30 Prayers For Confidence To Help You Navigate Through Life

Silhouette off young woman praying for God's blessings

Life gets tough, nothing seems to make sense any more, and you start questioning yourself – our confidence is clearly easily shaken due to our stressful lives, busy schedules and high expectations.

Whenever you feel discouraged, demotivated, insecure or worthless, it is best to stop focusing on overthinking and start talking to God instead.

Today’s article brings you 30 examples of prayers for confidence so you can tell God what’s making your life difficult and ask for confidence and strength to deal with it.

We’re just human beings and it’s okay not to feel confident all the time. Life can be challenging, overwhelming, and you may feel like you’re not capable of dealing with all obstacles coming your way.

Finding the perfect balance is not easy, but God is always listening to us. What you can do is open your heart to the Lord and take a moment to pray for confidence.

Now let’s read my list of 30 prayers gathered from different online sources to find your daily inspiration.

5 Best Prayers For Confidence

I’ll start off with my 5 most powerful prayers for confidence:

1. “Lord, help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I can’t handle together. Restore my confidence and strength today and every day. Amen.”

Lord, help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I can’t handle together

2. “Heavenly Father, I praise your name for You are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory! You are kind and good! I am in awe of everything You are! Help me learn how to face every storm with confidence, knowing that You really are in control, even though I cannot hear Your voice or see Your hand at work. Amen.”

3. “Dear God, you know my heart and you know that I love you. I’m trying to do my best to follow after you, but sometimes I get tripped up. Sometimes I lose focus. Father, remind me of the simple truth that confidence can only be found in chasing after you. I can walk around confident knowing I am loved. Help me remember this. Amen.”

4. “Holy Spirit, you who was sent to us to be our helper, I pray that you help me. May I have confidence in your plan for my life, and follow where you lead me. Guide and direct my life so that I can be an example of what trusting in God does in our lives. I know you will hear me, oh Lord, and answer my prayer. Amen.”

5. “Heavenly Father, I am at a point in my life where I need encouragement and strength. My soul waits for You because You are my Help and Shield. God give me strength, encouragement and confidence I need to make it through these trying days. The love that You pour over me brings me the hope to carry on. Amen.”

Prayers For Courage And Confidence

Now let’s read these wonderful prayers for confidence and prayer requests for courage and confidence:

1. “Dear God, sometimes I forget who I am in you and start looking to the world to tell me who I am. On the days when my confidence is fading fast, build me up again. Amen.”

Dear God, sometimes I forget who I am in you and start looking to the world to tell me who I am

2. “Dear Lord, there are negative things that have been said about me and my confidence and self-image are shattered. I know that only you can judge me. Only you know what my true intentions are. I pray that you help me rebuild my confidence in myself. Protect me from being affected by unkind or hurtful comments. I belong only to you, oh Lord. Protect my heart. Amen.”

3. “Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that I am your child. I am proud to be one of your many children who will inherit your riches if we do as you command us to do. I feel like a prince/ess standing before you, my King. I do not deserve any of this, but you have graciously provided for me. I pray that my confidence in you always remains strong. Amen.”

4. “Father, my Lord, you who started a good work in me, I know you are not finished with me yet. I am applying for opportunities at this moment, Lord. I am praying for your help so that I may be confident in my ability. May your mighty hand work miracles for me. I need this job. I believe that you have good plans for me and that all will be well when you are finished with me. You are the sculptor, and I am the clay, oh Lord. Form me in your image, and help me succeed. Amen.”

5. “Who am I Lord? Call my name and help me walk with confidence, redeemed. Who am I Lord? Released and free, not chained with fear and regret. Who am I Lord? Son or daughter of the King who is most high. Who am I Lord? Mistakes and faults fall like dust, as your grace lifts me high. Who am I Lord? I am above, all seated with the Son of God. Who am I Lord? Unique and precious, called by name and made new and whole. Who am I Lord? The one who walks with Jesus spirit deep inside. Who am I Lord? No less, no more, just as I am, I need not hide. Who am I Lord? It is enough to stand in peace before my King.”

