130 Beautiful Friday Affirmations For A Perfect Week Finish

Friday affirmations

Fridays are easy to love. On Fridays, we wake up happy and excited. But if you want to make the most out of this beautiful day, start using Friday affirmations. 

Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, harmony, love, and money, Friday is the perfect opportunity to dive into these beneficial energies and incorporate them into your being.

You can do that by starting your day with Friday affirmations that will help you tap into the energies of charming Venus.

Let’s make Fridays even more special!

10 Most Inspiring Friday Affirmations

1. I begin and end this Friday with a grateful heart.

Image of a woman smiling representing a Friday affirmation.

2. I am worthy of a wonderful life.

3. My cup is overflowing with blessings.

4. No matter what happens, I will offer my best self today.

5. I am excited to experience the magic and wonder of this day.

6. As I go about my day, I promise to shine my love wherever I go.

7. I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am divine.

8. I’m creating a life that doesn’t wait for Friday.

9. Happiness is a choice. This Friday, I choose to be happy.

10. I am shifting my focus to gratitude. I am grateful.

Photograph of a woman cheerfully smiling representing Friday affirmation.

See also: 130 Gratitude Affirmations To Make Your Life More Joyful

Friday Morning Affirmations For A Fresh Start Of The Day

1. I look forward to the wonderful moments of today.

Image of a woman drinking from a cup representing morning affirmation for Friday.

2. I will concentrate on serenity, success, and optimism.

3. This has been an amazing week and it is only getting better.

4. I forgive myself for anything I didn’t do perfectly this week.

5. I’m thankful for the trials I’ve experienced this week since they’ve helped me develop.

6. Today, I shall shower love and optimism on the people around me. I get to make a difference in someone’s life.

7. Today, I release any negative feelings and emotions I had over the week.

8. I discover beauty and joy in the smallest of details.

9. My life is a blessing.

10. The day begins and ends with a deep sense of gratitude.

A woman holding a cup representing an affirmation to start your day right.

11. I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.

12. It is time to live the beautiful life I have been dreaming of.

13. I am committed to caring for myself this weekend.

14. Today, I am thankful for this week.

15. Abundance flows through my Friday.

See also: 130 Powerful Abundance Affirmations For A Prosperous Life

16. I will be present at every moment.

17. I consistently attract the right circumstances at the right time.

18. I’m happy with the life I’m building for myself.

19. I attract loving and positive people into my life.

20. Whatever happens, I will be my true self today.

Image of a woman sipping coffee representing an affirmation for Friday.

21. I am grateful for the challenges I’ve faced this week, as they’ve allowed me to grow.

22. I approach this new day with joy, gratitude, and excitement.

23. My healing is already in process.

24. Everywhere I look, I see hope and possibilities.

25. As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and understanding.

26. I always seem to be heading on the correct path.

27. I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.

28. I wake up with a peaceful mind and a grateful heart.

29. Today, I ditch bad habits and welcome positive changes into my life.

30. I will begin my morning with calmness and confidence.

Image of a woman sipping on a cup representing an affirmation for Friday.

See also: 130 Morning Affirmations To Set You Up For A Fabulous Day

Motivating Friday Affirmations For A Smooth Workweek Finish

1. I am creating a work life that inspires and motivates me.

Happy woman in front of the laptop representing Friday work affirmation.

2. I am doing important and helpful work.

3. I am confident in my work abilities.

4. I have the skills and knowledge to make the best career decisions.

5. I can choose to see work stress as a challenge and not as a setback.

6. Even when I am tired, I know that my work is important.

7. I am a strong leader and I am able to lead and inspire others.

8. I am getting close to success, I can feel it!

9. I am constantly surpassing expectations at work.

10. I am confident in my ability to achieve success in my career.

Image of a woman with headphones on representing Friday affirmation for work.

11. It is the last day of my work week – I got this!

12. I am capable of making a positive impact on the lives of others through my work.

13. I have great ideas, and I make useful contributions.

14. I trust in my abilities and my skills are always improving.

15. Work stress or difficulties are simply a chance for growth.

See also: 100 Growth Mindset Quotes For Those Who Want To Succeed

16. My skills are enough.

17. I have navigated more stressful situations than this and will navigate my way through this one as well.

18. I won’t let a mistake define my day.

19. My work stress will stay at work. My weekend is for joy.

20. Every day that passes, I am growing into the person I am meant to be.

Joyful lady enjoying music while working representing work affirmation.

