140 Heart Touching I Miss You Mom Quotes From Daughter

In honor of all the great moms being missed by their daughters, here is the ultimate list of heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter to celebrate her life!
Heart Touching I Miss You Mom Quotes From Daughter
1. “Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world” — Cindy Adkins
2. “My mother is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune” — Graycie Harmon
3. “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” — Abraham Lincoln
4. “No daughter and mother should ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them” — Christie Watson
5. “I miss saying ‘Mom’ out loud. I miss not being able to find that special card for you and then having found it, writing ‘To Mom’ on it for yet another cherished Mother’s Day” — Millie P. Lorenz
6. “You don’t go around grieving all the time, but the grief is still there and always will be” — Nigella Lawson
7. “Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever” — J.K. Rowling
8. “There is something about losing a mother that is permanent and inexpressible – a wound that will never quite heal” — Susan Wiggs
9. “I miss the warmth of your gentle hug and the love I felt when my arms were wrapped around you. I miss seeing your beautiful smile and the sound of your voice saying my name. I miss hearing you say, ‘I love you’ and me saying, ‘I love you’ in return” — Millie P. Lorenz
10. “But she wasn’t around, and that’s the thing when your parents die, you feel like instead of going into every fight with backup, you are going into every fight alone” — Mitch Albom
11. “Mothers never really die, they just keep the house up in the sky. They polish the sun by day and light the stars that shine at night, keep the moonbeams silvery bright, and in the heavenly home above they wait to welcome those they love” — Helen Steiner Rice
12. “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” — Mahatma Gandhi
13. “You were my home, Mother. I had no home but you.” — Janet Fitch
14. “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life” — Abraham Lincoln
15. “I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge. When I needed to get across, she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely” — Renita Weems
16. “Mom, I am missing you today but I know that you will always be with me in my heart… I am who I am because of your loving hands. I have my sweet and compassionate soul from watching you and your generosity and kindness to others. I see the world full of wonder because of your imagination. I’ve learned to never give up seeing your drive and perseverance… I love you always and forever..” — Karen Kostyla
17. “A mother’s love’s a blessing, no matter where you roam, keep her while she’s living, you’ll miss her when she’s gone. Love her as in childhood, though feeble, old and grey, for you’ll never miss a mother’s love, till she’s buried beneath the clay” — Thomas P. Keenan
18. “No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply” — Billy Graham
19. “You are the most beautiful memory I keep locked inside my heart.” — Narin Grewal
20. “The mother memories that are closest to my heart are the small gentle ones that I have carried over from the days of my childhood. They are not profound, but they have stayed with me through life.” — Margaret Sanger
Sweet I Miss You Mom Quotes From Daughter
Here are some sweet and heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter that will help you cope with the pain of not having your mom close by.
1. “I miss you so much! I wish we were together right now and that I could hug you. You are the best mom, not just for me but for everyone. You are always there for me no matter what and I love you for that.”
2. “Hi, Mom. I miss you so much! I want to hold you and tell you every day how much I love you. Every time we talk, which can be few and far between sometimes, I still feel like I don’t say it enough.”
3. “I miss you terribly and I can’t wait for that day when we are together again. I love you and pray for your safety. Please stay strong and peaceful… I miss your hugs, kisses, and love.”
4. “I miss you a lot, mom. I wish you could see all the things I’m doing now and how well I’m doing in my classes. You made me who I am today so I want to do well for you. Hope you can see it all someday.”
5. “Mom, being away at college is so hard. I miss you so much. E-mailing and talking to you on the phone doesn’t replace the feeling of having you here with me. When I come home for winter break can we talk about me coming there next year?”
6. “I miss you, mommy. I can’t wait to tell you all about my first day of school tomorrow. It was awesome! I love you, Mom.”
7. “I miss hearing your voice and seeing your smile. I miss the stories you tell and the laughs we have. I miss your advice and heartwarming hugs. I miss you, but I know soon we will see each other again. Love, Your daughter.”
8. “I miss you so much, mom. You are my best friend and I will always love you no matter what. If I can only see you one more time, hear your voice, or get a hug from you I would be the happiest person alive.”
9. “All the hugs, love, laughter, and smiles that I miss from you. You were always there for me. I will always treasure our memories.”
10. “Thinking about you keeps me going through these days where we are no longer together. Hopefully, someday I will see you in person and be able to give you the hugs I’ve been offering only by phone.”
