60 Unforgettable Johnny Bravo Quotes To Make You Chuckle

Johnny Bravo quotes

Dwelve into the witty world of Johnny Bravo, the animated iconic known for his muscular physique, unmatched confidence, and a repertoire of unforgettable quotes!

His memorable one-liners, pick-up lines, and catchphrases have left an indelible mark on pop culture. 

In this article, I collected the best Johnny Bravo quotes I could find on the web and I’m sure they’ll make you laugh.

Let’s go!

Top 10 Johnny Bravo Quotes

1. “Mister, I don’t think you realize who you’re talking to. I’m Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo at the door representing top Johnny Bravo quote

2. “You look pretty, I look pretty, why don’t we go home and stare at each other?” — Johnny Bravo

3. “I bet your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine. You’re so fine you.” — Johnny Bravo

4. “If loving me is wrong, you don’t wanna be right!” — Johnny Bravo

5. “But enough about me, let’s talk about me. What do you think of me?” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo opening the door representing a great Johnny Bravo quote

6. “Baby, you look like beachfront property and I’m the ocean tidal wave for love.” — Johnny Bravo

7. “And I am Johnny Bravo, a mister of the universe. A popular girl like you is going to need some wooing.” — Johnny Bravo

8. “My glasses! I can’t be seen without my glasses!” — Johnny Bravo

9. “Ooh, a recipe for German Chocolate cake! Let’s see now  Chocolate… Cake… GERMANS!” — Johnny Bravo

10. “Now remember, I do my best work when I’m being worshiped as a god.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo standing at the door

Famous Quotes By Johnny Bravo

1. “Hey, Santa, It’s me, Johnny. Remember I’m the one that beat you up last year ’cause I thought you were a burglar?” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo driving a motorcycle

2. “This won’t end well.” — Johnny Bravo

3. “I came, I saw, I broke a hip.” — Johnny Bravo

4. “Aw, man! That does it! This is my favorite shirt! I gotta go wash up!” — Johnny Bravo

5. “Now listen mister, I ain’t got no time for you to be talking Greek.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo on a motorcycle

6. “Oh, you will pay for this!” — Johnny Bravo

7. “You know, that just might be crazy enough to work.” — Johnny Bravo

8. “I am sickened but curious.” — Johnny Bravo

9. “Every time I try to fight the power the man slaps me down.” — Johnny Bravo

10. “What do you think, Rubber Ducky? ‘Quack, quack!’ Precisely what I had in mind!” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo riding a mini bike

11. “Space. It’s really, really, really, really big.” — Johnny Bravo

12. “Who’s that?” — Johnny Bravo

13. “4%? That’s almost 5%.” — Johnny Bravo

14. “Check the pects. Hoo-ha hooah!” — Johnny Bravo

15. “Get out of my chair and make me some coffee with eight sugars, then throw it out and make it again cause it’s still not sweet enough!” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo on a bike

16. “20,000 dollars? That`s almost 20,000 dollars!” — Johnny Bravo

17. “Some people look at Jerky and say, “Why, Me”, I look at Jerky and I say “Mmmmmmmm! Jerky!” — Johnny Bravo

18. “She wants me.” — Johnny Bravo

19. “This is gettin’ extremely old truly quick.” — Johnny Bravo

20. “You know, you’d think a person with that much hate in her heart wouldn’t gravitate towards the service industry.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo riding a motorcycle with one hand

21. “Whoa! A castle in the sky! Just like in that fairy tale of Little Red Rumplestiltskin and the Three Bears and Gretel!” — Johnny Bravo

22. “Dog, Donkey, Well, They both start with the letter D.” — Johnny Bravo

23. Four feet great! Two feet are terrible! ” — Johnny Bravo

24. “But these letters! If Santa doesn’t get these letters by tonight, I might not get all those free presents I asked for, and who has ever heard of a Christmas without free stuff?” — Johnny Bravo

25. “Hey baby, can I be your natural selection?” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo driving a small motorcycle

Johnny Bravo Quotes On Food

1. “Sweet. Bring on the Danish chicks and cream soda.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo putting something in his mouth

2. “Jinkies, isn’t that some sort of breakfast cereal or something?” — Johnny Bravo

3. “Hey! How come he gets a banana?” — Johnny Bravo

4. “Great Scott. My pizza-sense is tingling.” — Johnny Bravo

5. “Mmm. Frosted Sugar Bits. The great taste of frosted sugar in bits.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo eating on the street

6. “Pops? It’s me, Johnny! I couldn’t find any donuts so I brought some tile grout!” — Johnny Bravo

7. “I am investigating the disappearance of all the cats in the city… my living room is full of cats… that means… (pause) I’m hungry!” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo “Mama” Quotes 

1. “No Mama! I’m too old for the tiny pants!” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo's mom hugging him

2. “Whoa, Mama!” — Johnny Bravo

3. “Mama Mia. That’s a spicy meatball!” — Johnny Bravo

4. “Oh momma, I’m so sweet that I’ve got a mouthful of cavities.” — Johnny Bravo

5. “Hey there smart momma, typin’ recipes?” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo being grabbed and hugged by his mom

Johnny Bravo Narcissist Quotes

1. “Enough about you, let’s talk about me, Johnny Bravo.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo with his hands raised

2. “Man, I’m Pretty!” — Johnny Bravo

3. “Hey, Baby! Anybody ever tells you I have beautiful eyes?” — Johnny Bravo

4. “Wait, who’s that handsome guy? Hello, 911 Emergency? There’s a handsome guy in my bathroom! Hey, wait a second. Cancel that it’s only me!” — Johnny Bravo

5. “It’s a beautiful day. But not as beautiful as me.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo making his moves with hands

6. “Hey Foxy Mama, You smell kinda pretty. Wanna smell me? Hoohah!” — Johnny Bravo

7. “I may be late honey, but I’m looking good.” — Johnny Bravo

8. “Whaddaya mean? I got the hamster wheel and the hamster food dispenser. (looks in the mirror) Oh no! She’s turnin’ me into a beautiful butterfly!” — Johnny Bravo

9. “Wanna feel my muscle? Only a dime a minute.” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo Quotes On His Hair

1. “Wanna watch my chest hair move in slow motion?” — Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo with a comb in his hand

2. “Don’t touch the hair.” — Johnny Bravo

3. “This is not good…for my hair!” — Johnny Bravo

4. “Wanna see me comb my hair, really fast?” — Johnny Bravo

Summing Up

From his hilarious attempts at picking up ladies to his comical sense of self-confidence, Johnny Bravo quotes continue to entertain fans around the globe.

I hope you enjoyed reading them!

60 Unforgettable Johnny Bravo Quotes To Make You Chuckle