Good Morning Message For Him Long Distance: 140 Ideas

Do you need some help creating the loveliest good morning message for him long distance? Here are 140 ideas you can use to wish him a lovely day ahead.
Top 30 Good Morning Message For Him Long Distance Relationship
1. “If you listen to the wind very carefully, you’ll be able to hear me whisper my love for you.”
2. “Hey babe, let’s meet in our dreams tonight. Have a great day today!”
3. “They think I’m crazy because I’ve been reading about teleporting. I just want to be close to you. Have a wonderful day, my love!”
4. “The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss. Good morning, babe!”
5. “Always remember, my heart holds you when my arms cannot. Good morning!”
6. “I wish I could copy and paste you into my bed.”
7. “It is true, we don’t have it as easy as ordinary couples. But this is no ordinary love. Good morning baby. I love you.”
8. “With the dawn of each day, my love for you keeps growing deeper than ever before. I love you more than you know. Good morning, sweetheart.”
9. “As long as you’re in my heart and I am in yours, there is no distance great enough that our love can’t travel. Have a lovely day, my love.”
10. “Whether or not you are here, I will only keep loving you. And nothing, not even distance, can change my love for you. Good morning, dear.”
11. “Absence makes the heart grows fonder, doesn’t it? Have an amazing day, my dear. I miss you!”
12. “Even though you’re many miles away from me, the thought of you always put a beautiful smile on my face every time. Good morning to you, my one and only.”
13. “I know beautiful days are waiting for us ahead, so this wait is all worth it to me. Soon we will be together. Eagerly waiting for you to come, my love.”
14. “I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance. I hope you have an awesome day, my love!”
15. “I can’t wait to see you come back into my arms where you belong, and when that day comes, I will never let you go again.”
16. “I want to make sure you wake up to a message that reminds you how extraordinary and important you are to me. Good morning, handsome!”
17. “I wish you were here to wake me up with your sweet kisses. I miss you terribly, and I love you even more. Good morning, sweetheart.”
18. “You were in my thoughts yesterday, you’re in my thoughts today, and you will always be on my mind. Good morning, my knight in shining armor.”
19. “I just want to let you know that you don’t have to worry about me. Don’t doubt my feelings for you, okay? My love for you is so powerful that it can reach across any distance. And I’ll make sure you are the only one who can feel it. Have a nice day, my love.”
20. “It hurts too much that you are not with me. I wish I could be with you. You are the most wonderful man in the world. Good morning to you.”
21. “I may have already met my prince, but I’m waiting patiently for him to come back and rescue me. Have a wonderful day, my prince.”
22. “This may not be the average fairy-tale with you so far away. But I know you are my happily ever after.”
23. “Even a thousand miles do not matter when my good morning text is enough to bring us closer and make you smile. When I see you next, I will hold you tight and never let you go.”
24. “Good morning, love. I hope you’ll read this and smile because I’m sending you my warmest hugs and most tender kisses. Enjoy your day!”
25. “I wish I had wings to go to your house every morning, open your door, and wake up by your side. You make me very happy. Good morning my love.”
26. “Good morning! It is a nice day out there. Here’s me letting you know how much I miss you. I can’t wait to see you again, baby. I will be thinking of you all day and wishing you the best in all you do.”
27. “Your love for me is as charming and sweet as you are. I love you beyond words. Good morning, baby.”
28. “Every time you call me, distance becomes a non-existent phenomenon because you already affirm that you live in my heart. It’s always good to hear from you. Good morning, darling!”
29. “I can’t wait to meet you in the next few weeks to come. I’ll prepare you the finest meal you’ve ever had when I meet you; I swear, you won’t be able to move afterward! I love you. Good morning!”
30. “These cute good morning texts are a reminder to you that you are on my mind every day. I think about you after waking up, before going to sleep, and each second in between. Have a wonderful day ahead, my love.”
Romantic Good Morning Messages For Him Long Distance
1. “You’re too far from my hands to hold you but too near for my heart to love you.”
2. “My first thought in the morning is always you.”
3. “Distance means so little when someone means so much. Have a beautiful day!”
4. “I wonder if we ever think of each other at the same time.”