6. “Almighty Lord, King of Kings, there have been times when I doubted my strength and my ability to do things. I know that you have blessed me immensely with talent and a resilient heart. Lord, I ask for your help as I pursue my dreams. Multiply my confidence and help me believe that you have set me up for glory. I will no longer seek to hold tightly to a false sense of worth found in my fragile righteousness, nor in the wavering opinions of others. I will find my strength and my worth solely in You. Amen.”

7. “My Redeemer, as I start my day, I pray that your hand holds me and guides me. Please be my comforter when I am worried, my strength when I feel weak, my patience when I feel frustrated, my peace when I am angry, and my confidence when I am in doubt. Manifest your power within me, Lord. Make me a vessel for your goodness. Amen.”

8. “Dear Lord, it is in confidence that I approach you. I know that you will grant me everything I ask from you if it is part of your plan for my life. I need your Spirit to walk with me, Lord. I need you to assure me that I can do all that I am meant to do. May I be confident in your promise and remain faithful to you, even in the hard times. I pray that I live boldly because you are my Lord. Amen.”

9. “Father God, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength, confidence and peace that only You can give. God please help me through this difficult time. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.”

10. “Lord, you saw me before I was formed in my mother’s womb, and you rejoiced over me, you made plans for me, plans to prosper me, plans to protect me. Help me live in the confidence that I am never alone. Amen.”

Lord, you saw me before I was formed in my mother’s womb, and you rejoiced over me, you made plans for me, plans to prosper me, plans to protect me

Prayers For Self-Confidence

Here you’ll find more powerful prayers for self-confidence:

1. “Father, as I start this week, I give myself to you, Lord. Forgive me for the times I have gone against your will. I dedicate this week to you, so that I may go through it in strength and confidence. Amen.”

Father, as I start this week, I give myself to you, Lord

2. “O blessed Lord, in your presence I show my true self. I am fragile, vulnerable. Sometimes I’m afraid. How can I have courage? Almighty Lord, you created heaven & earth. It all returns to you. Let me understand & accept that you are in control. In my smallness you reached out to me. You gave me all I needed. You gave me Christ Jesus, your innocent, beloved son. You place me on the throne with him forever free. And from there, O Lord, I have confidence. In your mercy, there is no condemnation. In your grace, all things are new. So I walk with you, O Lord, with deep trust. I know I am forgiven. I know I am loved. Your love gives me courage. And loving others makes me brave. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

3. “Christ, my Lord, I pray that you help my soul to be content. Let me be satisfied with who I am, and who you are molding me to be. May I never doubt my importance in this world. All you have given me is magnificent and beautiful. I pray that I may live in confidence, courage, and faith. Remind me that I am a gem that cannot be replaced and your precious child. Amen.”

4. “Dear Lord, You command us to go in confidence and face whatever is ahead of us because You are by our side. I pray that You stay by my side as I go into my day. Help me live without fear or hesitation today with the knowledge that You are with me. Be my cheerleader who encourages me. I dedicate this day to You, so that I may go through it in strength and confidence. May doubt never stop me from living as You command. Let my trust in You also be a light to all who see it so that I can reach the hearts and minds of people for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

5. “Lord, thank you that you are always faithful and true, and that your steadfast love never ceases. Thank you that prayer is powerful and effective, and that even when we doubt, you still hear our prayers and act on our behalf. Lord, I confess that sometimes I doubt. Sometimes I’m not sure if my prayers are really effective or if you hear me. So Lord, I ask you to embolden my faith. Help me have confidence that you will always be there for me and will never leave or forsake me. Thank you for your tender love for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

6. “Dear Jesus, I pray that I find love wherever I go. Bless me with people who love and value me in their lives. I pray that you teach me to live in confidence and strength. Help me know that God is fighting all my battles and that he is protecting me. I have faith in your faithfulness, oh God. I know that you will never fail. May your mercy and goodness follow me at all times. Amen.”

