280 Positive Money Affirmations For An Abundance Mindset

When it comes to money, I believe the most powerful tool you can arm your subconscious mind with is shifting your focus to what you wish to be true. And to do that, you need inspirational money affirmations. Here are the best ones!
Top Money Affirmations
1. “My money situation and personal finance are in excellent condition.”
2. “I am a capable person that can tackle all money obstacles.”
3. “I boldly conquer my money goals.”
4. “My financial situation is positive.”
5. “I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.”
6. “I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me.”
7. “My mind is a powerful tool that allows me to gain unlimited wealth.”
8. “I am releasing all negative thoughts about money, and I feel free to visualize my dreams.”
9. “I let go of negative self-talk.”
10. “Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.”
11. “I am ready to make my financial goals and dreams a reality.”
12. “The more I focus on joy, the more money I will make.”
13. “I can save money to be closer to financial freedom.”
14. “I experience wealth as a key part of my life.”
15. “Money will flow like a refreshing spring.”
16. “I have a positive money mindset.”
17. “I have a healthy relationship with money.”
18. “I’m on my way to increased wealth.”
19. “I’m always looking for new sources of income.”
20. “I know wealth is incoming, and I’m going to accept it.”
21. “My life is full of opportunities for abundance.”
22. “I’m going to commit to my financial dreams.”
23. “I’ll get all the riches I need and want.”
24. “All I need to become more prosperous is within me.”
25. “Wealth is a vital part of my life.”
26. “My thoughts will shape my financial success.”
27. “I choose money, and money also chooses me.”
28. “Prosperity will arrive soon.”
29. “I know my income is more than what I spend.”
30. “ I live on my own terms, and they say I’ll be rich.”
Positive Affirmations To Attract Financial Abundance
1. “I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today.”
2. “I will attain all the riches that I desire with time.”
3. “There is money all around me; I just have to grab it.”
4. “I attract money happily in my life.”
5. “Money is being drawn to me at every moment.”
6. “Money flows to me freely as I move through this world.”
7. “Money is unlimited, and my prosperity is unlimited.”
8. “I love attracting money.”
9. “I attract money easily and effortlessly.”
10. “My mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance.”
11. “I accept and receive unexpected money.”
12. “Money is pouring into my life.”
13. “I find the positives in my current financial situation.”
14. “I am open to receiving money in my life.”
15. “I breathe in abundance.”
16. “I will save money efficiently.”
17. “I am on my way to becoming wealthy.”
18. “I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.”
19. “Money is drawn to me, always.”
20. “I am a money magnet.”
21. “I can see examples of abundance all around.”
22. “I attract massive amounts of money to me.”
23. “I am attracting money at this very moment.”
24. “Everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now.”
25. “I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.”
26. “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.”
27. “Present tense I am an excellent money manager NOT: I’m going to be an excellent money manager.”
28. “I visualize myself having money, and I receive more money.”
29. “I allow prosperity to flow into my life.”
30. “Money simply falls into my lap.”
31. “I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.”
32. “I release all resistance to attracting money.”
33. “I attract money to give to others.”
34. “Wealth constantly flows into my life.”
35. “More money is lining up for me right this minute.”
36. “I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it.”
37. “I attract wealth to me from all directions.”
38. “People love giving me money.”
39. “I allow money to flow easily to me.”
40. “Money is abundant, and I attract it naturally.”
Powerful Money Affirmations And The Law of Attraction
1. “I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income.”
2. “There is no limit to the amount of money I am capable of earning.”
3. “My income is growing higher and higher.”
4. “My skills and hard work bring me wealth, and I am grateful and respectful of that.”
5. “Every dollar that flows to me now works for me to earn more money.”
6. “I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.”
7. “I attract money beyond my wildest dreams.”
8. “I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease.”
9. “An abundance of money is flowing into my life right now.”
10. “I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life.”
11. “I trust that more money is coming to me.”
12. “My finances improve beyond my dreams.”
13. “Money is energy, and it flows into my life constantly.”
14. “Money falls into my lap in miraculous ways.”
15. “Money chooses me, always.”
16. “It’s easy to make money.”
17. “There are no limits to the money I can make.”
18. “My job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals.”
19. “I am worthy of making more money.”
20. “I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time.”
21. “I embrace new avenues of income.”
22. “My income has unlimited potential.”
23. “I am so excited about receiving more money.”
24. “I get rich doing what I love.”
25. “I accept the flow of money from multiple sources.”
26. “I deserve to make more money.”
