If you’ve been searching for some lovely quotes about daisies, you’ve come to the right place! This article brings you the richest selection of daisy quotes that cherish this amazing little flower, its beauty, simplicity, purity, innocence, and cheerfulness. Let’s take a look!
Top 10 Daisy Quotes
1. “Daisies infinite uplift in praise their little growing hands, o’er every hill that under heaven expands.” – Ebenezer Elliott

2. “Daisies that bring you joy are better than roses that bring you sorrow.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
3. “The daisy, by the shadow that it casts, protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun.” – William Wordsworth
4. “It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never gotten tired of making them.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton
5. “I’ll go pick daisies and have a happy heart.” – Kimber Annie Engstrom

6. “A simple white daisy. The plainest of flowers, perhaps the purest” ― J.R. Tompkins
7. “She smelled of sun and daisies with a hint of river water.” – Katie Daisy
8. “Daisies in water are the longest–lasting flower you can give to someone. Fact. Buy daisies. Not roses.” – Anne Sexton
9. “I got daisies in green pastures.” – Ira Gershwin
10. “They are the little daisies white that dot the meadow of the Night.” – Frank Dempster Sherman

Inspirational Daisy Flower Quotes
Daisies are truly special flowers. Keep reading to find daisy quotes that’ll make your day a little brighter:
1. “Buttercups and daisies, oh, the pretty flowers.” – Mary Howitt

2. “There’s no dew left on the daisies and clover; there’s no rain left in heaven.” – Jean Ingelow
3. “Spring announces its entry by giving us bunches of daisies.”
4. “Daisies are nature’s way of expressing love”
5. “Where innocent bright–eyes daisies are with blades of grass between, each daisy stands up like a star out of a sky of green.” – Christina Rossetti

6. “God said,––’Let there be light!’ Grim darkness felt His might, and fled away; then startled seas and mountains cold, shone forth, all bright in blue and gold, and cried––’Tis day! ’tis day!’ ‘Hail, holy light!’ exclaim’d the thunderous cloud that flam’d o’er daisies white; and lo! the rose, in crimson dress’d, lean’d sweetly on the lily’s breast; and blushing murmur’d––Light!” – Ebenezer Elliott
7. “The Daisy follows soft the Sun and when his golden walk is done, sits shyly at his feet.” – Emily Dickinson
8. “Ev’n thou who mourn’st the Daisy’s fate, that fate is thine — no distant date;” – Robert Burns
9. “The innocent beauty of a daisy is what touches my heart.”
10. “And you never wear in your shining hair, a richer flower than daisies.” – Phoebe Cary

11. “You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming.” – Pablo Neruda
12. “There is a little, dainty flower, that lifts its golden eye, without a single tinge of shame.” – Richard Coe
13. “Stars are the daisies that begem the blue fields of the sky.” – David Macbeth Moir
14. “Daisies smell–less, yet most quaint, and sweet thyme true.” – Francis Beaumont
15. “Daisies standing in the rain, hold their heads together, but they never once complain of the drenching weather.” – Annette Wynne

16. “Now Nature hangs her mantle green on every blooming tree, and spreads her sheets o’daisies white out o’er the grassy lea.” – Robert Burns
17. “That of all the floures in the made, thanne love I most these floures white and red, suche as men callen daysyes in her toune.” – Geoffrey Chaucer
18. “Young Dandelion on a hedge–side said young Dandelion, who’ll be my bride? Said young Dandelion with a sweet air, I have my eye on Miss Daisy fair.” – Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
19. “Over the shoulders and slopes of the dune I saw the white daisies go down to the sea.” – Bliss Carman
20. “Underneath large blue–bells tented where the daisies are rose–scented, and the rose herself has got perfume which on earth is not.” – John Keats

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Brilliant Daisy Quotes
If you’ve been searching for brilliant quotes about daisies, here you go:
1. “Daisies, simple and sweet. Daisies are the way to win my heart.” ― Patrick Rothfuss

2. “Daisies are what boho dreams are made of. They bring to mind sun–soaked wild flower fields, spontaneous wanderings in the country air the simple joys of bundling found blooms and foliage into a worn basket. I can almost smell the sunshine when I look at these happy flowers and feel the urge to wear a flower crown and spin around barefoot!” ― Chantal Larocque
3. “The night was so very still that one should have been able to hear the whisper of roses in blossom — the laughter of daisies — the piping of grasses — many sweet sounds, all tangled up together. The beauty of moonlight on familiar fields irradiated the world.” ― L.M. Montgomery
4. “If I find a green meadow splashed with daisies and sit down beside a clear–running brook, I have found medicine. It soothes my hurts as well as when I sat in my mother’s lap in infancy, because the Earth really is my mother, and the green meadow is her lap.” – Deepak Chopra
5. “A place where he’d pluck a daisy and watch the petals whirl like the propellers of a helicopter.” ― Michelle Cuevas