21. I have great drive, motivation, and an incredible worth ethic.

22. I’ve learned many new things this week and will close out this chapter with gratitude and love.

23. I will be productive and wise with my time today so I can achieve my goals.

24. Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on peace, success, and positivity.

25. Today and every day, I will make time to work towards career and personal success.

26. Everyone is going through their own battle, so I do not take things personally. 

27. I am grateful for the opportunities that my job provides me.

28. I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I desire.

29. I will step out of my comfort zone and view every day as a learning opportunity.

30. I am consistent in my work. Every day I deliver something of value.

Cheerful lady in headphone work mode representing work affirmation.

See also: 70 Positive Affirmations For Work That Will Provide Excellence

Positive Friday Affirmations To Spread Good Vibes

1. I choose to concentrate on what makes me happy.

Image of a young man walking representing Friday positive affirmation.

2. I attract miracles into my life.  

3. All of my problems have solutions.

4. I inhale positive energy and exhale my fears.

5. I choose to see the best in every situation.

6. I’m inclined toward enjoyment, leisure, relaxation, and fun. 

7. I am going to make the best of Friday.

8. I am fortunate to have everything I need to succeed in my life.

9. My future is bright because each morning represents a new opportunity for me to make things right.

10. This weekend, I am releasing my worries and making self-care my top priority.

Image of a cheerful man walking representing self-care affirmation.

11. I find beauty and pleasure in the little moments.

12. I attract positive circumstances.

13. I create my own happiness.

14. I choose food that nourishes every cell in my body.

15. I allow myself to give and receive love.

See also: 130 Affirmations For Love To Attract The Love You Deserve

16. As the week comes to a close, I can reflect on my encounters with thankfulness and happiness.

17. No matter what I did or didn’t do this week, I deserve to rest.

18. There is a beautiful loving light inside of me.

19. Weekends are my time to refresh.

20. I am free to choose the palette of my emotional sky.

A happy man strolling with phone in hand representing positive affirmation for Friday.

21. I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.

22. I have the right to be happy.

23. My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.

24. I’m looking forward to the new day with pleasure, appreciation, and enthusiasm.

25. I release control and allow myself to clear my mind.

26. I now live in limitless love, light, and joy.

27. Only good can come to me.

28. Every day, I turn my head to see the wonders surrounding me.

29. My heart is grateful and my mind is at peace.

30. I release fears and anxiety, I welcome peace and love.

A guy walking with a phone in hand representing an affirmation for anxiety.

See also: 120 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety To Set You Free

Uplifting Friday Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence

1. I have the ability to make today awesome and so I am choosing to do that.

Image of a guy wearing formal clothes representing Friday confidence affirmation.

2. I am worthy, talented, deserving, and healthy.

3. I am getting better and better each day.

4. I am enough.

5. I believe in myself and know that I will succeed.

6. I am in charge of my life.

7. I don’t try to be someone or something instead of who I am.

8. I am my best source of inspiration.

9. Everything I do today is enough. (And so am I.)

10. I may lose everything, but I’ll never lose myself.

Businessman carrying a work bag representing an affirmation for Friday.

11. I’m at ease and relaxed because I know I’m precisely where I’m supposed to be.

12. I can achieve everything I set out to do.

13. I am confident in my own skin.

14. I am doing the best that I can do.

15. I have incredible potential.

16. I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.

17. I have confidence. What is intended for me is already mine. I’m precisely where I’m supposed to be.

18. I can accomplish anything I focus on. 

19. I’m going to choose bravery over anxiety and confidence over uncertainty.

20. Words may shape me, but they do not make me. I am here already.

Image of a man in formal attire representing motivational affirmation.

21. My ability to overcome obstacles is infinite. My potential for success is limitless.

22. I can accomplish anything I desire.

23. I love myself before I love anyone else.

24. No matter what life throws at me, I know I will be able to overcome it.

25. I am proud of all that I have done this week, but it does not define me.

26. I am perfect and divine just the way I am. 

27. I dare to dream, I dare to try, I dare to release my full potential.

28. I breathe in courage, and I exhale self-doubt.

29. I love everything that has made me who I am.

30. I stand tall as a lovable, confident, and independent person.

Image of a formal-clothed man representing an affirmation for confidence.

See also: 80 Inspirational Confidence Affirmations To Empower You

Final Words

These beautiful Friday affirmations will help you to finish your work week in the most beautiful and harmonious way possible. 

And then you’re ready for a majestic weekend!

130 Beautiful Friday Affirmations For A Perfect Week Finish