Andrew Tate Quotes That Will Spark Your Inner Winner

andrew tate portrait representing andrew tate quotes

You can love him, you can hate him, but one thing is certain – he will be equally successful no matter your personal opinion.

To some, he is a person that is disrespectful to women, feminine men, those who don’t take care of themselves,  and those who are working for low paychecks. To others, he is an unlimited source of inspiration, who motivates people to be the best version of themselves.

At the moment, according to research, he is the 4th most googled person in the world in 2023.

Even as a woman, I must admit that I have learned so much from this man. And, quite frankly, I am happy to say that this man is spreading his wisdom worldwide. Why? Because younger generations will have somebody great to look up to.

Many of his statements were taken out of context. And that is the reason why so many people hate him – they didn’t listen to his story as a whole.

Top G, as his fans call him, is a highly intelligent individual who has a goal of educating men and women in order to help them become the very best they can be.

Here, I present to you the collection of the best quotes and statements from Andrew Tate that I could find online. Enjoy! 

The Best Andrew Tate Quotes

1. “Find a person who is as successful as you’d like to be, ask them what to do, do it and work hard.”― Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate: Lesson 1 – Procrastination: STOP BEING LAZY

a man in black and white representing best andrew tate quote

2. “The person who goes to the gym every day regardless of how they feel will always beat the person who goes to the gym when they feel like going to the gym.” ― Andrew Tate

3. “Sadness is a warning. You feel it for a reason. Your mind is telling you that you need to work harder.” ― Andrew Tate

4. “Every action you take is molding who you are as a person. Every time that you sleep in. Every time you are undisciplined, you are training yourself that it’s okay. A downward spiral towards mediocrity.”  ― Andrew Tate

5. “You are the only person who can make this work, and you are the only person who can mess this up.” ― Andrew Tate, The Tate Bible

a confident man representing andrew tate quote

6. “The amount of stress you can tolerate while remaining effective is directly correlated to the level of success you will enjoy.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is. If you cannot force yourself to do something that you do not want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?” ― Andrew Tate

8. “Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “Most people see other people with things they want and don’t do the second half. They don’t try to work out how they got that thing.” ― Andrew Tate

10. “You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are and you will change how you live.” ― Andrew Tate

a successful man representing the best quote by andrew tate

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Andrew Tate Quotes And His Take On Motivation

1. “I could never stop fighting even if I lost 100 fights because I’m not built to live a normal existence.” ― Andrew Tate

a man in versace robe representing andrew tate inspirational quote

2. “Men are not designed to be comfortable. They want to achieve. They want to feel pain and suffering. They want to conquer something.” ― Andrew Tate

3. “People always ask me “Sir Andrew Tate is it true you and your friends are the Kings Of The Internet?”

I tell them of course it’s true you big dummy.” ― Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate: Lesson 1 – Procrastination: STOP BEING LAZY

4. “For 12 years I trained 5 hours per day, six days per week, and I was motivated to train probably 25% of the time. The rest of the time I went because I am disciplined.” ― Andrew Tate

5. “The average man doesn’t try very hard. So if you try very hard, it’s impossible to be average.” ― Andrew Tate

a handsome man representing andrew tate motivational quote

6. “You’re going to have to work when you don’t feel like working. That’s how it’s going to have to be, or you’re never going to be anything.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. You’ve gotta do something and you’ve gotta do something fast. You just sitting around talking about it and hoping for things to get better isn’t going to do anything.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “If you want people to care about who you are, become familiar with pain.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “When’s the last time you prevented the negative instead of dealing with it?” ― Andrew Tate

10. “Don’t listen to the advice of people who are living lives you don’t want to live.” ― Andrew Tate

Do not listen to the weak on how to become strong

11. “If failure makes you stronger, you can never lose.” ― Andrew Tate

12. “Absolutely every single one of my actions is intentional. Divine purpose. If your day is full of mindless action, you act without thought.” ― Andrew Tate

13. “Arrogance breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure.” ― Andrew Tate

14. “There are dark forces trying to penetrate the minds of the youth.” ― Andrew Tate

15. “Do not listen to the weak on how to become strong.” ― Andrew Tate

Do not listen to the weak on how to become strong

16. “One man who stands by his word is worth more than 1,000 who doesn’t.” ― Andrew Tate

17. “The faster you work, the more work you get done.” ― Andrew Tate

18. “Broke people try to make money because they want to buy things. Rich people try to make money because they want to meet people.” ― Andrew Tate

