Sometimes, we simply can’t put our emotions into words. Because our emotions can be really intense and overwhelming.
That’s why, sometimes you will need already written quotes, from people that happened to manage to put their emotions into words.
I miss you quotes can be used in various situations. Maybe you are missing a loved one. Maybe you are missing your friend. Your family member. Somebody who is no longer with us.
These ‘I miss you quotes’ will help you express your feelings, and are categorized by different persons that you might miss (look at the content table).
Without further ado, here are the best ‘I miss you’ quotes
Best I Miss You Quotes
1. “Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds its way back to you.” ― Ranata Suzuki

2. “Though I never really had you… to me you will always be the one that got away.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” ― Calla Quinn, All the Time
4. “You can decorate the absence however you want- but your still gonna feel what’s missing.” ― Siobhan Vivian, Same Difference
5. “Knowing someone isn’t coming back doesn’t mean you ever stop waiting” ― Toby Barlow

6. “I wonder how much of the day I spend just callin’ after you.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
7. “They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same, but I don’t think it’s possible for you to miss me as much as I’m missing you right now” ― Edna St. Vincent Millay
8. “It’s difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you. But I suppose I don’t have to imagine it… I just have to live it” ― Ranata Suzuki
9. “Though life has fated that we never cross paths again, don’t ever feel alone. For we are parallel …. and I will always be by your side.” ― Ranata Suzuki
10. “I miss something I never even had.” ― Lauren DeStefano, Sever

Quotes About Missing Someone
1. “When you’re on your own, you look for signs. Sometimes you make them up, sometimes they’re actually there, but most of the time you can’t tell the difference from the two.” ― Cecelia Ahern

2. “Our parting was like a stalemate….
Neither of us won. Yet both of us lost.
And worse still … that unshakable feeling that nothing was ever really finished.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter how much, how often, or how closely you keep an eye on things because you can’t control it. Sometimes things and people just go. Just like that.” ― Cecelia Ahern
4. “It’s painful, loving someone from afar.
Watching them – from the outside.
The once familiar elements of their life reduced to nothing more than occasional mentions in conversations and faces changing in photographs…..
They exist to you now as nothing more than living proof that something can still hurt you … with no contact at all.” ― Ranata Suzuki
5. “Didn’t I say I’d always be your same star? If you get to miss me, just look up.” ― Anne Rivers Siddons, Fault Lines

6. “Every quote, every book, every film seemed to suggest that ‘one day’ someone would come into my life and love me with an intensity and a passion I had never experienced before. And to their credit they were right; It all came and went so fast it really did feel as if it were just ‘one day’….” ― Ranata Suzuki
7. “To be alive is to be missing.” ― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down
8. “I had my chance.’ He said it, retiring from a lifetime of wanting. ‘I had my chance, and sometimes in life, there are no second chances. You look at what you have, not what you miss, and you move forward.” ― Jamie Ford, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
9. “Little did I realize how much I would miss those ten minutes, those ten minutes in which I lived an entire lifetime.” ― Faraaz Kazi
10. “People are… Full of contradictions. They’re lonely. And then they’re not. They’re missed. And then they’re not.” ― Kou Yoneda

See also: 100 Being Alone Quotes To Embrace The Beauty Of Solitude
11. “Do you have any idea what it feels like to suddenly realize that the reason you’ve have been so lost your whole life is because a piece of you was missing and you never even knew it—only to find that missing piece and know that you can’t have it and so you will never, ever be whole?” ― Olivia Fuller, Something Wicked
12. “I’m always thinking about what I’m missing. Even when I’m happy with what I have.” ― Alyson Noel, Saving Zoë
13. “Usually time alters and affects everything, but when someone you love dies time cannot change that, no amount of time will ever change that, so time stops having any meaning.” ― Rosamund Lupton, Sister
14. “Are you anybody else’s missing piece?’
‘Not that I know of.’
‘Well, maybe you want to be your own piece?’
‘I can be someone’s and still my own.’
‘Well, maybe you don’t want to be mine.’
‘Maybe I do.” ― Shel Silverstein
15. “I can be somebody’s and still be my own.” ― Shel Silverstein

16. “At times one feels happy being sad.” ― Hasse Jerner
17. “There you are.
Standing right here.
I miss you.
Standing here,
talking strange words.
I miss you.
Strange words,
telling me plans.
I miss you.” ― Donna Goddard, Strange Words – A Book of Poetry
18. “I have nothing now but praise for my life. I’m not unhappy. I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can’t stop them. They leave me and I love them more. … What I dread is the isolation. … There are so many beautiful things in the world which I will have to leave when I die, but I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready.” ― Maurice Sedlak
19. “Sometimes when I think, most times, it’s the desire to have you back. But then, I try not to think.” ― Anthony Liccione
20. “Turns out, they begin to really miss you when they realize you’re not as easy to replace as they thought.” ― Steve Maraboli

