70 Positive Affirmations For Work That Will Provide Excellence

positive affirmations for work

All of us get tired. All of us feel sometimes as if we just want to drop everything and go somewhere where nobody can find us, because we can get sick from work. I know you have felt this, and I have felt it, too.

That is completely normal. Why? Because it is normal to get fed up. But you know what? At some point, you will have to pick yourself up, and go to work again, and try to love what you do (if you already don’t).

And what could possibly give you a better tap on the shoulder, than some meaningful, wise words? 

10 Best Positive Affirmations For Work

1. “Everyday I am learning to become a better me. And I am damn well good at it.”

a successful woman representing positive affirmation for work

2. “Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

3. “I am thankful for everything  and anything that happens in my life; it’s all an experience.”

4. “I am strong, smart and capable. I am good enough and worthy.”

5. I am worthy of the compliments I receive. I will only get better. There is no space for me to fail. 

a girl with an apple ecosystem representing positive affirmations for work

6. “I will always count my blessings, and not my problems. I will count my  own blessings, not someone else’s. Jealousy is when you count someone else’s blessings instead of my own, and I am not as such..”

7. “I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.” ― Louise Hay (You Can Heal Your Life)

8.“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ― Roy T. Bennett (The Light in the Heart)

9. “I am excited for the possibilities that today holds.”

10. “There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself.” — Brian Andreas

a girl in white holding an iPhone representing work affirmations

Women Only Positive Affirmations For Work

1. “I can do this. I got my own back.”

a woman in a striped shirt representing quote about self affirmation

2. “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.” — Oprah Winfrey

3. “I am woman, I am fearless

    I’m unbeatable, I’m creative,

    Honey, you can get in line!”Emmy Meli

4. “I don’t need no one, I’m independent on my own

     I get that money and I can spend it ’cause it’s long”— Yung Baby Tate

5. “I have the power to create my reality.”

a woman looking through a window representing work affirmation

6. “The Universe constantly supplies money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs. My job is just one of the canals of all the money that I will get.”

7. “My courage is a strong tower that surrounds me. I transform problems into challenges, weaknesses into strengths, and fear into action.”

8. “My femininity and intelligence shines in a way that no man will ever be able to.”

9. “My work enhances my life, but does not define who I am.”

10. “Every step I take is in the right direction. The path I walk on is empowering myself and all the women in the world.”

a woman with short black hair representing positive work affirmation

11. “I’m a woman

     Phenomenal woman,

     That’s me.” -Maya Angelou

12. “I am living my own life with my own unique story. I live free from the opinions of others.”

13. “I am a confident and capable woman. I am powerful and deserve to be appreciated.”

14. “My ability to conquer any challenge is limitless. My potential for success is infinite.”

15. “Success begins with my mindset and I choose to remain positive.”

a happy woman with black hair representing quote on self affirmation

Motivational Positive Affirmations For Work 

1. “I have a strong purpose in life, and I don’t have to be pushed. My passion will drive me there in no time.”

a person working on a MacBook representing motivational positive affirmation

2. “Nothing can disturb my peace and my will power unless I allow it to.”

3. “You are not what you’ve done. You are what you keep doing.” — Jack Butcher

4. “True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth.” — Gabrielle Bernstein

5. “My day is full of abundant opportunities and success.”

a remote work environment image representing positive work affirmation

6. “I will be productive and wise with my time today so I can achieve my goals.”

7. “Today is an opportunity to learn, grow, and to become a better version of myself.”

8.  “I am creating a work life that inspires and motivates me.”

9. “I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I desire.”

10. “Today I will attract success, abundance and well-being.”

remote worker representing daily affirmation for work

Positive Affirmations For Work To Eliminate Stress

1. “There is no such thing as a negative thought or a situation that might affect me.”

a put together remote worker's desk representing daily work affirmation quote

2. “I will do whatever I can, but will not burden myself with unnecessary problems.”

3. “I don’t attract problems at work. That’s just how I am.”

4. “For me, challenging moments are just a place for a new opportunity”

5. “I am not perfect, but I am okay with that.”

an image of aesthetic work environment representing career affirmation quote

6. “Things are always working out for me, no matter how it looks at any point in time”

7. “The concept of stress is not available in the reality that I create for myself.”

8. “I always get bypassed by stress. Never affected by it.”

9. “Some things are bigger than me, and I can’t affect them. That’s why, I don’t worry about them.”

10. “I have navigated more stressful situations than this and will navigate my way through this one as well.”

a neat work environment image representing affirmation for hard workers quote

Positive Affirmations For A Promotion At Work

1. “I know deep inside of me that I deserve to be promoted. It is just a matter of time.”

a woman working from home representing short affirmation quote

2. “I am open for new opportunities”

3. “I know I can do so many great things, of which I am not even aware. But my time will come.”

4. “ I embrace change seamlessly and rise to the new opportunity it presents.”

5. “I am ready for this next step in my career and excited to learn as much as possible.” 

a remote worker representing affirmation idea quote

6. “I have unique gifts and talents that are a perfect match for my new position.”

7. “I am confident to speak up and share my ideas and talent.”

8. “I know I am worthy of my visions.”

9. “I will step out of my comfort zone and view every day as a learning opportunity.”

10. “Good things need hard work and dedication which I am ready to put in!”

a happy remote working woman representing powerful positive affirmation quote

11. “Regardless of challenges, I can count on myself to produce a positive result.”

12. “I am quite grateful for my current position, and I am eager to take on new tasks and responsibilities.”

13. “I am so grateful for the job I have and I am ready for new challenges and responsibilities.”

14. “My energy attracts the right job opportunities to me with ease.

15. “I am so pleased with the employment I possess and I am prepared for fresh challenges and duties.”

“I am so pleased with the employment I possess and I am prepared for fresh challenges and duties.”

Positive Affirmations Prior To A Job Interview

1.”If I want it, I will make it happen. If it’s for me, it will find me.”

a woman listening to music representing daily work affirmation quote

2. “My career will continue to evolve and change, as will my goals. This interview is just a step on my path.”

3. “My goals may be scary, but they are attainable.”

4. “The thought of a job interview is worse than the reality. All will go well.”

5. “They will enjoy my perspective because I have new and important ideas to contribute.”

a woman with AirPods representing short positive work affirmation for the day quote

6. “I am impressive and charismatic.”

7. “I am a blessing to every HR out there.”

8. “I’ve got everything under control.”

9. “I am confident and positive, and will be as such throughout my interview.”

10. “I have the inner power and strength to deal with whatever life brings me.”

a happy woman holding her phone representing example of affirmation quote

Final Thoughts

Now that you feel inspired, self-assured, and ready to go, there isn’t a single thing that you won’t be able to accomplish!

I hope that this collection of the best positive affirmations for work that I have collected from many sources online has made you feel more confident. Because you should be, since you are a person that does not give up!
The fact that you were looking for some positive affirmations for work means that you aren’t a quitter, rather you are a person that wants to elevate your life. Go for it!

70 Positive Affirmations For Work That Will Provide Excellence