27. “My income will exceed my expenses.”
28. “The more fun I have, the more money I make.”
29. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to manifest more income.”
30. “Money comes to me in fun, easy, and surprising ways!”
31. “My bank account is constantly filled with money.”
32. “I make money easily.”
33. “Making money is a positive endeavor that serves me, my family, and my community.”
34. “I am easily creating more money and abundance.”
35. “Every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money.”
36. “I constantly discover new sources of income.”
37. “There are countless opportunities to make more money in my life.”
38. “Money is an abundant resource that I can earn.”
39. “I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.”
40. “I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work.”
Wealth Affirmations For Money Management
1. “I am excited to start and establish my money-making goals.”
2. “I control money; money doesn’t control me.”
3. “I believe in my ability to use the money that comes into my life to meet my financial goals.”
4. “Every action I take will plant the seeds for wealth.”
5. “I am responsible for money and manage it wisely.”
6. “I believe money is important.”
7. “Money is a tool, and I am going to learn to use it well.”
8. “I can make my dreams a reality with careful budgeting.”
9. “My income is always higher than my expenses.”
10. “I can find the positive in my money situation.”
11. “I overcome all obstacles that lie in my way to financial success.”
12. “I am the master of my wealth.”
13. “I am excited to keep my finances on the right path.”
14. “Being rich is a part of who I am.”
15. “My capacity to hold and grow money expands every day.”
16. “I can track my expenses and stick to a budget.”
17. “No matter how I feel or what I do, money gets to be easy.”
18. “I am learning how to save money and spend it carefully.”
19. “I have the ability to learn how to manage my money better.”
20. “My debt doesn’t control me; I manage it.”
21. “My income is constantly increasing.”
22. “The money that I have invested will be returned to me tenfold.”
23. “I deserve the opportunity to earn more than I make today.”
24. “I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.”
25. “I believe in my ability to earn more money.”
26. “I have fun earning money.”
27. “Manifesting money is easy because I’m ready to put in the work.”
28. “My hard work will bring me money.”
29. “I will build an emergency fund to safeguard myself.
30. “With hard work, I can build the financial future that I desire.”
31. “I am one step closer to my financial goals.”
32. “I know that money is freedom.”
33. “Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.”
34. “I am passionate about building wealth and recognizing all the value that it brings to my life.”
35. “My future self will thank me for saving money today.”
36. “I am an excellent money manager.”
37. “I am wealthy and living on my own terms.”
38. “It’s easy for me to change my money story.”
39. “I enjoy managing and investing my money.”
40. “I reclaim my money power.”
Abundance Affirmations For Positive Energy And Self Love
1. “My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.”
2. “I can handle large sums of money.”
3. “I will be debt-free. I have the power to make it happen.”
4. “I have the power to improve my relationship with money.”
5. “My finances have improved beyond anything I could ever imagine.”
6. “Making choices to build wealth today can allow me to create the life I desire.”
7. “Every dollar saved puts me closer to financial freedom.”
8. “I enjoy the challenge of saving more.”
9. “There are no limits to what I can and will achieve.”
10. “I am in control of my spending.”
11. “I am a successful money saver.”
12. “I have the discipline to make hard financial choices now to enjoy an easier life later on.”
13. “My savings will continue to grow, and I will be financially secure.”
14. “I choose to be organized and responsible with money.”
15. “I am capable of managing large sums of money.”
16. “Money is the root of joy and comfort.”
17. “I trust money.”
18. “I have enough money to enjoy my day-to-day life freely.”
19. “I have more than enough money.”
20. “I am worthy of a solid financial foundation.”
21. “Financial freedom is not just a dream; it will be my reality.”
22. “I choose to think only positive thoughts about money.”
23. “I am worthy of money.”
24. “I deserve to be rich.”
25. “I am grateful for all the money I have now.”
26. “I am grateful for the money I already have and the money that’s on its way to me now.”
27. “It is safe to be wealthy.”
28. “My positive attitude is attracting money.”
29. “I believe there is enough money for everyone.”
30. “My experience of wealth is a positive part of my life.”
31. “I can easily afford anything I want.”
32. “I am at peace with having a lot of money.”
33. “I choose to believe I deserve to have plenty of money.”
34. “It is within my power to create a successful financial future.”
35. “I have the power to be a financially successful person.”
36. “Money is a tool that can change my life for the better.”
37. “I always have more money coming in than going out.”
38. “I am in control of my financial life.”
39. “I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my way.”