21. “The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.” ― The Notebook
22. “We’ll meet again, but you’re a lifetime away, and I need you now.” ― Karen Quan, Write like no one is reading 2
23. “My world is a million shattered pieces put together, glued by my tears, where each piece is nothing but a reflection of YOU.” ― Sanhita Baruah
24. “Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you have talked…it is about that very moment when you are doing something and wishing they were there with you.” ― Dru Edmund Kucherera
25. “Missing you is flashes of our past and fantasies of our future with the hard irony of the absence of our present as the present occurs.” ― Zhi

26. “It’s the person that calls you up because they’re eating at ‘our favorite spot,’ and it made them think of you and miss being there with you. That’s a friend, to me.” ― Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2
27. “When I am with you, I am invincible.
When I am with you, your kind and loving presence strengthen me down to my very core.
When I am with you, I finally know what heaven on earth feels like.
For when I am with you, I am the best I could be.
I’d rather walk through the burning coals of hell than enjoy comfort and luxury with someone else.
For life without you, is not life at all. I love you.” ― Laarni Venus Marie Giango
28. “I can deal with anything in this world, except your silence.” ― Varsid
29. “I don’t know which is worse,
missing you staying away from you
Or missing you being around you.” ― Wordions
30. “Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love” ― Munia Khan

Missing You Quotes
1. “If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably YOU…” ― Robert Holden

2. “I never knew that missing somebody could hurt, ” I said. But it does. Deep inside. Like it’s in my bones. We ain’t never been apart till now. Never. I dunno how to be without him. It’s like… I ain’t nuthin.” ― Moira Young, Blood Red Road
3. “Miss someone until they come back, or until you come back, until their absence in your life becomes something to be avoided at all costs. Miss them until you don’t have to anymore, until you’re reunited in your favorite booth in your favorite restaurant ordering your favorite meal, miss them until it feels like you never left. Or miss them until you can’t anymore, until the things you miss are identified and cataloged as things and not a person, until you figure out that easy company and long talks and unblinking, all-knowing eye contact will find you again the way they found you the first time. Miss someone until you don’t.” ― Stephanie Georgopulus
4. “I wonder
if you ever read my poems
and wish
they were written
for you.” ― Kamand Kojouri
5. “Either all lights are turned off or one inner light is missing.” ― Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

6. “She felt like parts of her soul were missing, had left her body long ago. It had happened not in Greece three months ago, but long before that. It was in Greece that she’d realized those parts had left her and were not coming back.” ― Ann Brashares, Sisterhood Everlasting
7. “After all, we all know Hide and Seek can be a scary game, especially when we don’t want to be found.” ― Callie Hunter
8. “I miss that feeling of being loved.
I want to feel it once more,
But I can’t.
Not when all you see are my flaws.” ― Sheliza Alli
9. “Time made the missing different, but it didn’t make it go away.” ― Lora Senf, The Clackity
10. “Ignoring how much I miss you doesn’t make it go away.” ― Hadinet Tekie

11. “Losing people and missing them – that’s what your life consists of.” ― Cornelia Funke
12. “It’s raining again and you will miss me. And certain feelings happen in the rain. You will pine for me. The way I love you. You will be desperate to have me near you. Your feelings will engulf you as the rain does to the earth.” ― Avijeet Das
13. “There must be a reason for you to stay away silent unreachable, and there must be a reason for the unbearable pain of missing you. If you only knew how hard it is to smile without you, how impossible it is to open my eyes and not think of you, and how sad it is to close them at night without hearing from you. Is the distance between our hearts more significant than our love? So knowing that there is nothing else I can do, I will keep on living, waiting, dying.” ― Rolf van der Wind
14. “Where confidence is wanting, the most beautiful flower in the garland of love is missing.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
15. “The biggest waste of an opportunity is the opportunity to tell someone how much you miss them.” ― Akash S. Bansal, Desires and Destiny

16. “I missed all the people and places I didn’t know if I would ever see again – my grandparents and their cute little house at Basin Head, where we used to visit the beach everyday and I would run barefoot over the singing sands and swim in the impossibly enormous ocean.” ― Rachael Arsenault, She Who Rises
17. “Thinking about it again and again,
I get caught up in the euphoria of memory lane.
Still wondering if it’s all in my head,
Or was there an actual spark- Something that you said.
Cause, missing you is the only thing that has been constant.” ― Somya V
18. “The sound of your laughter is still echoing in the room of my memories.” ― F.M. Sogamiah
See also: 160 Memory Quotes That Will Help You Reflect On Past
19. “However, you are now free and this is a relief from my grief, that you are free.” ― Alma Fisher, Hills And Valleys and the Spiritual Warfare in Between
20. “Something inside me aches for something inside you still.” ― Shana Jaroli, Bridges: A Lost Connection