6. “In nature everything is valuable, everything has its place. The rose, the daisy, the lark, the squirrel, each is different but beautiful. Each has its own expression. Each flower its own fragrance. Each bird its own song. So you too have your own unique melody.” – Diane Dreher
7. “Gods must be crazy, flowers must be daisy, clouds must be hazy, winds must be lazy. What else it could be… My heart must be in love lately…” ― Heenashree Khandelwal
8. “Reminder: rain will make the daisies grow.”
See also: 200 Best Rain Captions For Instagram To Rock Your Post!
9. “What change has made the pastures sweet and reached the daisies at my feet, and cloud that wears a golden hem? This lovely world, the hills, the sward–– They all look fresh, as if our Lord but yesterday had finished them.” – Jean Ingelow
10. “If there is only one daisy among a thousand roses, all the interest flows there!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

11. “Green grasses, white daisies, sparkling sun, so here I am.” – Adiana
12. “I didn’t wave my daisy. I felt small, the way an ant must feel looking up at a field of wildflowers.” ― Chelsea Sedoti
13. “A daisy can touch your heart easily.”
14. “Dear Diary, today I tried not to think about Mr. Knightly. I tried not to think about him when I discussed the menu with Cook… I tried not to think about him in the garden where I thrice plucked the petals off a daisy to ascertain his feelings for Harriet. I don’t think we should keep daisies in the garden, they really are a drab little flower. And I tried not to think about him when I went to bed, but something had to be done.” – Jane Austen
15. “I keep stars in my pockets, wear daisies in my hair but I tuck you tenderly in the folds of my heart and take you everywhere.” ― Melody

16. “She wanted to tackle him and roll around in him like a cat in a field of daisies.” ― Rainbow Rowell
17. “A daisy blooming in a desert is worth more than a rose blossoming in a rainforest.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
18. “The brief silence that follows is as tender as a rainstorm of daisies.” ― Mathias Malzieu
19. “Daisy means ‘innocence’.” ― Vanessa Diffenbaugh
20. “A versatile flower, the daisy. Lovely in its freshness and simplicity.” ― Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Daisies
A tiny flower like a daisy can melt your heart. Find more amazing daisy quotes over here:
1. “Over the shoulders and slopes of the dune I saw the white daisies go down to the sea, a host in the sunshine, an army in June, the people God sends us to set our heart free.” — Bliss Carman

2. “The brief silence that follows is as tender as a rainstorm of daisies.” ― Mathias Malzieu
3. “The dances ended, all the fairy train for pinks and daisies search’d the flow’ry plain.” — Alexander Pope
4. “I leave to children exclusively, but only for the life of their childhood, all and every the dandelions of the fields and the daisies thereof, with the right to play among them freely, according to the custom of children, warning them at the same time against the thistles.” – Williston Fish
5. “Their desire was silent yet magnificent, like a thousand daisies attuning their faces toward the path of the sun.” — Jeffrey Eugenides

6. “‘It’s me, love,’ he said softly. ‘Everything’s all right.’ Daisy managed to whisper through dry lips. ‘If you’re a ghost… I hope you haunt me forever.’ Matthew sat on the floor and reached for her cold hands. ‘Would a ghost use the door?’ he asked gently, bringing her fingers to his scratched, battered face.” – Lisa Kleypas
7. “Never a daisy that grows, but a mystery guideth the growing; never a river that flows, but a majesty scepters the flowing.” — Richard Realf
8. “He has an armload of irises and daisies and tulips, and he presents them to me. I didn’t know what kind of flowers you like. I like them all. Yeah? Yeah. He tries to hand them to me, but then remembers the cast. I’ll put them in water. Betty swoops in the room ridiculously fast, and she grabs the flowers out of Nick’s hands. I’ll take care of them. You lovebirds just sit on the couch and think swooning things at each other.” – Carrie Jones
9. “Sometimes I’m kind of spacey. I’m like Ferdinand the bull, sniffing the daisy, not aware of time, of what’s going on in the real world.” — Richard Gere
10. “Those fields of daisies we landed on, and dusty fields and desert stretches. Memories of many skies and earths beneath us – many days, many nights of stars.” — Anne Morrow Lindbergh

11. “Had she never been hungry enough to eat a flower? Did she not know that you could eat daisies, daylilies, pansies, and marigolds? That hungry enough, a person could consume the bright faces of violas, even the stems of dandelions and the bitter hips of roses?” — Adam Johnson
12. “Regret, Daisy knew, was the only confirmation of a well-lived life. If you didn’t occasionally go too far, you weren’t going anywhere.” – Chuck Palahniuk
13. “Here was a flower (the daisy reflected) strangely like itself and yet utterly unlike itself too. Such a paradox has often been the basis for the most impassioned love.” – Thomas M. Disch
14. “There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams — not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion… No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
15. “Daisy was young and her artificial world was redolent of orchids and pleasant, cheerful snobbery and orchestras which set the rhythm of the year, summing up the sadness and suggestiveness of life in new tunes.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

