducer’s Diary

4. “It is a woman‘s duty to set the role a man should play in the relationship; she should NOT do it overtly though but seductively.

Women who know how to ‘Lead with DESIRE’ have the ability to craft the energy that a man should operate in. They can make him LOVE playing the bills because it makes him feel alive.” ― Lebo Grand

5. “Seduction is an art known only to the best of the artistes.”― Avijeet Das

Seduction is an art known only to the best of the artistes

6. “He eyed her fingernails, painted bright blue. Her wrists smelled like peppermint and she said her name was “Stella.” Andrei was impressed by her femininity, the subject of which was a dangerous thing. When some men are exposed to a certain kind of woman, they become so absolutely entranced by their iridescence that they would do anything to be around them for longer. Lie. Linger. Kill. It was a pure, wild attraction, that started from a collarbone, that would make a man agree to rip out his tooth if only to hear a woman talk again. Lastly, she had these devilish eyes exclusive to brown and only ever sometimes encountered. Those types of eyes were so dark they had death in them, but were framed with such sweet, narrow eyelids that took death, swirled it in a sizzling adorableness, and communicated a dangerous, impatient capability for sex. It seduced men throughout history—what lived behind the mischievous, delicate, hickory fire.” ― Karl Kristian Flores, A Happy Ghost

7. “You’ve been seduced with poetry? Wow. I’m envious. No guy’s ever tried anything as classy as that on me.”

“If only you could visit the eighteenth century, Highvalley. You would learn what it is to be courted properly.” ― Molly Ringle, Lava Red Feather Blue

8. “At the core level, seduction comes down to selling. You’re trying to convince a woman that you are a hot product she has got to have! You’re selling yourself.” ― Cage J. Madison, Masterclass Seduction

9. “Fighting battles is like courting girls: those who make the most pretensions and are boldest usually win.” — Rutherford B. Hayes

10. “True love is the love that seduces and will never allow itself to be seduced.” – Paulo Coelho

True love is the love that seduces and will never allow itself to be seduced

See also: 160 Unexpected Falling In Love Quotes To Give You Hope

Seduction Quotes To Think About

1. “When one with honeyed words but evil mind
Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.” ― Euripides, Orestes

When one with honeyed words but evil mind Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.

2. “The next time you try to seduce anyone, don’t do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean.” ― William Faulkner

3. “Yet if women are so flighty, fickle, changeable, susceptible, and inconstant (as some clerks would have us believe), why is it that their suitors have to resort to such trickery to have their way with them? And why don’t women quickly succumb to them, without the need for all this skill and ingenuity in conquering them? For there is no need to go to war for a castle that is already captured. (…)

Therefore, since it is necessary to call on such skill, ingenuity, and effort in order to seduce a woman, whether of high or humble birth, the logical conclusion to draw is that women are by no means as fickle as some men claim, or as easily influenced in their behaviour. And if anyone tells me that books are full of women like these, it is this very reply, frequently given, which causes me to complain. My response is that women did not write these books nor include the material which attacks them and their morals. Those who plead their cause in the absence of an opponent can invent to their heart’s content, can pontificate without taking into account the opposite point of view and keep the best arguments for themselves, for aggressors are always quick to attack those who have no means of defence. But if women had written these books, I know full well the subject would have been handled differently. They know that they stand wrongfully accused, and that the cake has not been divided up equally, for the strongest take the lion’s share, and the one who does the sharing out keeps the biggest portion for himself.” ― Christine de Pizan, Der Sendbrief vom Liebesgott / The Letter of the God of Love

4. “When I met a truly beautiful girl, I would tell her that if she spent the night with me, I would write a novel or a story about her. This usually worked; and if her name was to be in the title of the story, it almost always worked. Then, later, when we’d passed a night of delicious love-making together, after she’d gone and I’d felt that feeling of happiness mixed with sorrow, I sometimes would write a book or story about her. Sometimes her character, her way about herself, her love-making, it sometimes marked me so heavily that I couldn’t go on in life and be happy unless I wrote a book or a story about that woman, the happy and sad memory of that woman. That was the only way to keep her, and to say goodbye to her without her ever leaving.” ― Roman Payne

5. “Ladies, living a sensual lifestyle is all about mastering the art of creating more flavours than can ever be tasted.” ― Lebo Grand

