Summer is a unique set of sensations and feelings. Many associate it with happiness and youth. Let’s check out some of the best summer nights quotes!

"Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." -Henry James

"If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance." -Bern Williams

"The summer night was starless and stirless, with distant spasms of silent lightning." -Vladimir Nabokov

"The stars don't look bigger, but they do look brighter in summer nights." -Sally Ride

"My favorite summer night would be dancing behind this tailgate in the countryside under the starry sky." Easton Corbin

"The summer night, has a smile of light, and she sits on a sapphire throne." -Bryan Procter

"Celebrate summer – sun-drenched days and starlit nights." -Gooseberry Patch

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"The darkness, intimacy, and I liked the deep, sad summer nights." -Haruki Murakami

"The summer demands and takes away too much. But night, the reserved, the reticent, gives more than it takes." -John Ashbery

"The moon is swimming naked, and the summer night is fragrant with a mighty expectation of relief." -Leonard Cohen

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