16. “I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
17. “His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips’ touch she blossomed like a flower and the incarnation was complete.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
18. “I want to be buried next to you. we’ll have a shared tombstone. It’ll read, ‘Holmesy and Daisy: They did everything together…” – John Green
19. “He talked a lot about the past, and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy. His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
20. “Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do! I’m half crazy, all for the love of you! It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage, but you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two!” – Harry Dacre

Positive Daisy Quotes
We can learn so much from daisies. They’re fragile, yet strong. Their bloom represents new beginnings and hope. Find more wonderful quotes on this flower here:
1. “Flowers grow back, even after they’ve been stepped on. So will you.”

2. “She wanted to tackle him and roll around in him like a cat in a field of daisies” ― Rainbow Rowell
3. “A voice of greeting from the wind was sent; the mists enfolded me with soft white arms; the birds did sing to lap me in content, the rivers wove their charms, and every little daisy in the grass did look up in my face, and smile to see me pass!” – Richard Henry Stoddard
4. “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray you, love, remember: and there is pansies, that’s for thoughts. There’s fennel for you, and columbines: — there’s rue for you; and here’s some for me: — we may call it, herb of grace o’Sundays: — you may wear your rue with a difference. — There’s a daisy: — I would give you some violets; but they withered all, when my father died: — They say, he made a good end.” – William Shakespeare
5. “I am not a lover of lawns. Rather would I see daisies in their thousands, ground ivy, hawkweed, and even the hated plantain with tall stems, and dandelions with splendid flowers and fairy down, than the too–well–tended lawn.” – William Henry Hudson

6. “We have the promises of God as thick as daisies in summer meadows, that death, which men most fear, shall be to us the most blessed of experiences, if we trust in him. Death is unclasping; joy, breaking out in the desert; the heart, comes to its blossoming time! Do we call it dying when the bud bursts into flower?” – Henry Ward Beecher
7. “A change fell upon all things. Strange brilliant flowers, star-shaped, burst out upon the trees where no flowers had been before. The tints of the green carpet deepened; and when, one by one, the white daisies shrank away, there sprang up, in place of them, ten by ten of the ruby–red asphodel. And life arose in our paths; for the tall flamingo hitherto unseen, with all gay glowing birds, flaunted his scarlet plumage before us. The golden and silver fish haunted the river.” – Edgar Allan Poe
8. “The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” – Therese of Lisieux
9. “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson
10. “Even the tiniest of flowers can have the toughest roots.” – Shannon Mullen

11. “She holds the view that the stars are God’s daisy chain, that rabbits are gnomes in attendance on the Fairy Queen.” – P. G. Wodehouse
12. “When the grass was closely mown, walking on the lawn alone, in the turf a hole I found, and hid a soldier underground. Spring and daisies came apace; grasses hide my hiding place; grasses run like a green sea, o’er the lawn up to my knee.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
13. “Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne
14. “Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom.” – Jim Carrey
15. “Daisies are perennials; they always grow back.” ― A.C. Williams

16. “I love you, Daisy. I love you so much I hurt.” – Susan Elizabeth Phillips
17. “Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity.” – John Ruskin
18. “It is not death to have the body called back to the earth, and dissolved into its kindred elements, and mouldered to dust, and, it may be, turn to daisies, in the grave. But it is death to have the soul paralyzed, its inner life quenched, its faculties dissipated; that is death.” – Edwin Hubbel Chapin
19. “Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti
20. “Earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marvelous Daisy Quotes
When I think of daisies, they instantly bring me back to my childhood. Daisy chains, sunshine, precious memories… They won my heart easily. Here are some marvelous daisy quotes to inspire you:
1. “You have to decide if you’re going to wilt like a daisy or if you’re just going to go forward and live the life that you’ve been granted.” – Kevin Costner

2. “They’re so friendly. Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower?” –Kathleen Kelly
3. “You never know when you’re going to have to make a daisy chain.” – Mikey Madison
4. “Don’t let anyone trample on your daisies.”
5. “Daisies are like sunshine to the ground.” – Drew Barrymore