11. “Miss you mom, wish you were here. You are such an inspiration, thanks for your guidance and love through the years. You taught me well and I must say I’m proud to be your daughter. I love you! Thanks for everything.”
12. “Dear mom, I just wanted to let you know how much you are missed. I miss the conversations we had here, the hugs, and just being around your aura. You are my hero. I love you with all of my heart.”
13. “I’m sorry mom. I miss you so much!. While I’m away at school, having fun with friends and doing typical college kid stuff, I always think back to all the great times we had together.”
14. “I miss you, mom. I feel so lost, so alone without you here. I wish that our time hadn’t been cut short, but it is what it is, and I just have to make the best of things. Just know that I love you and think of you every day.”
15. “I miss you mom. I really can’t believe a year has gone by since we last saw each other. The day you left was the worst day of my life but with every tear I shed, I know you were in a better place.”
16. “I miss you mom! I always wonder what you did in your free time and then I remember your desk filled with paperwork. I miss hearing you call me on the phone and say ‘I love you, sweetheart!’”
17. “You mean the world to me mom and I miss you like crazy. I am still here for you, even though you are so far away. I know God has a plan and that someday we will be together again.”
18. “You are an amazing person. The best mother anyone could ever ask for. I miss you around the house so much. Every time I think about things that I want to do for other people, I remember all the things that you did for me when I was a child.”
19. “You are always on my mind mom, you mean the world to me. I remember us struggling with bills and selling things for gas money, now I’ve got it all and still miss you.”
20. “I really miss you mom. It’s not the same without you here. I wish you could be here to see what our daughter looks like now. She has your eyes, lips, and smile. Couldn’t you give her your talent for dancing? I can’t wait to see you again!”
21. “I look at my phone and I think of you. Sometimes I pick up the phone, just to hear your voice. Then once I do, I miss you even more. I want to tell you how badly I miss you and how much I love you, mummy.”
22. “Hi, mom! It’s dawn. I’m in the kitchen and Mr. Coffee is ready. Just one thing, I really miss you. After so many years I still can’t express how much I love you. You are definitely the most inspirational person in my life.”
23. “My mom, you can make me believe in the impossible. You are the most amazing mom that I have ever met and you have always been such a big part of my life. Today and always, you deserve my love and respect. Happy birthday, my angel mother.”
24. “I’m missing my mom more than anything in the world. I just want to be in your arms and hear you say, “I love you.” My whole life revolves around you and the fact that I don’t get to see you nearly enough.”
25. “You’re my favorite person in the whole world! You take such good care of me, and you always know how to put a smile on my face. I’ll never forget how much you mean to me. Missing you mum!”
26. “You are the best mom ever. I’m so grateful that you are my mom. I love and miss you so much, always have, and always will.”
27. “I couldn’t be prouder of you, Mom! I love you so much and you are an incredible role model. You mean everything to me. Miss you!”
28. “Thanks for being the best mum in the whole world. We love you more than anything! I really miss you.”
29. “Dear mom, I know you are dealing with so much right now. Just remember I love you and will always be there for you. Everything will get better soon I promise! I really miss you!”
30. “I may not be able to see you as often as I would like, but that doesn’t stop me from loving you more and more every day. You are my inspiration and the reason why we all believe that dreams come true. I love you so much, mom!”
Daughter Missing Mom Quotes
Take a look at these heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter to express how badly you miss not having your mom around.
1. “Mom, I love you so much! I’m so glad to have a mom like you. You are perfect in every way. I believe that people come into your life for a reason, and somehow you were put in my life for a reason. Miss you.”
2. “I miss my mother so much. I get so caught up in all the little things that I forget how much she does for me each and every day. She always watched out for me and I wish I could do the same for her.”
3. “Hey mom, it’s your birthday and I am missing you today more than ever. I always wished for time to stand still. You are always in my heart. Best birthday wishes!”
4. “You have been the most influential person in my life. You have brought me so much joy, love, and peace. I wish SO much that you were here to see all the beautiful things God is doing with me. I miss you so much mommy, and I will always love you.”
5. “I just wanted to tell you how I feel. You mean so much to me and you are always on my mind. You are my best friend and I want you to know that all the things we went through made me a stronger person. Love you, mom, and miss you so much!”
