100 Emotional Love Paragraphs For Your Ex You Want Back

broken heart sadness frustration flower leafs

If you’re searching for the right words to win your ex back, you’ve come to the right place! Below, you’ll find plenty of heart-touching love paragraphs for your ex you want back you can simply copy and paste. Let’s take a look!

Top Paragraphs For Your Ex You Want Back

1. “If you give me a chance, I swear I will take care of you until my last breath.”

If you give me a chance, I swear I will take care of you until my last breath

2. “There is not a single day when I don’t think about you, and I don’t miss you. I just want to go back in time and cherish all those memories that I have with you. Because, if not with you, I would love to live with your memories.”

3. “The sun rises and sets every day, but my world has stopped. It will move only when you come back to me again.”

4. “They say the heart heals with time, but mine has refused to heal. There is no one who will ever be able to replace you in my heart. I hope this message will enable you to reconsider our life together. Come back, sweetheart.”

5. “I wish I could hold you tight again in my arms. I wish I could feel the warmth of your heart now. I wish I could change the time to make it happen again. Missing you too much.”

6. “When someone loves you, you’ll know. When true love leaves you, you’ll know. I have the rare unfortunate privilege to experience both, all with you. Your heart is such a pure one; it’s unarguable to me. I cherish you.”

7. “I want you back. I have prayed to God. I have cried about my mistakes. I am not going to hide it anymore; without you, I am gone. When you left, half of me left. If you don’t come back, then it’s over for me. Give me one more chance.”

8. “Back when we were together, life was so magical! Your presence used to save me from every worldly trouble. Without you, I don’t know how to go on with this life. Please come back to me and make me feel alive again.”

9. “There is no one who makes me feel alive like you do. You make me appreciate life. Sweet love, I know how much I hurt you. Now I regret my actions. I am really sorry.”

10. “It’s my heart which still beats only for you, which still expects the presence of you beside me. It’s the heart that still misses you a lot! I can never forget you.”

It’s my heart which still beats only for you, which still expects the presence of you beside me

Paragraph For Your Ex Girlfriend To Get Her Back

Do you want your ex-girlfriend back? Then you need an emotional love message for her to melt her heart and remind her how great your relationship was.

Check out these love paragraphs for your ex you want back that will make her reconsider the decision to part ways.

1. “Our breakup should have shattered me, but it has actually made me stronger by making me realize that you are the one my heart wants. Girl, I love you.”

Our breakup should have shattered me, but it has actually made me stronger

2. “The whole day I wait to hear from you, then I spend sleepless nights thinking of you becoming someone else’s. You were my peace on earth, and it seems as if all my peace has left along with you. Life has become such a hell; please soothe my crazy mind again.”

3. “Hey, beautiful. I know I messed up. You are the best woman that I have ever met. You are kind, loving, and compassionate. I wish you the beauty that no one can destroy, and I wish you were mine once again.”

4. “You may not be mine anymore, but I just know that you’re the only girl in this entire world with whom I want to grow old. You taught me what true love feels like, and I’m ready to fight anything to get your love again. Give me one more chance, please.”

5. “I wish I could hold you tight again in my arms, I wish I could feel the warmth of your heart now, and I wish I could change the time to make it happen again. Missing you too much.”

6. “It is easy to stay away from each other, but hard not to think about you. I have tried countless times not to think about you, but when I do, I miss you more.”

7. “Sweetheart, I can’t stop thinking about the good moments we used to have together. You made me feel alive and brought happiness into my heart. The breakup has made me realize how much I love you and need you in my life. I’m sorry.”

8. “Saying sorry is the first step to restoring a broken relationship. Now that I’ve said it, will you accept this apology straight from my heart?”

See also: 80 Apology Paragraphs Straight From The Heart

9. “You are a unique woman, and your love for me was genuine. I was just crap at thinking I can do to you whatever I feel without considering or even overlooking the consequences. I know you will ever remain beautiful, and I hope you can extend your beauty to my life just this time again.”

10. “I know I have caused this mess. I know I have stolen your happiness. I know I have given you stress, but I truly beg for your forgiveness. I love you, my princess.”