I Miss You Quotes For Her
1. “Living without you is like living in a cloudy winter. It’s so gloomy, cold and bitter.” ― Mouloud Benzadi

2. “It’s times like this…. when it’s over a year later and I’m still crying over you that I want to turn to you and say: See…. This is why I asked you never to kiss me.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “I wish I could travel back in time, not to feel younger or change the course of history and bring us back together, but to re-live every precious moment we had, over and over.”
― Mouloud Benzadi
4. “The only place I ever felt at home was with you. There isn’t a place for me anywhere anymore… I’ve been evicted.” ― Ranata Suzuki
5. “My heart’s been empty since you left – but still I refuse to put up a vacancy sign. I’m just not ready for anybody else to move in yet.” ― Ranata Suzuki

6. “I missed her, the idea of her.” ― Cecelia Ahern, A Place Called Here
7. “I just kept living in hope, but I’ve got used to that fact now. The hope is gone. I still dream about her, and I still have nightmares about her. It gets easier to cope with, but it never leaves”.” ― Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons
See also: 90 Insightful It Ends With Us Quotes On Love, Abuse & Hope
8. “I’ve missed you,” he says.
I’ve missed myself, you want to say, but you don’t.” ― Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House
9. “It was going to be a long, dark night but not quite as dark as it was in the abyss of his heart where there was nothing but hollowness, yet it felt heavy, almost as if someone still resided there.” ― Faraaz Kazi
10. “All I can think about is what she must be doing, and how I wish she were still here.” ― Pittacus Lore, I Am Number Four

11. “How often had she wondered what would have happened if she’d remained with Jonathan? Not often, but regularly over the years. It was impossible not to have imagined that rejected future, a life of many countries, of vast and enduring adventure, of tiny rooms and rental houses. It was the sense of missed opportunity that returned to her, frightening but real, overwhelmingly real.” ― Michael Stein, In the Age of Love
12. “Maybe my guard was up all the time and she was reacting to that. But I wish she had seen through it and I wish that once, just once, I had told her how I feel. That I feel safer when she is around. Sometimes I had tested her, wanting so desperately for her to let me down so then I would have an excuse to walk away. But she never did. I wish I could tell her it breaks my heart that I miss her more than I ever missed my mother and that the thing that frightens me the most about next October when I graduate is not that I won’t have home, but that I won’t have her.” ― Melina Marchetta, On the Jellicoe Road
13. “But today I was having the ‘missing you’ silence. I was missing Seher like the parched Earth misses the Rain. I was missing her laughter, which was my favorite symphony.” ― Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?
14. “I miss her, and not the type of missing when you’re alone, not the type when you’re broken down half drunk, not even the type when you know she’s the one. I’m talking about the kind of missing that when you’re full of happiness you wish they were there to enjoy it.
I don’t care if we’re not together, I don’t care if I never see her again. All that I will every know is that I’m here smiling and I know how much she’d like to see that.” ― Brandon Villasenor
15. “Darling, this feeling of missing you, is piercing through my skin and crawling down the veins, to run as an ache within.” ― Nitya Prakash

16. “I am blessed to have people who feel my pain but I can never stop missing those who are somewhere there among the stars.” ― Nitya Prakash
17. “It is said that, ‘you never know what you have till you miss it’. You also never know what you miss till you meet it. However, what you’re having often prevents you from meeting what you’ve been missing.” ― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty ‘n’ Worthy African Proverbs – Volume 1
18. “It’s missing you o’clock.” ― Nitya Prakash
19. “I missed you, Angel. Not one day went by that I didn’t feel you missing from my life. You haunted me to the point that I began to believe Hank had gone back on his oath and killed you. I couldn’t escape you and I didn’t want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you.” ― Becca Fitzpatrick, Silence
20. “I missed her, deeply, painfully. But life goes on.” ― Neil Gaiman, Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders

I Miss You Quotes For Him
1. “how is it that
he’s always
in my thoughts.
even when
i am not
thinking.” ― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos

2. “If you’re searching for a quote that puts your feelings into words – you won’t find it.
You can learn every language and read every word ever written – but you’ll never find what’s in your heart.
How can you?
He has it.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “I miss that feeling of connection.
Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.” ― Ranata Suzuki
4. “Though these words will never find you, I hope that you knew I was thinking of you today….. and that I was wishing you every happiness.
Love Always,
The girl you loved once.” ― Ranata Suzuki
5. “Nothing I said could define how much I loved him or the kind of person he was. I missed him.” ― Jennifer West, The Legend of Acacia Vitak