6. “To the best mom in the world, I miss you more than ever in the morning when your beautiful face is the first thing that I see. Love you, Mom.”
7. “You have always been someone I can go to. I don’t know what I would do without you! You’re my rock, I love that about you. Thanks, mommy for all the help, love, and guidance. Have a wonderful day!”
8. “People come and go from life, but mom, you stay in my life forever even though we are apart for now. No matter how far we are, you have a special place, no one can ever take.”
9. “I don’t need to tell you that I miss you. I think about you every day and tell you things without saying a word. You are missed and loved more than ever. My heart aches for you and the void I feel without you.”
10. “I miss you Mom so much! I can’t wait for our next adventure together… when we take that trip to the beach, go shopping, or even walk and talk in the park. Miss you, my beautiful mother.”
11. “Mom, a day just doesn’t go by that I don’t think about you, and how much I miss you. I hope you know how much your family misses you, and how much love surrounds you every day.”
12. “I miss you mom. I wish we did not live so far away from each other so I could see you more often and know what’s going on with you every day. You are still an important part of my life and your love means a lot to me!”
13. “I miss you and only want the best for you. I can’t wait to see you and give you a big hug. You are in my heart always.”
14. “Missing you has become a daily activity. No day passes by without you coming to my mind and filling my eyes with tears.”
15. “I was just thinking of you and how much I miss you. I feel like a part of me is missing when we can’t talk and hang out every day like we used to. My heart hurts, but with time…and pills, I know it will get better.”
16. “I miss you so much, mom. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my everything and the best mom in the world.”
17. “Mom, I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you. It’s so hard without you here. You always said that I would grow up and move on, and that’s what I did. I moved on, but a part of me will always miss you.”
18. “I really miss you mom. Wish you were here to hug me. Love, your daughter.”
19. “Mom, I just want to say that I miss you so much! It’s been such a long time since we have seen each other and I have great memories of us together.”
20. “I miss you mom. I miss our talks and your guidance. I miss how you would always know what was on my mind. I miss your advice and words of wisdom that keep me grounded.”
21. “Hey mom, it’s been a long time! I wish I could talk to you more but I just feel like I can’t anymore. It hurts so much that you’re gone. I hope you know that I miss you.”
22. “Missing your mother and not being able to see her is the worst feeling ever.”
23. “Dear Mom, I miss you so much. I know that you are always around me, watching over me and protecting me. I know you don’t want me to be sad, so I try so hard to be happy for you. I love you with all my heart.”
24. “I can’t think of anyone else I would rather spend my birthday with. I am all grown up now, but that won’t stop me from leaning on your shoulder and having you comfort me as I get older. I’m going to miss you mom, so much.”
25. “You are the best mom I could ask for. You are always there when I need you and never hesitate to help me with anything. I love you so much and don’t know what I’d do without you.”
26. “I love having you in my life. I hope that all my friends, family, and fans can see the woman that shaped me into the person I am today. I miss you and love you more every day!”
27. “How can it be that you are so very special to me and yet I feel that I never told you? I’ll let you know, mom, how very much I love and cherish you. You mean everything to me. Happy Birthday, mom!”
28. “You’re the greatest mom I could ask for. You’re my best friend and I love you so much. Wherever you are, I hope you’re having a great day and thinking about me!”
29. “You are the beating of my heart. When you are gone, my heart cries out for you, when we speak, you fill my heart with joy. I look forward to your calls each day. Miss you, mom.”
30. “I miss you mom, today and every day. I hope everyone is treating you with love and respect because you deserve all the best in this world. I just wish we were together again! Oh well… one day!”
Missing My Mom In Heaven Quotes
You can use the following heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter to find some comfort when missing your late mother, and remember just how incredible she really was.
They can help you hold on to those beautiful memories and all the good times you shared with her.
1. “Mom, some days I miss you so much that it’s like my heart is being split in two. Every day I think about the fun we will have together, the games we will play, the long talks we can have. Then I realize how this just isn’t possible anymore.”
2. “I miss you mom, I will always love you and keep you close in my heart. Always and forever, I’ll never forget you.”
3. “Mom, I miss you so much. I wish we could talk on the phone again. I miss your laugh and your smile and your hugs. I do hope that you are watching over us. You will never be out of my thoughts.”
4. “I wish I could tell you all the things I love about you, the way you always know what to say whenever I’m feeling sad. I miss you so much mom, your days might have passed but your love will never recede.”
