10 Deeply Touching Safe Journey Prayers To My Love

10 Deeply Touching Safe Journey Prayers To My Love

"May your journey be as smooth as the sky. Like the birds of the air fly freely in the sky without fear, so shall you journey smoothly and fearlessly without fail. Have a wonderful journey experience."

"No matter the route you wish to go through on this journey, the Lord will bring you home safely. Wishing you a smooth journey."

 "May the heavens continue to guide you throughout your journey today, may this never be the last journey you shall embark on. You are in my heart always."

"You shall achieve the purpose for your journey, go in peace knowing that everything is settled. Safe journey, my love. Wishing you a great journey."

“Sweetie! Ever since you left, all through the night I have always dreamt of you. Now that you are coming home, I'm overjoyed. Safe journey.”

“I will tell you exactly how your absence will make me feel, but let not that hold the cherishing moments we share. I will surely miss you. Have a safe and smooth trip darling.”

“Dear God, please protect my love as he flies today. May your guide the pilot and all the plane crew, may you protect every living being inside the plane today, through this journey.”

"May the road never see your blood, the Lord will preserve and keep you safe. Wishing you a peaceful journey. I will miss you, my love."

"As you embark on this journey, may your experiences be incredible, may all your fears melt away like ice, and may you find what you seek. Wishing you a safe journey, my love."

"I'm certain this journey will bring you success and happiness in every way, may everything that you have set to achieve be easy for you. Safe journey, my love."

For more safe journey prayers to my love, see the full article here:

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