6. It’s the intricate details you miss the most.
For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe – but I would know it if I saw it again.
It was the look that gave him away. I’d know that look anywhere… It used to be my everything.” ― Ranata Suzuki
7. “He will be someone who is defined, first and always, by what he is missing.” ― Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life
8. “He tried to tell me week after week to accept things as they were and move on with my life. But if there was one man who had put his life on hold to wait for something or someone, it was him.” ― Cecelia Ahern, A Place Called Here
9. “…there remained a strange formality between them, and her pleasure in his presence felt too much like missing him had felt during the last week.” ― Robin McKinley, Pegasus
10. “Sometimes I miss his touch more than I miss him. And that’s the power of touch.” ― Manisha Jain

See also: 80 Missing You Boyfriend In Jail Quotes To Show Your Love
11. “Reasons”
I wish I knew why he left. What his reasons were. Why did he change his mind?
For all these years, I have turned it over in my head—all the possibilities—yet none of them make any sense. And then I think, perhaps it was because he never loved me. But that makes the least sense of all.” ― Lang Leav
12. “He had no idea what missing was. Missing was lying in the dampness of your tears night after night. Missing was a constant hollow spot in the center of your chest. Missing was a yawning ache that was never satisfied.” ― Denise Hunter, The Accidental Bride
13. “I thought I loved him when he went away; I love him now to another degree: he is more my own. [ . . . ] Oh! a thousand weepers, praying in agony on waiting shores, listened for that voice, but it was not uttered–not uttered till; when the hush came, some could not feel it: till, when the sun returned, his light was night to some!” ― Charlotte Brontë, Villette
14. “She missed him, but some things are more important than missing. Like love. People have to come back if and when they are ready. Then they will come back with the right ideas or requests or, at very least, the right bargains. Every other arrangement can only be a dressed-up delusion.” ― Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation
15. “Every moment… since then, I miss you.” ― Bea C. Pilotin

16. “Yes, I know this might not work out. We may be embittered and scarred. ‘The missing’ would be an ache for life. Yet, I would not trade a minute of this peace felt in being with you now, for any happiness else.” ― Nitya Prakash
17. “you’re an expert at sorry and keeping the lines blurry” ― Taylor Swift
18. “So I placed my heart under lock and key
To take some time, and take care of me
But I turn around and you’re standing here” ― Deborah Cox
19. “The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.” ― Owl City, Ocean Eyes [Deluxe Edition]
20. “I just…I just miss him. And I hate being so alone.” ― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

See also: 350 Good Night I Miss You Messages & Quotes For Her & Him
Quotes On Missing A Loved One
1. “I need to stop running back to you in my mind all the time.” ― Ranata Suzuki

2. “That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.” ― Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants
3. “When you miss someone….it’s weird…your body doesn’t function it should. Because I miss you, and my heart…it’s not steady…my soul sings numb. Fingers are cold…like you…your soul.” ― Jamie Weise
4. “You think that holding someone hard will bring them closer. You think that you can hold them so hard that you’ll still feel them, embossed on you, when you pull away.
Every time Eleanor pulled away from Park, she felt the gasping loss of him.” ― Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park
5. “The absence of a message sometimes is a presence of one.” ― Hasse Jerner

6. “So for now,
I will miss you like I’ll never see you again,
And the next time I see you,
I will kiss you like I’ll never kiss you again,
And when I fall asleep beside you
I will fall asleep as if I’ll never wake up again,
because I don’t know if I will.
I don’t know if I will.
– I Will Love You Like The World Is Ending” ― Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps
7. “How can you possibly know how much I miss you?” he said. “Have you got some sort of built-in miss-o-meter that can give us a reading?” “I’m a girl; of course I have a built-in miss-o-meter.” ― Adornetto, Alexandra
8. “It was evenings like that when beneath dim light and relaxing in a sultry bath that she missed him the most. A flicker of candlelight, wind breathing snow against the window and the soothing scent of creme caramel – all were a comfort to her as she closed her eyes, summoned memories and many a tender thought. She didn’t feel deserving of the devotion bestowed upon her, but she had finally learned to accept its wondrous gift, knowing that love was the source of existence and its only end.” ― Donna Lynn Hope
9. “Missing someone you love for an extended period of time can and will lead to madness, every bit as much as a wound that is not cleaned will lead to a festering sore, and thence an illness that spreads throughout the body. The only boundary between desire and obsession is time; if you crave someone long enough, it becomes a need. It becomes your ever-waking thought. The only thing you live for.” ― C J Cooke
10. “Missing someone is the same as breathing, I suppose. It continues until the end.”
― Caroline George, Dearest Josephine