5. “I miss you everyday, mom. I wish I could call you and tell you all the things that have been happening in my life. On the first day of school, making friends and having your grandma over for dinner. I miss everything.”
6. “I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but I can’t. Because even a thousand words wouldn’t be enough to describe the pain I feel. All I can say is that I love you, and it hurts knowing you are gone.”
7. “Your death anniversary is a painful regret of how we should have celebrated every day of our lives like a glorious anniversary while you were still alive. I miss you ma.”
8. “Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. You’re always on my mind. You were a wonderful mother and I want you to know how much I love you.”
9. “Even though my mother has passed away; her love still guides me. And although I cannot see her, she is always at my side.”
10. “It’s been a year now, and I still miss you every day. I see my friends with their moms and they are so happy. Life is so unfair sometimes. Why couldn’t you have been here? Why did this happen to me? The pain never goes away.”
11. “I miss you so much, mom. I hope you can find happiness. I can’t help but think about if you were here right now. I’m trying my best to be strong because I know you’d always want me to be happy.”
12. “My mom was the greatest. She will always have a special place in my heart. She is loved by many around the world and always will be. I love and miss you very much, Mom.”
13. “I still miss my mom like crazy on days like today. I know she is in a better place and is watching over me but I can’t help but wish that I didn’t have to live another day without her.”
14. “You are always on my mind and in my heart. I hope you are at peace whereever you are now. I love you, mummy.”
15. “You were my friend, Mom. I could tell you anything. I am sorry that I didn’t do that more often. I wish we had talked more. Now it’s too late and I miss you so much. Maybe if we had shared things, then this wouldn’t hurt so bad.”
16. “A mother is never truly gone; she is always connected to you by heartstrings into infinity.”
17. “I still can’t believe you are gone. I miss you and will never forget the wonderful mother that you were. You were always there for me, like a rock during my life. You never failed me, always believing in me. I love you.”
18. “Mommy, I miss you. I know you’re in heaven but it’s not the same without you! I hope I see you soon.”
19. “I wish heaven had visiting hours so I could see and speak to my mom again. I miss her so much.”
20. “Mom, I miss you so much! I think about the times we spent together, sometimes it seems like yesterday and then I realize that it’s been almost 4 months since you left us.”
21. “Mom, your life was a blessing and your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.”
22. “I will never forget the things you taught me and how loved you made me feel. Mom, you are forever missed.”
23. “I miss my mom so much. I would give anything to just hug her or to hear her say my name again.”
24. “Mom, I pray for you every day and hope to see the day when we have our happy ending of the fairy tale that was your life.”
25. “You always told me I was the most important thing in your life. If that’s true, why would you leave me? We used to share everything together and now I have nothing of yours. And it hurts so much.”
26. “People say you go through the loss of a mother with time passing by, but how do I tell them that I feel your absence in the depths of my soul, mom? Miss you.”
27. “You never get over losing your mother, you miss her for the rest of your days.”
28. “I wish I could say losing a mother gets easier, but it doesn’t. I still miss her every day.”
29. “Missing my mom this Christmas, and always. Merry Christmas in Heaven mom.”
30. “I know you are in a better place, but I still miss you so much. I wish you were here to support me, cheer me up, give me advice and make me feel better when things got tough. You were the best mom ever and I will never forget how much you loved me.”
Missing Mom Quotes For Mother’s Day
There are days when you miss your mom the most and the pain of not being near her is the strongest, like Mother’s day. Here are some heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter to express your longing for your mom on these occasions.
1. “Dear Mom, you have been the most amazing mom a daughter could ask for. When I needed you, you were there, any time of day or night. I could always rely on you to help out no matter what. You are such an amazing woman! Happy Mother’s day!”
2. “You may not be able to hold me, but I can feel your love… and that’s all that matters. Missing you this Mother’s day.”
3. “Dear Mom, I miss you so much. I wish you could be here to celebrate this Mother’s day with me. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.”
4. “I wish you were here with me so that I could hug you tight and tell you how much I miss you…. Happy Mother’s Day to you mom….. You will always be missed!”
5. “You are not here with me physically but you will always live in my heart and memories. You will always be my emotional strength. You will always be the reason for my success. Happy Mother’s Day mom. Miss you each and every day!”