40. “I make wise financial decisions and trust my process.”
See also: 70 Prayers For Financial Breakthrough In Difficult Times
Daily Affirmations And Positive Thoughts About Money
1. “I choose to feel wealthy right now.”
2. “I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.”
3. “I am wealthy.”
4. “Money is abundant to me.”
5. “I embrace a life of abundance and positive thinking.”
6. “I am thankful for the comfort that having money can bring to me when I manage it well.”
7. “I am not poor; I am on the path to a wealthy life.”
8. “I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.”
9. “If others can be wealthy, so can I.”
10. “I am grateful for the wealth that is inside of me.”
11. “I enjoy the money.”
12. “I bless all rich, wealthy, and abundant people.”
13. “I am what a wealthy person looks like.”
14. “I am worthy of the wealth I desire.”
15. “Every day, I choose money and wealth.”
16. “Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.”
17. “My wealth comes from being honest and authentic in everything I do.”
18. “I know anyone can be wealthy, including me.”
19. “I am grateful for all that money brings me.”
20. “Financial security brings me peace.”
21. “I gracefully surrender all of my resistance to wealth.”
22. “I deserve money in my life.”
23. “Financial well-being is my new reality.”
24. “I am worthy of a wealthy life.”
25. “I let go of all my fears around money.”
26. “I give myself permission to prosper and build wealth and to be happy about it.”
27. “I deserve a prosperous life.”
28. “I always have more than enough for everything I need.”
29. “I have more money than I could ever spend.”
30. “Having money makes me feel calm and confident.”
31. “All the money I have brings me joy.”
32. “My relationship with money gets better and better every day.”
33. “I release all negative energy over money.”
34. “I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”
35. “I am healing my relationship with money.”
36. “I am grateful for money.”
37. “Money and love can be friends.”
38. “I embrace all positive associations to money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.”
39. “I am worthy of financial security and freedom.”
40. “I always have enough money.”
Money Affirmations For Positive Mindset
1. “Money well-spent is a source of good and positive things.”
2. “The money I spend and earn makes me happy.”
3. “I love to give money a good home.”
4. “My money allows me to have a life I love.”
5. “Money is good because I use it for good things.”
6. “I can use the money to create a better life.”
7. “I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.”
8. “Being wealthy gives me the power to help countless people in this world.”
9. “Money can expand the opportunities in my life.”
10. “The money I contribute always comes back to me multiplied.”
11. “Money is my servant.”
12. “I have the ability to spend money on the things that matter to me most.”
13. “Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.”
14. “I am grateful that I can contribute my money to the economy.”
15. “The more I give, the wealthier I become.”
16. “I use the money to improve my life.”
17. “I am generous with my money.”
18. “Through thoughtful generosity, more money will flow back to me.”
19. “I use the money to better my life and the lives of others.”
20. “I will be mindful of my wealth so that it can serve me and those around me.”
21. “I change the world with my money.”
22. “I can use the money to change the world for the better.”
23. “My money works hard for me to make me more and more money.”
24. “I use the money to improve the lives of others.”
25. “I am happy when I spend my money responsibly.”
26. “As I earn money, I am equipped to give and serve generously.”
27. “Money is used to provide good things for my life and the lives of the people I love.”
28. “The more value I contribute, the more money I will make.”
29. “People benefit from my wealth & abundance.”
30. “Because I have money, I can give and serve generously.”
31. “Having money opens me to opportunities and new experiences.”
32. “I choose to spend my money wisely.”
33. “Money creates a positive impact on my life and the life of others.”
34. “I love the freedom that comes with financial abundance.”
35. “I love money because money loves me.”
36. “I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.”
37. “I am financially free.”
38. “I can become financially free.”
39. “The universe provides enough money for everyone.”
40. “I deserve to be financially rewarded.”
Money Mantras
1. “My life is full of wealth beyond money.”
2. “I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, and worthy.”
3. “Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and more prosperous.”
4. “Money comes easily, frequently, and abundantly.”
5. “Abundance within me, abundance around me.”
6. “I think like a millionaire. I act like a millionaire, I feel like a millionaire, I am a millionaire.”
7. “Prosperity within me, prosperity around me.”
8. “I love money, and money loves me.”
9. “I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.”
10. “Money is in my mind. My mind creates money.”
To Conclude
I hope you liked my collection of positive money affirmations and that you found it helpful.
These money affirmations won’t make you wealthy, but they will definitely help you change your money mindset. And that’s when the improvement of your financial situation will start!
Until next time!
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