80 Best  Inspirational Second Child  Quotes  You Will Love

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

“You will love them the same, despite your fear. Your heart doesn’t split, it doubles in size.”  — Kerry De Roque Guice

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

“Everyone has early fiction fantasies, but it wasn’t until my second child Betsy was born that I allowed the urge to write a novel to bubble up.”  — Susan Isaacs

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

“Two different children, two different experiences, but one love we share.”  — Paula Rollo

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

“I didn’t know I’d ever be able to love my second child like I love my first; she came out, and I was amazed I could love them both equally.”  — Brad D. Smith

Top 5 Second Child Quotes

“When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: ‘Fetch!’” — Bruce Lansky

Mom Quotes About  Second Baby

Mom Quotes About  Second Baby

“I didn’t think I could possibly love another human being with that perfect balance of tenderness, fierceness, and joy... yet you came along and proved my worried heart wrong.”

Mom Quotes About  Second Baby

“Don’t worry, mom. When new babies come along your love doesn’t get divided… it multiplies!”

Mom Quotes About  Second Baby

“You’re teaching Mommy and Daddy to love more, to practice peace, and to relish as much as we can because you’re growing up faster than we could have imagined.”

Second Child Quotes And Wishes For A Baby Shower

“Remember how your firstborn took up all your time and became the priority of your life? So don’t worry, it is not possible for the second child to take up any more time. Congratulations.”

Second Child Quotes And Wishes For A Baby Shower

“A second baby means double the cuteness, double the sweetness and double the happiness in your family. Congratulations.”

Second Child Quotes And Wishes For A Baby Shower

”Your first bundle of joy already arrived with your firstborn. With the arrival of your second child, your family has received tub loads of joy. Congratulations.”