19. “How can more options and fewer concerns about how you survive to make you less happy?” ― Andrew Tate

20. “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” ― Andrew Tate

a man who is sitting representing andrew tate motivation quote

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Andrew Tate Quotes About Inspiration And Winner Mentality

1. “If I’m not doing something which is either extremely difficult or extremely stressful, I’m in a perpetual state of crippling boredom.” ― Andrew Tate

a man wearing sunglasses representing andrew tate inspirational quote

2. “I think I’m the fucking man. I think I’m cool as fuck, and I’m happy with that. And I’m happy to live my life this way because I find it a source of motivation.”― Andrew Tate, The Tate Bible

3. “Focus on making yourself feel excited, powerful. Imagine yourself destroying goals with ease.” “You have to believe that you can achieve anything.” “You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact that it will be very difficult.” ― Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate: Lesson 1 – Procrastination: STOP BEING LAZY

4. “The immovable object beats the unstoppable force. The immovable object requires less energy. Efficiency always wins.” ― Andrew Tate

5. “Value is linked to difficulty. If you want something that is valuable, you need something which is difficult to obtain.” ― Andrew Tate

Value is linked to difficulty

6. “People who train every day do not want to train every day. They are not motivated to train every day. They have something else, they are disciplined.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “My unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “You need to understand that in this world there’s a whole bunch of people doing amazing things that you are not doing. And that needs to piss you off.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “Think of all of the amazing things you could have accomplished by now if you weren’t brutally lazy. Imagine all of the time you wasted, every opportunity you let pass by, all the good advice you arrogantly ignored. If you were your creator, would you not be disgusted as well?” ― Andrew Tate

10. “Close your eyes. Focus on making yourself feel excited, powerful. Imagine yourself destroying goals with ease.” ― Andrew Tate

Close your eyes. Focus on making yourself feel excited, powerful

Andrew Tate Quotes About Life

1. “Emotional control isn’t a lack of emotion, it’s a necessary function of maturity.” ― Andrew Tate

a man with sleeve tattoo representing quote by andrew tate

2. “And if you’re going to go through your life and you have to associate with people, what you want to do is find egotistical people. Find out if they have a reason to justify their egos. if they can’t, then get rid of them. If they do, then hang around them, because you might actually learn something.” ― Andrew Tate, The Tate Bible

3. “I don’t think there’s a person on this planet who has a 100% approval rate.” ― Andrew Tate

4.  “Maybe you’re broke. Maybe you’re out of shape. Maybe you just want a different life altogether. This ‘depression’ you feel is the key to everything you want to change.”  ― Andrew Tate

5. “Today you can act as an amateur or a professional. Decide what you will do right now.” ― Andrew Tate

a tattooed man representing top g quote

6. “Your life can be like a movie. The mundane, the boring, the average, your life doesn’t need to be this way. But every good movie has some sort of risk, and the heroes of the story are willing to take them. Are you?” ― Andrew Tate

7. “Life will never come to you. You must come to life.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “How I feel has no bearing on how I live my life.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “Trauma and difficulty helps you to man up.” ― Andrew Tate

10. “A betrayal from a friend is much worse than an attack from an enemy.” ― Andrew Tate

a bulky man representing andrew tate wallpaper quote

Andrew Tate Quotes About Love

1. “It takes intellect to love. Which is why stupid people are full of hate.” ― Andrew Tate

a handsome man representing top g quote about love

2. You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact it will be very difficult. ― Andrew Tate

3. “Showing the most emotion doesn’t mean you feel the most emotion.” ― Andrew Tate

4. “Emotional control isn’t a lack of emotion; it’s a necessary function of maturity.” ―  Andrew Tate

5. “If you love yourself, you will build yourself.” ― Andrew Tate

a strong man representing andrew tate quote about self love

6.  “Do not blindly obey your emotions.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “There’s no emotion in money-making.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “I have so much love inside of me. 

Love is the ultimate driving force. 

I can turn it into rage, endless motivation to do what I know is right. 

I can turn it into a deep calm. 

Love makes me smile anytime I choose. 

Love makes me cry anytime I choose. 

