35 Fantastic Street Quotes That Are Sure To Impress You

beautiful street with a lot of flowers

There are so many fabulous quotes to be found on the web.

Sites such as Goodreads and BrainyQuote, for instance, offer us plenty of motivational quotes about life, love quotes, happiness quotes, and various positive vibes quotes to provide us with a daily dose of inspiration.

This article will focus on street quotes that will cover the beauty of the streets as well as teach you some important life lessons.

My collection contains only the best street quotations I could find online. I hope you’ll like them!

10 Best Street Quotes

1. “At any street corner, the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face.” — Albert Camus

curvy road illustration representing street quote

2. “I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.” — Leo Buscaglia

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things

3. “The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany.” — Rebecca Solnit

The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany

4. “Every path, every street in the world is your walking meditation path.” — Nhat Hanh

Every path, every street in the world is your walking meditation path

5. “Easy street is a blind alley.” — Wilson Mizner

Easy street is a blind alley

6. “All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. Great works are often born on a street corner or in a restaurant’s revolving door.” — Albert Camus

All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning

7. “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.” — Zig Ziglar

Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street

8. “There’s nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family, a smile as I pass someone on the street.” — Willie Stargell

There's nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family

9. “Understanding is a two-way street.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Understanding is a two-way street

10. “What is a street? It is where the living weep, where the dead go off in silence to their peace.” — William Saroyan

What is a street It is where the living weep, where the dead go off in silence to their peace

Street Life Quotes

1. “Real life and art happen on the street, not inside a building.” — Unknown

illustration of curvy street representing street life quote

2. “There are no rules out in the street. And if you’re a nice guy, you’ll wake up in a hospital.” — Matt Serra

There are no rules out in the street. And if you're a nice guy, you'll wake up in a hospital

3. “On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare.” — Scott Turow

On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare

4. “When you work at street level, you never know who’s going to walk through your door.” — John Grisham

When you work at street level, you never know who's going to walk through your door

5. “The street is full of humiliations to the proud.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The street is full of humiliations to the proud

6. “I love the idea of the street vibe, having folks together, out in the street at midnight.” — Sean Paul

slightly curved road illustration representing quote about street life

7. “If you enjoy wandering freely in the empty and quiet streets at night, indoor spaces will only be a prison for you!” — Unknown

If you enjoy wandering freely in the empty and quiet streets at night, indoor spaces will only be a prison for you

8. “Hip-hop is the streets. Hip-hop is a couple of elements that it comes from back in the days… that feel of music with urgency that speaks to you. It speaks to your livelihood, and it’s not compromised. It’s blunt.” — Nas

Hip-hop is the streets

9. “In the street, the gaze of desire is furtive or menacing.” — Mason Cooley

In the street, the gaze of desire is furtive or menacing

10. “The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers.” — Man Ray

The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers

Street Quotes About Life

1. “Respect is a one-way street, it goes from bottom to top.” — Kamran Niazi

city skyline illustration representing street quote about life

2. “There’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering empty streets with no destination. I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I’m born to leave.” — Unknown

There’s something about arriving in new cities

3. “The buzz of the city is what inspires street art.” — Unknown

The buzz of the city is what inspires street art

4. “Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power.” — Gregory Corso

Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power

5. “A dead end can never be a one-way street; you can always turn around and take another road.” — Bo Bennett

A dead end can never be a one-way street

6. “If you’re going down the street and you’re going the wrong way, remember – God permits U-turns.” — Suze Orman

If you’re going down the street and you’re going the wrong way, remember – God permits U-turns

7. “It sounded as if the streets were running, and then the streets stood still.” — Emily Dickinson

It sounded as if the streets were running, and then the streets stood still

8. “We didn’t do it just by gambling and chasing paper profits on Wall Street. We built this country by making things, by producing goods we could sell.” — Barack Obama

We built this country by making things, by producing goods we could sell.

9. “I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed.” — Paulo Coelho

I can control my destiny, but not my fate

10. “The streets of hell are paved with good intentions.” — Shania Twain

horizon illustration representing street quote

Mehmet Murat ildan Quotes About Street

1. “If a street has a spirit, no matter how narrow it is, we can breathe comfortably over there.” — Mehmet Murat ildan

If a street has a spirit, no matter how narrow it is, we can breathe comfortably over there

2. “The streets have two spirits: One is its own spirit, and the other spirit is all the living creatures living in the street!” — Mehmet Murat ildan

The streets have two spirits One is its own spirit, and the other spirit is all the living creatures living in the street

3. “If you walk into an ordinary street and talk to ordinary people on an ordinary day, your day turns into an extraordinary day when you realize how extraordinary those people actually are!” — Mehmet Murat ildan

If you walk into an ordinary street and talk to ordinary people on an ordinary day, your day turns into an extraordinary day

4. “A street full of shadows will teach you what life is much better than the street full of lights!” — Mehmet Murat ildan

A street full of shadows will teach you what life is much better than the street full of lights

5. “Silent streets have many things to say.” — Mehmet Murat ildan

Silent streets have many things to say.

Wrapping It Up

I hope you enjoyed reading my collection of street quotes.

Feel free to share it with your friends and family, and be sure to tell us in the comments section below which one of these street quotations is your favorite.

Until next time!

35 Fantastic Street Quotes That Are Sure To Impress You