11. “If she’d realized the last time she was hugged was significant she would have paid more attention, committed it to memory so she could recall the sensations at will for the many times since, when all she had needed had been for someone to hold her.” ― Bella Osborne, The Library
12. “I tend to be drawn to what’s missing. You come across something missing, suddenly, when you don’t expect it—like, you’re walking across a field and fall into a dried-up well. I don’t know why, but I’m attracted to that sort of situation. Something that should be there isn’t, someone who should be there isn’t. And that’s when the story begins.” ― Haruki Murakami
13. “This negativity of my mind
Is to blame
For missing loving
And being loved” ― Jazalyn, Fleeing Feelings
14. “Men are always complaining about how difficult it is to understand women but I think it is the other way round. Men clan up and do not express what they feel. Then they suddenly stop all communication with you and vanish. All you can do is wait. I wish men came with instruction manuals.” ― Preeti Shenoy, The One You Cannot Have
15. “Some people will miss you only when they realize you’ve stopped missing them.” ― Nitya Prakash

16. “I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfast and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you..” ― Himmilicious
17. “Miss you?” He grated the incredulous question, dropping his mouth to her temple. “You left me without a soul. I can barely remember the days since you left. They passed without me feeling a single thing. Because you are feeling for me. You’re the only thing that keeps me from being numb. Twice in my life you’ve turned me back into a living, breathing man, and missing you… missing you, Peggy, doesn’t even begin to cover it. You revive me.” ― Tessa Bailey, Too Hard to Forget
18. “Sometimes in life you have to miss someone you love until you don’t miss them anymore.” ― Angel Moreira
19. “Missing someone you love,
is like falling sick,
that kills you,
every second,
over and over again.” ― Rakesh Balu
20. “And I don’t even like you, but the pain of life without you is biting.” ― Jamie Weise

21. “I was missing you, but not for the person you were. I was missing you for the version of you I made up in my mind. I was missing the possibilities of what could have been. I was missing the potential I thought I saw in you. I was missing you for the glimpses I thought I saw of our future and for that hopes I had that I could be a girl worth changing for.” ― Liz Newman
22. “For wasn’t it just a matter of time before we crossed each other’s path?
Despite all the hoopla, wasn’t Manhattan just ten miles long and a mile or two wide? So in the days that followed, I kept an eye out, I looked for his figure on the street corners and in the coffee shops. I imagined coming home and having him emerge once more from the doorway across the street. But as the weeks turned into months, and the months into years, this sense of anticipation waned, and slowly but surely, I stopped expecting to see him in a crowd.” ― Amor Towles, Rules of Civility
23. “When I miss the good times,
I must remember that
No matter how hard I tried,
I could never wash the taste
Of doubt off my lips,
That every flavor of your kiss
Hit me with pungent loneliness
(Even when the touch of your
Hands felt like salvation),
And that this “safe space”
I worshiped through my poems
Was a product of my imagination
More than your words or actions.” ― Vironika Tugaleva
24. “He must have laughed at me
every single night,
For I always missed the one
who was never mine.” ― Natasha Jain
25. “Sometimes neither distance makes the heart grow fonder nor absence lessens surging passions.” ― Faraaz Kazi, More Than Just Friends

26. “Your unconditional love made an everlasting imprint on my heart & life forever.” ― Heather Wolf, Kipnuk the Talking Dog
27. “Update: Reading an old diary where I’ve written: “…almost forgotten every moment that was spent with you.” Anyways, its already been 5 years now so I just made a little change on that “…almost forgotten every moment that was spent with you, but that’s still not enough for that old me who’s still somewhere inside my head”.” ― Mohammed Israil
28. There is
and beautiful
i will
see you
meet you
and again
in poetry.” ― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
29. “Missing you,
I missed a part of me
I shared with you
that’s now gone.
Missing you,
when really,
it was the way you made me feel
and the things you made us do.
Missing you
I shouldn’t be.
But I can’t help missing
who I was with you.
Missing you,
I missed
and missed so much of the world
and wasn’t even missed in return.” ― Kamand Kojouri
30. “When I miss you and don’t know where you are, I will look up at the sky and pray for you as always…..” ― Diadjeng Laraswati Hanindyani/De Laras

See also: 190 Heartfelt I Miss You Baby Quotes For Emotional Souls
Quotes About Missing A Friend
1. “Everywhere I go, I see her face. I just really miss her.” ― Vikram Rangwal