7. “Holy Father, your grace and mercies upon me have been more than I deserve. I cannot count all your blessings in my life, as they exceed the numbers I know. I have a desire to be more confident and proclaim your deeds in my life. I pray that I find the strength to testify about your gracious love to me before my friends and everyone I meet. I trust in You, oh Lord. Amen.”

8. “Lord Jesus, you help me when I seek you. You are the ever-near friend in my times of trouble. I ask you to walk with me every step of my life. Though I will find many dark places and challenges that will make me feel like giving up, with you I will be confident and I will be strong. With you, I will not be afraid to move forward. You are my strength and my rock. Amen.”

9. “I give my life to you today, oh Heavenly Father, just take control and guide me along the way. There are times I may think that I do not have the strength to defeat the enemy as he attacks me in my daily life. Restore my courage and faith in you, Oh King of Heaven. Help me to be confident both in myself as well as in You, for I know I will mount up on wings like an eagle and soar high with You on the throne. Amen.”

See also: 60 Extraordinary Prayers To Cancel Evil Plan Of The Enemy

10. “Lord in Heaven, I need you to walk with me, to pour into me your wisdom, and to guide my every step. Help me be confident that I am the leader my people deserve. Amen.”

Lord in Heaven, I need you to walk with me, to pour into me your wisdom, and to guide my every step

More Uplifting Prayers For Confidence

My article ends with these uplifting prayers for confidence:

1. “Dear Lord, sow my roots so deeply that I cannot be uprooted by the storms of life. Help me love myself unconditionally so that I may be confident wherever I am. Teach me to never doubt that I am your beautiful child. Amen.”

Dear Lord, sow my roots so deeply that I cannot be uprooted by the storms of life

2. “Father God, thank you that you have gifted me uniquely for the role that you’ve given me. Thank you that through this job you’ve provided me with a way to provide for my family, and that whatever my career looks like, you will continue to provide for me every day. Position me amongst people who will champion my development and who will encourage me and teach me when I’m still learning. Give me the confidence I need to do my job well, and grant me favor in my workplace so that I might glorify you every day. Thank you for always being with me, giving me the confidence to walk in your authority. Amen.”

3. “Dear God, I have a test that I must pass. I need your guiding light to fill my mind and heart at this moment. I fear that I will forget what I have studied and that I will not pass the test. Give me the confidence to take the test without fear. You won over evil, and you are always there for me. I know that I will succeed in your Holy name. Amen.”

4. “Redeemer, I have many insecurities that make me doubt my ability to provide for my family. Dear Lord, I pray for your assurance that I will be able to give financial stability to my family so I can provide for their needs. Please calm my heart and mind. Help me confidently believe that you will help me find a way. Help me show my family love even when I am stressed. Please wash away all the doubts that have been planted in me by hateful people. Keep my family healthy, safe, and united in your love. Amen.”

5. “My Jesus, thank you for helping me come up with new ideas. Give me the confidence to pitch these ideas, give my opinions, and present my proposals without fear. Help me trust that I will be met with a receptive audience. Help me know that I am only doing what you have guided me to do. Amen.”

Final Thoughts

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Whatever life may bring our way, our faith in God should stay strong. Our Lord is omnipotent and has answers to all our prayers. He will make us strong and confident whenever we are weak and discouraged.

I hope my list of 30 prayers for confidence has helped you find your inspiration regarding praying when you need that extra boost in life.

Nobody is perfect and our confidence can be shaken easily. That’s perfectly normal. It’s important to remember that God never leaves us.

I also hope you’ve found a few inspiring prayers in my article that you’ll use as daily prayers. They will empower and uplift you when you feel down and insecure.

Finally, let’s read this Bible verse as well:

“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31

Thank you for reading my article. May God bless you!

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30 Prayers For Confidence To Help You Navigate Through Life