I love all of you.”  ― Andrew Tate

9. Fear not the man who appears dark with a heart of love; but the man who appears as a beacon of hope, whose roots you do not know the depth of.  ― Andrew Tate

10. “I would never let a woman pay for a bill.” ―  Andrew Tate

a man in a leather jacket representing andrew tate quote about women

11. “If someone touched my woman, I would stand up against 10 men and fight to protect her!” Andrew Tate

12. “When I was 20, me and my girlfriend broke up, I was with her for 4 years… I couldn’t sleep at night! And this was before social media. You couldn’t just chase a girl! That was it – she was gone now!” Andrew Tate

13. “When Ghengis Khan was conquering Earth, do you think he had to come home and argue with a girl? Or do you think he wanted to come home and talk about the fact that he conquered the Earth?” Andrew Tate

14. “I absolutely and utterly love women. I have nothing against women. I believe women are the most precious things on the planet, they create life, and they should be protected.” ― Andrew Tate

15. “Being in love as a man is absolutely and utterly one of the best human experiences.” Andrew Tate

a good looking man representing andrew tate quote on women

16. “You can take her places, you can teach her things. You can be her guider and protector, and you can benefit from her femininity in return.” Andrew Tate

17. “A lot of people have this misunderstanding about me, that I live this loveless life, that girls are just scared of me and so on. My relationships at home look pretty much like any other loving, happy relationship.” Andrew Tate

18. “And we are bonded by common drive towards my goals because I’m the man and I’m trying to conquer the world. So she finds her bonding with me in her mutual interest in my success.” Andrew Tate

19. “Too many people in this space believe they need to go to the woman and change the woman. I’ll promise you, if you’re actually the man, it ain’t that hard!” Andrew Tate

20. “I completely believe in love! I am a massive advocate for love.” ― Andrew Tate

I completely believe in love! I am a massive advocate for love.

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Andrew Tate’s Take On Money 

1. “Freedom will only come when you no longer trade your time for money.”  ― Andrew Tate

a man in a white jacket representing andrew tate quote about money

2. “If you don’t know anybody who is rich, you’re not useful to someone who is.” ― Andrew Tate

3. “If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.” ― Andrew Tate

4. “Cowardice is bred into poor people. It ensures poverty by dulling their appetite for risk.” ― Andrew Tate

5. “Poor people like to believe the rich are mysteriously unhappy to feel better about being poor.” ― Andrew Tate

a bearded man representing andrew tate advice quote

6. “Investing is the easiest example of your network is your net worth.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “There is a reason that a millionaire wants to be a billionaire.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “Cost is the enemy of the poor man, so the poor try to save money. Time is the enemy of the rich man, so the rich try to save time.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “The amount of work you find to do is directly correlated to how much you care.” ― Andrew Tate

10. “Money is not the goal, power is.” ― Andrew Tate

a man in a black shirt representing andrew tate famous quote

11. “You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact that it will be very difficult.” ― Andrew Tate

12. “If you’re known as crazy. Your life is going to go one of two ways. Absolute success, or the absolute bottom. But you can rest assured you won’t end up average like the rest.” ― Andrew Tate

13. “I find that very few men really want freedom. They’d rather play it safe and take the highest hourly wage they can get their hands on. Hoping that will make them rich when the math clearly doesn’t add up.” ― Andrew Tate

14. “Understand that as people become poor, the money hasn’t vanished. Someone else is becoming rich.” ― Andrew Tate

15. “Imagine broke people saying money isn’t happiness and thinking: How would they know?” ― Andrew Tate

Imagine broke people saying money isn’t happiness and thinking How would they know

16. You are exactly where you deserve to be. Poor? Then money isn’t your problem, your brain is the problem. You are the reason for your own poverty.” ― Andrew Tate

17. “You are organized, fast, and systematized. You stop doing things that you know are a waste of time. You stop acting based on emotional whims. Imagine that version of yourself. Imagine what that person accomplishes in a year.” ― Andrew Tate

18. “If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.” ― Andrew Tate

19. “All of life’s important lessons come from being broke. The best thing you can hope for as a headstart for a child are: good parents and no money.”  ― Andrew Tate

20. “Money is always moving. If you get in the right place at the right time, then you’re going to get some!”  ― Andrew Tate

Money is always moving

21.  “Money will fix all your problems. If money was so bad and did not bring happiness all the billionaires would be giving it away. Wake up.”  ― Andrew Tate

22. . “You have to look at your business ideas and your plans, and find a way to remove your need for money to attempt the plan.” ― Andrew Tate

23.  “A business is money in, and nothing else. It’s not money out, it’s not your account, it’s not your logo, it’s not your website, a business is money into a bank.” ― Andrew Tate

24. “If you’re surrounded by people who have a plan to get rich, and you provide value to them, sooner or later you’re going to begin to make money.” ― Andrew Tate