2. “If the portraits of our absent friends are pleasant to us, which renew our memory of them and relieve our regret for their absence by a false and empty consolation, how much more pleasant are letters which bring us the written characters of the absent friend.” ― Héloïse d’Argenteuil, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse
3. “She misses him more now than when he was away” ― Melina Marchetta, The Piper’s Son
4. “Thank you! ….for sharing your childhood with me so I could experience the all joys that were missing in mine” ― Ginny Toole
5. “And they can’t understand what hurts more— Missing the other person, or pretending not to.” ― Khadija Rupa, Unexpressed Feelings

6. “when you miss how things were before, you miss out living with what is right before you” ― Bodhi Smith, Bodhi Smith Impressionist Photography
7. “…And I wish that while walking in your life’s lane, you come across and walk with dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let all the positive spirit & energies of this universe come together this way, your way, making every journey of your life most beautiful, fulfilling and prideful. Let the world feel blessed and continue to get better by touch of your elegance.” ― Smishra
8. “Seeing her cry still made me feel the same way it did earlier.” ― Faraaz Kazi
9. “The worst thing you can do if you are missing someone or need them is let it hide from them.” ― Pooja
10. “Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you.” ― Caroline George, Dearest Josephine

11. “You’re going to make the new friend impressed
if you keep remembering her when she’s forgotten.” ― Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut
12. “I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.” – Franz Kafka
13. “Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.” – Nathanael Richmond
14. “I want my friend to miss me as long as I miss him.” – Saint Augustine
15. “Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.” – Alphonse De Lamartine

16. “When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I’m with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you.” – LeBron James
17. “I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals.” – Salvador Plascencia
18. “I miss you, not the “I haven’t seen you in a while” kind of miss you, but the “I wish you were here at this very moment” kind of miss you.” – Unknown
19. “There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you’ll miss their companionship and you’ll also miss their disrespect.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
20. “Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.” ― Gustave Flaubert

Deep Words For Missing Someone
1. “I want you to know that you are my soul and my HEART.
You are my today, my tomorrow and my PAST.
Nothing and no one can ever break us APART.” ― Mouloud Benzadi

2. “…the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you.
Some people might find that strange. But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.
And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.” ― Ranata Suzuki
4. “It’s funny how we say a person ‘made’ us when they actually broke us.
Sort of like how I say ‘funny’… but I actually mean sad.” ― Ranata Suzuki
5. “I don’t think you ever really understood….
…. All the love I had in the world went to you.” ― Ranata Suzuki

6. “Sometimes, people can go missing right before our very eyes.Sometimes, people can discover you, even though they’ve been looking at you the entire time. Sometimes, we lose sight of ourselves when we’re not paying enough attention.” ― Cecelia Ahern
7. “What’s wrong with people?” she says, almost too quiet for me to hear. “Were they born with parts missing or did it fall out somewhere along the way?” ― Isaac Marion, Warm Bodies
8. “I choose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection.
I choose to love you in loneliness, for in loneliness no one owns you but me.
I choose to adore you from a distance, for distance will shield me from pain.
I chose to kiss you in the wind, for the wind is gentler than my lips.
I choose to hold you in my dreams, for in my dreams you have no end.” ― Rumi
9. “Beautiful places are not just a joy for the moment, while you’re there. They will become homes for you, spaces of solace and comfort, where you can close your eyes and go to. Nothing you experience will ever go away. It belongs to you now. Just feel. Don’t be afraid to feel.” ― Charlotte Eriksson
10. “The beauty of the sea is that it never shows any weakness and never tires of the countless souls that unleash their broken voices into its secret depths.” ― Zeina Kassem

11. “You know, I tried not to think of this place. I tried to let it go. To leave it behind. But it always came back to me, in my dreams. I’d dream about these details, these objects and people and places I’d left behind, and I’d wake up crying.” ― Danzy Senna
12. “When someone would mistreat, misinform, misuse, misguide, mishandle, mislead… or any other “mis”… to others, they’re obviously missing something from their lives.” ― Donald L. Hicks, Look into the stillness
13. “There are two special moments in a day i love the most
The moment Before i wake up, the feeling of excitement and happiness
like a little kid, the rush of adrenaline into my body, the beating of my heart so fast,
and the feeling of your arms upon my chest, and then the whisper of my heart ” is hse real or are we still dreaming”.
the end of the day, i crave you like an addict to drugs
Missing your beautiful face, the way you smile, the way you look at me
Missing the sound of your voice, the way you smell, your soft skin
Missing how your body shakes when my lips touch your skin.
Me” ― Benmerzoug
14. “I want to be careful about how much time I’m spending thinking about ‘what was’ or ‘what might be,’ for in doing so I will spend my life missing ‘what is.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough
See also: 100 Most Emotional Missing Out On Your Child’s Life Quotes
15. “If you go, then I’ll miss you.. Terribly” ― Julia Hoban, Willow