6. “Look out! He’s got a daisy!” – Terry Pratchett
7. “If I had my life to live over, I’d pick more daisies.” – Don Herold
8. “I don’t know whether this is the best of times or the worst of times, but I assure you it’s the only time you’ve got. You can either sit on your expletive deleted or pick a daisy.” – Art Buchwald
9. “The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, young lovers meet, old wives a–sunning sit, in every street these tunes our ears do greet – cuckoo, jug–jug, pu–we, to–witta–woo! Spring, the sweet Spring!” – Thomas Nashe
10. “They [daisies] are my favorite flower. There is something innocent and vulnerable about them as if they thanked you for admiring them.” – Anne Sexton
![They [daisies] are my favorite flower.](https://quotement.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/They-daisies-are-my-favorite-flower..jpg)
11. “Brute force crushes many plants. Yet the plants rise again. The Pyramids of Egypt will not last a moment compared to the daisy. And before Buddha or Jesus spoke, the nightingale sang, and long after the words of Jesus and Buddha are gone into oblivion, the nightingale still will sing. Because it is neither preaching nor commanding nor urging. It is just singing. And in the beginning, it was not a Word, but a chirrup.” – D. H. Lawrence
12. “A rose would be miserable if it was forced to be a daisy, no matter how much water it was fed.” – Matshona Dhliwayo
13. “One can get just as much exultation in losing oneself in a little thing as in a big thing. It is nice to think how one can be recklessly lost in a daisy!” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh
14. “Don’t everlastingly read messages into paintings – there’s the Daisy – you don’t rave over or read messages into it – you just look at that bully little flower – isn’t that enough?” – John Marin
15. “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” – Henri Matisse

16. “Be careful of words, they can be both daisies and bruises.” – Anne Sexton
17. “Human beings are born solitary, but everywhere they are in chains – daisy chains – of interactivity. Social actions are makeshift forms, often courageous, sometimes ridiculous, always strange.” – Andy Warhol
18. “Patience stoutly resists pulling up the daisies to see how the roots are doing!” – Neal A. Maxwell
19. “You can’t live what’s gone, you can only remember it, and memories have no life. They’re just pale reminders of a time that’s gone – like faded photographs, or a dried–up daisy chain at the back of a drawer. They have no substance. They can’t take you back. Nothing can take you back. Nothing can be the same as it was. Nothing is. All I can do is tell it.” – Kevin Brooks
20. “Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it’s just a daisy in a jelly glass.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Happy Daisy Quotes
My collection ends with this selection of quotes about daisies. Enjoy!
1. “Here it’s safe, here it’s warm. Here the daisies guard you from every harm.” –Suzanne Collins

2. “A white flower grows in the quietness.” — Rumi
3. “Wherever her feet pass, white flowers part the grass.” – L.J. Smith
4. “Small white flowers lay at the foot of her cot, and many infant-sized footprints led in and out of the tent.” – Sarah J. Maas
5. “The love of God toward you is like the Amazon River flowing down to water a single daisy.” – F.B. Meyer

6. “I would like all the flowers to be white.” – Anne Rice
7. “Behold the azure sea in front of you, the turquoise sky above you, the amber mountain beneath your feet, and the golden daisy in your hands. How are you not the richest person on earth?” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen
8. “And all the meadows, wide unrolled, were green and silver, green and gold, where buttercups and daisies spun their shining tissues in the sun.” – Julia C R Dorr
9. “The fairy poet takes a sheet of moonbeam, silver white; his ink is dew from daisies sweet, his pen a point of light.” – Joyce Kilmer
10. “April brings the primrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet.” – Sara Coleridge

11. “You must lie upon the daisies and discourse in novel phrases of complicated state of mind. The meaning doesn’t matter if it’s only idle chatter of a transcendental kind.” – W. S. Gilbert
12. “It sometimes strikes me how immensely fortunate I am that each day should take its place in my life, either reddened with the rising and setting sun, or refreshingly cool with deep, dark clouds, or blooming like a white flower in the moonlight. What untold wealth!” — Rabindranath Tagore
13. “When daisies pied, and violets blue, and lady–smocks all silver–white, and cuckoo–buds of yellow hue do paint the meadows with delight.” – William Shakespeare
14. “Those fields of daisies we landed on, and dusty fields and desert stretches. Memories of many skies and earths beneath us – many days, many nights of stars.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh
15. “Their desire was silent yet magnificent, like a thousand daisies attuning their faces toward the path of the sun.” – Jeffrey Eugenides

16. “Daisy chains are pretty fragile, and it turns out that families are too.” – Cathy Cassidy
17. “You’re the only one for me. I came back from the dead for you, Daisy. Twice.” – Eloisa James
18. “So she was considering in her own mind… whether the pleasure of making a daisy–chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies.” – Lewis Carroll
19. “The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death, to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley
20. “Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow. Speak gently, she can hear the daisies grow.” – Oscar Wilde

To Wrap It Up
You’ve reached the end of the article!
Thank you for reading my collection of 130 daisy quotes! I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
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Read next: 130 Beautiful Short Flower Quotes To Add Colors To Your Day