6. “Wishing you the happiest mother’s day! I love you and miss you so much! Hope you had a great day!”
7. “How can anyone not adore their mom? You are the best woman, mother, and friend anyone could ever ask for. I love you, happy Mother’s day!”
8. “There is no day when I don’t think of you, there is no occasion on which you are not missed…. Every day I wish that you were here…. Happy Mother’s day mom.”
9. “Dear mom, you have been my strength all my life….. I miss you mom and I hate the distance between us…. I wish you a happy Mother’s Day and I wish I could do so hugging you tight!”
10. “You are such an amazing mother and role model. I love you so much, and I miss you a lot more than I can say just with words. Thank you for the life lessons, the encouragement, the discipline, and all of your love.”
11. “I miss you so much. I want to be with you right now. I think about you all the time and count down till you get back. I am thankful to be able to spend this day with my mom. Happy Mother’s day!”
12. “I miss you so much! My first Mother’s Day has been hard. I wish that I didn’t have to be away from you for so long. I think about you all of the time.”
13. “Dear mom, I hope you have the most wonderful day. Don’t let anything get you down. You’re the best ever.”
14. “I am sending my warm Mother’s Day wishes to you in heaven. I wish that whenever you are, you are always happy and smiling. I cannot thank you enough for all the love you had always pampered me with. A very Happy Mother’s Day to you.”
15. “Mom, I love you so much that I cannot even begin to tell you. You are the best mom in the world and I am lucky to have you as mine. Of all the places I have been and all the things I have done, nothing makes me happier than coming home to you.”
16. “Dear mom, the sweetest memories that you have left me with are the only solace for me. Your absence has left me with a void and only these memories help me survive. With lots of love, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day. You will always live in my heart!”
17. “I am so blessed to have you as my mother. I love you more than words could ever express, and being your daughter is the biggest blessing. I just wish I could spend every day with you. I will miss you so much on mother’s day.”
18. “Days are no longer the same because my sunshine is not here with me…. I know you are somewhere in the stars showering your blessings on me…… Sending you loveliest wishes on Mother’s Day mom.”
19. “So many things change through the years, but I want you to know that you are one of the few constants in my life. Your unconditional love and support never cease to amaze me. I just want to let you know how much I love you.”
20. “Each and every memory that you have left with me is giving me strength to live. Dear mom, you are not there with me but your love is still fresh in my heart, your affection still brings a smile to my face. With love, wishing you a Happy Mother’s day.”
21. “I love you, mom! Happy Mother’s day. I love talking to you, planning trips, and just hanging out. I love our talks about everything except work and boy stuff. Miss you!”
22. “Nothing feels the same without you. Sun doesn’t shine that bright, flowers don’t smell that sweet, songs don’t touch my soul the same way because it was your love that made them beautiful. Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day mom. I hope you are always smiling!”
23. “I miss you today mom and hope you are having a great day. You completed me and made me who I am today. I love you mom, I will always hold you in my heart.”
24. “This mom message carries happy mother’s day wishes for my sweet mother who passed away. I wish you all the love and happiness wherever you are now and you will be forever in my heart.”
25. “I will miss you dearly on Mother’s day even though I may be miles apart. It’s because I think of you every single day and know that you love me and support everything I do. You’re the best mother anyone could ask for.”
26. “I love you mom. Thank you for everything, from your unconditional love to making our home such a nice and happy place to be. I love you so much and I hope you have a great mother’s day!”
27. “We may be miles apart but I will always be with you in your heart. You are missed and loved so much. I love you, mom, happy Mother’s day!”
28. “Sadness is not being able to give your mom a hug on Mother’s day.”
29. “Missing my mom in heaven, this Mother’s day. The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her.
30. “I cannot see you, I cannot touch you but I can always feel you in my heart….. I know you are up there looking at me and blessing me each and every day with love and good fortune…. Thanks maa for everything…. I wish you a very Happy Mother’s day.”
Wrapping It Up
I hope you liked this collection of heart touching I miss you mom quotes from daughter, and that it gave you some consolation by reminding you what a special mom you have or had.
If you’re lucky enough that your mom is still alive, send her one of these loving quotes every time you miss her.
And if your dear mom is no longer with us, let the missing my mom in heaven quotes from above help you honor her for shaping you into that beautiful person you are today.
Until next time!
Read next: 140 Bond Between Mother And Child Quotes To Warm Your Heart