16. “I just… I just miss him. And hate being so alone. Does he miss me? He must” ― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
17. “Whoever thought up the phrase ‘Absence makes the heart grow founder’ was an idiot.
Absence makes a bitch go crazy.” ― Toni Aleo, Taking Shots
18. “I missed you so much,” she breathed.
I tilted my head back and put my hands on her shoulders. I could hardly believe this was happening. I was finally getting to touch her. To kiss her. It was all happening. “I missed you, too.” ― Kieran Scott, He’s So Not Worth It
19. “I wish I could be with you all,’ I responded, getting all worked up myself over someone I had almost entirely stopped thinking about. Time makes us sentimental. Perhaps, in the end, it is because of time that we suffer.” ― André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name
20. “..And i can’t get you out of my mind,
God knows how hard I’ve tried” ― Toni Braxton

Sad Missing Someone Quotes
1. “There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it.” ― Ranata Suzuki

2. “When you experience loss, people say you’ll move through the 5 stages of grief….
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
….. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll cycle through them all every day.” ― Ranata Suzuki
3. “I think perhaps I will always hold a candle for you – even until it burns my hand.
And when the light has long since gone …. I will be there in the darkness holding what remains, quite simply because I cannot let go.” ― Ranata Suzuki
4. “I had someone once who made every day mean something.
And now…. I am lost….
And nothing means anything anymore.” ― Ranata Suzuki
5. “I try to do something positive – I socialize more… But deep down I know the truth. An entire world of people can never replace the one that I’ve lost.” ― Ranata Suzuki

6. “The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes.
Breathing your air…. touching your skin…
… Saying goodbye….
The last time I felt alive…. I was dying.” ― Ranata Suzuki
7. “I have poured my heart out ….
And now I am empty.” ― Ranata Suzuki
8. “Often when we realize how precious those seconds are, it’s too late for them to be captured because the moment has passed. We realize too late.” ― Cecelia Ahern
9. “Do you think everybody misses somebody? Like I miss my mama?” “Mmmm-hmmm,” said Gloria. She closed her eyes. “I believe, sometimes, that the whole world has an aching heart.” ― Kate DiCamillo, Because of Winn-Dixie
10. “I miss you every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day.” ― Shanece

11. “No matter how much he talked, she never answered him, but he knew she was still there. He knew it was like the soldiers he had read about. They would have an arm or a leg blown off, and for days, even weeks after it happened, they could still feel the arm itching, the leg itching, the mother calling.” ― Pat Cunningham Devoto, Out of the Night That Covers Me
See also: 140 Most Heart Touching I Miss You Mom Quotes From Son
12. “His absence is so big it’s like he’s there.” ― Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go
13. “What if it’s as simple as one moment? One tiny thing, like that kiss on the rocks? What if I’d kissed him a little longer? Would he be alive right now? Or what if I’d stayed with him Friday night, what if I’d been with him… wherever he was?” ― Kristina McBride, One Moment
14. “So, everything that’s happened, that’s just the way life is, and it’s never going to be the way you think you want it. I’m not embarrassed about my brother, but I just don’t want to relive it, because people ask, “Oh, where’s your brother, what’s he doing?” and I have to say I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in over 30 years.” ― Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons
See also: 140 Heartfelt I Miss You Brother Status Ideas
15. “I miss everything about you
Can’t believe that I still want you
And after all the things we’ve been through” ― Colbie Caillat

16. “This is the first birthday I’ve had without the person who’s responsible for bringing me into the world all those decades ago. My mother… Because it was her desire to be the first to wish me a happy birthday, I always got a 5:30am phone call from her. I’m an early riser, but not that early. Yet even when my birthday fell on a Saturday, or Sunday, I loved getting that call. There are so many things you miss about a loving mother, especially on the first birthday you have without her.” ― Lorna Landvik, Chronicles of a Radical Hag
See also: 140 Heart Touching I Miss You Mom Quotes From Daughter
17. “My only enemy
is the miles of distance
that’s there between us,
my favorite place
is the road that leads
me to you
– the long road home” ― Jyoti Patel, ANAMIKA: BEYOND WORDS
18. “My brother, when he went to sleep, always put his shoes beside the swag, and when he got up in the morning the first thing he did was put his shoes on. He did that ever since he was little. And he never went anywhere without his hat. So, for him to walk off up the road without his hat or his shoes, that’s just straight-up lies. No. I know that for a fact.” ― Nicole Morris, Vanished: True Stories from Families of Australian Missing Persons
19. “It’s like a stomach ache after not eating for five days. The muscles are starting to eat themselves,
and you couldn’t care less.
It’s about holding on to every moment with every ounce of your being, every atom. It’s about memorising every expression, the way your muscles work, the way you speak, how your voice sounds during every part of the day. It’s about not feeling the goodbye in every kiss, in every hug, in every touch. It’s about trying to keep your voice steady even with a knife to your throat.
It’s August and I’m tired of being strong.
I never really was very brave.
Throw me on sharp edges, I’ve never felt so destructive.” ― Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps
20. “No, I don’t miss you… Not in a way that one is missed. But I think of you. Sometimes. In the way that one might think of the summer sunshine. On a winter night…” ― Sreesha Divakaran, Those Imperfect Strokes