I know I have given you stress, but I truly beg for your forgiveness

11. “You made many sacrifices to plan a future for us. I took it for granted. I have realized my foolishness at such privilege by a beauty like you. Please give me a second chance to activate your plans and work it out.”

12. “I recall nights when we walked in the sand beneath the magical moonlight. I recall your silver voice singing melodies in the midst of the crashing waves. I feel sorrow and pain, and I have tears in my eyes for the first time in my life.”

13. “You’re not my girlfriend anymore, but you’re still the only woman I love and the woman I never want to stop loving. You’re an addiction I never want to get over. Be mine again, and I will do anything to keep our love intact.”

14. “How can I call you my ex when my heart still beats for you? How can you say that our relationship has come to an end when in my mind, I am still yours? I love you.”

15. “In my darkness full of despair, I see you calling to me at night like the swaying shadow of a forlorn tree basking in the moonlight. Do you feel my tears welling up inside your heart like a river?”

16. “I overlooked your importance in my life and lost it all. I brought upon myself the sadness your presence kept away all throughout your stay in my life. You are all I want, please. Can I get a chance?”

17. “You gave me love. I gave you coldness. You gave me care. I took it for granted. You endured me, I oppressed you. How foolish I am. To think I would be asking for your forgiveness when I know if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t have yielded is laughable, but you are not me. In fact, you are the right and perfect version of how I am. Please, help me to be better. Give me one more chance.”

18. “Hi, I just wanted to say I’m thinking about you, and I really hope we can still be friends at some point in the future. No pressure, but let me know if or when you’re ready to talk.”

19. “It’s been days since we broke up, but trust me, darling, there hasn’t been one morning when your face didn’t pop up into my head. I still love you just as much as I did in the beginning. My gut feeling says that you feel the same, don’t you?”

20. “Breaking up with you was the worst mistake I could ever make. I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.”

Breaking up with you was the worst mistake I could ever make

See also: 100 Best I’m Sorry Paragraphs For Her To Forgive You

Long Paragraphs To Get Your Ex Back

Check out these long paragraphs for your ex you want back, I’m sure you’ll like them!

1. “Though it didn’t work the first time, I think it will work a second time. I can’t take this loneliness anymore. It’s not been easy letting go completely. I’m missing you and wish we could try all over again.”

Though it didn’t work the first time, I think it will work a second time

2. “I searched for a perfect picture of myself in my mind, but I couldn’t find any. I searched all over again. It took me days until I decided to search for the pictures we took together when you were with me. There, I found the best moments of my life. How could I miss them in my mind? I realized that you had withdrawn your love from me. You’re the love I lost and longed for again.”

3. “I poured out my anger on the wrong person without restraint. I hid my weakness in screaming and shouting and hurling insults at you instead of working on controlling the tempers inside of me. I don’t deserve you. Please, I am sorry for what I did. Let’s start another chapter devoid of rancor.”

4. “Baby, please respond to me. I wrote you a letter. Please read it, and please, please, please tell me that I’m gonna see you again and that you’re still protecting me because I’m falling to pieces. I love you, and just know I am missing you every second that you’re gone. I love you so so so much, and I’m sorry I wish I could go back in time and control my anxiety, but I can’t, and I’m crying so much, and I hate myself for it. Baby, I’m going to go see a doctor for my depression and anxiety for you.”

5. “Hello dear, I am ashamed that I have become the worst version of who I dread to be. I caused you so much pain and made you cry all night thinking about the misery I piled on you. I didn’t give a damn while you hurt. If the tables were turned, I would forgive you, but I ask for a miracle from you. Please forgive me and accept me again to be that good man you desired.”

6. “I don’t know what to say other than to tell you that I am really, really sorry. I caused you a lot of pain, and it was foolish of me because I caused myself pain in the process. I cannot think straight until I know that you have forgiven me. Please accept me and give me the opportunity to make amends.”

7. “The last months of our relationship were turbulent. I found out the cause; ME. I was blind to realizing my fault because I was too filled with my ego. Now, I realize what part you hold in my life. I am suffocating because you withdrew your love from my life. Give me another chance to amend the ways. I need you.”