5. “As long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together. Good morning sweetheart!”
6. “Even when you’re outside the country, it feels like you’re right by my side because you’re always on my mind and in my heart. Good morning to you, baby.”
7. “Every day, I miss you but am inspired by your love and honesty. You make me a better person, and I am so grateful for that.”
8. “To everyone around, you are away, but to me, you are right here inside my heart. Distance is no barrier to the heart that loves. I will adore you with every part of me until you are back here. My heart can’t stop thinking about you all day long.”
9. “My heart hurts so much without my soulmate by my side. I can’t wait to see you. Have a nice day!”
10. “I exist in two places, here and where you are. I love you, baby.”
11. “I can’t wait for the time to come when I will be waking up with you every single morning!”
12. “I wish I am by your side to give you morning coffee or to feed you with sweet Carbin Biscuit. This is a fragment of my love for you.”
13. “Honey, I can’t think a single day without talking to you. A huge distance between us can’t do anything in our relationship. I love you so much.”
14. “Whether or not you are far away, my heart will still beat for you. I am happy to have you in my life. Good morning.”
15. “You know what? I think our love shines brighter than the sun in the sky. I love you, honey. I hope you have a good day ahead of you.”
16. “I wish I could wake up in your arms every day. Miss you dearly, handsome, and good morning.”
17. “I can’t even put into words how much you mean to me, and each day I hope that I will open the door to see your face. Good morning, my love.”
18. “I can never be without you because you’re always on my mind and in my heart. I love you beyond the stars. Good morning, sweetheart.”
19. “7.125 billion people in the world, and I chose you. No distance is too great for our love. Good morning, my prince.”
20. “I don’t care whether the sun rises or not. My mornings begin only after I text my darling a good morning wish. Let all your dreams come true. Good morning.”
21. “A new day for me comes with a reason to believe in us and to love you more than ever before. I love you dearly. Good morning to you, baby.”
22. “I keep you always in my heart because that’s the perfect place to keep someone as special as you. Good morning to you, my prince charming.”
23. “Every morning, I tell myself that we are one day closer to seeing each other again. And it gives me the power to live for one more day without you.”
24. “It’s amazing that just a few minutes of hearing from you will make my entire day. Thank you for that. I wish you an awesome day!”
25. “The distance between us kills me! There are a thousand miles between us, and being apart from you is the toughest task I have to take. Yet days spent alone only makes me fonder of you, darling. I’ve missed you, and I still love you with all my heart like it was yesterday. Good morning, baby boy.”
26. “My good thoughts are always with you, and I wish you a fabulous day ahead. Good morning to you, my dearest.”
27. “Distance is nothing because you mean the world to me. My love for you is here to stay. I’ll always be there for you when you need me. You deserve every bit of my love. Good morning, my king. Have a great day.”
28. “Another morning alone but another morning with thoughts of you to keep me company.”
29. “My love, it’s a beautiful morning here today. I wish you were here with me. Make sure you enjoy your day. Love you so much.”
30. “This text message serves as a reminder that you are constantly on my mind. You have never left my thoughts since the last time I saw you. Hello and good morning from this side, sugar pie.”
31. “I’m waiting patiently for you to come and love me like never before. Until then, good morning to you, my king.”
32. “I’m sending enough hugs and kisses for you this morning, just to wish you a very good morning and also to have a day as wonderful as you are.”
33. “I dreamt about you last night and woke up feeling nostalgic. It was a dream I wish never had ended, but I am glad to have you in real life, even if you are far. I hope you have a great day.”
34. “Good morning to you, my love. I love you forever, and I wish you have an amazing day filled with laughter and love.”
35. “I want to hold you in my arms, kiss you, love you. I long to be with you again. I’ll be waiting here for you. Good morning to the man of my dreams.”
36. “Sometimes the days get tricky because you are not there next to me in the morning. Looking at the screen and knowing you are a text away makes everything easier. It gives me the strength to go on. Good morning love.”
37. “I love you, baby, and I miss you like never before. Good morning and do have a wonderful day ahead.”
38. “I want to let you know that there is someone out there thinking about you and loving you every day. Isn’t it a good way to start your day? Good morning my forever love!”
