“There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert. That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better.” – David Goggins

“Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture, all bad things end.” – David Goggins

“The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds. Most don’t even make the first effort when it comes to mastering their thought process because it’s a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time.” – David Goggins

“No matter who you are, who your parents are or were, where you live, what you do for a living, or how much money you have, you’re probably living at about 40 percent of your true capability.” – David Goggins

“The hard part is getting to that point, because the ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.” – David Goggins

“It's a lot more than mind over matter. It takes relentless self discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day.” – David Goggins

“We habitually settle for less than our best; at work, in school, in our relationships, and on the playing field or race course.” – David Goggins

Here's the ultimate collection of the most intriguing, powerful and motivational David Goggins quotes! Read on to get inspired to unlock your best version!