8. “I remember our moments together. I remember those tight hugs and beautiful kisses. I remember cuddling all night until the sun came up. I remember every single moment I spend with you, and I miss them a lot. I miss you a lot. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope we get over this temporary anger and get together like we were in the past.”

9. “I acted like a child during our relationship, yet you endured me. You gave me time to grow up and be understanding. Instead of improving, I became worse, full of myself. So, you could no longer bear it, and I was blind to see you lose it. Now, I realize my errors. I miss you so much.”

10. “I had a dream last night that we were walking hand in hand on a mysterious island, placed above an unending white mile of sand, the moon was glowing brightly, and you smiled at me. It was a dream from yesterday when I woke up to reality.”

I had a dream last night that we were walking hand in hand

11. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be everything I wanted to be for you. You know I wanted to give you everything, and I still do. I’m sorry I couldn’t be fast enough, and I let this happen. I’m sorry, my angel, but right now I don’t have a choice. Now just know that I’ll be working on everything I can for you. Please don’t leave me.”

12. “I failed you. I ruined the trust you had in me. I used your weaknesses against you. That was awful of me. I failed you, and it left me heartbroken. For all of this, I know being sorry may not heal you, but I want to start the process with it; I am really sorry.”

See also: 150 Best Love Failure Quotes For All The Heart-Broken Souls

Paragraphs To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

If you’re searching for the right words to get your ex-boyfriend back, check out these sweet love paragraphs for your ex you want back.

1. “I think of you before I fall asleep and then again as soon as I wake up. You see, you’re never out of my thoughts.”

I think of you before I fall asleep and then again as soon as I wake up

2. “I will forever treasure the moments that we shared. I was blessed to have you in my life. I am missing you so much.”

3. “You’re the first man who would both make my heart pound and my soul feel safe. I miss you; I miss the warmth of your arms. You may be away from me, but your thoughts never are. How can I win you back, darling?”

4. “I am tired of acting as if I am okay with the breakup because I am not. I am tired of showing that I have moved on because I haven’t. I am tired of pretending that I don’t love you anymore because I still do.”

5. “There is so much hope in giving love another try. I’d like to do life with you again if given another chance. The more I try to get over you, the more difficult it becomes.”

6. “As your ex-girlfriend, I don’t have the right to just knock on your door and fall into your arms. But I still think that you have all the right to knock on mine and take me into your arms. I love you.”

7. “How easy was it for you to say that you did not want me in your life? I wish I could do that, but I can’t because you were, you still are… and you will always be my life. I love you.”

8. “I will miss you till heaven comes calling. Now, I feel empty, and I need to be filled, yet, I know within me that nothing would fill me perfectly as you do. I miss all that you are to me. I desire a miracle: to have you back.”

9. “I can’t stand the thought of you not being mine anymore. You’ve always been my man, and in my mind, you still are.”

10. “It’s 2.30 am, midnight! I am still awake from the moments I spent with you. Those memories make me cry. I am missing you a lot. Please come back to my life again.”

It’s 2.30 am, midnight! I am still awake from the moments I spent with you

11. “When you were my boyfriend, you were the radiant moon in the blank canvas of my life’s dark night skies. Even today, I find it hard to believe that you are the same guy who brought tears to my eyes. I miss you.”

12. “Even though we are apart, my love for you will never abate. If I could take back my words, I would, but since I can’t – here is a new set: I am sorry!”

See also: Top 120 Most Emotional Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

13. “I want you back! I miss the way you look, the sound of your voice, and all the things that make you who you are. I still think about the great times we had together and how happy we were. I want to be with you forever no matter what it takes, everything will be OK if we’re together.”

14. “I will never love you again, but I don’t think I can stop missing you despite the pain.”

15. “I still desire to see you again. I still crave your warm embrace. These past months I have been in the midst of many people, yet I am lonely. You have been my best companion. Though we broke up, I’m hoping we can make up.”