Good Morning Quote For Him Long Distance
1. “Being apart teaches us how to be together.”
2. “We are the perfect couple. We’re just not in the perfect situation.”
3. “We are one day closer and one day stronger.”
4. “Just a note to say how great you are, and I hope that you’ve woken up today inspired and ready to take in the world.”
5. “Each day, I wish to love you more than ever before. You’re the best part of me, and I’m glad to be with you. Good morning to you, my king.”
6. “No matter how many years pass, how much distance exists between us, wherever we are in the world – even if the universe itself tries to keep us separated – I will always find my way to you.”
7. “Good morning to the man of my dreams! I know it’s tough to get going sometimes, but maybe you can think of me, and it’ll inspire you to get through the day!”
8. “I always hear people saying long-distance relationships don’t work, and it makes me happy to know we’re proving them inaccurate. Nothing how far apart we may be, my feelings for you won’t change. You’re my heart’s feeling. I love you, honey.”
9. “Distance simply means separation in place but never in connections. The heart remains inseparable.”
10. “When two souls are one, they hear each other, even in silence. Good morning, my sweetheart.”
11. “Two soulmates can never be apart, maybe in the distance, but not in heart!”
12. “There’s no doubt that separation can be hard on an affair, but I want to inspire you that distance can never weaken my love for you. You’re forever in my heart!”
13. “Good morning to my amazing man. I believe in you. Anything you want to achieve, you can. So don’t be despondent or sad. Face the day like a lion and roar your way to success!”
14. “Our love is stronger than all the miles, borders, and obstacles in the world.”
15. “Your absence is so much stronger than others’ presence.”
16. “It’s weird how you can put a smile on my face while being so far away. Just one short love text from you, and I’m the happiest girl in the world.”
17. “This distance hasn’t been easy, but it will be worth it.”
18. “We are going to make it work no matter what.”
19. “The thought of being with you one day is what helps me to go through today.”
20. “This distance is not an obstacle. It’s just a reminder of how strong our love truly can be. Have a wonderful day, my love.”
21. “Every day, I miss you but am inspired by your love and honesty. You make me a better person, and I am so grateful for that.”
22. “Distance is just a test to see how true a couple’s love is—and ours is as true as it gets. You’re the light of my life, and you’re forever in my heart. My love for you will never change.”
23. “I’m in my bed. You’re in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.”
24. “Mornings would be so much better if I woke up next to you.”
25. “I like the way you make me feel even when you’re nowhere near.”
26. “As soon as I wake up, I check my phone, hoping there’s a message from you.”
Sweet Good Morning Message For Him Long Distance
1. “Good morning to my one and only. Thank you for being my lover, best friend, and inspiration.”
2. “Every morning, the first thing I do before I open my eyes is look for you inside my head. That makes me wake up with tons of vitality because you are my reason for living. I love you. Good morning!”
3. “If there’s one thing missing you has taught me, it is how to always value every moment with you. Good morning to you, my prince charming.”
4. “I am sending lots of wishes so that you get a beautiful day ahead.”
5. “Good morning, baby! I just wanted to tell you that you are the reason behind my smile and that you are the most wonderful person I have ever met.”
6. “Today is a sunny morning, and it reminds me of your radiant smile. It used to light up my world and my heart each morning. My heart is always with you, no matter where you are.”
7. “We may be a thousand miles apart, but it doesn’t matter. The magic of a good morning text can make our hearts and thoughts closer to each other and can make us smile by just looking at a screen. When we see each other again, I will hug you and never let you go.”
8. “Your call is always a second away. No wonder my phone is always close to my heart. I wish to see you soon.”
9. “I just wanted to send a little good morning message to you along with a sweet good morning kiss. Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
10. “The little space between us lately has made me discover you’re the best part of my life. I love you more than you know. I hope you have a beautiful morning, sweetheart.”
11. “Even with an ocean between us, we are never truly apart. You are always in my heart. Love bridges any distance and breaches any barriers. Soon, we will be together.”
12. “The morning cool breeze is taking over the whole place, but the only thing it cannot blow away is the love I have for you. Good morning.”