21. “Without you, everything is hideous” ― Muntadher Saleh
22. “Slowly, the inner wound starts to cicatrize.
I begin to see a return to life as I restore my existence without your presence. You and I have formed an inner bond, an intimate connection of serene silence. A true love which defies the realm of death.” ― Anoir Ou-chad, The Alien
23. “Distances has tore us apart,
Time has erased me from your heart.
Love once so pure, is now a rue,
Sadness is all that I pursue.” ― Frank John
24. “Brain knows it’s foolish, the heart disagrees: Missing the one who left.” ― Vikrant Adams
25. “He was her rock,
now he’s dates on a stone
next to trees
on a plot in a spot
far from home” ― Eric Overby, Hourglass in Grace

26. “Even my sleepless eyes dream of you, know how much I miss you.” ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
27. “I hear them say “Why do I miss someone I haven’t even met?”
How about not missing someone because it feels like they’ve been with you all along?” ― Nicola An , The Universe at Heartbeat
28. “They say that love has never been immortal. That it is only the songs, books, and movies which instill this thought in our mind. But tell me then why does my heart yearn to just have a glimpse of you every moment of my life? Why do I keep missing you? Why do I feel restless until I have spoken to you? Why do I keep thinking about you every night lying there in my bed? Why do I feel incomplete without you in my life?” ― Avijeet Das
29. “Some poets write pages upon pages because their hearts have a song to sing and their melodies cannot be contained in a single stanza… and I find myself typing out a quote because my soul is still gasping for breath, and all the words form a single sentence: I miss us.” ― Alfa
30. “If you never left again, I would still spend the rest of my life missing you.” ― Tessa Bailey, Too Hot to Handle

I Will Miss You Quotes
1. “You’re too far for my hands to hold you, but too near for my heart to love you.” ― Heraline

2. “Who misses what they have never, ever even imagined?” ― N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season
3. “There are some places you can’t visit anymore,
poetry and writings take you there.” ― Vaishal sheth
4. “She raised her sad blue eyes to mine. “It’s going to be so boring here without you. And I’m going to have to deal with Grandmother on my own! You need to e-mail, text, call, send smoke signals–whatever–and tell me everything you’re doing.”
I laughed. “Yes, I know. Every day. I promise.” ― Shannon Greenland, The Summer My Life Began
5. “I shall have to learn how to miss you.” ― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient

6. “Miss was a word that couldn’t quite express the hollow pit of my stomach filled with nothing but cold gusts of air where the intestines should have been, walking around with a gaping hole in my chest where my heart had been pulled out from, feeling hollow within and without. It was a missing that filled me up, an absence that was a presence, a bereavement that wasn’t a release.” ― Kiran Manral, More Things in Heaven and Earth
7. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” ― Claudia Adrienne Grandi
8. “You’re everywhere except right here and it hurts.” ― Rupi Kaur
9. “We only part to meet again.” ― John Gay
10. “Your absence has gone through me, like thread through a needle, everything I do is stitched with its color.” ― W.S. Merwin

11. “Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad cuz I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.” ― Henri Nouwen
12. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ― A. A. Milne
13. “My heart won’t let you go, and I need you to know, I miss you.” ― Miley Cyrus
14. “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
15. “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” ― Nicholas Sparks
16. “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.” ― Edna St. Vincent Millay
17. “Never forget me, because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.” ― A. A. Milne
18. “Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?” ― Richard Bach
19. “Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.” ― Tryon Edwards
20. “You can love someone so much…But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.” ― John Green

Final Word
I hope that you have found one that is perfect for you among these I miss you quotes, that I gathered from various online sources.
I hope that the emotional pain will go away, and that you’ll feel better soon.
Read next: 120 Heartwarming Missing My Daughter Quotes To Comfort You