16. “After you left me, my world stopped. All the moments I feel you, all the moments I miss your care. My heart is still living in the past. My memories are still with you. I still love you. Please come back.”

17. “I would like to close my eyes and believe that maybe this would work, maybe we could make it. It just remained maybe when I opened my eyes, leaving me feeling empty.”

18. “Hi, I’ve been doing some thinking, and I really regret how things between us ended. I understand if you’re not up to it, but I would really love to see you.”
19. “Your eyes, your smile, and the way you look at me mean a lot to me. We may be apart, but my heart is still yours.”

20. “This breakup has consumed my thoughts. The more I think about you, the more I realize I can’t spend my future without you. I’m heartbroken without you.”

This breakup has consumed my thoughts

See also: 280 Heart Touching Breakup Quotes To Help Heal Your Wounds

I Miss You Paragraphs For Your Ex You Want Back

If you want your ex to know how much you miss them, these miss-you paragraphs for your ex you want back are just what you need.

1. “My days and nights aren’t the same without you and your love. Here I am, broken into pieces, and life seems to have stopped since that day you left me. Missing you always!”

My days and nights aren’t the same without you and your love

2. “Memories are treasures and worth more than gold if the memories are with someone or something very special. The memories I had with you are the ones I cherish so much because they stand out as the best I have. I miss everything about you.”

3. “I know it has been a while since we spoke. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get you out of my thoughts. I yearn for your love. I want to be with you forever. Please come back, my love.”

4. “As every second passes, I wonder what you must be doing. As every minute gets over, I wonder what you must be thinking. I miss you more and more as every day goes by. I can’t hold back the endless stream of my tears… even though I desperately try. I love you.”

5. “I wait, engrossed in my dreams and fantasies, throughout the starry night, wishing on a falling star for a love I can’t see. So, I sit alone, gazing up at the stars, aware of what I’ve lost in my deeper self. So long, a love that was once my life.”

6. “Ego is a poison for a relationship like ours. I am sorry for everything I have done wrong. I miss you, and I want you back.”

7. “I miss your voice. I miss your twerking. I miss your dress sense. I miss your understanding. I miss your hard work. I miss your support. I miss your body. I miss your touch. I miss your blush. I miss your eyes. I miss your nose and lips. I miss you. It took me too long before I realized.”

8. “When I remember the routine you carry out daily in my life, I realize that you were the jewel given to me from above, and in you is my comfort. Yet, I toyed with you like an immature baby I am. I miss you.”

9. “I used to start my day with your text and end it by looking at your photographs. I still crave the joy of it, love. I want to see your face and hear your voice one more time and make time stop forevermore. Living without you doesn’t seem like living at all.”

10. “I know you are my ex. I know that we have moved apart, but you are still living inside my heart. I don’t know; I want to give our relationship another chance. I miss you so much.”

I know that we have moved apart, but you are still living inside my heart

11. “My desire is for you to give me a rare chance to apologize in person. This message is to express my sincerity because I desire you back.”

12. “Telling you this may not make any sense to you at the moment. But the truth stands that I miss you so much, my ex-boo. So many things I miss about you: our talks, jokes, outings, and everything that always makes us lively.”

13. “It’s not that I want you back. It’s the fact that I will always love you. Every second I see your smile, my heart flutters. I don’t want us to ever be apart. I don’t want to see anyone else, and if it means begging at your feet, I will do just that.”

14. “I did not know that a breakup was just a start, the main thing is moving on, and I failed to do so. I am still into you. I am living with the memories of us together. I want to kiss you, and I want to feel you. I miss you so much.”

15. “No matter how hard I try to fit into society, I feel like I don’t belong here. I feel like there is something missing in me, something that ignites my feelings and makes me feel alive. You are the one I need, come back, my love.”

16. “I remember the painful days when we fought endlessly… but I also remember the beautiful days when we looked into each others’ eyes endlessly. I forgive you, and I want you to forgive me… I miss you.”

17. “I deleted all your pictures and messages from my phone, but I can’t get you off my head. I miss you, dear.”

18. “When I close my eyes, I feel like you are close to me. I miss your hugs; I want you again in my life. I miss you so much.”