13. “I miss your strong arms holding me so gently. You’re my ultimate and perfect man, and I want to spend each moment with you. Have a good morning, but come to me as soon as you can!”
14. “No matter how far you manage to go, distance will never be able to erase those beautiful memories which I keep in my heart. There is so much better that we shared together. Love you!”
15. “You’re not here, but you carry my heart with you. So it feels as though you were here. But beyond the feelings, I miss you, and I’m waiting for you. Morning, my man.”
16. “I’m sending you this text message just to remind you that you’re the first thing on my mind every morning. Good morning, baby.”
17. “We are in a situation where our love is being tested by distance. There is no assurance of when we are going to meet again, but I always believe that if we are meant to be, love will find its way. Have a beautiful day, baby. You’re always on my mind.”
18. “You’re far away, but then you will always stay. I know you loved me yesterday, today, and every day. Miss you so much, darling. Have a great day.”
19. “Hey, I just want to remind you that this better half of your soul and the rest of your life are waiting for you to come home. I can’t wait to see you.”
20. “I’ve found the best guy in the world. What could possibly be harder? Oh, yes, he’s a thousand miles away.”
21. “Every morning is another chance to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I cherish you forever. Good morning to you, handsome.”
22. “Knowing that you’re mine forever makes every day worth living. Thanks for loving me just the way I am. Good morning, my one and only.”
23. “If love is measured by how well it can thrive in a long-distance relationship, then ours would be made in heaven. You’ve always been a darling. I am sending a thousand kisses to you, my love. Good morning.”
24. “Falling in love with you was the easiest thing on earth, and being apart from you is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I miss you, babe.”
25. “Knowing that you love me is enough for me to start my day. It gives me the hope that better days are coming for both of us. I love you, my darling. Have a good morning.”
26. “Distance is so challenging, and on some days, I start missing you too much. I need your presence, hugs, warmth, and laughter. It adds life to me. I hope you have a wonderful day, even if it is not next to me.”
27. “Distance gives us a reason to love harder. The reason it hurts so much to separate is that our souls are connected.”
28. “It’s a beautiful morning today and I want you to open your eyes smiling at the beauty of today. Have a lovely day ahead.”
29. “These cold mornings make me miss our warm cuddles. They used to warm my body and my heart. Good morning my lovely.”
30. “Miles and time zones mean nothing when I know that you’re right here in my heart.”
31. “Just when life starts to become more difficult, thinking about you makes everything easier. Love you, baby.”
32. “I have been counting every sunrise, waiting to meet you again. Love you.”
33. “My man, my everything, your place next to me is a void that no one can fill. I miss you like the earth misses the rain. Good morning, love.”
Flirty Good Morning Text Messages For Him Long Distance
Add a dash of flirty to your lovely good morning message for him long distance.
1. “Distance gives us a reason to love harder. Good morning, handsome!”
2. “Good morning to the most wonderful man in the world.”
3. “Happy day to you, my love. I just wanted to send you a little message and enclose within it a soft kiss for you.”
4. “A good morning to someone sweet, funny, and really hot… can you guess who?”
5. “I would give everything to kiss you right now.”
6. “When the alarm clock went off, I hit the snooze button because I had not finished kissing you in my dream.”
7. “I can proudly tell that I am in love with the most handsome man in the world. Good morning, honey.”
8. “If I was there, I’d be kissing you right now!”
9. “Good morning to one hell of a gorgeous guy. Guess who I dreamt about all last night?”
10. “Hey handsome, I woke up thinking about you, and now I can’t stop smiling. Why do you have to be so far away?”
11. “Wish I could give you a kiss good morning, handsome. Guess I’ll have to save it for the next time we meet.”
12. “Have a great day, handsome! I know I will because I’ll be thinking about you the whole time.”
13. “Morning, handsome! Another night dreaming of you, another day thinking of you.”
To Sum Up
So, what do you say? Feeling inspired?
I tried my best to collect only the sweetest and most adorable ideas for a good morning message for him long distance.
Each of these sweet love messages is heart-warming and shows the depth of your love, even when there’s a great distance between you.
I know the distance is painful, but you will make it. Your love is strong, and your future is bright!
Read next: 100 Touching Long Distance Birthday Wishes For Boyfriend