25.  “If you truly wanted money, you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you had it.” ― Andrew Tate

If you truly wanted money, you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you had it

26.  “You are viewing yourself as a short man! Walk up and be THE man!.” ― Andrew Tate

27. “The most successful people in the world have a mindset of abundance, not scarcity.” ― Andrew Tate

28. “Your mindset is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.” ― Andrew Tate

29. “Time is money. But spend both wisely.” ― Andrew Tate

30. “You will never get rich without a plan.” ― Andrew Tate

You will never get rich without a plan

Andrew Tate Quotes To Think About

1. “The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.” ― Andrew Tate

a good looking man representing best quote by andrew tate

2. “I’m very happy that my life has been difficult because it’s impossible to become a capable man without struggling, facing serious adversities, and overcoming insurmountable odds.” ― Andrew Tate

3. “Have you taken advantage of the few things you actually control? Or are you still hoping to just get lucky?” ― Andrew Tate

4. “All of you watching this have a handful of aces.” ― Andrew Tate

5. “One of the only things that you can control in this world is your state of mind.” ― Andrew Tate

One of the only things that you can control in this world is your state of mind

6. “You don’t get to go through life only doing the things that you feel like doing.” ― Andrew Tate

7. “Are you good enough on your worst day to defeat your opponents on their best day?” ― Andrew Tate

8. “Others trust me because I trust myself.

I trust myself because I’ve seen myself try harder than anybody else is prepared to try.

If I need something done, I’m the best man I know.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “Do the impossible and you’ll never doubt yourself again.” ― Andrew Tate

10. “Every action you take is molding who you are as a person.” ― Andrew Tate

Every action you take is molding who you are as a person

Andrew Tate Quotes And Hot Takes From Twitter

1. “Cowards love to talk about all the things they’d never do.” ― Andrew Tate

a smiling man representing funny andrew tate quote

2.  “I reserve the human right to hold my own beliefs and practice them as I see fit and I allow all other people the same right to believe and act as they wish.”  ― Andrew Tate

3. “I’ve heard the UK government is spending Billions of dollars to tell young men my message is toxic.

They are now doing Anti Tate campaigns in schools.

It saddens me to see billions of dollars are spent to try present some warped and horrible message as my own.” ― Andrew Tate

4. “Black, white, arab we all worship God the same.

Islam is the instant and final cure for racism.

Muslims are brethren, they never do wrong to each other, they never forgo supporting each other, they never abandon their brethren in hardships.” ― Andrew Tate

5. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,  but the silence of our friends.― Andrew Tate

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends

6. “When the days were darkest I would remind myself:

Absolutely everybody I love is taken care of.

It doesnt matter if they kill me.

Everyone I love will be ok forever.

If you vanished today, what would happen to those you  swore to protect?

Do you understand?” ― Andrew Tate

7. “Massive green flag for a woman if she’s attracted to wealthy men

She’s putting her kids’ future before herself

& won’t let some broke loser touch her

That’s noble.

Won’t ever see me hating on “gold-diggers”

They’re the SMART girls. Have to be real bitter not to see it.” ― Andrew Tate

8. “You’d never not give it your full effort. The only reason you do not try. Is because you do not believe it is possible. You do not have hope. I am from a council estate in Luton. My achievements are a result of my unlimited work ethic.” ― Andrew Tate

9. “Most of you do not try at life. Because you have lost hope. Most of you do not even know you have lost it. If you truly had hope you could be a multi-millionaire within a few years. You would never waste a single day, You’d never not have motivation.” ― Andrew Tate

10. “The preparation is what will allow you to outlast the storms that are guaranteed to appear. Have you been preparing?― Andrew Tate

The preparation is what will allow you to outlast the storms that are guaranteed to appear

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Final Word

I hope that, if you are neutral at least, you have tried to understand these Andrew Tate Quotes. Why? Because there is so much to learn from this man.

Each and every one of his sentences is well constructed, with a purpose that you can understand if you think more deeply.

The truth is, that this is a hard-working man. He started from nothing, and ended up being a person whose net-worth cannot even be measured. 

Yes, he believes in love, family and true friends. Yes, he is not that much different from you. And no, you cannot achieve any of the things that he did, without putting some hard work into whatever you are doing.

Because, the point of all of this is that you try to understand one thing. And that is – whatever you are, try to be the best one out there. 

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Andrew Tate Quotes That Will Spark Your Inner Winner