Ladies, living a sensual lifestyle is all about mastering the art of creating more flavours than can ever be tasted

6. “Ladies, if your sensuality is not constantly growing and expanding, the taste of your womanhood will gradually not only become familiar and uninteresting, but ultimately it will be stale and repulsive as dry bread.” ― Lebo Grand

7. “Seduction is manipulation, manipulation is half of argument, and therefore many of us shy from it. But seduction offers more than just consensual sex. It can bring you consensus. Even Aristotle, that logical old soul, believed in the curative powers of seduction. Logic alone will rarely get people to do anything. They have to desire the act. You may not like seduction’s manipulative aspects; still, it beats fighting, which is what we usually mistake for an argument.” ― Jay Heinrichs, Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion

8. “Seduction like attraction, is spoken about in a more positive manner in our generation. Forgetting the fact that these attributes involve bending the will of another person in order to make our ends meet our means.” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

9. “Some think it has to do with the artistry of delivery, but in fact you can have an eloquent harasser and a clumsy flirt. The difference is the message. Both begin with the same basic premise: ‘I desire you.’ Where they diverge is in what follows that premise. The harasser says: ‘I desire you, and I’m going to keep at you until you give in.’ But the seducer’s message puts the power into the hands of the person being desired, with the message being: ‘I desire you, and if the feeling is mutual, come and get it.’ The harasser demands, the seducer invites. That’s the difference.” ― Rikki de la Vega, Bridget’s Calling

10. “Women don’t want to be seduced. They want to be seen and listened to. You can’t do either of those things if you’re thinking up strategies on how to win her over.” ― Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

Women don't want to be seduced

See also: 130 Mad Love Quotes For Him To Show Love & Win His Heart

Short Seduction Quotes

1. “Seduce yourself first.” ― Kamand Kojouri

Seduce yourself first

2. “Edward: Bella, please stop taking your clothes off!

Bella: Why? Did you wanna do that part?” ― Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

3. “I wish I could line up naked the men I’ve slept with and just gloat for a hot minute. Beautiful creatures.” ― Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

4. “Your flavours determine your favours.” ― Lebo Grand

5. “When a woman has not received much flattery in her life, she will be seduced.” ― Melina Marchetta, Froi of the Exiles

When a woman has not received much flattery in her life, she will be seduced

6. “… you should remember that there’s a difference between seducing someone, and being as lewd as possible in their direction.” ― Eliezer Yudkowsky, A Girl Corrupted by the Internet is the Summoned Hero?!

7. “Love isn’t the quest anymore; the new quest is the sensuality with which it is practiced.” ― Lebo Grand

8. “Every interaction is a game. When you stop playing, you are being played.” ― Ben Yareem, The Last Game: The Last Seduction Book You’ll Ever Read (Dating Book For Men) [UPDATED]

9. “Sensuality is the arrest of attention in the midst of distraction.” ― Lebo Grand

10. “Always wear sexy lingerie. Others may not see it, but trust me, they feel it.” ― Lebo Grand

Always wear sexy lingerie

11. “To convince people don’t try to reach their head try to reach their heart.” ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

12. “You Cannot Escape Beauty And You Cannot Stop Being Attracted To It, Because Beauty Allures. Beauty Seduces. Beauty Wants You To Come Closer.” ― Trebbe Johnson, Radical Joy for Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth’s Broken Places

13. “Game is not the things you say, game is the things you are” ― Ben Yareem, The Last Game: The Last Seduction Book You’ll Ever Read (Dating Book For Men) [UPDATED]

14. “Sensuality is a moving target. You chase it daily by going deep within yourself.” ― Lebo Grand

15. “Make sensuality your power base.” ― Lebo Grand

Make sensuality your power base

See also: 180 Most Beautiful I Love You With All My Heart Quotes

Final Word

After reading these seduction quotes, I know that you’ll feel as a person that has its love life totally in control. 

I mean, what is love without seduction? What is life without seduction? Let me tell you, it is blank, and boring. 

But living your life with somebody who seduces you and/or with somebody who you are seducing, is a life worth living. Seduction and romantic feelings give us the strength and motivation to be the best version of ourselves. 

I hope that you will understand my message clearly, and that you will (consensually) seduce the person of your dreams!

Read next: 250 Crazily In Love Quotes About Loving Truly, Madly, Deeply

110 Seduction Quotes To Help Keep The Sparks Flying