19. “The moment I close my eyes, the face that comes in front of me is you. When I search for you, I can find you everywhere. I am missing you so much, my dear. What can I do to make things right? You are still in my thoughts!”

20. “Since the day you left, I am still waiting for you. My heart has never moved on, hoping one day you will come back. I miss you, baby.”

Since the day you left, I am still waiting for you

See also: 190 Heartfelt I Miss You Baby Quotes For Emotional Souls

Paragraphs To Send To Your Ex That You Still Love

If you still love your ex, you need to fight for that love! Not everything is lost. Here you’ll find the most romantic and heart-warming paragraphs for your ex you want back. Take a look!

1. “You are the sunshine in my life, the happiness in my heart, the music to my soul. You are my world. Don’t leave me because I love you so much.”

You are the sunshine in my life, the happiness in my heart, the music to my soul

2. “Even if we are apart, there is one thing that I am sure about. My love for you still remains the same. I can’t take my words back, for my heart belongs to you. I am sorry, my love. Come back, for I can’t stop loving you.”

3. “I still remember the day when you swore you would never talk to me again. But I want you to remember that there was a day when I swore that I would never stop loving you. One of us will have to break our promises… and it is definitely not going to be me. I love you.”

4. “I know that I am stuck in the past, I know that I believe in last, but, you, believe me, I love you to the core. I don’t want anything else anymore. Please come back. I still love you a lot!”

5. “I love you, and I can’t keep it anymore to myself. Yes, I know you think it’s all in the past, but within me, I know what I feel daily when I think about you. I still love and crave your care and love once again. I love you forever.”

6. “The one I love, I cherish. I cherish you even though I was careless with you. Not until I missed you did I realize how important you were to me. You were such an angel in my life. I miss you and all the pleasant times. I long for them once again.”

7. “I was going through my things yesterday, and I stumbled across a card you wrote me. And I have to say that you were so sweet to me. Even now, despite everything that happened, I really appreciate it.”

8. “I can’t get you out of my head; well, maybe I don’t want to. Because deep down, I’ve always known that you’re the love of my life. I can’t even think of anyone other than you, baby. Let’s give our love one more chance?”

9. “I know you didn’t mean to say what you did, and I am sorry for not understanding it then. I don’t want to remember the past. Let’s move on together.”

10. “You were the best thing that ever happened to me. You are still living inside me. Days aren’t going; time has stopped. I miss you so much. I still love you.”

You were the best thing that ever happened to me

11. “Darling, things have not been easy since you left; my heart yearns for your love each passing day. I would be grateful if we had a conversation about what happened. I look forward to having you in my life.”

12. “The love you showed me when we were together is still the only reference point in life when I think about true love. No one beats how you express love. You will always be the best lover I have met. I want to meet you again and talk with you about all the things that happened once more.”

13. “Ever since I fell for you, I couldn’t imagine living without you. I can’t tell you how hard it is to survive each day. Your beautiful face, your lovely smile, and your shining eyes; I miss all of them. Would you be mine again?”

14. “Our relationship may have reached its use-by date, but my love for you hasn’t and never will. I love you.”

15. “If there is one thing that I am missing so much is our time together. I miss the walks. I miss your touch and you tightly holding my hands. I miss you so much.”

16. “I miss holding your hands, I miss you calling out my name, and I miss your love and care. I’m sorry I broke your heart and left it bleeding. Please forgive me because I am missing you.”

17. “I still feel deep love in my mind, which is only for you. Long days have passed, but still, the feeling of love has taken away my peace. I miss you so much.”

18. “I still remember the first time I met you, the first time our eyes met. I instantly fell in love with you, it was love at first sight. I still remember the day you walked out of my life. Even though you left, my heart still loves you.”

See also: 80 Love At First Sight Messages And Quotes For Your Loved Ones

Final Words

There you have it, one hundred touching love paragraphs for your ex you want back! I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your love back.

I hope you enjoyed the article and found it helpful.

Until next time!

100 Emotional Love Paragraphs For Your Ex You Want Back